Claiming Their Maiden (8 page)

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Authors: Sue Lyndon

BOOK: Claiming Their Maiden
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rubbed her raw bottom and whimpered at the soreness between her legs.

She scrambled out of bed at the sound of the door opening. The two servant girls had

arrived to strip the bedding. Heat flooded her face when she spotted a red splotch on the white

sheet, evidence of her lost innocence. The servants didn’t say anything about it, and even if they

had, she wouldn’t have understood a word. It was frustrating not being able to communicate with


After a breakfast of eggs and toast, Amelia took a bath and washed off the lingering scent

of Gavin. She dressed in a lovely green gown trimmed in gold that she chose from a large trunk

that must’ve been brought in while she was sleeping. She felt like a princess, and once the

servants left, she twirled around the room a few times like a silly girl. Her mind drifted between

the two brothers as she awaited Trent’s arrival. Excited at the prospect of a trip outside this

room, she hovered near the locked door, listening for footsteps. She hoped Trent took her on the

tour of the castle and countryside as Gavin had promised.

She decided not to think about escape for one day, and simply enjoy her new

surroundings. Butterflies assailed her stomach as she thought about Trent’s claiming of her, of

how he’d taken her as his mate. She anticipated his arrival. Would he throw her down on the

freshly made bed for a toss in the hay before showing her the castle? The heated twinge in her

pussy took her by surprise, and she squeezed her legs together. Oh, yes. She wanted him again,

even though she was still sore from yesterday.

The echoing stomp of footsteps on stone sounded outside the door. Her heart thudded in

time with the quick steps that grew closer and closer. She smoothed her hands through her hair

and over her dress, making sure she was presentable. A smile reached her lips. She’d never cared

about her appearance before. That meant something.

She kept smiling as the door swung open, but her spirits sank along with her smile after

one look at Trent.

A cane. He had a cane.

Backing up, Amelia tried to process what was happening. Why did his eyes look like

chips of ice? What could she have possibly done to incur his wrath? After spending all morning

giddy over the day she was to spend in his company, this was a cold, hard blow. She’d never felt

more frightened in her life. Well, except for the time she’d almost died. The time he’d saved her


“Please,” she whispered shakily, holding up a hand in defense. Her back hit the wall, and

it took all her strength not to sink to the floor in a puddle of terror.
Please, not the cane. Please

don’t hurt me.
The brave, pissed-off girl who’d woken up in this room a mere two days ago had

been reduced to begging.

“You will receive ten strokes of the cane,” he said in a voice as calm as a breeze. His tone

unnerved her further. She glanced at the door and realized he hadn’t locked it. He’d closed it, but

he hadn’t locked it.

The key. He was angry about the stolen key.

“Gavin stopped me,” she squeaked. “And he already punished me. P-please don’t. I am

so sorry for taking your key. He has it. Haven’t you seen him?”

“You are mated to me, Amelia. You swiped the key after we mated.” The hurt in his

voice ripped unexpectedly at her heart.

“I wasn’t sure I was going to use it. But then I heard you talking to Gavin about sharing

me. I…I got angry.”

“Not as angry as I am with you right now.” He tapped the cane against his palm and

finished crossing the room to where she stood.

Amelia’s legs gave out, and she sank to his feet. She bowed her head and shivered. She’d

never been so cold. How could she make him understand the change that was taking root in her

heart? It was happening so fast she could hardly keep up with her own feelings. One

conversation with Gavin had opened her up to the possibility that perhaps she did belong with

them. More than that, she felt like a connection had formed between her and both brothers,

perhaps the bond Trent had spoken of. She’d thought it was all talk at first, but now she felt it.

She actually felt it.

The thought of leaving them caused cold panic to settle inside her, even though she

believed she should want to leave, to escape and run as far as her legs could carry her. And the

thought of staying…oh, the thought of staying brought joy to her heart. Joy. She hadn’t

experience the emotion in so long.

The joy flashed away as she regarded the dreadful cane. “Please have mercy.” She dared

a glance up at Trent, but his countenance remained firm. A sharp pang of guilt twisted her

stomach. She’d disappointed him.

“It’s only ten strokes. You will survive it, I assure you. Now stand up and remove your

gown. If you keep me waiting, I’ll make it fifteen.” He helped her to stand and moved her near

the bed.

With unsteady hands, she tried to work the buttons on the front of her gown, but her

fingers kept slipping. Fearing he’d add extra strokes for taking so long, she gave him a sorrowful

look. “I’m sorry. I’m so afraid right now. You’re going to hurt me badly, and I truly am sorry.”

She gave up trying to work the buttons, and covered her face in defeat.

Her days had a knack for going horribly wrong.

* * *

The change in Amelia amazed Trent. A bond had formed between them yesterday when

he’d claimed her. Her emotions radiated from her and straight into his soul, causing his heart to

ache with regret for what he was about to do. He sensed she was mind-numbingly terrified of the

cane, but he didn’t have a clear vision of the event that had birthed this colossal fear.

He also sensed her true remorse. Not just because she had punishment coming, but

because she despaired over disappointing him. He hadn’t expected the bond to affect her in

return, but it obviously had.

He placed the cane on the bed and reached for her hands, drawing them from her face. He

softened his countenance and stared at her for the longest while, trying to peer into her mind.

He’d never be able to read her mind word for word, but he could glimpse images of her thoughts

and catch the most important words, and of course feel her happiness as well as her sadness.

“Did someone cane you, girl?” he asked.


“Then why are you so afraid of the cane?”

She shook her head. “It doesn’t matter why. Just please get it over with. The waiting is

killing me.”

A shed. A scream. Crawling off the freezing ground to investigate. It all came to him in a

flash, and the mental connection stunned him. Goddess be good, he understood the cause of her

fear. She’d witnessed a caning at an impressionable age, and it was one of the reasons she’d

never wanted to be bound to a man in marriage. She’d run off before the caning ended, and over

the years she’d obsessed over how long it had lasted, and whether or not the young wife lived in

terror of her husband.

“I understand, Amelia. I know what happened. I know what you saw.” He led her to the

bed and pulled her into his lap. She remained stiff and her breathing sounded shallow and quick,

as if she were on the verge of hyperventilating. Calming her was the only thing he cared about in

this moment. He’d punish her later, after he was certain she was no longer on the verge of a

panic attack.

“How do you know?” Her expression grew more alarmed. “Oh, dear Goddess. Please tell

me you can’t read my mind.”

“Not quite, girl.” He brushed a strand of hair from her face and most of his anger melted

away. How could he blame her for trying to escape? She’d stolen his key, and for that she’d be

punished, but his gut told him this was a onetime offense. Perhaps the cane was too harsh a

measure. He knew he was quick to anger, and he’d been working on it since returning from the


“There’s a reason my kind mates for life,” he said, hoping to explain the differences

between them, though he didn’t know a great deal about humans. “The bond that forms when we

mate for the first time is…like a pact between our beating hearts. Our minds connect, but each

mating is different. All Banded can sense when their female is in danger, but sometimes it goes

beyond that instinct. Sometimes we can see certain thoughts and feel other emotions as well.”

“Will Gavin be able to feel me the way you do?” She relaxed in his arms, leaning her

cheek against his chest. “I, er, fell asleep after he claimed me last night. He was gone when I


“I don’t know. His connection to you could be the same, or it could be different. I’m sure

you’ll find out soon enough, girl.”

He felt her smile. “I like when you call me girl. I didn’t like it at first, but it’s nice. And I

like it when Gavin calls me sweetling.”

He understood. No one had used an endearment with her before, not once. His heart

ached for the poor little orphan girl who didn’t remember her mother and didn’t know a thing

about her father. At least he’d had his parents for a few years before he’d gone to his uncle’s

home. And his uncle hadn’t been so terrible. Just sick and too damn stubborn to leave his

childhood home, even though the rest of the Banded had left the area long ago. It was the elves

who made his life miserable by not accepting him and beating him to a pulp more times than he

cared to remember.

He kissed her forehead and stroked her jaw, running his fingers over her smooth skin.

“You’ll always be my girl, and you’ll always be Gavin’s sweetling.”

“I’m sorry I stole the key,” she said, blurting her apology out so fast the words ran


“I believe you, but I still have to punish you.” He paused. “Gently.”

“Gently?” she asked hopefully. “Does that mean you won’t use the cane?”

He’d already decided against the cane. He nodded. “No cane. Stand up and remove your

clothing, and we’ll get this over with. Then we’ll have the rest of the day to explore the castle

and the nearby Banded community.”

“You mean…you’ll still take me outside?”

“Yes. Now off with your clothes.”

A blush stained her cheeks as she unbuttoned the front of her gown. Her fingers no longer

shook, and her legs weren’t threatening to give out again.

“Drawers and slippers too. I want you naked for this punishment.”

“Yes, sir.” She obeyed, removing the last of her clothing, and turned to face him with her

head lowered. She appeared humbled and submissive. So lovely. It was all he could do to keep

from bending her over the bed and thrusting into her pussy. His cock hardened as her willingness

to submit to her punishment fueled his desire.

“Bend over the bed, girl, and spread your legs wide. I want to see all of you. Your little

pussy, and your rosebud too.”

As expected, his words made her blush redder and her eyes flashed with surprise. She

hesitated only a moment before complying with his commands. With slow movements, she

approached the bed and bent over, placing her palms flat on the surface. She spread her legs a

little at a time and thrust her bottom out, giving a clear view of her intimate parts. Displaying

herself just to him.

“Your pussy’s all pink and swollen,” he said, touching her to discover her wetness


* * *

Of course her pussy was all pink and swollen. Gavin had spanked her pussy the night

before, but she didn’t wish to share that information with Trent, lest it give him any ideas. She

had a feeling whatever punishment he was about to deliver would be more sexual in nature than

the one he’d originally planned to give her. Why else would he make her spread this way? She

was grateful he’d calmed down and listened to her explanations. She was also grateful for the

weird mental connection between them. At least he knew she was truly sorry for stealing the key

out of his pocket.

“Since your bottom is already well-punished, girl, I’m not going to add to it. Gavin thinks

he’s gentler than I, but he’s got a heavy hand himself.” He chuckled.

Amelia started to rise up, but he stilled her with a firm hand on her back, forcing her to

remain bent over the bed. He nudged her feet wider apart. The cool air reached her most intimate

parts, reminding her of her vulnerable position.

“Stay there. I’ll be right back.”

She heard him cross the room and open up several drawers. When he returned, he splayed

her bottom cheeks apart with one hand, and her legs began to tremble.
Oh, no
. His attentions

were focused on her bottom hole.

Would he really punish her there?

Yes. He would. Gavin had punished her pussy, and she had no doubt Trent intended to

punish her asshole. His next words confirmed her fears.

“Instead of a spanking, I’m going to punish your bottom hole, Amelia. I expect you to be

a good girl and keep still for this. If you fight me, I’ll use more than one finger.”

Cool liquid trickled down her crack, and he massaged it between her cheeks, caressing

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