City Wolves: Paranormal Shapeshifter Werewolf Romance Bundle (Master of the City / Mistress of the City) (12 page)

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Jace huffed, a non-committal sound. “The little fucker’s outplayed us both.”

“Yeah. Didn’t think he had it in him.” Veyr dropped his head back against the ornate carved back of the chair, a mark of his office. Then he looked up, directly at Jace. “There’s just one way I can see out of this.”

Jace’s eyebrow winged up. “What’s that then?”

This was where Veyr excelled and he hadn’t got a clue. Politics weren’t his thing, the application of brutal and bloody violence was. Something he planned to go find when he’d clocked off shift. He might even swing by Reese’s and take a turn or two in the cages.

Veyr’s expression didn’t alter, his gaze locked with Jace’s.

“You have to challenge me for the title. You have to become Master of the City.”

Jace looked at him as though he’d grown two heads. “You’re a fucking idiot. That fight is to the death and even though you can be a right pain in the ass, I’m not killing you. Besides, your woman would skin me and wear me as an evening cape if I did.”

“True.” Veyr frowned, a flash of pain in his eyes at the mention of Cyan. “We need a plan B then.”

Jace smiled, his mind working at a mile a minute. “I think I have one. You might even like it…”


he was in a dream
…that’s what it had to be. A nightmare.

From the moment Vanessa had woken, her head splitting with pain, the women from her pack had buzzed around her. They were all under Jacob’s influence so she kept her thoughts to herself. She’d been pampered, primped and preened to within an inch of her life and dressed in a sumptuous evening gown, but she wasn’t sure why. No one would tell her either. They either looked discomforted or ignored her questions.

Vague images of her brother hurrying her through corridors, and a door played through her mind… A bad dream whose details had disappeared when she’d woken. And there was another mystery, she thought, looking around. They’d been at home… No, she corrected herself, they’d been at the McCauley mansion. It had ceased to become home when her brother had taken over as pack alpha.

“When did we get here?” she asked, her question directed at one of the women twittering about her, trying to apply nail polish. Irritated, Vanessa shook her hand free and glared. She had a good glare, underused since she was always smoothing things over for Jacob’s acerbic attitude, but it was there, hidden under her ‘niceness’, so now she used it ruthlessly.

The woman’s expression shifted, something lurking in the back of her eyes as she smiled that set alarm bells ringing in Vanessa’s mind. “My Lady, we’ve been here a few days, at the Master’s request since you’ve been so ill.”

“Ill?” Vanessa frowned and glanced at the window. No, she’d not been sick, and yesterday she’d been at the mansion. The moon was concealed now, but she’d always had an innate connection with its phases, far greater than any other wolf she knew of. By her reckoning a day had passed, no more. She smiled, concealing her doubt, and rubbed at her jaw. It was sore, as though she’d been hit.

“Yes, my lady.” The woman nodded in encouragement. “The Master has been most concerned about you, even put the ceremony back so you could rest.”

Ceremony. Master. The words struck fear into Vanessa’s heart, and an awful thought struck her. Had Jacob managed it, somehow… Had his plans to get her mated to the Master of the City come to horrible fruition?

“What ceremony?” she asked, her voice sharper than she intended, but the answer came not from the woman in front of her, but from a deep, male voice behind.

“Your mating ceremony,” Jacob said, pushing off from the door frame as Vanessa whirled around to face him.

“Veyr has come to his senses. You lot, out,” he ordered the women around her before returning his attention to Vanessa. “And realized that you were the one he wanted all along. Which is fortunate, given his actions… It’s only right he should restore your honor.”

“What actions? What about my honor?” Refusing to remain seated, Vanessa backed up a few steps to keep a healthy gap between them, but Jacob was too fast and grabbed her by the upper arm. Just the feeling of his hard hand bruising her flesh was enough to break through the fog surrounding her memory and she gasped.

me in his room! You good-for-nothing—”

“A-a-a!” He stopped her with an admonishment, wagging his finger. She bared her teeth, wanting nothing more than to bite the damn thing off, but he smacked her on the nose like a naughty puppy.

“You’ll behave, or your precious
,” he sneered the word, “Will reap the consequences. As will his family. Oh, yeah…I know where they all live. And any trouble from you, if you so much as utter a
out of place, then my men will go pay them a little visit. Are we clear?”

Misery crowded up, robbing her of the ability to speak. Tears thickened her throat, but she wouldn’t let them fall. She was done crying in front of the bastard. The only way to deal with Jacob was to show nothing. Give him nothing to work with.

“Clear?” He demanded again, shaking her like a rag doll and she nodded. No matter what her feelings for Jace, she couldn’t let Jacob kill his family. She’d never forgive herself.

She just hoped Cyan would…

* * *

er brother hurried
her from the room, but as soon as they approached the main hall, his steps slowed, his grip gentled and a smile broke out over his face. Sliding him a sideways glance, she had to admit it that he was an incredible actor. Anyone looking at him would be taken in by the proud brother act.

“You should have been on the stage,” she leaned in to whisper, which earned her a hard pinch on the inside of her arm. Giving him a glare, she made herself a promise. It didn’t matter how long it took, she would kill him.

One problem with that. First she had to learn how to fight.

The ornate double doors in front of them swung open, and even from here, she could see the room was crowded. It was ever likely to be…it wasn’t every day the Master of the City got mated. Such an event was normally months in the planning… Every detail of the ceremony and the reception planned like a military campaign. But it was all window-dressing, the real ceremony, the Bite, took place later…in bed.

She suppressed a shudder, her skin crawling at the thought of anyone but Jace biting and claiming her, and straightened her spine. Her mind raced, trying to think of something…anything that would get her out of this.

Perhaps she could faint. Yes, that was it. She’d play the delicate female to the hilt, collapse dramatically on the steps in front of the whole court. It would buy her some time, or at least the chance to talk to Veyr before their fates were sealed. If she could just explain to him what was going on…

“You’re up. Remember my warning,” Jacob whispered in her ear and released her arm so she could walk up the aisle unaccompanied. Unlike human weddings, Lycan females weren’t ‘given away’ in some archaic gesture. Her lips twisted in a bitter smile. No, they were bought and sold on the altar of ambition instead.

With all eyes on her, she walked up the aisle. There was no music, no bridal march. They were Lycan and such things didn’t hold here. With each step she took, anger built within her. Anger that she’d been forced into such a position, anger that Jacob’s plots and schemes had paid off. She didn’t know what he hoped to accomplish by having her mated off to the Master of the City. As his mate, she would have Veyr’s ear, and if Jacob thought she would use that to help him in any way, then he was sorely mistaken.

Her gaze fell on the tall figure of Jace, stood to the side of Veyr. She tried to catch his eye, but he looked straight past her, his expression unreadable. A bolt of pain lanced her heart. Surely he didn’t believe that this was for real. That she was mating Veyr of her own free will?

Not wanting to give the game away, or reveal her emotions to anyone in the gathered crowd, she transferred her attention to Veyr. That was when it hit her. This mating would not be the end of the hold Jacob had over her. Jace’s family, someone else’s family… He would always find something to use to control her. Deep within her Wolf snarled with fury, anger so deep her cells virtually vibrated with it. She smiled at her ‘groom’, her decision made.

This ended today.

She reached Veyr’s side and put her hand on his arm. He slid her a sideways glance and offered a smile. Up close, she could see the lines of strain around his eyes and lips. He’d been railroaded into this as much as she had, and the pain that rolled off him, although well concealed, was palpable up close. She tightened her grip, giving him a quick squeeze of reassurance, even though she couldn’t say anything. His eyes narrowed, a question within, but the minister had started to talk.

“Lords and ladies of the court, we call you here today to witness one of our most sacred ceremonies,” he began, his deep voice reaching the back of the room. “Today, we witness a joyous event. The joining of two Wolves in a solemn bond, that of mating. Not only do we witness this man and this woman pledge their love for each other, but we also celebrate the joining of an ancient pack with the bloodline of the Master of the City.”

The Minister, a large and somewhat portly man for a Wolf, paused and looked at them over the rim of his glasses. It wasn’t common, but some wolves needed spectacles in their human form, especially when they grew older.

“My Lord, Lady McCauley… You are here to pledge your troth to each other. However, this ceremony is merely words. The true ceremony, the Bite, is a deeply personal event, one that will seal and confirm your words here today. Now…” He lifted his head to address the room at large. “Before the Lord and Lady before me exchange their pledges, I am required by law to ask if any person here present has any objection to this mating.”

As always in a mating ceremony, the room fell silent in an expectant hush. At most matings, it was an amused silence. With a love match, no one expected an objection, but it remained as part of the law, as part of tradition, to ask. Today, the silence was tense as though everyone knew that this was a setup. Vanessa wouldn’t have been surprised if they did. Lycans weren’t idiots—well, apart from some notable exceptions—and played the game of politics well. Later, half of them would congratulate Jacob, and the other half would mutter into their drinks, pissed off that they hadn’t thought of it.

Well, they would have been. Because it would not happen. Gathering her strength, she opened the door to her Wolf wide and filled her body with the creature’s energy. Spinning on her heel, she turned to face Jacob, ready to pounce. Already she could feel his throat under her teeth. Imagined the hot spurt of blood as she ripped into the flesh and ended his life.

Cut the head off the snake and the body died.

Jace’s voice stopped her in her tracks.

“I object.”

The world, the room behind her, and the shocked gasps of the crowd fell away as she turned to look at him. He stalked forwards, murder in his eyes. He wasn’t looking at her, or even Veyr next to her. Instead, his eyes were on her brother.

“But you can’t,” the Minister spluttered, shock written on his face. His hands fluttered over his expanded mid-drift and he looked at Veyr for confirmation.

“I can and I am,” Jace growled. “I challenge…”

The room became so quiet that Vanessa was sure its occupants had quit breathing in order not to miss anything. Her heart crawled into her throat, panic flowing through her. Jace couldn’t challenge Veyr. Not over her. The challenge fight was to the death, which meant she would lose the man she loved, or the man she loved would lose his best friend.

“I challenge Jacob McCauley.”


…no. Jace had challenged her brother?

“You don’t have to see this, if you don’t want,” Veyr said, a gentle hand on her arm as he nodded towards a side door. It was ajar to reveal a small but plush sitting room beyond. She looked up into his eyes to find understanding and concern there.

Anger flared again. Was this what they all thought of her? That she was too delicate to face one of the mainstays of Lycan life? Challenge fights happened all the time, at every level, and while not all were to the death, they were all equally bloody and brutal.

“No,” she said, her voice firm. “I’m okay. I want to see this. I
to see this.”

“Very well.” Approval replaced the concern and he nodded. For some strange reason, Vanessa got the feeling she’d just gained an ally.

The crowd cleared the center of the floor and the Minister stepped forward to officiate, but he didn’t get a chance. With a snarl, Jacob launched himself across the gap to attack Jace while his back was turned.

The crowd and Veyr cried out a warning, but Jace didn’t need it. Even while Jacob was in the air, shifting mid-leap, Jace had already moved. With a roar he twisted, his arm lashing out. For Vanessa, time slowed, and she watched in slow motion as the claws extended from the end of Jace’s fingertips. A part-shift, proving beyond a shadow of doubt he was all alpha.

His claws raked along the underside of Jacob’s belly, and the smaller Wolf cried with pain. Blood splattered over the expensive carpet, showering Jace’s arm and ruining his clothes. Jacob landed, badly. He whipped around, spotting Jace and managing a snarl as he snapped at his opponent’s leg. His teeth didn’t connect. Instead, Jace, not even bothering to shift, kicked him hard in the face.

Jacob staggered to the side, then his eyes rolled back in his head, and he collapsed in a heap of fur and blood.

Stunned silence filled the room.

“Was that it?” Alex Kingwood exclaimed, shock on his face. “If I’d known it would be that easy, I’d have challenged the asshole months ago.”

“Easy or not,” Veyr interrupted, striding forwards. “Challenge was given, and accepted… And by my reckoning, Jace Trenton won the fight. Which means—”

Alex folded his arms. “Ah, but challenge fights are to the death.”

He looked down at the still furry form of Jacob McCauley. The fact he hadn’t changed back to his human form was telling. His injury was obviously a mortal one or near enough. “Although I have to admit, it doesn’t seem like he is long for this world.”

Veyr cocked an eyebrow in question as he looked at Jace. For a fighter to not finish his opponent was the worst form of indignity. A mortal insult. It said the defeated Wolf wasn’t worth bothering with.

Jace shrugged. “Let nature take its course.”

“Very well,” Veyr turned back to the rest of the court. “Then I present to you, the new Alpha of the McCauley pack… Jace Trenton!”

Vanessa’s relief was so profound her knees almost went out from under her. Jacob wasn’t dead, yet, but even if he recovered from the injuries he’d sustained, he would never again attain a position of power.

“Well then,” said the Minister a little too brightly. “Now that that’s done, I believe we have a mating ceremony to conclude.”

“Indeed,” said Jace, his eyes meeting Vanessa’s for the first time. The expression in them made her shiver. “However, as alpha of the McCauley pack I have decided to revoke my permission for the mating of Vanessa McCauley and Veyr, Master of the City. Instead, I ask the lady to be
mate instead.”

This time the gasp that went round the court was one of shock and anticipation. No doubt they expected Veyr to now challenge Jace for the right to her hand, only she knew that would not happen. Somehow, her smart-ass brother, with all his plots and schemes, had been outmaneuvered.

Reaching out, she slid her hand into Jace’s larger one and smiled. “I thought you’d never ask.”

* * *

hey were mated
. Jace Trenton was her mate.

An hour later, Jace took her hand and led her from the reception hall. Jacob had been removed on Veyr’s orders and taken somewhere for his injuries to be treated. The McCauley pack seemed to have accepted the change in leadership without complaint.

Their mating ceremony had been short and sweet, but as the Minister had said, the words were not what was important. What was important was the look in Jace’s eyes as he took her hand and led her from the room. Iron control, barely-restrained desire, and perhaps something more… She hoped something more, but many a mating had started from a small flame to grow into love. And theirs was not a small flame, but rather an inferno.

No one stopped them, but there were a few ribald comments and winks that made her blush as they left. Silence fell between them, their footsteps muffled by the carpet as he led them back through the corridors to his quarters.

Her heart sped up, breathing ragged as he pushed open the door and ushered her inside. Her legs shook as she stood in the middle of the carpet. Nerves assaulted her as she turned to glance over her shoulder and found Jace watching her.

Was this what he wanted? Or was he annoyed to be shackled to her, offering to mate her to free Veyr from the web Jacob had woven? Perhaps their nights together had just been a fling for him, something fun, nothing serious… She took a step forward, but he stopped her with an upraised hand.

“No, stay there,” he ordered. “I want to remember you just like that... I want to remember how beautiful you looked on the day we mated.”

She swallowed, her throat dry. Heat rose in her cheeks, but she met his eyes. “Remember? In a good way remember?”

His gaze met hers, comprehension dawning in his eyes. “You don’t know? I challenged for you, and you doubt my feelings?”

He strode forwards, reaching out to drive his hand into the hair at the nape of her neck. She couldn’t help the small moan that escaped her as his lips crashed down on hers. The kiss at the mating ceremony had been brief and functional, a mere brush that hadn’t allowed her any insight into his feelings. Now though, she felt it all.

His kiss laced with desperation, his lips were hard over hers. Thorough. Demanding. As though he was determined to memorize the shape and taste of her lips before she was snatched from his grasp again. Her body softened against his, yielding to the harder planes of his muscled form. A whimper in the back of her throat, she lifted her hands to slide them across his shoulders and bury her fingers in the short strands of his hair. Opening herself wide to him, she held nothing back. Gave him— her mate— everything she had to give.

Then it was as if a dam burst and his control shattered. He lifted his head to look down at her, the bright ring of amber around his eyes dueling the darkness within. She shivered, held captive by the look, and he groaned.

“Don’t look at me like that sweetheart, because otherwise this isn’t gonna last long.”

She didn’t care, his desperation infecting her. She needed this. Needed him. Needed to know that the nightmare was over. But she couldn’t put that into words, so instead she lifted up on her toes, and pressed her lips to his. An offering. A supplication. An invitation.

He stood still for a moment, his body rigid and then he moved. A squeak escaped her as he scooped her up and strode to the bed. She landed on the soft surface on her back, but he was already over her. That big, hard body pressing her into the mattress and holding her captive. His hands joined in on the action, capturing her wrists and holding them above her head in an iron cage made from his fingers.

She gasped in delight and surprise, but almost instantly the sound was swallowed up as his mouth covered hers again. His tongue slid deep, past her lips, to explore the silken cavern within. The deep groan rumbled through his chest, shivering against her skin where they touched, and at the same moment a hard knee parted her legs. His free hand swept down and grabbed the skirt of her dress to yank it up. The sound of tearing fabric filled the air, and she realized he’d torn her panties away.

Cooler air washed against her exposed pussy lips, and her body clenched. She didn’t get time for anything else because his fingers were already there, parting her lips and smoothing the slick evidence of her arousal over the heated flesh.

She groaned and wrapped her tongue around his as his talented fingers found her clit. Round and round, over and back, he touched and teased her. Little gestures, almost whisper soft, alternated with harder rubs until she moaned and rocked her hips against his hand.

He didn’t let up with his kiss either, using his tongue to tease and torment her. To tempt her into playing with him. No, not to tempt. Instead, he ordered… demanded…her response. She gave it, sliding her tongue to follow his back into his mouth, and his hand moved. Two strong fingers penetrated her, sliding deep into her needy pussy. She lost concentration for a moment, her eyes rolling into the back of her head in pleasure, but he wasn’t done yet. Curling his fingers back, he pressed against her g-spot. Pressing and rubbing ruthlessly. Her head fell back and she bit her lip as he brought his thumb into play over her clit.

Hard pleasure hit her, a conflagration of need and ecstasy all wrapped up in emotion. He was here, finally, and they didn’t need to hide anymore. They had this… Would always have this, from this day forward.

He pressed hard inside, adding a rub over her clit and she cried out as pleasure shattered through her, over her, within her. Her cunt clenched, gripping his fingers tight as she came all over them. Rumbles of approval, soft words of love and affection filled her ear as he kissed along her neck, but she couldn’t make them out.

The sound of ripping fabric reached her ears again. Then his knee parted her wider and she felt him settle between her thighs. The broad head of his cock pressed against the entrance to her pussy. She opened her eyes to find him looking down at her, his own filled with indescribable emotion.

He pushed forward, nostrils flaring, and breached her. She sucked in a breath. No matter how many times they were together, the feeling of his thick cock sliding into her tight pussy always did it for her. He was so wide, it felt almost as if she would tear, but she knew she wouldn’t. She could take him, take every thick, wide inch and beg for more.

He groaned and pulled back a little before thrusting forwards again. In and out, back and forward, push and retreat… He worked himself inside her with short, hard movements until he was fully seated and they were both breathing heavily.

Once there, he looked down at her. Behind the white-hot fires of desire in his eyes lurked concern. If she hadn’t already lost her heart to him, she would have in that instant. Her gentle nod was enough. With a growl, he pulled back almost entirely out of her, then thrust back in so powerfully the headboard of the bed slammed against the wall behind.

The pace he set was hard and fast, and she loved it. When he released her wrists, she wrapped her arms around him and lifted her legs to wrap them around his trim hips. Rocking her hips, she urged him onwards. Faster. Harder. She gave up everything she had to please him.

As complete as her surrender was, it was also self-centered. The faster he moved, the slicker the passage of his cock in her cunt became. He pressed against her, inside her, in ways that made her toes curl and the tension in her core tighten. With each hard thrust, he sent her higher until she could almost just let go and fly.

He moved to slide his arm under her neck, supporting and cradling her as he drove deep within. A deep sense of safety and security pervaded every cell in her body. She felt protected and loved. But then safety was forgotten in favor of reaching higher, pushing deeper and tightening further.

Whimpering, she clenched around him. His growl turned into a groan and his cock pulsed within her. In retaliation, he added a roll at the end of each stroke, catching and pressing her clit between them each and every time. She lost the ability to think, operating on sheer need and instinct. Her nails dug into his shoulders, and the scent of blood—his blood—blossomed on the air.

Her body tightened around him again and his strokes became uncoordinated. She hovered on the edge of the abyss, her breathing ragged. Below her, pleasure writhed and coiled in and over itself. Just one more touch, one more thrust, and she would go over.

Opening her mouth, she tried to tell him, but the words caught in her throat. It didn’t matter because he was already moving. He slammed into her, his lips hot on her throat, and the next second he struck.

Sharp teeth sank into her shoulder, not hard, but enough to mark. Sensation exploded through her, the pain of the bite and the feeling of his cock in her tipping her over the edge. The Mating Bite.

She cried out, his name maybe, straining against him as her climax ripped through her. Every touch, every stroke, every sensation written in ecstasy. He pulled back, disengaging from her shoulder to roar his own release. His cock jerked and pulsed within her, feeding her pleasure in doubling it back onto him when her cunt clenched around him. Milked him as he bathed her inner walls with his white-hot seed.

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