Claimed by the Sheikh (5 page)

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Authors: Rachael Thomas

BOOK: Claimed by the Sheikh
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‘Weekend? This is getting worse by the minute, Kazim. Why can't I just travel back to Barazbin with you?' Her eyes were wide as she stood on the threshold of the jet, looking like a startled animal. A flicker of guilt pulled at him but he couldn't afford to heed it now, not when so much was at stake. If emotional force was needed to keep her at his side then so be it.

‘Do you really need to ask?' He pushed aside all notions of guilt, needing to remain focused.

‘Yes, as a matter of fact, I do.' Indignation made her stand tall and he met her gaze, seeing the challenge in her eyes.

‘You could refuse to go.' She would have every right to do so. He knew that, just as he knew how he'd handled things on their wedding day would be enough to make any woman turn and run. But she hadn't, because last night he'd seized the one thing that meant something to her and used it to his full advantage. She'd made it all surprisingly easy for him.

‘As long as you keep your side of the bargain and send Claude to the States, I will go with you. For a time, at least.' Her eyes hardened and deepened to mahogany as she looked at him, defiantly laying down a challenge. He held her gaze and something zipped between them—something more than just attraction and desire. Again, he ignored it—for now.

‘The child will have his medical treatment; you have my word. I will send the one person I trust above all others to ensure that.' The flight attendant halted any further discussion on the subject as she showed them to their seats and carried out the necessary safety checks in the cabin. He sat and relief rushed over him as Amber did too, but she didn't look at him, pretending instead to be engrossed in a magazine.

* * *

Amber wanted to get up and run out of the plane. She watched as the flight attendant closed the door, its heavy clunk ominously final. Was it final? Was she leaving to go back to Barazbin for good? No—she shook her head in silent denial—she couldn't do that.

As the jet soared up into the sky she gripped the seat, keeping her attention focused directly ahead of her. Could Kazim really appear out of nowhere and blackmail her to go back and be his wife—forever? She didn't think she had the strength to resist him for long. His kiss just now had proved that. She'd wanted to push against him, but instead had yielded. What would have happened if the driver hadn't opened the door at that moment?

The plane levelled off and she turned to look at him, finding he was watching her intently. ‘How long am I expected to be in Barazbin?' She was amazed at the calm tone of her voice and, judging by his expression, so was he.

‘That is a strange question when you are my wife.' He treated her to one of his most charming smiles, the kind that had robbed her of her heart within seconds of seeing him for the first time.

She'd been young and naïve then, swept up in the romance of being engaged to such a handsome man. She'd known of him long before she'd met him and had fallen in love with what she now knew was the fantasy conjured up by her imagination.

‘For almost a year, Kazim, we have led completely separate lives. I am your wife in name only, nothing more.'
Because you refused me, turned me away in disgust.
The words were on the tip of her tongue and she pressed her lips firmly together to prevent them from leaving. He must never know how humiliated she'd been when he'd rejected her. A man legendary for his prowess as a lover, her mother had warned, would not be expecting a simpering girl. Heeding that warning had been her one mistake and one which ended her marriage before it had begun.

‘I have been busy with many problems since our wedding. I hope now all those issues can finally be resolved. My father's ill health worsened the situation, forcing me to return to the palace. On our return, all will be well.' His words rushed her back to the present faster than the jet was flying. She mustn't dwell on that night. She had to be as strong as he now was; it was her only defence.

‘Our return?'

‘Yes, Amber. You are Princess of Barazbin and you have a duty to your people, just as I do. Your return is expected in the current circumstances.' Had she missed something when her mind had been back in the past? Had he told her just why he was demanding her return?

‘What circumstances?' She heard the slight tremor in her voice and hated herself for it.

‘As I explained last night, my father is ill. He is a weakening man and, despite whatever else I think of him, he is a good ruler. He wants to secure the future for his people. A future both you and I are duty-bound to play a part in.'

‘I am not returning to Barazbin with you out of any sense of loyalty or duty to your people...'

His words cut across hers. ‘They are your people too.'

She took a deep breath, composed herself and spoke with as much regal dignity as possible. ‘I am returning because you have blackmailed me, using a young boy who is in desperate need of help. That is the only reason I am going anywhere with you, Kazim. Don't ever forget that.'

Not because I am still in love with you.

He rubbed his finger and thumb over his jawline as he took in her words, the shadow of stubble rasping, snagging her attention. His eyes narrowed with suspicion, irritation clear in his voice as he leant towards her. ‘It is not blackmail. It is a mutually beneficial arrangement. One we will both gain from.'

How could he possibly believe that, when he'd plainly stated he would walk away from her and from Claude if she didn't agree to return to Barazbin with him?

She looked at him, aware of the hum of the jet's engine, taking her on the first part of her journey back to his country, a place she didn't want to go. And she was going because he held all the cards, wielded all the power.

‘It's blackmail, Kazim. And you know it.'


Amber studied the view of London, desperate to do anything other than face Kazim as he shut the door of their suite. The flight from Paris had been short, but she was so tired, so emotionally exhausted, she might as well have flown around the world. Not a word had been exchanged since she'd accused him of blackmail. He'd read over papers until they'd touched down in London, his silence brooding and ominous.

‘We have a dinner engagement this evening. I trust you have something befitting your position to wear.'

His voice held an irascible tone and she turned from the window and stared at him.

He looked tired. Something tightened inside her, just as it had done that first moment she'd seen him on their wedding day. His raw masculinity then had robbed her of the ability to think clearly and now she wondered if it had all gone wrong from that moment. Had she fallen in love with the man she wanted him to be rather than the man he was?

‘If you had told me I would need evening wear I could have packed something for the occasion.' Precisely what that would have been, she didn't know. Nothing in her wardrobe would have been remotely suitable for dining out in public with a man such as Kazim. She'd left the glamour of a desert princess behind to take on a normal life. And she'd achieved that, proved to herself she could survive—until Kazim's arrival had sent the first blocks of her new life tumbling down. ‘I'll stay here. You go.'

She turned her back on him and focused again on the view of Knightsbridge bathed in sunshine. Every time she looked at Kazim, a tingle of awareness slipped down her spine and when his gaze met hers that tingle intensified, just as it had done from the moment they had first met.

As Amber continued to study the view Kazim's silence almost frazzled the air but, as far as she was concerned, it was settled. She wasn't going with him this evening. Determined that she wouldn't be swayed from this decision, she folded her arms across her chest, ignoring the urge to turn and look at him again. But it was too much and finally she gave into the temptation. When she turned round it was to find him looking at her, his eyes narrowed, his stance regal and loaded with authority.

He was the epitome of power, his shoulders broad enough to carry the burdens his position in life had given him, but, as a man, his tall figure held an air of isolation. Did he ever let people close?

‘Are you determined to cause trouble, Amber?' Command rang in every word he spoke. ‘You are my wife. My princess and, as such, you will go where I go—at least until we return to Barazbin.'

That told her enough. As soon as he returned to his homeland she would be forced into the role of dutiful wife and once again be surplus to requirements, but she had to go if she wanted Claude to get the treatment he needed. Even though Annie didn't yet know what chance her son had, Amber couldn't deny him. Once the treatment was over she'd leave, return to Paris and Annie's unwavering friendship. Why stay with a man who didn't even like her, let alone love her? One who'd shredded her heart as if it were nothing more than waste paper.

‘Well, you'll just have to go alone tonight because even if I did have something
befitting my position
to wear, I would rather stay here.' She knew she shouldn't be provoking him, but she couldn't help it. Just because he was a desert prince didn't mean he could order her around, especially as he'd been constantly reminding her she was

Her heart rate accelerated and butterflies took flight in her stomach as he walked across the room. His strikingly handsome face was marred by a thunderous expression as he came close to her. ‘We made a deal, yet already you think you can assert authority over me.'

She stood her ground despite wanting to slip past him. ‘I have not yet received any kind of indication that you have honoured your side of the
, as you call it.'

‘Is my word not enough for you?' he said as he walked away again, giving her the impression of an animal trapped in captivity, stalking the perimeter of its reduced territory.

She looked at his broad shoulders, tight and firmly set. He had exploded into her life again, opening up wounds which had only just begun to heal, and the only way she could tolerate it was to know that he would keep his promise of helping Claude.

‘No, it isn't,' she snapped, the rush of humiliation sweeping away rational thought. He'd married her, rejected and abandoned her. ‘Why should I trust you at all when you detest me so much you couldn't stand to be near me? You couldn't get me out of your life fast enough.'

She bit back her grief and anger, wanting to be as far away from him as possible. Just being near him muddled her mind. Suddenly it was all too much and she rushed past him, grabbed her handbag and headed for the door as fast as she could. She couldn't stay in this room a moment longer with him. Her emotions were in turmoil. Emotions she'd thought she had well and truly under control were now running riot inside her.

She still had feelings for him, despite all he'd done. Feelings which meant she couldn't risk staying a moment longer with him in the suite, even with its capacious luxury.

‘Where are you going?' His deep voice rang with command, but she didn't stop.

‘Shopping. Anything to keep His Supreme Highness happy.'

‘Sarcasm doesn't become you, Amber,' he said as he crossed the room, joining her at the door.

Her heart sank. Couldn't she go out alone now? Was this an example of what her life in Barazbin would be like? A return to the restrictions of bodyguards and servants. ‘I'm quite capable of going shopping on my own.' She tossed the words at him and forced a smile.

‘You can't just wander the streets of London without security or an escort. You're a princess.' He marched alongside her as they made their way to the lift.

‘How dare you?' She rounded on him. ‘I've been wandering the streets of Paris for the last few months, no thanks to you. I'm sure I can manage to go out alone and buy a dress in London.'

‘Don't be so dramatic. You make it sound like you were destitute, when the reality was very different.' He turned as the lift doors opened, walking in without a backward glance, obviously intent on being her escort and security.

More infuriated than she'd ever been, she marched in after him. ‘What do you mean: “the reality was very different”?' she asked as the lift enclosed them, wishing he wouldn't keep alluding to such things. If he'd thought she would approach him after that night and ask for financial support he didn't know her at all.

An uneasy feeling settled over her, as if he was waiting for her to trip up. He obviously didn't believe a word she said.

‘You are a princess, and you should be living like one—no matter where that is.' His gaze held hers as he folded his arms across his chest and nonchalantly leaned against the polished lift wall, as if having such discussions in a lift were part of everyday life.

Shocked to the core, she could only stand and look at him, but his changing expression showed he was fast losing patience. He talked as if he'd given her vast sums of money, as if such an act had appeased the guilt of his rejection. Last night she'd pushed aside those suggestions that she'd been given money without much thought, but now it niggled in her mind.

Now wasn't the time to ask questions. He obviously thought she was trying to get as much money from him as possible. Why disabuse him of that opinion when it might just be what she needed? If he thought that was what she was doing, then getting him to agree to a divorce would be much easier, especially since she'd finally accepted the truth, despite how she felt about him—she needed to be completely free of him.

‘Obviously your idea of how a princess lives is different to mine,' she taunted him, pleased when he drew in a sharp breath. Let him think she'd spent all his money. She didn't want it and she didn't want him. The important thing was to be able to make Claude well. That was all that mattered right now and she'd do well to remember that when her heart hammered as soon as he came close.

‘At least we both know where we stand now.' His voice was harsh and he looked away from her, giving her the opportunity to study him. The wild ruggedness she had fallen for when she'd first met him wasn't so apparent now, as if abandoning the desert sands to rule his country was slowly taming him.

The lift doors opened onto the busy hotel lobby and she almost ran out, still desperate to put as much distance between them as possible. Everything about him was messing with her emotions. ‘I'm not exactly going to run out on you. A young boy's health is now dependent on me going to Barazbin—and on you keeping your word.'

Kazim studied her for a moment and she watched a muscle flicker as he tensed his jaw, his lips pressed into a thin line of annoyance. She raised her brow at him, sending him a challenge despite knowing she shouldn't. Just what was it about him that made her act so—irrationally?

‘Do not argue with me, Amber.' His firm words irritated her and she glared at him. ‘I
coming with you.'

She sighed in resignation, which earned her a questioning look. Determined not to show him just how much he was getting to her on every level, she waltzed out of the hotel. Within seconds, just as he'd done in Paris, he fell into step beside her. She scanned the boutiques of the affluent street, knowing they would be too far out of her price range. She was certainly in the wrong part of London for her current budget.

‘Kazim,' she said, stopping in the street so suddenly other pedestrians would have collided with her if he hadn't pulled her close. Flustered, she looked up into his eyes, as dark as ever, but, instead of the usual hard and passionless depths, they blazed with something so intense it echoed deep inside her. As if, with that one look, he was claiming her as his.

‘What is it now?' A smile teased at the edges of his lips and her heart jumped then raced erratically, his change of mood confusing her, disarming her.

She swallowed hard, not wanting to admit anything to him but she had no choice. ‘I can't afford to shop here.'

‘We'll go to the next one then,' he said without taking his eyes from her face. Heat was spreading from his touch and the world around them stopped, blurred into oblivion, ceasing to exist. The hum of the traffic slipped away and it was just the two of them.

Mentally she shook herself, trying to clear her head, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. ‘What I mean is I can't afford anything, not from this street.'

He let go of her so abruptly she almost stumbled and the noises of the traffic rushed at her as if someone had suddenly turned the volume back up.

* * *

Kazim kept a tight rein on his temper. She certainly knew how to infuriate a man. He had no idea why he'd even decided to go with her. Shopping in any form was something he just didn't do. But he'd glimpsed a hidden part of her as she'd studied the view from the suite earlier. He'd seen vulnerability as she'd stood at the hotel window. Vulnerability he was now compelled to protect.

Of course his security team would have discreetly followed her, just as they were doing now, but she'd stirred in him an old need to protect and, along with it, bad memories from his childhood.

He took her hand and the moment of hesitation in the soft brown of her eyes almost made him waver. ‘In here,' he demanded roughly, not comfortable with the direction of his thoughts as he imagined her dressed for dinner in a sexy figure-hugging dress. ‘Get what you need for tonight and a further two days. I will attend to the bill.'

Her hand loosened within his as he strode into the nearest boutique. He glanced down at her; the expression on her face was so desolate, so untainted that he wanted to hold her hard against him and kiss her lips.

‘Let's just go back.' She pulled on his hand, preventing him from going into the boutique, but he held her hand firmly, sensing she'd slip away into the crowded street if she got the slightest chance.

‘Go back?' He knew his tone was harsh, but exasperation mixed with heady desire rushed around him mercilessly. He let her hand go, pushing open the door of the boutique and leaving her little option but to follow.

Glamorous assistants rushed forward and instantly his control returned as he told them what was required, watching as they took over, guiding Amber towards the dressing rooms of the boutique. She looked back at him, her beautiful face almost frozen with horror.

He turned his back on her, unable to deal with the need to protect her from hurt and harm that just being with her ignited. It was as if he was a young boy again, protecting his mother from his father's wrath, boldly standing between, glaring at his father. He sighed and, with arms folded across his body, he stared broodingly out at the street, wondering just how everything had suddenly become so complicated.

He'd come on a mission to reclaim his wife but, as he surveyed the passing traffic, he begrudgingly accepted why it was so important. He wanted to prove, once and for all, to his father that he was worthy of his time, his respect. Failure wasn't an option, even if it was what his father had cruelly taunted him with, despite his weakened state of health.

Kazim had to succeed, he had to return with Amber and take up his role as heir, but he hadn't expected to want Amber so intensely, nor had he expected the desire that hummed through him just thinking of her. But, worse, he hadn't anticipated she'd open up his past, bringing back the heartache from childhood and making him think and rationalise things he'd rather forget.

But something else wasn't right—ever since the first moment they'd spoken, almost everything had come back to money. He'd sent her father money that would support her, but still it seemed it hadn't been enough. Just what had she spent it all on?

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