Chronicles of Eden - Act III (50 page)

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Authors: Alexander Gordon

BOOK: Chronicles of Eden - Act III
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“I see you very clearly, Squeak,” he explained. “More so now than before of course. You want to help me on my quest, to the point that you almost died in the process. You want to be there for me, you want to be with me, and most of all you want to be my mate.” Squeak nodding eagerly to that before Daniel then looked at her with a curious smile.

“So, if I really want to see if I feel anything further for you, we need to go a step further together, and see what happens then, right?”

Squeak nodded with a bright smile and squeaked some more.

“She says yes,” Jovian relayed. “Does that mean you’ll kiss me then?”

Daniel shook his head with a sly grin, with Squeak watching him curiously as he held a finger to her lips.

“No, I need to be as conscious and coherent as I can be with making my choice about you, don’t I? So that means we need to get intimate without you using your saliva to entice me, after all I need to know what it is I’m doing to you.”

Squeak looked down at her body then to him again with a hopeful smile while squeaking some more.

“Daniel, are we going to have sex then?” Jacqueline asked with a curious smile.

“No, not that, not yet,” Daniel said shaking his head with a small chuckle. “If I were to do such a thing with you, that would mean I would want you to be my mate after all.”

Squeak looked up with a thoughtful expression for a while then to him while squeaking with a shrug.

“So then what can we do?” Jovian said.

“Squeak,” Daniel stated. “Am I correct in thinking that all ant girls do is sleep, eat, dig, and have sex in their nest?”

Squeak nodded slowly with a worried expression. Daniel paused for a moment then nodded as he looked up with a distant gaze.

“I suppose it can’t be helped then,” he said softly. Squeak tilted her head curiously before he gently held her chin with a knowing smile. “Squeak, if being more intimate is the only way of truly finding out if we have a deeper bond with one another, then so be it. I will admit I’m a bit nervous with doing this, but for you I’ll give it my best try.”

Squeak looked at him with wonder as he leaned back and smiled gently at her, the ant girl then squeaking with a small smile forming.

“Daniel, what is it that you want us to do?” Jacqueline relayed.

The boy hesitated as he pondered what he was about to say then looked to Jovian and Jacqueline.

“You two are finished for the night, you can both go now,” he said politely.

Squeak looked at him curiously as the two sisters watched the boy with amused smiles.

“Are you sure?” Jovian asked.

“Is your night over so suddenly?” Jacqueline asked.

“No, it’s not,” Daniel replied. “But from here on she and I will be just fine. I do want to thank you two, however. You’ve been a big help for us.”

“It was no problem translating for you, I hope we did a good job,” Jovian said as Jacqueline moved over beside her. Squeak looked back to them with confusion then to Daniel as the boy smiled at the sisters.

“Not just for that,” Daniel said gratefully. “But for showing me that I need to take a more dedicated step with this, for helping me see that I need to be bolder with them.”

“Oh? Bolder?” the sisters asked together.

Squeak looked at them for a moment before Daniel took her hand and brought her over to him, the girl turning to him with wonder as he smiled calmly at her.

“You were right, this is what I wanted,” he explained. “I wanted to get closer to them and give them a fair chance, to see how I truly felt about them. I’m going to try my best with this arrangement of theirs, to see if I truly feel love for any of them, and to do that I can’t be afraid of getting close to them during their turns with me.”

Squeak blushed as the boy held her close to him, her bare breasts pressing against his chest as he waved to the sisters with a cool smile.

“But if we are to get intimate, it should be a private matter, so you are excused for the rest of the night.”

Squeak’s eyes widened at that while the sisters giggled and nodded together.

“Very well,” Jovian said kindly. “We shall retire for the night then. You will not be disturbed unless you call for us again.”

“Have fun, she’s all yours for the night,” Jacqueline said before the two turned to leave. As they did Jovian glanced back to seeing Daniel and Squeak gazing into each other’s eyes. The raven haired sister smirked then looked to Daniel’s monster book on the floor as Jacqueline moved aside the curtain to pass through.

“Daniel?” Jovian asked. “May I take a look at your monster book tonight? I’m rather curious about it.”

Daniel looked to her curiously while Squeak kept her eyes locked onto him.

“My book? Well, sure, if you want, but there may not be much light on the other side of the curtain to read with.”

“That’s alright,” she replied. “I’ll use what little moonlight there is over here. Would that be okay with you though?”

Daniel smiled and waved her off before looking back to Squeak again.

“Okay, that’s fine,” he said, with Jovian nodding and taking the monster book with her. She started to drop the curtain back down behind her before glancing to the two one more time.

“Have fun, you two,” she said before lowering the curtain behind her. Squeak slowly looked to the curtain then to Daniel with wonder as he smiled confidently at her.

“You really are beautiful, Squeak, from head to toe, you know that?”

Squeak blushed and squeaked something else. Daniel smirked and held a finger to her lips, the ant girl then watching him with adoring eyes as he slowly shook his head.

“Don’t say another word. I understand what it would take to get to know you better. And I’m going to start by giving you something you really deserve after working so hard with us, something that I hope you’ll like,” he said with a wink at the end. Squeak’s eye twitched before she quickly grabbed hold of his crotch, her eyes almost becoming pleading towards the boy as she nodded slowly. Daniel chuckled then slowly removed her hand from his pants.

“No, not that, but something else you deserve. I thought about what you said, that being a lover and a digger is what you were born to do. So I thought I would tend to both of those and give you something special for the night.”

Squeak looked at him curiously as he pulled the blanket on the floor aside then set a pillow down, the boy patting it down before gently laying her down on the floor. Her abdomen was sticking out to the side as her hips were turned while her upper body was facing up along with her hands which were set down by her head on the pillow.

“Squeak, you work so hard, you’ve worked hard your whole life, for that you deserve a treat. Tell me, have you ever had a full body massage?”

Squeak’s eyes widened as she slowly shook her head.

“No?” Daniel said with a sympathetic smile. “I’m sorry to hear that. I’m sure you dug more than your fair share of tunnels in your nest, and gave your all in the mating den to find the perfect mate for your queen. It’s only fair that you be pampered and treated nicely for all your hard work.”

Squeak watched him with wonder as he leaned down closer to her face, the boy then kissing her forehead, causing the girl to smile gently at him.

“Now then, let’s get started. First we have to do your back, so would you please turn around for me?”

Squeak turned around to lay on her stomach, her abdomen sticking straight up behind her while she rested her head and arms on the pillow. Daniel took a moment to eye her over, paying attention to her curves and her shapely rear which was shifting around slightly in anticipation before the girl relaxed.

‘Okay, you can do this, keep your cool. You’re just going to give her a massage. You’re… going to give a girl… a massage. You can do this.’

“Alright, now- hold on,” he said before chuckling. “You have to be completely undressed for this, that’s how it works.”

Squeak jumped a bit then looked back to him with a deep blush as he unfastened her boots and gently slid them off, setting them down aside then glancing to her panties she still had on.

“If I’m going to do this I need to do it right. Everything comes off, Squeak,” he said, trying to sound confident when inside he was becoming extremely nervous.

Squeak smiled bashfully and lifted up her butt slightly, with Daniel then carefully taking hold of her panties and sliding them down her legs. He however kept his eyes on Squeak’s face, watching to see if she was enjoying this and also to use some restraint and not stare at her exposed pussy. After he slid off her panties he threw them to the side, trying to act suave while the ant girl wiggled her rear a bit as she set it back down.

“Okay, now just relax and let me take care of you,” he said, his voice doing very well to hide how tense he was getting himself. Squeak nodded to that, her eyes watching him constantly in anticipation for what was coming. Daniel slowly moved over to sit near her then gently reached out and took hold of her shoulders.

‘You can do this, you have to do this, it’s for Squeak. She’s done so much for all of us, for me, I have to make it up to her however I can.’

Mustering all the courage he could and trying his very best not to pass out, Daniel then started to rub and massage the girl’s shoulders, with Squeak glancing back to him with a curious eye the entire time. After a while he slowly moved down to her lower shoulder blades, kneading them gently yet firmly as silence filled the cabin. As he went back to her shoulders and used his thumbs to press down on her he noticed she wasn’t making a sound or moving at all, she was just watching him in silence.

‘Isn’t she enjoying this? Am I doing this right? Oh man, this is the first time I’ve ever actually done something like this, what if I’m not doing it right? I can’t stop now, I have to make her feel good, I have to do this.’

He contemplated his options, either continuing to give her a gentle massage, or perhaps he had to be a little rougher with her since she was so strong, or maybe he should quit making a fool of himself and ask if he’s doing this right. After convincing himself that he couldn’t give up with trying to please her he took a gamble and decided he had to use a bit more force.

‘Alright, here goes nothing. I just hope I don’t screw this up.’

He took a calm breath then started to push harder on her shoulders, feeling the tight muscles she had under her skin as he used more force with his hands. Squeak remained silent while her eyes didn’t change their expression at all, rather just kept watching him as she didn’t move an inch. At this point Daniel started to feel uncomfortable, worrying that his efforts were being wasted and that she wasn’t enjoying this at all. Seeing no other choice but to go forward he moved his hands down and massaged her back, paying close attention to her sides as well while hoping he wasn’t annoying her with this. After that got no reaction from her he slowly moved his hands down towards her waist, rubbing her back around her abdomen. Squeak wiggled her rear slightly but other than that she kept watching Daniel without making any sound. The boy glanced to her then to what he was touching as he felt like a fool.

‘This isn’t working, she’s not enjoying this. Maybe I’m not being rough enough, or maybe she doesn’t even like getting massages. This is a disaster.’

He tried to force a calm smile to hide his despair, feeling horrible at not making Squeak seem any happier or more content like this. After he massaged her back he looked at her abdomen, wondering if he should even try doing anything with that. He hesitated then carefully set his hands on it, feeling the rounded ridges on each segment as Squeak just kept watching him with curious eyes. Her insect appendage felt sturdy and hard, having a smooth texture to it and appearing to be a little heavier than he imagined.

“Um, does this… ever get sore?” he asked unsurely. Squeak remained silent while watching him, making the boy feel even stupider for asking. Daniel breathed out then looked to Squeak with a worried smile as he rubbed his hands up along the abdomen.

“So, if this isn’t-” he started before he saw her quivering a bit. She seemed to start breathing little heavier as well, with Daniel looking at her curiously then to her abdomen. He paused for a moment then rubbed his hands down along the appendage, getting another quiver from the ant girl.

‘Does she like that? Or is this making her feel even more uncomfortable? Oh god, I suck at this.’

“Um, Squeak?” he asked as he looked to her, and then slowly moved his hands up along the abdomen. His fingers bumped against the ridges, each time causing Squeak to flinch.

“Does that feel bad? Should I stop?”

Squeak just kept looking at him in silence, with Daniel now feeling even more worried that he was screwing this up.

“Squeak, I’m sorry, but, I don’t know-” he said before he dropped his hands, with his fingernails scratching down along her ridges. Squeak instantly jumped with a loud squeak as she looked straight ahead, her eyes wide as her breathing picked up. Daniel looked at her curiously then to her abdomen. He then slowly held a finger to it and scratched down along the side, bumping across a few ridges and causing the ant girl to squeak and quiver with each one. She dug her hands into the pillow and trembled before looking back to him with a deep blush. Daniel looked at her curiously as the girl was shaking while biting her lip. He then glanced to her abdomen then back to her with wonder.

“Does that feel good, or bad?”

Squeak again just continued to stare at him without saying anything.

“Squeak, does it?”

Squeak still just stared at him, with Daniel now wondering why she wasn’t making any signals at all to how she was feeling.

“Squeak, why won’t you answer me? You’re not even trying to talk to me now, why?”

“Because you told her not to,” Jovian chimed in from the other side of the curtain.

Daniel jumped and looked over to it while Squeak kept her eyes locked onto him.


“Remember?” Jovian reminded him. “You told her earlier not to say another word, that you understood what to do now. She said before that she would do
you told her, all you had to do was just tell her what you wanted. She’s doing what you told her to do, being quiet.”

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