Christmas Eva

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Authors: Clare Revell

Tags: #christian Fiction

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Christmas Eva



Clare Revell



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.


Christmas Eva


COPYRIGHT 2014 by Clare Revell


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or Pelican Ventures, LLC except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.


eBook editions are licensed for your personal enjoyment only. eBooks may not be re-sold, copied or given to other people. If you would like to share an eBook edition, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with.


Contact Information: [email protected]


All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version
Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.


Cover Art by
Nicola Martinez


White Rose Publishing, a division of Pelican Ventures, LLC
PO Box 1738 *Aztec, NM * 87410


White Rose Publishing Circle and Rosebud logo is a trademark of Pelican Ventures, LLC


Publishing History

First White Rose Edition, 2014

Electronic Edition ISBN 978-1-61116-448-0

Published in the United States of America



Mrs. Johnson, my year 5 teacher, who encouraged me to write by her comment on a story about a horse I wrote when I was nine. "Lovely, keep it to read to your parent's grandchildren."


Other titles by Clare Revell



Season For Miracles

Saving Christmas

Cassie's Wedding Dress

Time's Arrow

Kisses From Heaven

After The Fire

An Aussie Christmas Angel

Monday's Child

Tuesday's Child

Wednesday's Child

Thursday's Child

Friday's Child

Saturday's Child

Sunday's Child

Fairytale of Headley Cross

Shadows of the Past


Vegas Vacation





Season for Miracles

The hero and heroine 'grow up' together in both faith and love, and they do battle against the monster of past demons that connect their lives. Marianne T. Evans


Aussie Christmas Angel

Do you like to visit new places? Do you like Christmas themed stories? Do you enjoy a sweet romance? Then you might want to check out this tale, based on a condensed version of a true story as explained in the author's note at the end of the book. The major take-home value of this short story is a great one! God can use anything and all circumstances to bring about His purposes. -JoAnn Carter


Fairytale of Headley Cross

I love being swept away through Revell's writing. She expertly sucks you in and allows you to fall in love with each character as God's love and grace shine brightly. I really enjoyed this short read. It includes romance, excitement, humour, a slight thrill and most importantly, God's word. Great Christmas read. TSuckoo (Amazon reader)



For there our captors asked us for songs, our tormentors demanded songs of joy; they said, “Sing us one of the songs of Zion!” How can we sing the songs of the Lord while in a foreign land? If I forget you, Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill.

Psalm 137:3-5





The bright evening sun sent rivers of gold upwards as it set in the spring sky. Eva Anderson and her best friend since infant school, Sue Giles, ran up the steps from the underground station. Eva lifted the edge of her evening gown in both hands, not wanting to trip over it. “Hurry up. We're going to be late.”

Sue laughed. “Chill. We have plenty of time. Besides, the Duke of Clarence Theatre is right at the top of the steps. We don't even have to cross a road.”

“Good.” As they burst onto the street, Eva assessed the tall building with its domed roof and granite columns. A huge sign saying
Full House
sat by the revolving doors. Billboards advertising the play and the cast hung from overhead. The display casings on either side of the theatre steps held posters listing the name of the play and the cast.

Her heart pounded faster as she read them, her gaze not getting any further than the lead actor's names.

The Tide Turns
starring Bertram Williams, Hannah Daystrom, and Matthew Lyell.

Matthew Lyell. The reason she was here on what was forecast to be the wettest night of the year so far.

Eva climbed the remaining steps and entered the theatre lobby with Sue. Deep red carpets, dark brown woodwork, huge mirrors, gold lights and fittings all added to the opulence and rich ambience of the building. Eva felt underdressed, despite her full-length gown, suede jacket, and pearl necklace with matching earrings.

Her sister, Felicity, had laughed at her attire. But Eva had merely pointed out that this was an evening show on London's West End, and you didn't simply turn up in jeans and a crop top. It had to be formal wear and nothing less than the best would do. Felicity had then resorted to teasing about Eva dressing up for her favorite actor, but Eva had ignored her.

She bought a program and followed Sue inside the auditorium to find their seats. Front row, gallery, directly opposite the stage.

Sue nudged her. “Can I pick seats or can I pick seats?”

Eva grinned back. “Yes, you can.” Of course, being in a theatre was nothing new to her. As a makeup artist she worked in one—or on a film set—almost every day. But front of house was a treat. A rare occasion to be treasured.

She settled into her seat, her excitement mounting like a little kid on Christmas Eve.

“This should be good.” Sue put her bag by her feet and slid out of her jacket. “You want to try for his autograph afterwards?”

Eva caught her breath.
That was a silly question.
She'd do anything to get his autograph, never mind meet him. She'd always hoped one day to encounter him on set, but so far, it had never happened. “How would we do that?”

“We go wait outside the stage door. Loads of people do it.”

“Seriously?” She twisted in her seat, raising her eyes from the program and the full color photo of Matthew Lyell. “We just hang around outside the back of the theatre and hope he comes out before midnight?”

Sue nodded. “That's how I got Patrick Stewart's signature last year.”

Eva sucked in a deep breath. “I guess we could try. So long as we don't miss the last train home.” She looked back at the program. Matthew Lyell beamed up at her. His blue eyes, short brown hair, and strong jawline, set her heart pounding. Never mind the fact that Internet research told her he was single
a Christian.

She mentally shook her head at herself.
Felicity was right. You have a crush on the guy…
But what would she say to him if she ever did meet him?

Would she even be able to string three words together without sounding like a gibbering wreck or an idiot of the first degree?

The music started, lights dimmed, and the curtain rose. And there he was. Her favorite actor, mere feet away.

As the play progressed, she laughed and cried, all the while totally mesmerized by the fact
was on stage. Matthew Lyell brought the character to life so convincingly. Her heart fluttered and skipped beats almost rhythmically, while her stomach filled with butterflies. His voice thrilled her in the same way it did on the TV or in film.

Too soon the play was over, and Sue was dragging her around the building to the stage door.

“I can't,” Eva protested as rain soaked her silver sandals. She rooted around in her bag for an umbrella and found one. “What do I even say to him?”

Sue rolled her eyes. “You hold out your program. You smile, say hi, and ask for his autograph. Oh, and tell him how great the play was. It's easy.”

Eva swallowed, nerves running riot within her. “I can't.” She glanced around. “I thought you said loads of people do this? There's no one here but us.”

“Probably because of the rain.”

Twenty minutes passed. Eva's feet were beyond wet. She was now standing in a puddle. “We should go or we're gonna miss the train. Or catch our death of cold.”

“No one ever died of cold,” Sue told her firmly. “And you can't get sick from it either. Not unless the rain contains a load of viruses. That's just a myth. Let's wait a few more minutes.”

Before she could murmur OK, the stage door opened, and two figures emerged, laughing.

Eva's heart skipped a beat.

Matthew Lyell opened his umbrella and held it over Hannah Daystrom. He seemed at ease with the actress as he put his arm around her waist. He glanced up and headed towards Eva and Sue, that trademark smile lighting his eyes. “Hello. You girls look soaked.”

“Not too bad,” Sue said. “We loved the show, Mr. Lyell. Could we have your autograph, please?”

“Of course.” He took her program. “And your name is?”


He signed it with a flourish and handed it to Ms. Daystrom to sign. Then he fixed his intense gaze on Eva. “Hi, there.”

Eva thought she was going to burst, and struggled to get words past the lump in her throat. “H-Hello.”

His smile grew. “I'm not going to bite.” He gently took the program from her hands. “Did you like the show?”

She nodded. “It was amazing. I actually felt every emotion possible, and you really made the part of Cedric come alive. Thank you.”

He seemed taken aback, as if he wasn't used to being thanked. “You're welcome. What's your name?”

“Eva, but not with an
at the beginning. It's spelled E-v-a.”

“Pretty name for a pretty girl,” Mr. Lyell smiled. He signed the program and passed it to his co-star. “Have you got a camera?”

“I only have the one on my phone.” Eva looked at him.

He smiled. “Would you like a photo?”

“I'd love one.” She fumbled in her bag and withdrew her phone. She pulled up the camera app on the fourth attempt, her trembling fingers not wanting to co-operate.

“Allow me.” Mr. Lyell took the phone. “Same as mine.” He stood between the two girls and took selfies of them together and then took one with each of them alone.

Eva didn't even breathe as he slid his arm around her. She was sure she'd be smiling like a maniac.

“Have you got far to go?” he asked, handing back her phone.


“Not too far. Have a safe trip back.” He put his arm around the actress again and headed over to his waiting car.

Sue nudged Eva. “See—even he thinks you're pretty.”

“He probably says that to all the girls.” Eva slid the program and phone into her bag. “We should go, or we'll miss the last train home. I don't want to have to ring Dad and ask him to pick us up from here.”

Sue nodded and together they ran the short distance to the tube entrance. The gates were locked.

“Now what?” Eva sighed.

“The main entrance is in the next street.” Sue set off at a run towards the road.

Eva followed, slogging through the deluge.
Why had she worn such impractical shoes?
Low heels—or no heels at all—would have been much better.

It was still raining back in Headley Cross as they waited for the lights to change, before crossing to the taxi rank.

Sue dragged her across the road. Then, a bright light approaching too fast blinded Eva.

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