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Authors: The Bride Quest Series 3-Book Bundle

Claire Delacroix (44 page)

BOOK: Claire Delacroix
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“My mother’s was the same hue.”

A smile pulled the corner of Luc’s mouth and his steady gaze met Brianna’s own. “Then ’tis no wonder your sire was allured by first sight of her. Your hair looks to have snared the sunlight.”

Brianna blinked and felt herself flush. “Were you so allured?”

Luc grinned. “Aye,” he admitted, then sobered. “I had never seen the like of you, though ’twas the unexpectedness of your terms that caught my attention, not merely your flaxen tresses.”

Brianna’s heart pounded at this admission, her breath catching when Luc combed his fingers gently through her hair. “ ’Tis so very soft,” he whispered, his gaze falling suddenly to her lips. They tingled in recollection of his kisses, the heat simmering in his eyes making Brianna’s knees weak. “Is all of you so very soft, my lady?”

“I do not know,” she confessed breathlessly.

Luc bent and brushed his lips across her own. He paused a fingerspan away and arched his brow. “Soft,” he concluded, then kissed the tip of her nose. “Definitely soft.”

Brianna giggled at his whimsy, his lips moving across her cheek. “Very soft,” he murmured and she closed her eyes when his breath fanned her temple. “Ah! Perfectly soft.”

Luc’s hands fell on Brianna’s waist, his chest was before her. She took a deep breath, liking well the clean masculine scent of Luc’s skin. He nibbled on her ear and she gasped at the murmur of his words.

“Too soft to be wrought of flesh,” he whispered, then looked to her eyes again. “Could you truly be a fairy queen?”

Brianna laughed aloud, liking well that he took pains to reassure her. “Not I!”

“Good.” Luc feigned relief. “I would not want to awaken trapped in a barrow or some such dire fate.”

Brianna frowned, wanting to know more of what would transpire this night. She pleated the linen of Luc’s chemise with unsteady fingers, knowing that if she but asked the question, he would answer her honestly.

He waited in silent stillness, his heat close beside her, demanding naught.

“One hears whispers in chambers, Luc,” Brianna began, then her words faltered and she looked to his eyes, unable to hide her fear. “Will this hurt?”

Luc’s gaze was sombre. “Perhaps this once, perhaps twice or thrice.” He shook his head and ran fingertips along her jaw. “ ’Tis impossible to know in advance.” Brianna felt a shiver slide over her skin.

“But know this, my lady,” Luc continued, tipping her chin with gentle resolve. He bent toward her, his eyes gleaming, as though he would persuade her of all he said. “I shall endeavor that it does not hurt at all.”

Brianna managed a tremulous smile. “Do you pledge it to me?”

Luc grinned, but his eyes shone. “Aye! ’Tis pleasure we can give each other here and pleasure alone that has a place in this bed.” He leaned down to gently kiss her lips, his caress as light as a butterfly. “Trust me,” he whispered. “Brianna.”

Because she did trust him, because his very certainty was reassuring, Brianna did not hesitate. She slipped her arms around his neck and flicked a glance through her lashes to her husband. “I like when you say my name,” she confessed.

Luc grinned, his hands bracketing the back of her waist. “Who am I to decline your will?” he teased, then winked. “Brianna,” he whispered, his breath launching an army of tingles across her skin. Luc trailed kisses along Brianna’s jaw, punctuating each with her name.

He kissed her temple, her forehead, the tip of her nose, her very eyelids, as though he could not get enough of the taste of her flesh. Each kiss was marked with Luc’s murmur of her name. He was so gentle, so tender, his every touch awakened those tingles that Brianna had come to associate with him.

“But Luc, I do not know what to do,” Brianna protested.

“You have naught to do,” Luc whispered into her ear. He teased her lobe with the tip of his tongue and Brianna shivered in delight. “Naught to do, my Brianna, but enjoy.”

’Twould clearly be an easy task to fill. Luc traced circles on the back of her waist with his thumbs, he tormented her with tiny kisses everywhere but upon her lips. She ached to taste him again. She found her hands winding into the thickness of his hair, her nipples tightened when his breath fanned into her ear.

He eased her chemise from her shoulder, his path of kisses meandering along her shoulder, her collar bone, the hollow at the base of her throat. Brianna leaned back in the strength of his embrace as heat coursed through her. Luc’s hand rose from her waist to cup the fullness of her breast.

Brianna gasped, instinctively loving the sensation of his strength against her softness. He bent lower and kissed the curve of that breast, the heat of his mouth closing over her taut nipple. Brianna cried out at the passion that simple touch unfurled. She clutched the corded strength of Luc’s neck, she pressed kisses to his shoulder.

Just when she thought she could bear no more, Luc straightened. He merely uttered the words “soft indeed,” before claiming her lips.

Brianna surged against him, opening her mouth to his caress and surrendering all to his glorious touch. She was not certain precisely what ’twas she desired, but she knew that this man would grant it to her. Brianna kissed Luc as deeply as he kissed her. She deliberately copied the way he teased her with his tongue and was delighted when his embrace became more urgent.

Luc swept Brianna into his arms, never lifting his lips from hers and carried her to the bed. No sooner was Brianna stretched across the mattress, Luc long and lean beside her,
than his fingers began to work the lace from her chemise. When her breasts were bare to the chill of the room, he lifted his lips from hers, his gaze smouldering as he glanced over her nudity.

Brianna raised her hand shyly to cover herself, but Luc captured it within his. He kissed her palm, his sapphire gaze meeting hers. “You are beautiful, my lady,” he whispered, his tone leaving no doubt of his sincerity. “More beautiful than any mere fairy queen.”

As she watched, Luc cupped her breast in the strength of his hand, sliding his thumb deliberately across the nipple. “Still fearful?” he asked, his gaze insistent.

Brianna shook her head. “I have never felt this way,” she admitted breathlessly.

Luc arched a brow, his eyes twinkling. “Dare I hope that is good?”

Brianna smiled. “Aye!”

Luc’s crooked grin warmed her to her toes. “Good.”

Then he bent and kissed her nipple again.

When his tongue began to work its magic there, Brianna was nigh certain she would swoon with delight. She arched with pleasure and cried out as Luc suckled and teased. He leisurely turned his attention to the other breast, lavishing his touch upon it in turn. Brianna had never felt aware of ever fiber of her being before.

Luc’s hand slipped below the hem of her chemise, as he lifted his head to taste her lips once more. The heat of his fingers rose, dancing along Brianna’s inner thighs with tantalizing slowness. She guessed his intent, remembering well how he had pleasured her thus before and parted her legs willingly.

And he touched her there once again, his teasing fingers awakening the heat within Brianna. He caressed and cajoled,
he teased and toyed, he tempted her until she thought she could bear no more.

Brianna writhed beneath his embrace, but Luc granted her no quarter, driving the heat beneath her flesh to a crescendo, then demanding she climb yet more. Brianna twisted and turned and arched her back. She was certain she could bear no more.

But Luc persisted and the heat rose yet further. Brianna twisted anew, she writhed against the great bed. She knew she could not escape his teasing touch.

’Twas that certainty that drove her over the edge. Brianna cried out as the tide surged through her. She shouted Luc’s name and could not stop herself from trembling from head to toe.

Brianna opened her eyes to find her husband watching her, his strong arm wrapped beneath her shoulders as he leaned over her. Luc unable to hide his smile of satisfaction. “You were pleased?”

“You!” Brianna gasped, not even trying to disguise her pleasure. “ ’Twas even more than before!”

Luc chuckled. “Is that so?” he mused playfully. “Then, we must ensure you climb even higher the next time.”

Brianna giggled at his determination, then fell silent when he abruptly sat up. Luc doffed his chemise and cast it aside, the lantern light making the golden hue of his tan gleam.

She swallowed, unable to halt her curious survey. Luc seemed amused and Brianna felt herself flush. “I have never seen a man nude.”

“Then, look.” Luc paused, granting Brianna the opportunity to satisfy her curiosity, then slowly stretched out beside her again.

The sight of his lean strength sent a feminine thrill through Brianna. Luc was so differently wrought than she, all sinew and strength. She ran a hand over his shoulder and
down to his elbow, intrigued that his flesh was so different from her own. Even the hair that graced his forearm was stiffer.

Emboldened by his patience, Brianna let her fingertips pass over his flat nipple and slide into the wiry pelt of dark hair upon his chest. She found his heartbeat, noted its accelerated pace, and looked to his eyes. Luc smiled encouragement, as though acknowledging her effect upon him.

Brianna found that most pleasing. She nibbled her lip and traced a path to Luc’s navel, where the hair tapered to a point, then looked beyond.

Her gaze danced back to meet the humor in Luc’s blue eyes. “Is it always like that?”

Luc shook his head solemnly. “Only when a certain princess kisses me,” he teased. He took her fingertips and placed them over his heartbeat once more. “This, too, quickens in her very presence.”

Brianna held his gaze for a long moment, vastly reassured that she was not the only one whose body reacted so strongly to another’s presence.

Then, still curious, she reached down and touched Luc’s erection tentatively. It rose beneath her touch and Brianna hastily drew her hand away.

Luc chuckled.

“ ’Tis not amusing. I have never seen the like before!” she protested, her cheeks flaming.

Luc grinned wickedly and rolled her to her back. “Ah,” he breathed, “the words every man longs to hear on his wedding night.”

And he captured Brianna’s lips with a kiss that swallowed her laughter. His erection nudged against her thigh and Brianna caught her breath in understanding of where that strength must go.

Aye, she had walked the pastures in the spring and had seen animals about their business.

But she trusted her spouse. Luc laced their fingers together and stretched Brianna’s arms over her head. He propped his weight up on his elbows, his chest a finger’s breadth from her own.

Then, Luc looked directly into Brianna’s eyes.

“Tell me if it hurts,” he counselled so solemnly that Brianna knew he would stop if she made the barest sound.

“I will.” Brianna felt Luc’s strength nudge against her. She held her breath, she braced for the worst.

But no more than a heartbeat later, she felt only a faint twinge. Luc’s heat slipped into her as though she was wrought for him alone. Brianna sighed with satisfaction as he surged to fill her completely.


Brianna smiled as she met the concern in Luc’s blue, blue eyes and stretched to press a kiss to his tightened jaw. “I am yours,” she whispered, unable to look away from his bright gaze. “All yours.”

Aye, there was nowhere else she wanted to be. Brianna was cossetted within the circle of her husband’s embrace. She was secure, she was safe, she was warm.

A shudder rippled through Luc’s muscles at her words, then he began to move with a powerful grace. The feeling was like no other, yet ’twas exhilarating beyond all. Brianna immediately sensed that this was the completion for which she had yearned.

Luc’s scent inundated her, his strength surrounded her, his hardness rubbed against the pearl he had awakened earlier. With surprising speed, Brianna felt her passion rising again. She lifted herself against Luc in silent demand and clutched his broad shoulders.

They moved together in perfect harmony, the heat rising
between and within them. Yet again, Luc pushed Brianna further, yet again the heat fired through her veins.

Yet again, she tasted the very stars. Brianna called out just as Luc bellowed her name.

The heat of Luc’s seed spilled within her. She smiled at the featherlight kiss he bestowed upon her ear. And then, Brianna drifted to sleep as she had once before.

Brianna awakened with the strength of Luc pressed against her back. The chamber was darker, two of the lanterns gutted. She felt Luc’s erection against her buttocks and stretched languidly when his hand cupped her breast. Brianna could not help but arch against Luc’s strength when his hands roved over her and he chuckled against her ear.



Luc’s hand drifted lower and Brianna sighed with delight. “Sore?”

She smiled over her shoulder at him. “Nay.”

Luc’s slow smile melted her heart. “You are so tiny,” he mused. “I feared you would be hurt.”

Brianna lifted a hand to his jaw, wanting only to reassure him. “You were gentle, indeed.”

BOOK: Claire Delacroix
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