
Read Circumstellar Online

Authors: J.W. Lolite

BOOK: Circumstellar
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J. W.































Copyright @ 2013 J. W. Lolite


All rights reserved.


Cover design by Victoria Wright


ISBN: 1493542680









To the ones I depend on most




Chapter 1

Chapter 2
Ursa Major

Chapter 3
Newton’s First Law of Motion

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6
Radio Waves

Chapter 7

Chapter 8
Sky Priestess

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17
Forger of Locks

Chapter 18
The Lion

Chapter 19

Chapter 20
The Hunter

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24
Solar Flare

Chapter 25
Heaven and Earth

Chapter 26

Chapter 27
Precious Metals

Chapter 28
All That Glitters

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31
Three A.M.

Chapter 32
Dark Matter

Chapter 33




knew I should have just stayed in bed today,” I mumbled, shifting my gaze from the two teens on my left to the ground again. I sighed and worked up the courage to look at the figures on my other side. The scrapes on my hands and knees burned as I studied the cloaked figures. They were just as mysterious to me now as when I was staring at the ground, the heavy hoods giving nothing of their appearances save for one thing – or rather four . . . things. From within the folds of black, two sets of bright, glowing eyes shone brilliantly – like stars in the night sky – glaring at the pair on my left. The familiar sight filled me with shock and confusion. A bizarre, single thought came to me then: the only thing my mind could process. Somehow, I got the impression my strange visitors were a little less than human.

“How did I get into this?”


Chapter 1



gh.” The only intelligent thought I could muster as the light poured in through the blinds onto my face. It was bright. Way too bright for six-thirty. I groaned louder upon realizing that, once again, I would be late for school. It almost made me regret throwing my alarm clock against the wall two months ago. I shoved the covers aside and managed to briefly open my eyes before snapping them shut.

“Stupid sun.
I wish someone would just turn you off,” I growled as I brought my arm up to shield my eyes. I couldn’t really explain it, but it was always so painful looking at bright lights, the sun especially. It was my eternal nemesis. Photophobia, I had been told, was the name for my ailment. I suppose that made sense, but it didn’t exactly explain why I could read in the dark.

Like a cockroach, I scurried my way out of the light and over to the bathroom. I shut the door and flipped the light switch, bathing the room in a much softer, dimmer glow.

“Much better,” I whispered, turning to grab a towel before twisting the shower handle. When the water was warm enough, I jumped right in and began doing what was now my routine speed cleaning. After cleansing away the dirt and drowsiness from my body, I dried with the nearby towel and threw on my rumpled school uniform. Apparently, being discarded on the floor does nothing for wrinkles. Satisfied I at least managed to put on most of the required articles that composed my uniform, I turned to the mirror to inspect my reflection.

It was the usual sight; my ragged, short blond hair hung limply, dripping onto the shoulders of my black blazer.
Speaking of which
. . . I tugged at the jacket attempting to straighten the many creases and wrinkles. I proceeded to try the same with the accompanying white blouse and black skirt, only to give up after losing a few short minutes’ war. Instead, I decided to fight another uphill battle and grabbed my brush from the counter top. As I yanked the bristles through my knotted hair, I caught myself studying my face, or rather, my eyes: my light purple, glowing eyes.

They hardly surprised me. After all, I saw these eyes every time I glanced in a reflective surface.  My family had also long since become accustomed to the soft glow, but that didn’t stop others from always asking, from always staring.

I shook myself from my revere, and having given up on my hair, finally decided to leave my safe, dark haven. I opened the door to my bedroom – my eyes acutely focused on the floor – and scooped up my backpack. Throwing the bag onto my back, I walked into the living room and made the spectacular discovery of my last living relative curled on the floor.

“You know, Auntie, I think they have programs for that,” I said while going into the connected kitchen and opening the fridge. Don’t know why I bothered. As usual, it was empty save for a few beer bottles.

“Huh? Oh, it’s you. Is it really morning already?”

“Yes, Auntie, it’s morning. Since you stay out so late, maybe next time you can wake me up for school before going to bed.” I turned towards her to take in her appearance. If I was in a sorry state, Aunt
Kaline was just pathetic. Her tossed dark brown hair and disheveled clothes made my own uniform look like a freshly pressed suit. Not to mention the stains. I couldn’t even tell if her tank top was once orange or green.  Stretching and yawning, she sat up before finally fixing her light green eyes on mine.

“You’re the one who threw the clock at the wall,” she said, flipping her hair with an airy hum and waiting for a retort that was sure to come. Incidentally, I was so impressed she could keep up with our conversation, much less have the ability to remember that detail in her hung-over state, I couldn’t seem to form one. “See, your aunt isn’t so clueless.”

“Apparently not,” I muttered under my voice. “Anyway, I’m late for school . . . again. Try not to get into too much trouble while I’m gone.” The scent of alcohol drifted through the air as I passed my aunt to the door.  “I might be a little late.”

“Oh, don’t worry,” Aunt
Kaline said, waving me off. “I think I’m going to go through all those things in the attic. Maybe I’ll find some junk to sell.”
, I thought,
for more booze.

I left my aunt to her own devices and began my walk to the local high school. Sunny and warm, it was what most people would consider a nice spring day. Me? I preferred rain and clouds. It gave me the option of looking up.

After a few minutes of being in the light, my eyes finally managed to make some adjustment to it, and I was able to look around at my surroundings. Dust Veil was a nice little town just the right distance away from a very big town – otherwise known as Knoxville, Tennessee. Trees a plenty, parks, and local business were just a few of the delights to be had. It really was a peaceful place to live, if a little boring. I suppose the town’s main attractions were the historic sites. There were plenty of old landmark buildings, museums, some nuclear plants here and there, and what appeared to be a few strange temples and shrines scattered about. Hell, there was even what looked like a weird pseudo-martial arts dojo on the outskirts of town. I passed a row of simple, nice little houses and made my way to the intersection that would lead to the old brick high school lost in thought.

“Ingrid!” My head snapped up and a wide grin broke onto my face. “You are running late again.”

“Yeah, I know. Nice of you to wait for me, though, in light of your own tardiness,” I said while running across the intersection – after looking both ways, of course – to greet my two best friends. Lesia stood with her hands on her hips, her brows lined with a slight furrow at my mention that she, too, was not going to make it on time. Lesia’s soft honey brown curls blew in the breeze as she patiently waited for me. Her face may have looked less than pleased, but her chocolate eyes betrayed her happiness at seeing me.

“Come on,
Lesia, you know Ingrid hasn’t made it to class on time for months. Problem throwing things at walls I hear,” my other best friend piped in with amusement in his voice. I frowned at Ty ready to make some witty comeback, but my voice halted when I met his cobalt eyes. He truly was handsome with his cheerful, boyish expressions and dark auburn hair perfectly styled to look like he just rolled out of bed. I think it was styled. I settled for rolling my eyes as I quickly squashed the butterflies that were beginning to form in my stomach.

We had been friends since I first moved here six years ago when I was ten. It was incredible. I was just a little, lonely new kid, but within a week, the three of us had managed to find each other and form this bond. I don’t think I’d trade it for anything in the world. I was so glad I moved here, even if the circumstances were . . . that it was because she . . .

. I viciously shoved my current thoughts to the back of my mind.
Not now. Not today. I will not ruin this day by thinking about that.
I was so determined to clear my mind I hadn’t realized I stopped walking and was trying to glare a hole in the cement.

Lesia’s soft voice came from beside me. “Are you all right?”

“Of course.
I was just thinking about how I’ll have to go visit our dear principal today and get another excuse.”

sighed as she no doubt realized I wouldn’t be going alone on this little adventure. “I’m buying you a new alarm clock.”

“No, come on. Don’t go wasting your money like that. Besides, it’s not like we’re the only ones who’re going to be on clean-up duty.”

“Speak for yourself,” Ty said smugly. “I happen to think Ursa looks rather lovely today and will be merciful to my cause. After all, it’s not my fault I got held up by two hormonal girls begging for my attention.”

“Yeah, right,” I scoffed. “And you haven’t seen Principal Dipper yet. How’d you know what she looks like?”

“Doesn’t matter. All I know is she’ll be glad to hear it.”

“Oh, I see. Why couldn’t I have been born a man of charm?”

“Because then I couldn’t go around with a lovely lady on each arm.”

Once again, I couldn’t help smiling at that. My happiness was short lived, however, as we came to the gates leading into the school yard. “Here we go.” I braced myself, and with resigned determination, my loyal companions and I entered the grounds that signaled the start of a long trek to the principal’s office.

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