Claimed by Her Alpha (4 page)

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Authors: Alex Anders

BOOK: Claimed by Her Alpha
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Maddie picked up her pace, crossing Saki‘s room to her bedroom door. Saki did feel agitated. However, she couldn’t ignore the good feeling bubbling up inside her. Sure she had scared off her sister, she decided to go without a bra. Pulling on a pair of jeans, she reached for her emerald green T-shirt with the pocket on the breast. She imagined what it would feel like to have Lane pull it off of her and what it would look like on the ground. She liked the images.

Saki looked up at the clock that glowed in the dim bedroom light. It was 8:45, and it would take her more than 15 minutes to get there. Slipping on her cute sandals, she brushed her hair, listened once more for the twins, and switched off her light.

The living room was dark except for the light shining in from the street lamp. Crossing the room, she unlatched the door, stepped through, and closed the door behind her.

Free of her house, the next thing she had to worry about was whether Dax was watching her. She knew she looked suspicious. If confronted, Saki would have no explanation. Why else would she be leaving her house at night dressed as she was? If he was watching, her only hope was that he wouldn’t be able to follow her. Quickly making her way down her street, she turned left toward the humane society and then continued toward the Fish Fry.

As she hurried along, she inhaled as deeply as possible. Dax would have a difficult time masking his scent. Moving into the open field in front of the Fish Fry, she crossed the street in front of the restaurants. Scanning the crowds for a familiar face, she found no one. She hurried past the place where she had first met Dax.

Saki looked to make sure no one had crossed the street behind her. Her plan was to circle around and enter the humane society from the brush behind it. It would be the same path that the Lycans took toward their underground cages on the night of their turns. With any luck, she would be able to hear the wolf Dax as clearly has Dax would be able to hear her.

Again crossing the field, she looked back as she ran toward the bushes. As far as she could tell, nothing was behind her, but she couldn’t be sure. Hearing the leaves crackle beneath her feet, she paused and listened for other sounds. She heard leaves rustling, frogs croaking, and dogs howling, but none of them sounded like a wolf approaching.

Saki picked up the pace toward the humane society’s back gate. She felt like she was being followed, but pausing again, she couldn’t hear anything else. The longer she stood there, the creepier it all became. Increasing her trot to a run, she found herself gripping the chain-link fence and being serenaded by the barks of dogs she had never met.

Glancing back down the path, she was sure she heard something coming. Scanning the lock, she looked for another way in. Her heart beat increased as she heard leaves crunching. She was beginning to panic when she saw a familiar face enter the backyard.

“Lane, it’s me. Let me in. Hurry.”

Lane rushed over with his key in hand. He unlocked the padlock. Pushing herself through, she stood behind Lane as he locked the gate again and ushered her inside. With the back door securely locked, Lane peered through the window.

“Did you see someone? Were you being followed?”

When Lane didn’t get a response, he turned to Saki. Saki threw her arms around him in relief, pressing her body against his. Slowly, Lane put his arms around her, and the two lingered in a long embrace.

With her nose buried in his chest, she could think of nothing but him. The more she breathed him in, the lower her resistance became. Soon her breath was ragged and instead of just holding him, she turned her nails on him and lightly dug into his back.

Without an inch of space between them, she could feel his thick member pushing into her. She shoved her stomach even harder against him, wanting to feel more of it. Taking deep, panting breaths, she tilted her head up from between his pecs and presented her lips for a kiss.

Lane bent down, pressing his full lips against hers. A rush of powerful emotions consumed her. Her body tingled in response. Pulling him as close as he could get, she reached under his shirt to touch his smooth skin.

Saki‘s mouth opened, allowing Lane‘s thick tongue to enter. His danced over hers, sliding and caressing as it did. To feel him inside of her again was overwhelming. The thought of him pushing into her made her slide her fingers down past his waistband.

His tight buttocks resisted her grip. Pushing her hand farther down, she cupped his ass like a melon, pulling it harder towards her. When he could take it no more, he reached for her shirt, pulling it off.

Saki‘s arms shot into the air in submission. Bare chested, Saki climbed into Lane‘s arms. Wrapping her legs around him, she gripped her arms around his neck and pushed her tongue deeper into his mouth. Grinding her clothed pussy against his hardened cock, she rode him, wanting him insider her.

Carrying her in his arms, they continued to kiss as he worked his way back down the hallway toward his bedroom. Saki wasn’t sure if Torque was around, but she couldn’t worry about her now. She wanted Lane, and within seconds, she would have him.

Saki felt her bare back bump open the bedroom door. Using his foot to slam it shut, he carried her over to the bed and fell down. Moving quickly, he unbuttoned her jeans and peeled them off. Reaching down, she pulled off his T-shirt and gripped his hair as he unzipped his pants.

Saki had to watch Lane‘s massive manhood pop out from behind the denim; it was bigger than she remembered. Its dark, tanned complexion and tremendous girth took her breath away. When the thick head pushed against her opening, she inhaled deeply.

“Ahhh,” she moaned, unable to stop herself. Her labial lips were on fire with pleasure. His muscular, rippling body slowly arched toward her, and she whipped her head back, forcing her breasts into the air. “Ahhh,” she groaned again.

As he inched into her, she flung her arms back. Gripping onto anything she could find, she whipped her head from side to side. He felt larger than she remembered. It made her want to submit to him.

“Ohhh,” she bellowed, as he began the long stroke out. “Please,” she begged for him to continue. “Yes.”

Almost all of the way out, he again thrust in. It was easier the second time, more pleasurable. His large hand cupped her breast, while she clutched his shoulder. With her other hand, she caressed the rippling muscles that ran down his side.

Within moments, Lane was fucking her with abandon, and Saki felt like she was being torn apart. She hadn’t seen this side of him before. She didn’t know if she liked it, but as the craving for release grew inside her, she wanted as much of him as he could give her.

“Oh yeah. Oh yeah,” she proclaimed in an increasing pitch.

Just as she couldn’t hold out anymore, Lane‘s body clenched, forcing a heavy moan from him. Her release came with his. She gripped into his flesh, allowing her throbbing pussy to grip tightly on his magnificent instrument. Without pulling out of her, he collapsed on top of her, his cock twitching as she tensed her pussy in response.

The two lay in each other’s arms silently until his diminishing member retracted from her. It was only then that Saki‘s sporadic twitches stopped.

Relaxing for the first time, Saki rolled him off of her and threw her free arm around him. It was then that she, with her eyes still closed, slid up the bed to gently kiss his lips. Falling back into his arms, she allowed her mind to drift off.

Saki lay with her naked body against his until she felt more awake.

“Hey,” Lane said when he saw her eyes open.


“I wasn’t expecting that,” he said.

“Neither was I. I was hoping,” she said with a gentle smile.

“Is that why you wanted to meet me?”

“A little bit. Yeah. But there’s something else we need to talk about, too.”

“What’s that?”

“We need to take the island.”

“And how do we do that?”

“I don’t know. We need to find out his weaknesses. He’s gotta have one.”

“Is that what your new friends said?”

“No. But everyone has their weakness, don’t they?”

“So, how do you suppose we figure that out?”

Saki paused for a minute. She had been hoping he would know what they could do.

“Do you think it’s strange that Mr. Jenner keeps the werewolf medallion in his office?” Saki asked, changing the topic.

“I guess he doesn’t want any werewolves attacking him.”

“But, if that’s what he wants, wouldn’t he wear the medallion? And why would he keep it in his office all the time? We only change on the full moon. So why keep it there every day?”

“Because he knows about shifters,” Lane said in realization.

“And don’t you think it’s strange that all of the Lycans are in the same homeroom?”

“I did. This was the first year it was like that. Each year the classes get mixed. So I just figured that it could have happened by chance.”

“I would say that’s a very small chance. Do you think it’s also chance that Mr. DeMarco is our homeroom teacher?”

“Mr. DeMarco isn’t a wolf if that’s what you’re getting at,” Lane clarified.

“How do you know?”

“Because I would be able to smell him. You would, too.”

Saki remained silent as she considered Lane‘s point. He was right. She seemed to be able to smell any wolf.

“But, what if… What if he’s not a wolf? What if he’s a shifter? And, what if he hasn’t shifted in a long time? Would we still be able to smell him then?”

“Yeah. Wouldn’t we?”

“You’re the expert,” Saki said cajolingly.

“I’m not an expert.”

“But maybe Mr. DeMarco is.”

“So, what are you going to do? Go up to Mr. DeMarco and ask him if he knows what a shifter’s weakness is?” He asked, disbelieving.


“Well, good luck with that.”

“Will you help me?”

“Question Mr. DeMarco?”

“No, take back the island. I can’t change in a cage. I can’t go through that again. If it means killing Dax, then that’s what I’ll do.”

“I’ll help you take back the island.”

“Dax is expecting me to leave with him in 13 days. We have that long to set up a plan. Otherwise, I have to go with him, and I don’t know when he will let me back.”

Saki buried her face into Lane‘s chest. “I don’t want to go there without you.”

Lane held her tightly. “You won’t have to. We’ll take it back.”

“You’ll do whatever it takes?”

Lane raced through the possibilities in his head. “Whatever it takes.”

Saki smiled and reached up to kiss Lane again. “Then I’ll talk to Mr. DeMarco tomorrow.”



Chapter 5


Before Saki left Lane’s bed, they talked about the safest route out. If she were really being followed in the bushes, then she should exit through the front. If Dax was watching the humane society but hadn’t seen her enter, he would be watching the front.

In the end, Saki exited through the back, then took the opposite path through the bushes. She stopped every few seconds and sniffed. Each time, she smelled nothing. When she exited the bush a few houses away from the Fish Fry, she’s felt sure no one had seen her. If Dax was waiting for her, he wouldn’t be able to tell where she had just come from.

The next day at school, things where smoother for Saki. She knew where she was supposed to sit, and she knew what her end goal was. With all of that set, she was free to pay attention during class. She had forgotten how much she enjoyed learning. She fantasized about a time when all of this mess would be behind her, and she could go back to being the person she used to be. Maybe not exactly the same person but something similar.

“Should I pick you up from the Fish Fry?” Gully asked, about to exit homeroom for the day.

“Yeah, I’ll be there.”

Gathering his bag, Gully slowed down, waiting for Saki.

“You don’t have to wait for me. I have to do some stuff before I go,” Saki offered.

“Okay. I’ll see you later.”

Saki watched as Gully and the boys left. Slowly packing and unpacking her bag, she glanced at Lane as he and his pack exited. The two made eye contact but only for a moment.

Saki began to wonder if her plan would succeed when Tim, one of Mr. DeMarco‘s favorites, returned to the classroom with a container full of water and a sponge. Saki packed her bags for the last time and slowly meandered out.

Dejected, she headed to her locker and took out the books she would need for the night. She took her time, hoping it would be enough for Tim to do his classroom duties and for her to get back in before Mr. DeMarco locked up. She hung out in a doorway, watching Mr. DeMarco’s door.

Beginning to lose hope, she looked around to see who else was around. The space between the rows of classrooms was empty, and the metal shutters of the rooms in front of her were all shut. She really would have private access to Mr. DeMarco if she could figure out how to do it.

The opportunity opened and closed rapidly as first Tim, then Mr. DeMarco exited the homeroom. Her teacher was already locking the classroom door by the time she left the locker room and jogged back toward him.

“Mr. DeMarco, could you let me back in? I think I left a book inside.”

“The classroom is already locked. You have to learn to be more responsible.”

“But Mr. DeMarco, I need the book to do my homework tonight. You’re right there, Mr. DeMarco. Please let me in. Please.”

Her teacher looked at her questioningly and then relented. Unlocking the door, he stepped aside and let her through.

“Thank you so much. I’ll run in and get it,” she said, already entering the room. “Mr. DeMarco, did Tim move any books?”

“What is it Miss Lightbourn?”

“I left it right here. I promise. But it’s not here now.”

Mr. DeMarco took a heavy sigh and reentered the classroom. “Where did you leave it?”

“I think it might’ve fallen off of my desk against the wall.”

“Well it’s not there now. Are you sure that you had it?”

“I’m sure. I was doing some of my homework with it.”

Mr. DeMarco looked around, scanning all the open spaces. “What does it look like?”

“It’s my chemistry book. It’s about this big and blue,” she said, indicating with her hands.

“Did you check on the shelves?” he said, indicating the two shelves that spanned the back of the room.

Saki looked up and headed toward them. Crouching down and running her fingers across all the spines, she changed the topic.

“Mr. DeMarco, do you know where Dax is? He hasn’t been to class in a while.”

“Isn’t he one of your friends, Miss Lightbourn?”

“You mean because I sit with them now?”

“Miss Lightbourn, I do not know where Dax is. Have you found your book yet?”

“Not yet.”

Saki wasn’t sure what else to say. If she were expecting him to just reveal he was a shifter and that he knew that they were all wolves, then she was profoundly mistaken. As risky as it was, she was going to have to be direct.

“Mr. DeMarco, do you know why some of us don’t show up to school at certain times?”

“Have you found your book, Miss Lightbourn?”

“Did you know what that medallion was that I found on my first day?”

“I do not have time for your foolish questions. If you are not looking for your book, then it’s time to go.”

“The medallion with the werewolves on it? Mr. Jenner‘s medallion? Do you know what it is? Do you know why he keeps in his office?” She asked, feeling her window of opportunity close.

“You can look for your books tomorrow. Until then, you can borrow it from one of your friends.”

Saki stood in the middle of the room, staring at her teacher. If he knew more than he was letting on, he wasn’t about to share it today. Without a word, Saki hung her head and headed for the exit with her teacher close behind.

“I need your help,” she said as a last-ditch attempt.

“Like I said, you can borrow the book from a friend. Good night, Miss Lightbourn.”

Saki hung her head and walked away. “Good night, Mr. DeMarco.”

Saki wasn’t sure what to do next. Dejected, she headed toward the administration building to wait for her mother. But as she walked up, she saw her mother’s green minivan pulling away. Yelling for her to stop wouldn’t have done any good. As the vehicle disappeared over the hill, she didn’t know what to do next.

The way she saw it, she had three options; one involve walking, and the other two involved werewolves. She chose the option that would raise the least questions. Crossing the campus to the area where Dax‘s pack hung out after school, she found that Gully’s car was already gone. However, Lane’s car was there.

Saki scanned the area for Lane. It was odd for him to stay so late. By now, he and Torque had usually headed home. He had chores to do at the humane society, and he always wanted to get them over with quickly.

Spotting Lane under a large tree, she scanned for Dax‘s pack. She saw none of them. She considered how each of them got home. She knew that Gully would at least drive Patrick. Patrick lived down the street from him, but she wasn’t sure about Frank and Mark.

Well, I could always walk,
she considered before walking toward Lane.

Lane spotted her before she got halfway there. He subtly shook his head, indicating that approaching him was a bad idea. Instead, he indicated a small area between the side of the buildings and the hill with the bakery on it. Saki changed directions and headed there instead.

“I spoke to Mr. DeMarco. He didn’t seem to know what I was talking about.”

“I didn’t think he would,” Lane acquiesced.

“It doesn’t make sense now. Why would all of you be placed in his homeroom if Mr. Jenner knows about us?”

“You were placed in our class, and you weren’t one of us at the time.”

“Yeah, but that’s because there are fewer kids in our homeroom than any other. Don’t you see? They’re trying to keep as many kids away from us as possible.”

“I don’t know Saki. I felt like it was a long shot.”

“I don’t understand why it was.”

“What do you want to do now?”

“Well, one thing is that I need to go home. Gully is expecting to meet me at the Fish Fry in an hour.”

“Do you think it’s a good idea for me to drop you? If anyone sees us, I think they’ll figure stuff out.”

“Then how am I supposed to get home?”

“Can you call your mom?”

“I think the last thing that my mom wants to do is come back here to pick me up.”

“I just don’t think it’s a good idea for me to take you,” Lane concluded.

“Fine. I’ll find another way home.”

“Do you wanna meet tonight?” Lane asked in a slightly lower tone.

“Yeah, sure, if I can make it home at all.”

“You’ll make it home. You’re a survivor,” Lane offered with a smile.

Saki left Lane, making note of who was watching her. Finding no one, she turned the corner toward the main campus. Returning to the bench under the cross, she watched the other students retreat into their parent’s cars. She was sure that at least a few of them would be going to where she needed to be. She couldn’t ask, though. As much as she had changed in the past few months, such an act was still beyond her.

After considering her options, she remembered the phone in the administration building. She wasn’t lucky enough to have a cell phone, but she was sure she could use the one behind the desk.

“It’s $0.25 per call,” the woman behind the desk said.

Saki dug in her book bag to retrieve the change. Handing it over, she dialed her mother’s cell phone.

“I’m still at school,” Saki informed her mother. “I had to stay behind to talk to a teacher.”

“Well, how am I supposed to keep track of you? You’re all God knows where, and then you expect to show up for food and a place to sleep. How am I supposed to know when you’re coming home and when you’re not?”

“I had to meet with a teacher,” Saki said, raising her voice.

“Well, can’t you get one of your friends to drop you home?”

“No, they all left.”

“Then you going to have to wait for me to get off of work. I can’t leave work again to pick you up.”

“Fine!” She agreed, annoyed.

Saki would have to wait another two hours at school. She would miss her meeting with Gully, but it couldn’t be helped. Once she explained what happened, he would understand. Saki just had to kill time until her mother arrived. She hung up the phone.

“Thank you,” Saki said as she returned the phone.

Saki walked back to the bench under the cross. An hour passed by and then another. It was starting to get dark, but her mother would be there soon.

After the last student left and Saki sat alone in the floodlights, she grew worried. Her mother should have been there by now. Could something have happened to her? When Gully didn’t find her where she said she would be, did they go back to her house and attack her family? Had she gotten her family killed?

Saki kept hearing noises in the night, ones she didn’t expect. She couldn’t tell what type of animals they were, but they weren’t dogs. It was giving her the creeps. Mixed with the fear that her family was dead, she was becoming terrified.

The unrecognizable sound came again. The circular driveway was in front of her; beyond it, the single road ran through campus towards a pond. The sound seemed to be coming from the direction of the pond. Perhaps it was the bushes behind it or even the monastery, but wherever it was coming from, it was getting closer.

Saki allowed her wolf instincts to kick in. She got up and retreated into the quad between the rows of classrooms. The noise picked up momentum, running through the darkness. Clutching her book bag, she ducked behind the building. Her senses were just as strong as whatever was following her, and with them, she had a chance of escape.

Hearing it slow down, Saki took off again. She crossed to another row of buildings and then ran down the sidewalk in front of it. Again moving into the open quad, she saw something in the darkness. It was a pair glowing eyes, and they were focused on her.

Her heart beat out of control. Her breathing was shallow, and the only thing she could think to do was run. Sprinting to the end of the block, she could go around it and head back toward the administration building or perhaps make it to the hill. It was a functioning monastery at the top of the hill, after all. Monks had to be living inside. If she could get there, perhaps she would be safe.

Circling the building, she heard it behind her. Trudging through the darkness, everything was unsteady under her feet. With one wrong step, she could slip and whatever it was would have her. She fought to breathe. Circling the edge of the walled pool, she saw a light.

Car headlights came out of the darkness. It had to be her mother. Running to where she would see her, she planted herself in the street only to see the car drive around her into the circular driveway. Getting a better look, the car was unfamiliar. Did it matter, though? Wouldn’t anyone do? Or would she get them killed as well?

Frozen, Saki watched as an older, dark-skinned man worked himself out of the car. He was dressed in dirty clothes, and he headed toward the administration building. Not knowing what to do, she stared at him silently. He must have sensed her because he turned toward her.

“Did someone forget to pick you up?” The old man bellowed with a furrowed brow.

Saki could barely control her breath. Her reply came out in squeaks. “Yeah, I think so,” Saki replied, not believing it to be the case.

“Did you want to use the phone?”

“Yes, please.”

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