Claire's Prayer (6 page)

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Authors: Yvonne Cloete

Tags: #Christian Books & Bibles, #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Religion & Spirituality, #Fiction, #Religious & Inspirational Fiction, #Inspirational, #Christianity, #Christian Fiction

BOOK: Claire's Prayer
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Chapter Five

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man.

(1 Corinthians 10:13)


Sunset found the four of them out on the patio, and again the awesomeness of Impunzi’s vista left Claire amazed. She was content to let Seth, Naomi and Tony carry the conversation as she gazed out into the expanse before her.

The beauty of her surroundings seemed to wash over her soul in waves, restoring and soothing her. Tuning out the conversation between brother and sister, Claire revelled in the new peace that invaded her heart. She wondered, with this majestic beauty all around, how some people could deny the existence of God the creator.

Naomi’s voice came to her through her pondering. “So, Claire, you’ll be with us for a while – that’s great! In no time at all, you’ll be just like one of the family.” Claire returned her smile, then started as a hollow metallic call came from the house.

“Oh, good,” Naomi beamed; “there’s the dinner gong. I bet you’re hungry. Joseph finds it easier just to hammer on the gong at meal times – that way even if we’re far from the house we can still hear it.”

Seth grinned and, watching Claire, commented, “I bet Claire’s starving – she sure can pack it away! A healthier appetite I have yet to see. You could take a few tips from her, Naomi. All those carrots and things you eat can’t be good for you.”

Noticing the blush on Claire’s cheeks, Naomi playfully punched Seth, and ordered him to keep his unwanted opinions to himself. Grinning, Seth gave Claire an apologetic wink and led her into the dining room.

A long, wooden table dominated the room. It was a deep, mahogany brown, and could probably, Claire thought, accommodate at least a dozen people comfortably. A woven grass mat covered the far wall, intricately designed in red and ochre, the background a smooth beige. One wall consisted of two long, sliding glass doors and, instead of pelmets for the sandy-coloured curtains, thick wooden rods spanned the length of the glass doors, the curtains being attached by wooden rings. Hostess trolleys and a long side cabinet took up the other side of the room.

Claire ate with relish; the three-course meal that Joseph had ‘cobbled together’, as he had said apologetically, could have put any restaurant to shame. The liver pâté starter was followed by a succulent roast accompanied by fresh green vegetables and crispy roast potatoes, all cooked to perfection. Claire chewed her first mouthful of meat with slow deliberation, trying to identify the taste.

Watching her, Seth questioned, “How do you like venison, Claire? This is Joseph’s speciality: he initiates all of our foreign guests with his stuffed impala joint.”

Claire was surprised to find herself eating the very game that Seth was preserving on the ranch. Swallowing, she aked, “Is it impala from Impunzi? I thought you only did game viewing?”

“We do,” Seth responded, with a smile. “It’s not from here – but you’ll soon see that venison’s almost more common around the bush than beef! Most of our neighbours are farmers.”

“Plus it’s delicious!” added Naomi enthusiastically, her fork raised to her mouth.

Reassured, Claire savoured the individual flavour of the meat and answered Seth’s original question. “Well… it’s really tasty! Different, but good.” So saying, she proceeded to clear her plate. Seth caught her eye as her final forkful disappeared, and smiled teasingly.

“So, Naomi, what were you up to while I was gone?” Seth asked.

Smiling, Naomi put a forkful of salad into her mouth and chewed before answering. “Well… I got Claire’s lodge ready and went around the ranch with Tony – we made a list of all the repairs and touch-ups that need to be done on the lodges.”

“Mmmm?” Seth responded, and swallowed. “That’s good. We need to make sure everything’s sorted out before the next season.”

“How many guests do you usually have in a season?” Claire addressed them both.

“Depends,” Seth answered. “We’re stepping up our advertising, so when we’re open to the public again we should have a constant flow of tourists.”

Naomi grimaced. “It gets really hectic around here. Some guests are easy-going but others can be very demanding. I do enjoy them all, though – helps to know the difficult ones are only here for a short while!”

Lingering over the strong coffee brought to the table after their plates had been cleared, Claire marvelled at the changes the last forty-eight hours had wrought in her life. Just two short days ago she’d been still in Dublin, and now she could barely recall the biting wind or grey skies of home. Suddenly, she wished her parents were with her. For a moment she hadn’t been thinking about them – and now, unstoppably, she remembered everything. Claire felt suddenly guilty for enjoying herself. A rush of moistness filled her eyes, and she hastily rose from the table.

“Thank you, Seth and Naomi – that was delicious. I’m… I’m just exhausted. Naomi, please would you show me to my room? I’d like an early night. It’s been quite a day and… well, thanks for everything.”

Avoiding Seth’s searching gaze, and not waiting for him to speak, Claire left the dining room. Seth and Naomi shared a glance.

Naomi, sensing Claire’s distress, quickly followed her. The bedrooms were upstairs, and each had a bathroom ensuite, Naomi told her calmly, hoping to distract her suddenly pale guest. She lay a hand on Claire’s arm as they reached the landing and Claire’s door.

Thanking Naomi softly again, Claire stepped inside and closed out the world, friendly though it was. A wave of homesickness overwhelmed her and tears ran down her cheeks. How she missed her parents. Her heart ached as she wished they could be experiencing the beauty of Impunzi with her. After a while, the tears dried and a quiet acceptance filled Claire’s heart. Puffy eyed and slightly headachy, Claire drew and finally lay back in a full, hot bubble bath. She felt better now. Tears cleansed the soul and set the heart on the road to recovery. After unpacking clothes for the next day, Claire fell asleep with the words of Psalm 23 going through her mind.
The Lord is my Shepherd…

Downstairs, Naomi had gone back to the dining room. Not finding Seth there, she’d looked in the lounge. At first she did not see him. The main lights were off; only the firelight flickered, and cast strange shadows around the room. Just about to continue her search elsewhere, Naomi caught a movement out of the corner of her eye. Seth stood in the shadows, his back to her. He raised his hand and ran his fingers distractedly through his already-ruffled hair.

“Seth, what happened just now? Did we do something wrong – say something wrong? She looked so sad.”

Turning to face his sister, Seth walked over to the drinks trolley and poured himself a brandy. At Naomi’s refusal of a drink, he sank down in an armchair. With a sigh, he explained some of what Claire had told him during their long journey to the ranch – about how she was still coming to terms with her parents’ deaths. The shadows deepened and the fire slowly died down to glittering embers as Seth and Naomi sat together. Few words passed between brother and sister. They knew the pain of losing parents. Naomi rose from her chair, patting Seth on the shoulder. About to leave the room, she turned.

“Seth…” she faltered. “Seth, maybe Claire’s someone you could talk to, about… about all of it.” In the silence she’d expected to follow her words, Naomi quietly left him.

Alone in the darkness, Seth tried to analyse his feelings. There was something about Claire that really got to him – fascinated him. She touched something deep within him. He found himself watching her, and wanting to comfort and protect her.

Suddenly angry with himself, he swallowed the rest of his drink and went to his bedroom. Seth lay in the darkness, unable to sleep. He kept seeing Claire as she had been when leaving the dining room. So vulnerable and fragile, and so beautiful. Almost like a small child, trying to face up to life’s blows alone. He had wanted to go to her, and hold her, somehow to make her pain go away. Thumping his pillow agitatedly, Seth tried to block her image from his mind. She was just another guest at Impunzi. After her stay she would leave. Determinedly stilling his wayward thoughts, Seth shut his eyes and waited for sleep to claim him.

Claire awoke to birdsong and the rustling of leaves. Despite the morning chill, she opened the windows and breathed deeply of the crisp country air. It was a lovely day.
Life is good,
Claire told herself,
and God is still in his heaven.
For a moment, all was well in her world – as well as it could be. Answering a soft knock on the door, she found a tray of tea had been left on the landing table. Lifting it to her bedside and climbing back under her covers, Claire enjoyed two cups of tea as she methodically tried to plan the days ahead. Eventually, hastily changing into jeans, a pink sweater and Reebok high tops, she tidied the room and zipped her cases closed. It was very quiet.

Carelessly, Claire’s subconscious self wondered what Seth was doing. She felt a strange affinity to him that she could not understand or explain. As a person, he had won her respect; as a man, he had captured her full attention. The growing attraction she felt for him was strong and novel – and, she insisted, unwelcome. Her life had always been too full to bother too much with men. The boys that she knew in Ireland were younger than Seth, and had generally not elicited any reaction from her. Even with Rory, who had always tried so hard to make an impression, something had always been lacking. Seth was different: he was intriguing, handsome and strong. She got pleasure from watching him, the way he smiled, the way he walked, his lips when he spoke. He was solid, larger than life and… and best avoided.

Clearing her mind determinedly, Claire picked up the tray of used tea things and found her way to the kitchen. Joseph greeted her cheerfully and informed her that breakfast would be ready in about half an hour. Deciding to explore the garden, she opened the front door and let herself out. Dew clung to the blades of grass and quickly brought a damp shine to her shoes. Making her way to the edge of the garden, Claire walked between two trimmed shrubs and then, stepping boldly forward, she came to an immediate halt. An industrious spider had spun a huge web of gossamer thinness. Not seeing the spider, Claire lent a little closer. The web was intricately and expertly designed. Drops of dew hung, like tears, from the bottom-most strands. A gust of wind caused the web to sway and the droplets fell.

Turning, eyes still on the web, Claire gave a startled gasp as she bumped right into Seth. Instinctively, she raised her hands to his broad chest, supporting herself away from him, regaining her balance. Contrasting with the chill in the air, she could immediately feel the warmth of his body through the soft wool of his jacket. Claire’s voice caught in her throat as she felt Seth’s big hands settle on her shoulders, halting her fall. Breathless at his proximity, Claire tried to calm herself; his nearness was having a startling effect on her senses. Lowering her eyes, she tried desperately to collect her thoughts and say something to break the growing tension between them. She could feel Seth’s gaze, compelling her to meet his intense stare. Lifting her head boldly, tilting it back, her eyes slowly scanned his face. Mutely, she acknowledged the message in his deep brown eyes, drowning in their depths.

Rebelling against her tortured emotions, Claire broke eye contact. Unable to handle the feelings Seth evoked, or her response to them, she pushed away from him, turned, and ran towards the house.

“Claire…” Her name left Seth’s lips in a husky whisper, but she didn’t stop. Silently berating himself, he stalked off around the house towards the kitchen door. He swore softly under his breath. Now he had frightened her… And startled himself. Claire’s effect on him was disturbing to say the least. Seth had found, in the moment, that he’d wanted nothing more than to feel Claire’s soft lips crushed under his. Barely acknowledging Joseph’s greeting, he requested a couple of bacon and egg rolls and a thermos of coffee to take out with him. He could do without sitting across a table from Claire right now: he needed time to gain control of himself and to put things into their right perspective. He was not quite sure how to handle the situation. In previous liaisons with woman, he had always been in control, never giving too much of himself. With Claire, even now his whole emotional outlook was somehow in turmoil. Muttering a curt “Thanks,” to Joseph, Seth left.

Minutes later, Joseph heard the Jeep screech out of the yard. Shaking his head in puzzlement, he shrugged and finished making himself some toast.

Claire had fled upstairs. Shutting the door, she perched shakily on the edge of the bed. Her insides quivered as she remembered the feel of Seth’s warmth. Her own response had shocked her: she now knew with certainty that the attraction she’d felt for him had been there, simmering, almost from the moment they met. She had just never realised how powerfully he could affect her. Never had a man evoked such an uncontrolled reaction from her; even now, the feel of his fingers lingered on the skin of her arms. For a moment, she allowed herself to wonder what it would have felt like if Seth had kissed her – if his lips had touched hers… Claire shivered as she hugged herself. She could still feel Seth’s presence and smell his intoxicating scent. Talking to herself sternly, Claire decided to ignore the last half an hour – not that that decision erased the feel of Seth from her mind. As she left the bed and went to open her door, the gong sounded echoingly. Now to face him at breakfast. Straightening her spine, Claire marched down the stairs.

Naomi was already seated at the table. Sunlight glinted and flickered off the walls and windows, insisting that it really was a glorious day.

“Hi, Claire!” Naomi chirped. “Did you sleep well? Seth’s gone out in the Jeep, so I guess it’s just you and me this morning. Have a seat and tuck in.”

A feeling of quiet relief flooded over Claire. Sitting opposite Naomi, she answered cheerfully. “I had a great night’s sleep. And Impunzi looks even more beautiful today!”

Helping herself to a plateful of mouth-watering food, Claire enquired, “Naomi, Impunzi is such a strange name. Who chose it? And what does it mean?”

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