Christmas with the Stallions (5 page)

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“And maybe by morning,” Colt said, “you’ll have time to think this through and realize you already do.”

Seth shook his head. “Haley, we’re in your system now and there really isn’t anything you can do about this except make it easier on yourself. Accept us as your mates. Let us show you how to make your transitions smoother. Then, we can get on with a little living and a whole lot of loving.”

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Christmas With the Stallions


Chapter Six

She found a little peace of mind after she shifted back into her horse body. She was much warmer sleeping as an animal rather than as a human. Little doubt existed in her mind. Seth and Colt wanted her to spend the night in the barn.

Resting her head in the sawdust, her ears twitched when she heard something.
Being a horse wasn’t as bad as she’d first imagined. In fact, it was kind of neat. Maybe being one part animal and the other part human offered a few advantages. Her senses seemed sharper and right then, she was more aware of her emotions than she’d ever been.

More than anything in the world, she wanted to run now, see if she galloped as beautifully as any other horse, not that she’d see herself in a large moving mirror. She’d still like to know what it felt like to have her mane flowing across her neck with her tail moving swiftly behind her, lightly dancing in the wind.

She snorted. They locked her up when she wanted to escape. She jumped to her feet and shook all over when the anger lurched her back into human form. Hmmm, she thought, looking up.
I can climb over
the bars. Then, I’m home free.

A few minutes later, she dropped to the ground, concentrated on transitioning back to her horse form, nudged open the cracked barn doors, and loped into the hills. Her hooves pounded against the ground as she ran.

She jumped across a rippling brook with the cold night air whipping around her. Faster and faster she galloped.

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Addison Avery

Delighted, she jumped a pile of logs but then halted quickly when she heard someone whistling for her.

In the distance, she heard, “Haley! Here, Haley girl! Come on home now, Haley! Here, Haley girl!”

How dare they

They called to her like she was some damn horse! Oh no, she thought. Oh no! Oh no! It was too late. She was human again and too darn tired to switch back.

* * * *

Seth was a magnificent palomino. When he appeared on the ridge, he kicked out his anger, showing off his blond mane and tail in the process. A few minutes later he stood in front of her, the hard man with one hell of a sizeable erection. She noticed his clothes draped over his arm.

“Neat trick,” she said tilting her head toward his outerwear.

“I’ll teach you how to shift with your clothes,” he promised.

“You like me without them.”

He snickered. “Maybe.”

“No doubt,” she teased, eyeing his hard-on.

“Haley,” he said, looping his thick arms around her. “What the hell were you thinking?”

“I wasn’t,” she said. “I just wanted to run, see what it felt like to be free, wild, and totally loose.”

Seth’s expression softened. “I remember my first time, too,” he admitted. “But you could’ve waited until Colt and I came for you.”

“Why? So you could try to get me pregnant again?”

He snickered. “Do you think that’s the only reason we want you?”

“I don’t know,” she said, pushing away from him. Goosebumps covered her body and her nipples were erect when a sudden cold wind blew a gusty chill over them.

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Christmas With the Stallions


“It isn’t,” he said, snaking his arms around her hips and falling to the hard ground.

“I’m freezing,” she complained.

“I’ll warm you,” he whispered, claiming her mouth and licking his way into the freedom she allowed with parted lips.

Kissing Seth was like kissing an angel with broken wings. His gaze held hers while their mouths opened and closed, accepted and gave licks and nips, tongues dueling for the right to lead. Then, he turned into the aggressor, yanking her closer, and nuzzling her with ferocious passion guiding him down her belly, up to her breasts, over to her ear, down her side, and finally straight into the core of her sex.

His tongue thrust inside her hot walls and she arched for him as he pulled her forward, his hands clasping her bottom and raising her to him. He licked her folds and then sipped her moisture, pressing his tongue forward and lapping at her like he planned to eat her alive.

“Seth,” she whispered. “Oh God, Seth.”

“Come for me,” he mumbled against her mound, nuzzling her flesh and inhaling her scent. “Let me drink you in, darlin’.”

So engulfed in her own lust, she didn’t see Colt approach but she sensed him there. With the back of her hand pressed against her mouth, she braced for the orgasm and arched forward. Keeping her eyes closed, she waited for his first touch, the feel of Colt’s hands roaming over her.

Seth should’ve been licensed to waggle his tongue inside a woman’s pussy. Good heavens, he called out the heat, the kind of climax a woman couldn’t take over and over again because multiples would’ve damn near killed her.

Suddenly, as if things changed for him, he braced himself over her. His palms were on either side of her head and his cock pressed at her folds.

“Bend over more,” Colt whispered.

She gasped.

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Addison Avery

Seth winked. “It works out great for all of us this way,” he explained.

Colt stared at her then, looking over Seth’s shoulder as he positioned Seth’s ass in front of his cock. “Stallions are highly sexual, Haley. We’re close to our mates, male and female.”

Spreading her legs, she fingered her clit, rolling the little button back and forth, waiting for Colt to take Seth and encouraging Seth to succumb to the lust building between them.

The sweet tip of his head swelled beyond her pussy lips and he pushed inside her walls. “Hell, woman, don’t touch what belongs to me.”

He reached under her and fingered her ass as he stroked her vagina. Colt sank in behind Seth and she felt the impalement point.

The sharing soon jolted her into a new awareness. Their bodies rocked together. Seth released one guttural sound after the next and she watched his varied expressions—the evidence of pain and pleasure rocking him when Colt’s pace increased.

“That’s it, sugar,” Colt said. “Work those thighs, honey.” His gaze drifted down to Seth’s ass and he suddenly changed his tempo, thrusting hard and staying put for a second before he reared back and forth in an intense swaying move.

“Now,” he said through clenched teeth.

She worked her legs, rolling her hips forward and back, taking the gifts Seth’s cock gave as he divided her legs more, plunging inside and going as far as her body allowed. “Yes!” she exclaimed. “Oh yes, right there. Fuck me harder, Seth. Go deeper. Ah…God yes!”

Colt collapsed on Seth’s back and Seth stroked her pussy with timed momentum. When Colt moved away from him, Seth pushed her knees up and hammered forward, claiming his orgasm, riding it out, and driving his cock into the depths of her warm pussy.

“Yes! Yes! Fuck yeah!” he said in a husky voice.

His cum jetted forward, spinning through her walls like hot lava.

When he finally relaxed, he waited until he was flaccid again before Ebook piracy is stealing. It is a federal offense.

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Christmas With the Stallions


he pulled out, something she noticed both Stallions did, for fear withdrawing would hurt her.

Licking her nipple, he pinched and released the other one. “I love you,” he whispered. “I love everything about you.”

“I know,” she said. “And I’m falling for you, too,” she said. “Both of you,” she promised, reaching for Colt.

“Don’t,” Seth warned. “When a Stallion takes another Stallion, they’re aggressive for a few hours after they’ve had sex. Most of them stay highly aroused following the act.”

Colt’s lips tilted in a tempting smile and then he shifted into a dark beauty, rearing high and showing off. He turned and galloped for the house.

“Want to run or ride?” Seth asked, pulling her against his chest.

“I want to slide all over your back,” she teased.

Seth’s eyes immediately turned to hot milk chocolate. “You’d better be careful, Haley. I know you’re still wet, and I can give you more ideas for seduction and foreplay than you’ll ever handle.”

“I want to ride,” she taunted, petting his head.

“Define ride,” he said, kissing her lightly on the cheek. He tossed his clothes toward her. “You’ll probably need these since you haven’t learned to move around with your clothes in hand.”

She wiggled her upper body into the shirt and wrapped his coat around her. “I’m riding you bare-butt,” she said holding up his pants.

He chuckled. “Then you may not make it all the way home if I have your sweet heat rubbing across my back.”

A few minutes later she rode across the open land with Seth under her. The friction she felt at her folds left her with a sensation as if he touched her with his own hands, his hot lips, or even his oh-so talented tongue.

When they stopped in front of the porch, the sun was trying to peep through the clouds. Sliding down Seth’s body, she stroked his damp coat and said, “Uh-oh, I think we have our morning company.”

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Addison Avery

Chapter Seven

Shelly asked for it and she bit off more man than she could chew.

After fucking Seth, Colt had one thing on his mind—his unmanageable libido. The only thing driving him was smoldering lust, pure and hot.

He first tried avoiding her. He didn’t want Shelly, but Shelly made him hard. He was only a man, a man with a Stallion’s sex drive.

Shelly was in heat, God help him he could smell her arousal, her thick scent filling his nostrils.

“So,” she said, twirling her long, dark hair around her forefinger.

“When will they be back?”

“I don’t know,” he bit out, gripping the kitchen counter behind him and glaring at her breasts. She was so turned on her nipples pressed against her thin shirt. He could clearly see them.

“You know,” she said, swaggering over to him. “I’ve never been happily married.”

“But you are married,” he pointed out, pulling out his shirt in an effort to hide the bulge in his pants, one a seductress like Shelly wouldn’t miss.

“Am I scaring you, Colt?” she asked, licking her lips and looking at him like he was sex in a saddle.

“No,” he said. “But I’m warning you, Shelly. I’m horny. I’ll fuck you right here and won’t care who walks in and catches us.”

The damn kitten purred as though he offered her a delicious promise and a bowl of hot cream to lure her right on in. “You’d fuck me?”

“Damn right I would.”

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Christmas With the Stallions


“What about Haley? Aren’t you attracted to the boss?” She moved closer, her hand cupped and ready to grab.

She had no way of knowing Haley had already been in his bed.

Haley hadn’t been around her since the day before. Seth and Colt kept her so busy, she couldn’t have spoken to Shelly on the phone.

“I’m in love with Haley,” he bit out, the sweat rolling off his forehead now.

“Love,” she said, “is a strange and beautiful thing.” Her hand ran up and down her blouse and in the middle of a wink, all of the buttons were loosened and her blouse opened. Temptation lingered and it was only a touch away.

Damn it, he thought. Why did he have to fuck Seth? His damn dick felt like it was going to explode. Even if he took Shelly now, he’d have to place some distance between them. He’d rip her apart if he gave her what she wanted.

Shelly’s tongue rolled over her bottom lip. “I’d like to fuck you, too,” she said, reaching for his belt.

No shit.
He needed Seth and Haley to rush through that door right about now.

God help him, he also longed for relief. He needed something substantial right then. Otherwise, he was going to rip right into Shelly, and she’d probably cry foul the second he took her.

He heard voices and looked up at his saving grace. They arrived in the nick of time. Seth rushed inside, pale with worry, understanding the potential for recourse after Stallion intercourse.

“We aren’t interrupting anything, I hope,” Seth said with a scowl.

Quickly, Shelly backed away from Colt and tried to button her blouse. Haley slowly entered the house too. First, she shot Colt a seething glare. Then, she stalked over to Shelly. “You’re married, Shell.”

“Well, I…”

“You what?”

“I…was…tempted, all right?”

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Colt observed the way his feisty woman came into her own. The new fillies chosen for mates were often older women paired with males still in their prime. Younger stallions could handle them sexually but many of the females became die-hard possessive and protected their territory after mating with the stallions.

“I was never tempted to take off my shirt for another man when I was married,” Haley said, placing her hand on her friend’s upper back. “Why don’t you go home and see if you can’t convince your husband to come home for a little afternoon nookie. There’s none of that here for you.”

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