Circus Excite (15 page)

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Authors: Nikki Magennis

BOOK: Circus Excite
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‘Nice and relaxed now, Julia?' She looked at her with amusement. ‘We were just discussing how you've been settling in.'

Julia didn't respond, her mind racing through the possible conversations they may have had.

‘How do you feel about your act, Julia?' Robert said. ‘About working with Sylvie?'

Julia's throat was dry and her heart was starting to speed.

‘It's been . . . interesting,' she managed to stammer.

‘Really? Can't you be a little more expansive?' His voice had that teasing edge to it. ‘How do you feel about touching her? Kissing her?'

Julia suddenly had a vivid flash of the softness of Sylvie's lips, the throb of the drumbeat increasing in intensity as she leant in to kiss her, the whistles of the audience goading her on. She couldn't deny that she'd come to enjoy their act, the way their bodies slid against each other, the contrast of Sylvie's petite frame with her own more voluptuous charms. She met Robert's eyes, seeing the tease of his smile. He was daring her, trying to embarrass her.

‘Sylvie's very skilful, and very beautiful. But I'm not into women.'

‘You mean it doesn't turn you on? Don't be ridiculous, Julia. I've seen you afterwards.'

‘And the way you kiss me isn't exactly cold,' Sylvie added, leaning forward to pour Julia a glass of wine. Julia lifted it gratefully and took a long sip. She was playing for time.

‘Whom you choose to fuck is your business, Julia,' Robert said. ‘But in this show, we need to keep everything fresh. Most of all, you must enjoy performing.'

‘You're not happy with my work?' Julia felt resentment and confusion rising in her chest. ‘You've hardly given me a chance to show my skills.'

‘I don't know you well enough yet, Julia. If you do well with Sylvie, I'll consider ways to put you to use more . . . effectively.'

His words were provocative; a thinly veiled allusion to the afternoon's events, and Julia knew it. Was he offering a deal? As she wondered how to respond, she took another gulp of wine. They hadn't eaten since lunch, and she could already feel the alcohol going to her head, the rich strong wine making her a little woozy.

‘So what's the secret, Robert? You think I'm lacking something?' Julia had a dim sense that the wine was giving her Dutch courage, but she couldn't help rising to Robert's challenge. She lay back in the seat, at last releasing the robe and letting it fall open enough that Robert and Sylvie could see the swell of her breast underneath.

‘I think your routine is very polished, Julia.'

‘'S a good thing, isn't it?' Julia said, letting Sylvie refill her glass. Sylvie perched on the arm of the chair, closer to Julia.

‘It's the least I'd expect.' Robert's voice was calm and measured. Julia looked at his casually stretched out legs
and wondered how the man managed to stay so cool every damn minute of the day. He was leaning on his elbow, watching the girls, and only that hint of fire in his dark eyes expressed anything like excitement.

‘A flawless act is fine. What I'm looking for, Julia, is passion. We need to draw you out, Julia, find out what turns you on.' Robert nodded gently at Sylvie, who quietly set down her glass of wine and turned to face Julia.

‘Robert and I thought it might help if we acted out the scene,' she said slyly, openly staring at the gap in Julia's bathrobe, letting her eyes run over Julia's body and back to her face. She smiled, letting the tip of her tongue moisten her lips.

‘It's safe in here,' she said. ‘We won't be disturbed. How about we let Robert see how far we could take it?' Her voice was low, her large eyes hooded as though she were drugged. Julia felt a tremor of excitement rise in her, as she realised what they had been plotting while she showered. It was another of Robert's games. This time he wanted to see her with a woman and Sylvie was obviously pleased to entertain him.

Though Julia was happy to act out a little Sapphic role-play every so often she hadn't ever really imagined making love to a woman. The wine and the thrill of being on the verge of forbidden territory sent a flush to Julia's cheeks, and she felt dizzy, half in a trance as she set down her wine and placed her hands in her lap. She was horrified to find she was shaking.

In the dim soft lighting of the sitting room Julia hoped no one else would notice her nerves. A small lamp on the shelf spilled light over the girls, leaving large pools of dark shadow and Robert only half visible. She was nevertheless very aware of his presence as Sylvie stood and wriggled out of her work clothes, stepping gracefully aside to leave them puddled on the floor.
She wore a luxurious black velvet bra that pushed up her small breasts into high curves, a frivolous piece of underwear that suited her quirky manner. Her knickers, too, were black velvet, frilled and ribboned like a fifties bikini. They skimmed across her buttocks, the folds of her curved cheeks peeking out from underneath. Julia was used to seeing Sylvie in her gilt metal costume, and the sight of her in normal feminine underwear seemed somehow far more intimate. Besides, they were doing this for pleasure, not work. The difference was palpable.

Sylvie stretched like a cat, pushing her breasts upward and curving her back. Turning to kneel in front of Julia, she ignored Robert as though he weren't there.

‘Undo me?' she asked almost shyly, and Julia found herself disarmed by the usually forceful Sylvie surrendering to her. She leant forward, putting her chin on Sylvie's shoulder and hearing the other girl breathe right next to her ear, fast and urgent. Julia leant her face into the fine hairs at the nape of Sylvie's neck and smelt her rose-water scent, the sweet girlish smell of her skin.

Reaching down, she unhooked Sylvie's bra, pulling it gently over her shoulders and letting the garment drop to the girl's lap.

Now Sylvie caught her hands and pulled them to her breasts, letting Julia's fingers brush over the soft mounds of her tits, catching on the nipples that were stiff little points, hard against Julia's palms. Silently, Sylvie moved Julia's hands back and forth, letting her rub against the nipples and massage her breasts. She was petite – her breasts were no more than a handful for Julia, who felt with pleasant surprise the delicacy of the flesh she was rubbing. Is this what a man would feel, the shock of such softness? She wanted, suddenly, to feel Sylvie's breasts in her mouth, but before she could move, Sylvie had moved in close and was
burrowing her head into Julia's bathrobe, searching with her mouth and tongue for Julia's naked skin.

When she felt Sylvie's quick, wet tongue darting against the swell of her own breast, Julia was almost scared by the strength of her reaction. She felt as if a small hungry animal were sucking on her, almost nipping her with tiny white teeth, clawing at the robe and pulling it open. When Sylvie's mouth finally found her breast and sucked hungrily at the nipple, Julia was so overcome with the sensation that she forgot Robert, and saw with a shock when she looked up that he was pointing a camera at them. While she let Sylvie lick long trails across her breasts and drag her tongue slowly over her belly, Julia eyed Robert. It was a small silver digital camera; there was no flash and only the faintest of electric clicks as the shutter blinked. Otherwise there was no noise but the soporific jazz playing on the stereo and Sylvie's ragged breathing as she wound her way further down. Meanwhile, Robert watched them through a lens.

‘Keeping a memento for later?' she asked, the bitchiness in her voice overtaken by breathless arousal. Her senses were almost drowned by the languorous sense of Sylvie licking slower and slower, letting Julia squirm in her eagerness to feel Sylvie's head between her legs. Still, part of her remained conscious enough to try to draw Robert into their scene.

‘I'm just taking these for reference,' Robert replied, raising the camera to Julia's face and taking a shot of her as she stared at him, her eyes glazed and her cheeks burning.

‘It's a hobby of mine.'

With this, Robert stood and moved closer to them, kneeling down on the floor behind Sylvie and pointing the camera at Julia's lap.

‘Sylvie, can you pull that wrap out of the way?' he said, once again directing the action. Sylvie obeyed immediately, laying the fabric at either side of Julia's thighs so the pale skin of her shaved mound was exposed to the camera.

‘Pull her legs open.'

Julia felt the strength in Sylvie's arms as she firmly gripped her knees and drew them apart, spreading her legs wide so they could both feast their eyes on her slit. She felt the tension in the room so strong it was almost unbearable – she was being displayed to Robert like an exhibit, as though she were their toy to be manipulated until she lost control. Desperate to feel some friction, she clenched the tiny muscles of her sex, willing Sylvie to put her face there, to kiss her and use her lovely quick tongue against the swollen clit. Without being able to stop herself, she raised her hips up imperceptibly, bucking towards Sylvie.

‘Oh, you're an excitable one, girl,' Sylvie said with delight, her eyes still fixed on Julia's pussy. ‘Let's see, is this what you want?'

Delicately, with the slowest of movements, she dipped her head down to within a few millimetres of Julia's flesh. Julia could feel her hot breath against her inner thighs and groaned with the dreadful tantalising sensation as Sylvie blew against her pussy, the gentle caress of her breath sending a buzzing through her sex that threatened to tip her over the edge. She knew she was wet, could feel the slipping sensation inside herself, and wondered if it was visible. Robert was leaning in close, taking more pictures, and Julia imagined her sex lips shining with moisture, the dark pink of her most intimate place a shockingly lewd sight between the whiteness of her thighs.

Then she abandoned all thoughts of the pictures Robert was taking as she felt at last the deliciously hard
tip of Sylvie's tongue flicking against her. It was a fabulous torment, to feel that little muscle working against her clit, licking deftly around her and nudging inexorably towards where she most wanted to feel it. She imagined Sylvie fucking her with her tongue, and knew how good it would feel – but at the same time she wanted to feel a cock inside her more. She was almost far gone enough to beg Robert to join in, but not quite. On the edge of her consciousness she heard the camera shutter clicking.

‘Is this what you want, Robert?' She echoed Sylvie's question, letting the girl explore her with her tongue as she sank further into the seat, looking directly into the lens of the camera. Robert was raking over the bodies of the two girls with the viewfinder, framing shots of Sylvie as her mouth worked steadily at Julia's lap.

‘You want home-made porn?' Julia kept pushing Robert, wanting him to admit he was involved in the session. As she felt Sylvie press against her legs, rubbing her breasts against her thighs and reaching down to play with herself as she brought her closer to orgasm, Julia grabbed the girl's hair and gently pushed her head further towards her core.

‘How are you enjoying that, Julia?' Robert answered her questions with one of his own. ‘How does it feel to have her tongue inside you?'

‘It feels fucking good,' Julia managed to answer, although her head was filling with a warm buzz, rising from where Sylvie was turning her on to the point of explosion and suffusing her whole body with the rushing pulsing feel of approaching orgasm. Sylvie kept licking, her tongue firm and darting like a cat lapping at milk, her breath hot against Julia's skin and her free hand holding her legs firmly apart so she could reach in deep. As she drew near to her climax, Julia heard the shutter of the camera clicking repeatedly, Robert
snapping a volley of images as she lost control and threw her head back against the chair. She clung to Sylvie, her hands buried deep in the girl's tangled hair, still wet from the rainstorm and tumbling over Julia's thighs, her face locked on Julia's pussy, tongue jabbing insistently at her clit. As she started to rock with the waves of orgasm, she pulled Sylvie's head hard against her. Tipping over the edge, she heard the short high gasps of Sylvie coming too, and the two girls hung on in their moment of oblivion, letting Robert snap away furiously as they rocked together, bodies convulsing with the little spasms of pleasure.

At last they fell back, breathing hard, muscles limp from the release of tension. Sylvie looked up at Julia from where she sat on the floor. There was a new quality in her expression, a complicity. Julia knew she had finally earned the respect of the more experienced woman, in the most pleasurable way possible. Just by letting Sylvie make love to her, Julia felt that she had crossed some invisible line. It was as though she got closer to the inner circle of the circus every time she transgressed her own limits.

Next to them, Robert was turning off his camera and laying it on the table. He fetched the half-empty wine bottle and filled the girls' glasses, handing them their drinks with a deference that Julia had never felt from him. She sensed somehow she'd passed a test.

‘That was very illuminating, girls. Thank you.' Robert spoke as though they'd performed some experiment on his behalf, but there was a warm humour in his voice that let Julia relax.

‘I think it'll only help you develop the act.'

Julia, despite feeling languorous and spaced out, saw her chance and jumped in: ‘You mean, I could dance more?'

Robert shook his head.

‘I don't think the “slave” act needs more dance. What I'd like to see is the two of you drawing out the lovemaking at the end.'

Julia felt irritation pulling at her, as once again she was denied the chance to put her professional skills to good use.

‘I can do a lot more than writhe around like a pole dancer, you know, Robert,' she said bitterly. Her post-orgasm bliss was disappearing rapidly, as was the sense she had risen a notch in Robert's estimation. He still saw her as a cheap diversion or an erotic curio, and she was suddenly filled with unease about the photos he had stored on his camera.

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