Cloe: Two for the Bite of One (6 page)

BOOK: Cloe: Two for the Bite of One
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“Blood loss, silver poisoning.” He said shortly, Cloe hated long explanations.

“Shit, did I get them?” Cloe said with her eyes still closed.

“Yep, and still had a bullet to spare, not that you needed it.” Teagan laughed.

“Good, hate to waste good ammo.” She said and then opened one eye. She saw the man who had been in the diner with her father leaning against the wall watching the two of them talk. Her mate, she wondered if her father had figured out yet who he was.


“Nothing, just trying to figure out what is going on. You are the Beta of the Pack and the doctor of the Pack. How exactly does that work? You shoot someone then patch them up so you can torture them?” Darien laughed.

“Uh, no, I usually don"t have to shoot anyone. In fact, we have had no problem in our little town until you drove in. I would venture to guess that it is your fault that they were here.” Cloe drawled and pushed herself up.

“Yeah, well we need to talk about that.” Darien said reaching out to help her.

Teagan growled at the man. Darien looked at him surprised and felt his wolf rise to the surface a little, and he growled back. Cloe looked up at both of them in surprise and laughed. “Whoa, testosterone boys, tone it down a little.” When neither of them backed off Cloe looked back at them and frowned. “Teagan?” Teagan shook his head and looked at his friend. “Mine.” He growled and pulled her toward him.

Cloe laughed and looked at her longtime friend and said, “What the hell?”

“No, mine.” Darien growled and pulled her other arm. She felt like a doggie tug toy between two very large dogs.

“Dude. STOP.” She yelled, and the door once again was thrown open and her father strode into room and with a glance assessed the situation.

“Cloe, go in the other room with your mother, clearly we have an issue we need to deal with.” Bryan ordered and pointed to the door. As if she was going to actually do what he asked. Damnit, she was sick people telling her where to go when they were deciding her life.

“Dad, I am not leaving until we figure this out.” Cloe said and folded her arms sat back on the bed. Her leg was still hurting, and she did not want to have to take pain meds.

There was no way she was going to leave the room so the „men" could discuss this around her.

“Fine, Teagan, what is going on?” Bryan said and rolled his eyes. He had raised his daughter to be strong and independent. She made a good Beta; she understood the Pack and the rules. But when it came to mating, she had no clue. Bryan remembered the words of the Seer like it was yesterday. Cloe would have two mates, and become pregnant soon after meeting them. He and his wife had not told this part to her, because he knew his daughter, and knew that she was going to be pissed.

Bryan had questioned the Seer back when she had first revealed the Prophesy. He wondered why the New Council needed to have a child in order to claim their seat on the Council. It was the one question the Seer never answered. She had just told them that all would be revealed when the time came. After doing a lot of research over the years, Adele and Bryan both thought that when one of the Chosen had their child, they would receive another gift from the Gods. This of course was just a guess, but he thought the gifts were actually the key to completing their destiny.

“Sir, not really sure. I just gave Cloe the transfusion, so she would recover quicker from the silver poisoning. When this guy touched Cloe, I kinda freaked out.” Teagan said and frowned again at the stranger.

“This guy is her mate.” Daren growled back.

“This is a doctor"s office not a vet. Stop it with all the growling shit and let"s discuss this.” Cleo said.

“No need. Blood Bond.” Bryan said.

“What is it with you people using one word sentences? Explain.” Darien said and waved his hand at the Alpha. Crap, seriously, he was going to get his ass kicked, but he was losing his patience. Nothing today had gone as planned, mate, bullets, blood bonds, crazy ass mothers. What was next, a purple elephant walking down the street?

“Cloe and Teagan exchanged blood. Most of the time, if a wolf needs blood, they are given human donated blood or their mates blood. In this case, Cloe was given Teagan"s blood and by a direct transfusion. They are Blood Bonded, ancient magic. When a wolf takes blood freely given to save their life, a bond forms, for life. Basically, you are mated without biting.” Bryan said calmly.

“No fucking way.” Darien yelled. “She is still my mate, I can smell it.”

“Yes, you are still mates, though now that they share the same blood, you are mated to both of them.” Bryan said and laughed. “It has been centuries since there has been a Tri-mating on the Council.”

“Not so long. My Alpha Quin has an Alpha Trio, which of course you know is unusual; and two other of the Chosen are tri-mated.” Darien said. “I was getting to that, obviously the Seer predicted that most of the Chosen would have a tri-mate, because of the responsibilities that they all have.”

Bryan laughed and slapped his leg. “Good luck with that, men. Now Cloe, go get cleaned up so we can have a meeting and figure this whole thing out. We cannot let our Beta and best Enforcer go at the same time. The Pack would be too vulnerable.

Someone will have to be appointed and soon. Also, I believe that we may have a few more problems than that. I sent some scouts out, I am waiting for them to come back, and then we will be having a Pack meeting.”

“FUCKIN" A!” Darien yelled and pulled out his cell phone again and then cussed again when he realized that he had no signal.

“Yeah, another thing, we seem to be having some type of problem with our communication. Cell phones, land lines, and Internet, all gone. We aren"t sure how long it has been out. So, any suggestions at all, we meet in two hours to discuss this. By the way, I hate to rush this, but it may help if you are actually mated.” Bryan said and pulled the door shut behind him.

Chapter 4

“Great, does anyone else feel like we just stepped into an Episode of the Twilight Zone or Candid Camera? I wonder if a fat little human will jump out and yell „smile" at us?” Cloe said jokingly trying to lighten the mood. The two men were still growling lowly at each other. It was beginning to drive her crazy. “And, Damn it, stop with the growling. If I wanted a pet, I would have gone to the shelter and gotten one.” Darien laughed at the woman and then stood back so he did not seem so threatening.

Teagan acknowledged the gesture and smiled a little. At least then, tension in the air lessened. “Okay, mating shit aside, we have to get this situation under control, I know my father; he will want a plan like yesterday for this shit. So, Teagan, get the Enforcers out scouting, more than what my father has ordered. I want the Pack brought into town.

Until we sort this out, the Pack house will serve as a sanctuary to all of them. Also, have Blaine shift and scout out how many wolves we are talking about and where they are.”

“What about me?” Darien asked laughing at the way the woman was dictating everything.

“You? I am not quite sure what to do with you yet. I have an idea what you want from me. My father told me the whole story a long time ago. I decided then that if someone came to me and wanted me to be a part of the Prophesy, I would laugh in their face.

Now that you are here, I may be willing to listen.” She said smiling at her mate.

Teagan laughed. Cloe was one of a kind. “Well, sweetheart, I really don"t think we have time to talk about this mess. I suggest that we table this discussion until we meet with the Pack and decide what we are going to do, and then we will deal with this.”

“Agreed. I can"t wrap my head around this right now.” Cloe said absently and sat down.

“I just kinda realized that we are all mates, I mean we each have two mates. What the fuck is up with that?”

“Cami, the female Alpha mate asked the same question. The Seer said the responsibilities of the Council were huge. The Chosen needed two mates to balance what they needed to do to complete their destiny. For example, Quin, my brother, is the Alpha. He was the Alpha of the Denver Pack before all the shit came down. He could not just leave them to be the Council Alpha. So, his mate Jaden is the Alpha of the Denver Pack and he is the Alpha of the Council, they work together to lead both Packs.” Darien explained and shrugged.

“Hmmm, and the rest of the Chosen?” She asked.

“Well, Jo is mated to Tey, they only have one mate because Jo is a White Wolf and because of her gifts Tey is her anchor. Then there are the twins, each of them have two mates, although Casey is the only one whose mates already claimed her. The Rogues kidnapped Reggie with one of his mates. We are looking for them, it is a mess.” Darien admitted, there was no use hiding anything from them, they would find out soon enough. The New Council had a huge battle ahead and they all need to be prepared.

Darien looked at the pair of wolves before him and smiled. His mates were just hot. He had not thought beyond helping his brother out in the situation he was in, but it looked like he would be staying with him in Denver, right where he hoped he would be. His mother was going to be happy about that. With Quin deciding the New Council was going to be in Denver, she had worried it was too far away from Europe and the rest of the large Packs. It was proving to be a misconception there were not large wolf packs in the United States. So far, since they had begun their search for the Chosen, they had found many Packs who lived in smaller towns to hide themselves.

His first time out and he found his mates. What was his brother going to think about that? So far, every one of the Chosen had remained in Denver after they found their mates. They were going through Betas in the Denver Pack like water he chuckled to himself. His brother was not going to be happy. He was set to take over their father"s Pack; Gregg had asked Darien to be his Beta. Darien had been truthful and told him he wanted to stay in Denver, now he wondered if his brother would be staying too. How would his father take this new turn of events? It was too much to worry about right now; he needed to think about his mates.

The sexual tension in the room was becoming heavy. Cloe"s scent was driving him wild, and Teagan was just hot. Darien had been with men before, but he had never felt the instant attraction to male or female before.

“I have to kiss you.” He growled and pulled Cloe into his arms and swooped down and kissed her surprised mouth. He did not give her a chance to protest; since her mouth was already open, he took advantage of it. Darien explored her mouth aggressively, making sure that she knew who was in control. Cloe was a Beta and just as strong as he was, Teagan was too, but Darien would be in control in the bedroom. Well, as much control as he could have, with three strong Betas in a relationship. It was going to be a wild ride.

“Baby, we need to talk for a minute.” Darien growled against her skin.

“Really? Now?” Cloe said moaning in frustration.

Cloe pulled back a little and nipped his lips. Teagan who had been standing slightly back took advantage of their break, turned her in his arms, and kissed her just as aggressively. Cloe was feeling very unbalanced. She had always been in control of sexual situations; with her mates, she knew she was not going to have that luxury.

“Wow,” she whispered against her best friend"s lips and smiled. “I wish we would have known this sooner, it would have made things a lot easier.” Teagan laughed and pulled her shirt over her head. Cloe was wearing a red lacy bra, and both of her mates growled in appreciation. “If I had known you were wearing this under your clothes all this time, it would have made me think harder about claiming you.” Darien reached around, unbuttoned her jeans, and pushed them slowly over her hips.

She was wearing a matching thong and a whole new set of growls erupted in the room.

Darien kissed his way down her spine, then cupped her ass and kissed each cheek.

While Teagan pulled her bra over her breast and began sucking her nipple in his mouth.

She had never felt like this before. Having two men touching her and kissing her was a completely new sensation.

“Oh my Gods, you guys are gonna kill me.” She whispered.

Her men chuckled against her skin. Teagan and Darien pushed her until she was sitting on the exam table she had just gotten off. Teagan continued to fondle with her breast, as Darien knelt in front of her and licked her through her panties. He groaned, and pulled it to the side, smiling when he saw her glistening folds. She was soaking wet from arousal.

“I am gonna eat you until you scream and then I am gonna fuck your sweet, little pussy.” He said firmly.

Cloe leaned back a little further and gave him all the access he needed. She wanted them both so bad she could scream. Teagan reached down, used one hand to pull her folds apart, and rubbed her clit as Darien swept his tongue from back to front across her slit.

“Come on baby, give him your cream.” Teagan whispered in her ear. “How does it feel having him between your legs and me at your breast? Does it make you wet?” Darien chuckled against her when she clenched while Teagan spoke to her. “I think our little mate likes to be talked to. This is going to work out fine.”

“Oh really, do you like dirty talk, baby? Do you like it when I whisper in your ear while I play with your nipples? How about when I say that, I want to see Darien sink his long, hot cock into your pussy? I want to see your juices over his cock, and when he pulls out a little, I want to lick his shaft before he plunges back into you.” Teagan whispered.

Darien pulled back and looked up. “Fuck me, that is making me hard.” Cloe groaned and nodded. “Please.”

“Well, why don"t we see what we can do about that but first baby, you need to come. I love your ripe little nipples. I love it how when I pinch them just a little they spring up and beg me to suck on them. Do you like that, when I pinch them?” He said, pinched one nipple and twisted it a little then pulled it out and let it go making her breast bounce a little. The vibrations made her squeak. He did the same to her other breast.

Darien took advantage of her arousal and inserted two fingers into her opening, thrusting hard and quick making her gasp. So many sensations, all at the same time were overwhelming her. Cloe could feel her orgasm building.

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