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Authors: Adriana Hunter

Claiming The Alpha (4 page)

BOOK: Claiming The Alpha
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The pain alone would be enough to drive someone insane. Combined with being trapped in a body that

was neither human nor werewolf while severely injured and on the verge of death and it would push

someone…anyone over the edge.

“So how do we kill it…him.” The voice came from the back, from one of Bec’s reengage pack

members, lurking in the shadows.

“Depends on what it is. Lycanthrope, sever the head from the spine. Werewolf, you know the drill,

silver bullets or silver knife…all of the things we avoid. I have the weapons needed.” He paused, pointing to the table in front of him.

“If it’s something else, we improvise. But most importantly, we do not take this thing on ourselves.”

“But Bec said…”

Jax held up his hand, his eyes fiercely fixed on the man who spoke. “Bec is not the leader of this pack. I am. And if you’re in my house, you’re in my pack. If you don’t agree with what I say, you’re free to leave.”

He met the eyes of each member of the pack in the room, men and women alike. They all held his gaze

for a moment before dropping their eyes in respect and obedience.

“So, this is the plan. We scout it in groups of no less than three. We do not do this alone. Head out, after dark. And those of you who are still in contact with Bec’s pack, tell them this. If they go after it alone, for the kill, they are asking for death. They need the packs with them. Plain and simple. I know what I saw and I know what that thing is capable of. This is not the time for heroics.”

“And if you do find it, find me. If it’s from my family, I want to take care of it myself.”

The group remained for a while longer, asking questions, Jax doing his best to answer them, before he

broke them into smaller groups. They eventually drifted out of the living room, heading upstairs or outside.

The mood was subdued and there was residual tension in the air. It was never easy hunting down one of

their own, for whatever reason. And if it was family, if it was Arden, it made it extra hard for Jax.

The study had been where Jax’s father had written in his journal. Jax went there, taking a seat at his

father’s desk. He’d avoided this room since he father had been killed. It held too many memories and

reminded him that he wasn’t nearly as strong as his father had been, and that he wasn’t leading this pack the way his father would have wanted him to.

But he sat at the desk and opened the journal, reading further back through the entries his father had

made about him and Arden. It was many hours later when he raised his head, rubbing his eyes in

exhaustion. What his father had described between him and his younger brother Arden was so similar to

Jax’s relationship with Bec. The constant sniping, the challenges, the one-upmanship from his younger

brother, always to prove he was capable of being alpha male, capable of leading the pack.

And then further back he found something else. A description of an incident between Arden and Luca,

something that happened shortly after Luca became alpha male. Not a physical fight, but over a woman, a

girl Arden brought to the pack, with the intent of making his mate. But something had gone wrong, horribly wrong, when he tried to change her and she ended up dying. Luca’s entry explained that no one understood

what had happened, but Arden somehow blamed Luca for her death, for not being able to save her. Her

name had been Nichole, and she had been the love of Arden’s life.

Jax closed the book, running a hand over his face. The journal explained a great deal. But it left almost as many questions as it answered. But if the thing killing was Arden, and he strongly suspected it was,

killing him was going to be a challenge. And it was going to take more than just him and his pack. He was going to need his brother.

Explaining that to Bec though might prove to be almost as difficult as killing Arden, but Jax hoped Bec

had enough sense to listen to him. He’d have to track his brother down and make him listen. Force him, if necessary. He only hoped it didn’t come to that.


Ryan’s client finally left, leering at her again on his way out. Nikki shuddered involuntarily, hoping the guy was a one-time customer and not a regular.

The rest of the day dragged on, nothing happening, no one else coming to see Ryan. It was early

evening when Nikki ventured a peek behind the curtain. She expected to find Ryan…doing something. But

he was lying on the tattoo table, mouth open and snoring softly, sound asleep.

“Fuck this,” she muttered beneath her breath. He’d never know if she was gone. She got her purse and

left, walking down the steps into the soft twilight.

She couldn’t remember the last time she’d walked out on a job, other than quitting the club. But that

was different; Mack had pushed her into a no-win situation. She wasn’t quitting Ryan’s shop, not yet at

least. But it was only a few hours till the shop closed and Ryan could make it without her.

The twilight was soft around her, the sky muted pinks and soft blues, glimpses of white clouds visible

between the buildings. It was actually a nice night for a walk and she slowed her pace, breathing in the air.

Even with the gas and car fumes, cigarette smoke from the guy she passed, the garbage in cans in front of the row houses, the air smelled fresh and faintly green. It had never occurred to her to think about things like how the air smelled or the phases of the moon, at least not before she’d met Jax.

She shook her head. Maybe she was going soft, losing her edge, whatever edge she thought she had.

Lori was the tough one, able to take care of herself, sometimes taking care of Nikki. Images from the alley came back suddenly, of Lori covering her with her own body, shielding her from whatever the hell that

thing was that wanted to tear them apart. Only Lori would try to mace a wolf and think she’d come out on

the winning end.

The thing in the alley. She and Jax hadn’t had a chance yet to talk about what that thing was. Was it a

werewolf, like Jax and Bec? It didn’t look like them and if that’s what smelled so bad in the alley, then it didn’t smell like them either. She’d have to remember to ask Jax about it, if he knew who or what it was.

She didn’t see him until he was almost on top of her and she gasped, hand to her mouth, heart leaping

into her throat.

“Jax! What the hell? You scared me.”

He had her in his arms and against his chest in a heartbeat. “Sorry, Nikki. Really. I thought you saw me, but apparently you were a million miles away.” He held her a minute before kissing her, sending a little thrill down her spine.

“I was.” They’d fallen into step, Jax holding her hand as they walked. They were almost to Lori’s

apartment and she pulled him across the street and up the stairs to Lori’s apartment.

“How did you know I was done with work?” They climbed the stairs and she fumbled for her keys in

her purse.

“I didn’t. I was going to stop by, kiss you senseless and invite you back to my house later. But there you were, walking down the sidewalk. My lucky day.”

She turned, smiling up at him as she opened the door. “Lori’s already gone to work. We have the place

to ourselves, until a hell of a lot later.”

He had her back in his arms before she finished the sentence, his lips on hers, gentle and sure and

sending all kinds of tingles through her body. She wiggled against him, winding her arms around his neck.

“You’re in a good mood,” he said. He nuzzled her neck, breathing deep, like he always did.

“Do you like my hair because it’s mine or because of some kind of wolf-fur fetish thing?”

“ ‘Wolf-fur fetish thing’?” His voice was muffled in her hair and he lifted his head. “I don’t know what

you mean.”

“You’re in love with my hair, you’re always sniffing it and you told me not to cut it.” Nikki looked up at him, loving the contours of his face, the curve of his mouth, the raven hair pulled back in a smooth


“Oh…well, I like how it smells, I guess. And the color…” His eyes played over her hair, his fingers

picking up a thick strand.

“It’s like…spiced rum and fire, but it smells like cloves and roses. Rich and mysterious and…”

“And?” He looked at her with those gray eyes and a little flame ignited low in her belly.

“And it makes me feel things I’ve never felt before.” He held her hair to his nose and closed his eyes,

inhaling slowly. “Scent is one of the most primitive senses. It’s tied up in our brains with memory and

emotions. And for me, it’s one of the most sensitive. When I smell your hair, or you, it brings up a whole wave of feelings. It turns me on, makes me love you more, makes me want you. And it makes me happy.”

He slid his hands down to her hips, pulling her sharply against him, his hips rubbing against hers. “It

makes me want to do things to you I’ve never done with any woman before.”

“Other women? How many other women?” She bit her lip. Would he answer? They’d never talked

about any other women in his life.

“Other women aren’t important right now. You are…just you. Only you.” He kissed her hard, the flame

inside her growing stronger as his lips moved across hers. Screw the other women; none of that really

mattered anyway. The only thing that mattered to her now was Jax, here with her.

“Show me, Jax. Show me what you want to do to me.”

He held her just a moment longer and then his mouth descended on hers, devouring her in a kiss that

took her breath away. His tongue skated along her lower lip, teasing and playing with her. She opened her mouth to him, her tongue dancing with his, shivers of excitement racing through her body.

His hands were in the waist of her jeans, working the snap and zipper and before she could react, his

hands were sliding against her skin, fingers against her ass, groping her curves.

Her own hands were working the snap and zipper of Jax’s jeans, the bulge of his erection making things

a bit difficult. She finally had enough room to slide her fingers beneath the fabric, to find his cock, hot and hard. She stroked him slowly, holding him against her body. He moaned against her mouth, flexing his hips forward, forcing himself against her hand.

“Do that again…touch me again.” He broke away, his voice husky as he looked down at her hand on his

cock. She pulled him free of his jeans, and he watched as she stroked him, her fingers wrapped around his shaft. He was breathing hard, his plundering of her ass and mouth momentarily forgotten. After a long

moment he spoke.

“God, I love you, Nikki.” He took her face in his hands, his mouth on hers again. This time he turned

her, backing her against the kitchen table. Something fell, glass breaking. Nikki braced her hands on the edge of the table.

Jax had her by the hips again and lifted her with ease, setting her ass on the tiny Formica-topped table.

She leaned back, hands on the table and he grabbed her jeans, pulling them down her legs.

“How much do you like this shirt?” He stood between her knees, eyes almost glowing in the darkened


She shook her head. “Not at all. I think it’s Lori’s…”

He grabbed the front of the shirt and in one motion, tore it cleanly down the front, neatly revealing her bra-covered breasts. He reached for the bra and she covered herself with her hands.

“Not the bra. That’s mine and these things aren’t cheap.”

He smiled and slid his hands behind her, deftly undoing the clasp on her bra while his mouth nibbled

her earlobe. She worked her way out of the torn shirt and bra and watched as Jax looked down at her, his

eyes slowing moving over her naked body.

“God, I want you…” He met her eyes and she gasped. They glinted silver, almost molten with lust.

“I want you too…very much.” She reached for him, hand on the back of his neck, pulling him down to

her. He went willingly, his mouth on hers, his hands on her hips.

Then he was pulling her to the edge of the table, fingers on her hips. She spread her legs, opening

herself to him, wanting him so badly that she whimpered against his mouth in anticipation. His cock

brushed against the inside of her thigh, hot and hard and silky all at the same time and it drove her wild.

Jax looked down at her, his forehead resting briefly against hers, his breath already rasping from his

throat. Before he took her, he slid one hand between her legs, fingers moving slowly over her, probing her wet folds. She closed her eyes, head tipped back, the sensation of his fingers moving inside her, teasing her, driving her further over the edge. Her gasps and moans only fanned the fire he’d already lit.

She moaned as he pulled his hand away and opened her eyes. He was looking down and watched as he

slid his cock into her body. He made a sound somewhere between a groan and a sigh, and she joined him, a

soft cry escaping parted lips as he slid into her.

“That feels amazing.” He looked up, meeting her eyes as she spoke.

“Yeah…you do.” He leaned forward, one hand behind her neck, and kissed her gently. He began

moving slowly, gradually pulling her forward with his other hand, until her ass was resting on the edge of the table. Without breaking his rhythm, he slid an arm beneath her leg, moving her about until her calf

rested on his shoulder. She brought the other leg up, tipping back on the table. Jax shifted once more,

cradling her body with his arms and hands, and she relaxed, letting him hold her weight, suspended as he

thrust into her.

It all seemed so easy, so effortless. She was held secure, weightless, feeling every stroke and thrust he made, right to her core. There was nothing she needed to do but relax and let Jax take her on this ride.

And it turned from a gentle slow ride into something more, something wild and fierce and primal. Jax

BOOK: Claiming The Alpha
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