Claiming Her Heart (3 page)

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Authors: Lili Valente

Tags: #Romance, #General Fiction

BOOK: Claiming Her Heart
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Blake’s eyes darkened. “But he didn’t?”

“He tried to convince me to have an abortion.” She swallowed against the familiar surge of loathing that rose inside her whenever she thought about her ex. “When I refused, he just…shut off. He barely spoke to me for weeks. He wouldn’t touch me or sleep in the same bedroom and started staying at the office later every night. He said he found pregnancy repulsive.”

“Son of a bitch,” Blake growled.

Erin’s lips twitched. “I think that was part of the problem. His mother is a real freak show and he was an only child. I think he equates women who are mothers with evil or something. At least that’s the hypothesis I came to in my freshman psych class.”

“You went to college?” he asked, obviously pleasantly surprised. “That’s amazing, Erin.”

What a difference from Scott, who had mocked her attempts to start school when she was already older than most of the graduating seniors. He’d insisted he made plenty of money and she was better off at home, serving her husband like a good submissive wife.

“Thanks. But I only did two semesters,” she said, with a shrug. “One when I was pregnant with Abby and one after. They had a really good child-care room at the community college and it was close enough for me to walk there from our house, so…”

“That’s great,” he said. “You should go back and finish up. You were always good at school.”

Her eyes began to tear again at the simple compliment. Blake was the only man she’d ever known who seemed to value her brain as much as her body. Hell, the only one who even realized that she
a brain. Most guys got an eyeful of the blond hair and big boobs and didn’t look much further.

“Oh, no, please don’t cry. I’m not sure I can take much more.” He laughed, but she still did her best to pull it together. She didn’t want to cry anymore, either. Her head was already throbbing.

“So what happened after Abby was born?” he asked.

She rolled her eyes. “Scott didn’t like my post-pregnancy body any more than my pregnant one, but that was fine by me. At that point, I was already looking for a way out.”

She traced the pattern on Blake’s sweater, concentrating on the swirls instead of her own words. “But Abby was so tiny and helpless and I was scared. I didn’t know how I’d survive with a newborn, no job, and not a dime to run away on. And to be fair, Scott did seem to love Abby…in his way, once she outgrew the colic and started smiling and playing more.”

“But that doesn’t sound like a good life. For you or Abby.”

“It wasn’t,” she said, stomach cramping as she remembered how alone she’d felt during those long, dark days. “And Scott made it obvious he resented the fact that I’d ruined his plans to never have children. At first he just ignored me, but then he started to say things.”

“What kind of things?” Blake asked, anger simmering in his tone.

She shrugged. “Anything that would hurt. He’d talk about how my looks had gone downhill, how I was a lazy housewife—even though he had a maid come in twice a week so there wasn’t much cleaning to do. He’d say I was a high school dropout too dumb to be trusted with a child or—”

“Where does he live?” Blake asked sharply. “Because I’ve suddenly got a strong desire to punch him in his ugly mouth.”

“No! You can’t. Promise me you’ll never go near him.” As soon as the panicked words were past her lips, Erin realized her response had been too strong, but it was too late.

“You’re still afraid of him,” Blake observed, eyes narrowing. “But you don’t have to be, Erin. Not anymore. I swear I won’t let that nasty fuck hurt you again.”

Erin swallowed hard.

God, could she tell him? Would Blake help her, or would he think she was a piece of shit herself for letting Scott get his hands on her child?

“I promise you,” Blake insisted. “No matter what happens with me and you, I’m going to make sure you’re safe.”

“It’s not me I’m worried about,” she said, rushing on before she could second-guess herself. “When I finally left him, I took Abby. I changed our names and tried my best to hide, but I didn’t run far enough. He found us and he…took her.”

Blake frowned. “Took her? How? You’re both her parents, no court in California is going to—”

“We haven’t gone to court and we probably won’t,” Erin said. “Scott had his lawyer draw up a divorce decree that he expects me to sign as is. It gives him full custody of Abby.”

“That’s bullshit,” Blake said, his muscles tensing. “Your lawyer will fight that. There’s no way that asshole can—”

“I don’t have a lawyer.”

“Then we’ll get you one. Tomorrow. First thing.” Blake paused, obviously waiting for her to respond, but she didn’t know what to say. How to confess the worst of it. “Erin? Did you hear me?”

Blake captured her face in his hands, urging her to look up and meet his eyes. The confusion she read there made her chest ache. But then, he had every right to be confused. She hadn’t told him the worst of it, the reason she was scared to death to lawyer up and fight for her baby girl.

“Scott is dangerous,” Erin said, heart beating faster as she tried to finish this awful story. But for some reason, it was nearly impossible to bring herself to say the words. As if saying them out loud might make the danger to Abby more real.

“I understand why you’re afraid,” Blake said gently. “But you can’t let this creep bully you out of your child’s life. She needs you. You have to fight for her.”

“Believe me, there’s nothing I’d like more. I love Abby more than anything in the world. I promise you that.” The back of her throat grew tight. “And I know living with Scott isn’t a good situation for anyone, especially a baby.”

“Then let’s go get her,” Blake said, the intense look in his eyes leaving no doubt he meant every word. “I’ll drive you there tonight. We’ll walk in and take Abby and I’ll beat the living hell out of the man if he tries to get in our way.”

Erin rolled her eyes again. “Great, Blake. And then he’ll call the police and you’ll be arrested and I’ll look like an unfit mother for bringing my boyfriend to beat up my husband. This is not something that can be solved with fists. We’re not in high school anymore.”

Blake sighed. “You’re right. I just can’t stand to think of that man having your baby. I’ve got a bad feeling about it.”

“You should.” Erin swallowed past the lump in her throat. “Because Scott said he would kill Abby before he’d let me be a part of her life.”

“What?” Blake’s voice was thick with equal parts rage and disbelief.

Erin’s pulse beat fast and thready in her throat. “If I fight for custody or try to take her again, he said he’d kill her. That he’d be careful and make sure no one would ever suspect that it was anything but an accident.”

Blake looked stunned. “He wouldn’t. He’s bluffing to scare you.”

“No, he’s not, Blake.” Her voice shook and she suddenly felt the chill lingering in the cabin. “If there’s one thing I learned about Scott Sakapatatis in the years we were married it’s that he always keeps his promises. Always. Especially the scary ones.”











Blake was quiet for a few minutes, his mind racing as he pulled a trembling Erin so close it felt like the fronts of their bodies would fuse together.

Not only was he a head case, he was a fool.

He should have known Erin would never lie and say she loved him just to gain her freedom. She wouldn’t have reached for him after he set her free or be spilling her guts right now if she didn’t love him. She wasn’t the type to talk emotional stuff with anyone but her nearest and dearest, but her feelings were as real as the passion between them.

And as real as the hellish position she was in with her husband.

No wonder she’d let the bastard take their daughter. Even if the man were lying, what mother would be willing to risk the chance—even the slight chance—that he wasn’t? He was threatening her child’s life, for God’s sake.

Scott was a fucking monster, whether he was bluffing with the death threat or not.

“I’m just spit-balling,” Blake said in a low, soothing voice. “But couldn’t you tell a DHS worker about what he said? Wouldn’t that be enough to get Abby removed from his home?”

“DHS is overworked and underfunded and they call before they visit a home. You know that. I’m scared to risk it.” Erin’s breath rushed out on a shaky breath. “Besides, who would take my word over Scott’s? I’m a high school dropout who worked as a lingerie model, and now I’m a bartender at a sleazy bar. He’s a rich real estate investor who graduated top of his class at Stanford.”

Blake wanted to tell her things like that wouldn’t matter, but he knew better. Classism was still very alive and well, especially in California.

“Your silence is reassuring,” she said, shifting in his arms, the way her breasts pressed against his chest reawakening his need for her. Even now, in the midst of this terrifying conversation, he still wanted to be inside Erin.

When they were making love, when he was buried to the hilt in her gripping heat, he didn’t have to think about anything. Not the danger her little girl was in, not the uncertain future, and certainly not the fact that he wasn’t the man he’d thought he was only a few short weeks ago. He’d not only followed through on his plan to kidnap Erin, he’d chased her down like an animal when she’d run and used brute force to haul her back to his cabin. He obviously wasn’t right in the head and was displaying far more similar traits to her bully of an ex-husband than he wanted to admit.

Even if he figured out a way to help her and cleared the path for them to start dating, how could he be sure he was any better for her than the man he’d helped her escape? He’d never dream of threatening a child—the thought sickened him—but not so long ago he’d been certain he’d never kidnap a woman and tattoo her against her will, either…

Did he even know what he was capable of anymore?

“Blake? Is something wrong?” Erin’s eyes were worried, but she still clung to him the same way she had since he’d untied her.

When she’d reached for him, offering him comfort in spite of what he’d done, Blake had thought his heart would explode. She really did care; it hadn’t all been a lie.

But maybe she would have been better off if it had been.

He loved her, but who knew if love would be enough? Could Blake be certain he’d do any better by Erin than her ex? Sure, he’d never ignore her or tear her down with words, but who knew what else he’d do once he’d settled into being the Dominant man around the house. No matter how strong Erin was, she was a submissive. She would place her trust in him and have faith that he would make the best decisions for them both.

But what if he couldn’t handle the responsibility for two lives—three including her daughter’s? What if he wasn’t the man he thought he was, and ended up bringing even more hurt into the life of the woman in his arms?

“I wish you’d talk to me,” she whispered. “You’re starting to freak me out.”

Blake winced. He
freak her out. He’d been acting like a maniac since the night he headed out of Vegas, bound for California. “Sorry, I was just thinking.”

“About what?”

“About how we can make sure Scott is the one considered an unfit parent,” he said, the lie sliding easily from his lips.

He couldn’t tell Erin about his doubts about himself. Not now, not when she obviously had no one else to turn to.

“My partner and I opted out of another season of
Vegas Ink
,” he continued. “But I’m still in touch with a lot of the cameramen who used to work on the show. Most of them are based in L.A., so it shouldn’t be hard to find someone willing to loan us equipment.”

“What kind of equipment?” she asked, a hint of hope creeping into her voice.

“A hidden camera or two, a couple of microphones so tiny you can barely see them. A few things for a sting operation.”

Her eyes lit up and Blake couldn’t help but smile. “You think that could work?”

He nodded. “If we can get Scott on film threatening Abby, any judge out there will give you a restraining order and full custody until you go to trial, at the very least. If we’re lucky, the bastard might even get jail time.”

“You really think so?” Erin asked, the excitement clear in her voice. “But we’d have to make sure Abby was safe before we showed anyone the film.”

Blake thought for a moment. “I’ll talk to my partner, Rafe. He used to be a cop. He should have some good advice on how to handle your ex.”

“He has experience with domestic disputes as well as digging up private information on innocent people?” Erin narrowed her eyes, making it clear she didn’t think much of Rafe. “I’m not sure I want this guy’s help if it’s all the same to you.”

“Rafe’s a good guy. I’m the jerk who was nosing around behind your back,” he said, meaning it.

What had happened to the levelheaded man he’d always prided himself on being? It was like every ounce of restraint or common sense went out the window as soon as Erin was in the picture.

“But if you don’t like him once you meet him, we’ll go it alone,” he added. “We probably won’t need that much help anyway. Scott has to go to work and leave Abby alone sometime. Is she at a daycare center or—”

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