Churchill's Empire: The World That Made Him and the World He Made (86 page)

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West, W. J. (ed.),
George Orwell: The War Commentaries
, Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1987 (first published 1985)

Williams, Francis,
Nothing So Strange: An Autobiography
, Cassell, London, 1970

A Prime Minister Remembers: The War and Post-War Memoirs of Rt. Hon Earl Attlee
, London, Heinemann, 1961

Williamson, Philip, ‘Christian conservatives and the totalitarian challenge, 1933–40’,
English Historical Review
, 115 (2000), pp. 607–42

Williamson, Philip and Baldwin, Edward (eds.),
Baldwin Papers: A Conservative Statesman, 1908–1947
, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2004

Wilson, Geoffrey,
My Working Life
(unpublished memoirs)

Woods, Frederick (ed.),
Young Winston’s Wars: The Original Despatches of Winston S. Churchill, War Correspondent, 1897–1900
, Leo Cooper, London, 1972

Young, Kenneth,
Churchill and Beaverbrook: A Study in Friendship and Politics
, Eyre & Spottiswoode, London, 1966

—— (ed.),
The Diaries of Sir Bruce Lockhart
, vol. I:
, Macmillan, London, 1973

Zulfo, ’Ismat Hasan,
Karari: The Sudanese Account of the Battle of Omdurman
, Frederick Warne, London, 1980



The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.


Abadan crisis (1951)

‘Abdallahi, Khalifa

Abdullah, Emir of Transjordan

Abdurahman, Abdullah

Aberigh-Mackay, George

Addison, Christopher

Aden, WSC in



African National Congress (ANC)

African Political Organisation

Afridi troops

Aga Khan

Alamein, Battle of El (1942)

All-India Congress Committee

Ally, H. O.

Ambedkar, B. R.

Amery, John

Amery, Julian

Amery, Leo: appearance; on army reform scheme; on Atlantic Charter; birth; Burma policy; career; Commons speech against Chamberlain; death; economic policy; education; election defeat (1945); family background; India policy; interest in Empire; journalism; on Lend-Lease ending; memoirs; on Moyne assassination; Palestine policy; political views; relationship with WSC; response to Bengal famine; Secretary of State for Colonies; Secretary of State for India; on Smuts’s speech; son’s execution; in South Africa; on US relations; Viceroy question; on WSC at Colonial Office; on WSC’s election strategy; on WSC’s India policy; on WSC’s judgement; on WSC’s memoirs; on WSC’s resignation; on WSC’s Victorian stance; on WSC’s views on Empire; on WSC’s views on self-government

Amritsar massacre (1919)


Anderson, John

Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC, earlier Anglo-Persian Oil Company)

Anglo-Irish Treaty (1921)

Anglo-Japanese treaty (1902)

Arden-Clarke, Sir Charles

Army Council

Arnhem (1944)

Asquith, H. H.

Atbara, battle (1898)


Atlantic Charter

Attlee, Clement: on Atlantic Charter; Commons performance; decolonization agenda; on Dominions; election campaign (1945); election victory (1945); Indian independence; Indian policy; on WSC’s war leadership


Aung San

Australia: Boer War; Dominion status; foreign policy; Gallipoli troops; Labour government; manpower crisis; naval policy; post–war role; response to Chanak crisis (1922); WWII

Aylesford, Earl and Countess of

Azikiwe, Nnamdi ‘Zik’



Baijnath, Lala

Baldwin, Stanley: Cabinet; education; India policy; Leader of Opposition; National Government; Prime Minister (1923); Prime Minister (1924–9); Prime Minister (1935); relationship with WSC; Shadow Cabinet; view of WSC

Balfour, Arthur

Balfour Declaration (1917)

Balfour Definition

Bambatha (Zulu rebel leader)

Baring, Sir Evelyn

Barlow, Thomas



Beaverbrook, Max Aitken, first Baron: campaign against Baldwin; economic views; Minister of Supply; press; reputation


Bell, Gertrude

Bell, H. Hesketh

Bengal famine (1943–4)


Bennett, Ernest

Bevan, Aneurin

Beveridge, William

Bevin, Ernest

Birkenhead, F. E. Smith, first Earl of

Birla, G. D.

Birmingham Daily Post

Black and Tans

‘Black Ordinance’

Black Week (1899)

Blandford, George Spencer-Churchill, Marquess of (WSC’s uncle)


Blood, Sir Bindon

Blundell, Michael

Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen: career; Indian delegation; on Kitchener; support for Egyptian nationalists; on WSC and Empire; on WSC and Gallipoli; on WSC’s biography of father

Boer War, first (1881)

Boer War, second (1899–1902): aftermath; attitudes to; background; outbreak; US view of; WSC’s hero status; WSC’s imprisonment and escape; WSC’s role; WSC’s view of

Boers: in concentration camps; franchise; Lord Randolph’s view of; post–war treatment; racial views; use of dum-dum bullets; victories; WSC’s view of


Bombay Chronicle

Bombay Gazette

Bonham Carter, Violet

Boothby, Robert

Borden, Robert

Bose, Subhas Chandra

Botha, Louis

Boundary Commission

Brabazon, John

Bracken, Brendan

Bretton Woods conference (1944)

Bright, John

Britain, Battle of

British Empire,

British Nationality Act (1948)

Brodrick, St John

Brooke, Sir Alan

Brooks, Richard

Bruce, S. M.

Buller, Sir Redvers

Burma: Arakan offensive (1942); Atlantic Charter; Japanese occupation; recovery plans; rice exports; self-government; U Saw’s detention; White Paper

Burma Independence Bill

Bush, George W.

Butler, Sir Harcourt

Butler, R. A.

Byles, William


Cadogan, Alexander

Cairo conference (1921)

Cairo Declaration (1943)

Caldecote, Thomas Inskip, first Viscount

Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry

Canada: Boer War; Dominion status; gold standard; naval policy; Quebec conference (1943); response to Chanak crisis (1922); WSC in; WWII

Canberra Times

Cape Argus

Cape Colony

Cape Times

Capper, Arthur

Caribbean, US bases

Casement, Sir Roger

Cazalet, Victor

Cecil, Lord Hugh

Central African Federation


Chamberlain, Sir Austen

Chamberlain, Joseph: on attacks on WSC; Boer War; on Chinese labour; Colonial Secretary; imperial preference policy; on imperialism; influence; resignation from Cabinet; South African franchise issue; on Transvaal; on WSC

Chamberlain, Neville

Chanak crisis (1922)

Chandavarkar, N. G.

Channon, Sir Henry ‘Chips’

Charmley, John

Chaudhuri, Nirad

Chelmsford, Frederic Thesiger, first Viscount

Cherwell, Frederick Lindemann, first Viscount

Chesney, Sir George

Chiang Kai-shek

Chifley, Ben

Childers, Erskine

Chitral, relief of

Christian Victor of Schleswig-Holstein, Prince



Church of England

Churchill, Clementine (Hozier, WSC’s wife): at Chequers; letter to Wilson; letter to WSC; letters from WSC; in Llandudno; marriage; WSC’s death

Churchill, Diana (WSC’s daughter)

Churchill, Jack (WSC’s brother)

Churchill, Jennie, Lady Randolph (Jerome, WSC’s mother): birth of WSC; finances; marriage; remarriage; son Jack’s letter; wartime nursing; WSC’s journalism; WSC’s letters

Churchill, Marigold (WSC’s daughter)

Churchill, Mary (WSC’s daughter)

Churchill, Lord Randolph (WSC’s father): appearance; Aylesford scandal; Chancellor of the Exchequer; character; death; education; Egypt issue; finances; influence on WSC; in Ireland; journalism; marriage; political career; political views; relationship with son; resignation; Secretary of State for India; South Africa visit; Upper Burma annexation role

Churchill, Randolph (WSC’s son)

Churchill, Sarah (WSC’s daughter)


CHURCHILL, SIR WINSTON: birth; childhood; education; father’s death; army career; journalism; Battle of Omdurman; Oldham by-election (1899); Boer War; captured by Boers; escape; Oldham election (1900); lecture tour; maiden speech; move to Liberal Party; Undersecretary for Colonies, 123; African trip (1907); President of Board of Trade; marriage; Home Secretary; First Lord of Admiralty; Gallipoli; Chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster; resignation; trench warfare; Minister of Munitions; Secretary of State for War and Air; Amritsar debate (1920); Secretary of State for Colonies (1921); Cairo conference; Irish negotiations; Kenyan Indians issue; Palestine White Paper; Chanak crisis; election defeat (1922); election defeat (1923); by-election defeat (1924); election (1924); return to Conservative Party; Chancellor of Exchequer; gold standard; North America tour; India policy; resignation from Shadow Cabinet; India White Paper; foreign policy; First Lord of Admiralty; Prime Minister (1940); Roosevelt conference (1941); Atlantic Charter; Far East concerns; India policy; challenges as PM; Britain’s financial position; in Washington (1943); Quebec conference (1943); Cairo Declaration (1943); Tehran conference (1943); invasion of France; Quebec conference (1944); Yalta conference (1945); Ibn Saud meeting; caretaker administration; general election (1945); Leader of Opposition; US visit (1946); Indian independence; Conservative conference (1948); Burmese independence; election campaign (1950); election campaign (1951); Prime Minister (1951); foreign policy; African policy; Mau Mau rebellion; old age; resignation; death; tributes to; funeral

PERSON: drinking; finances; health; love of music hall; marriage; mental state; painting; polo playing; reading; religious beliefs; reputation on imperial issues; shooting; ‘Victorian mind’

SPEECHES: first public speech (1894); Bath Primrose League (1897); Cardiff (1899); Oldham (1899); Blenheim (1899); Durban (1899); Plymouth (1900); maiden speech (1901); Commons (1901); Birmingham (1903); Commons (1906); Colonial Conference (1907); National Liberal Club (1908); Dr Barnardo’s (1908); Commons (1910); Dundee (1915); Commons debate on Amritsar (1920); Kenya Colony and Uganda dinner (1922); Bristol University (1929); West Essex Conservative Association (1931); ‘The Causes of War’ (1934 broadcast); ‘fight them on the beaches’ (1940); ‘finest hour’ (1940); July broadcast (1940); Battle of Britain (1940); Canadian Parliament (1941); Mansion House (1942); Fulton, Missouri (1946); University Club, New York (1946); Commons (March 1947); Commons (Nov. 1947); Commons (1948); Conservative conference (1948); broadcast on King’s death (1952); Commons (1952)

VIEWS: Anglo-Saxon superiority; attacks on ‘scuttle’; British superiority; English-speaking peoples; eugenics; Europe; free trade; hanging; Hinduism and Hindus; Home Rule; imperial preference; imperial vision; Islam and Muslims; racial issues; self-government; white superiority; Zionism

WRITINGS: biography of father; biography of Marlborough; ‘The Ethics of Frontier Policy’;
History of the English-Speaking Peoples
Ian Hamilton’s March
London to Ladysmith, via Pretoria
; memoirs;
My African Journey
My Early Life
; ‘Our Account with the Boers’; poetry;
The River War
The Second World War
The Story of the Malakand Field Force
The World Crisis

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