Chosen (15 page)

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Authors: Denise Grover Swank

Tags: #Fantasy, #Comics & Graphic Novels, #General, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: Chosen
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The corner of Jake’s mouth lifted with the hint of a smile. He turned and walked to the cabin, waving an arm at the roaring fire. It abruptly folded in on itself, leaving a pile of glowing embers.

Good night, Will. Pleasant dreams
. It was only after he watched Jake disappear into the cabin that he realized that Jake spoke in his head.




After Jake went inside, Will collapsed on a bench and watched the glowing embers in the fire pit, trying to make sense of what happened. By the time the cinders grew cold, his mind still tumbled in confusion and anxiety churned in his gut. Exhaustion finally overtook the emotions let loose by Jake’s encounter. He crept into the cabin, leery of running into Jake. The living area was dark and quiet. Will’s tension eased slightly as he entered the vacant bedroom and locked the door behind him. He stripped and fell into bed, tossing and turning until he fell into a troubled sleep.

Will’s dreams were turbulent. Scenes from his tour in Iraq revolved endlessly with images of Jake by the fire until they melded into one. Will raced down the hallway of a long darkened building, screams barraging him from the doors he ran past. Heavy black smoke filled the hall and he coughed violently, fighting for air. First he ran from someone, but just as quickly the dream spun around and he ran to save someone.
. Will screamed his name, pulling on the locked doors in vain. The thick smoke swirled around him and he fell to his knees, still calling for Jake between gasps for air. The next moment cool, fresh air filled his lungs as he knelt outside the building, now consumed in fire. Jake’s emotionless face watched him from a window before dissolving into the flames.

Will sat up in bed with a jerk, a cold sweat beading his forehead. He slowed his rapid breaths. It was all a nightmare. Had he dreamt the event with Jake too? Dim sunlight filtered through the partially opened curtains and Will held out his arm, looking down to prove himself crazy. The black mark contrasted against his tanned skin, mocking his disbelief. Will groaned and swung around to put his feet on the rough carpet, resting his elbows on his knees. He lowered his face into his open palms. He was losing his grip on reality.

Sounds came from the living area. Relief swept through him, making him grateful he wasn’t the only one awake. He wasn’t eager to face Jake but he couldn’t deal with being alone with his thoughts either. He pulled on his jeans and walked out of the bedroom.

The living area was one small room with a sofa and a couple of chairs on one side, a small kitchenette on the other. Emma stood in front of the sink with a glass of water, gazing out the window. He stopped and drew a deep breath, caught off guard at the sight of her. The softness of her face made her look young and vulnerable. Her eyes focused on some faraway sight, deep in thought, her hips leaning against the worn counter. Her hair hung in dark waves, skimming a bare shoulder that peeked through the oversized neck of her t-shirt. The shirt she wore was too large and hit her mid-thigh, making him wonder what she had on underneath.

Emma turned her head toward him with a look of surprise. Her uplifted chin caught the soft morning light, emphasizing her profile and the contour of her neck. Her mouth lifted in the barest of smiles but it was enough to send him over the edge. He suddenly wished he hadn’t come out of his room. Every time she smiled at him he felt like an ice pick chipped away at his soul, leaving him raw and exposed.

“Good morning. You’re up early.” The sound of her voice jolted him from his daze.

“I could say the same of you.” He shoved his hands in his pockets and walked closer. The need to be close to her overrode all reason.

“I couldn’t sleep.” She turned back to the view. “I’ve never been to Colorado before. It’s kind of peaceful here.”

The memory of the previous night came to mind. “I guess it might be for some people.”

“I’ve been trying to figure out what to do. You know, when we get to where we’re going.”

It surprised him she was discussing this with him. She’d kept her past and her plans so private. But talking about her future reminded him of his mission, racking him with guilt and uncertainty. He cleared his throat. “Come up with anything?” He stood next to her now, mere inches apart.

“No,” she sighed and set the glass down. “I want to apologize for the way I acted the other night, by the cornfield.” She scrunched her nose as she searched for words. “I’m sorry I acted so… weird. I just felt so different… so safe.” Closing her eyelids, her face relaxed with the memory and he held his breath, mesmerized. She opened her eyes, a sheepish expression on her face. “I’ve never felt that safe, ever really. I know how crazy it sounds,” she paused. “I was foolish, talking about stars and wishing…Anyway, I know I freaked you out and I just want to tell you that I’m sorry.”

“Yeah,” his voice was unnaturally low and he cleared his throat again. “Umm…” He lost himself in the dark brown depths of her eyes. There he saw the real Emma, the Emma she hid from everyone else. Opening herself to him made his agony even worse. He ached to hold her and to kiss the lips she gnawed in her nervousness. He wanted her to feel safe every day, not just one night, but instead he bit his tongue. The rational part of him knew he stood on a precipice. If he touched her there was no going back and he wasn’t willing to pay the price. Two nights ago he didn’t touch to protect her. Now he stopped to protect himself.

“I’m going for a walk,” he said. He turned and walked to his room, grabbed his shoes and went outside, without even stopping to put them on. He only knew he needed to get as far away from Emma as possible.




Emma watched as horror spread over Will’s face before he ran from her. She couldn’t help wondering what she had done this time when he shot past her and out the front door without giving her a second glance. She didn’t know why, but his revulsion hurt.

After a long shower, she dug around the cabin searching for food, but the cabinets were empty. Since Jake was still asleep, she walked outside and sat on a bench by the fire pit, the peace of the mountains calming her nerves. The morning mountain air was cool and a light mist hung in the air. Emma wrapped her arms around herself and rubbed in an attempt to warm up. She would have gone in to get a jacket if it weren’t for the fact she didn’t own one anymore. The thought should have depressed her but the morning was too beautiful to wallow. Her misfortune would wait. It sure wasn’t going anywhere.

Lost in her thoughts, she saw Will emerge from the woods next to the cabin. He stomped out into the clearing, scowling. He carried a long branch in his hand and as he left the forest, he whacked the stick into a tree trunk, cracking the stick in half. He looked up, startled to see her.

Words of greeting caught on her tongue. For the first time she saw what all those other women saw. He hadn’t brushed his hair yet and the waves were unruly. His eyes were dark, darker than usual, and the hard angles of his scowl contrasted with the softness of his cheeks. His shirt was stretched taut against the muscles of his chest and arms. She saw a tattoo on his left forearm, why hadn’t she noticed it before? He watched her scrutinize him and his scowl softened.

“Will…” She stopped not sure what to say. Obviously, he was mad at her but for the life of her, she couldn’t figure out why. She only knew she didn’t want him mad at her anymore.

Will looked torn, wrestling with something. Suddenly, he threw down the stick in his hand with a violent toss. It took only a few strides before he stood in front of her. He reached down, grabbed her upper arms and pulled her to his chest in one swift movement. Too shocked to protest, Emma’s heart raced instead. Will held her arms in a vise grip while he searched her face. His smoky black eyes captured hers. It never occurred to her to fight him. His grip loosened. She thought he was about to release her until he groaned. His left arm pinned her back, his other hand cupped the back of her head and pulled her mouth to his.

The violence of his kiss surprised her, his mouth rough as he possessed hers. His stubble scratched her chin but she didn’t notice, only the undeniable pull she felt. She lifted her arms up and around his neck, pulling him closer. He groaned again into her mouth, holding her tighter, claiming her mouth with his tongue. Dizziness washed through her as her stomach tightened, overwhelmed with an intensity that frightened her.

His hand knotted in her hair, holding her mouth to his but she had no intention of pulling away. A long extinguished flame combusted to life and she hungered for it. If she hungered, Will craved.

His hands roamed her body in wild abandon. Emma clung to his neck, afraid to let go, afraid she couldn’t stand. His cold hand reached under her shirt, fingers skimming her ribs. She stiffened at the contact, not that Will noticed. His hand pushed on, finding her breast. She gasped, exciting him more. His mouth ravaged hers. His free hand pressed against the small of her back, pulling her hard against him, proving without a doubt he wanted her. His hands grabbed the bottom of her shirt. In one movement, he jerked it up, over her head and upstretched arms, only breaking contact with her lips for a brief moment. They found hers again, rough and frenzied. His hands circled her waist, sliding up her sides. They stopped beneath the swell of her breasts, her every nerve taunt in anticipation.

His hand reached up and grabbed the hair on the back of her head, pulling her mouth from his. Her eyes fluttered open in surprise. Will’s face loomed over hers. His eyes burned with passion and something else. Anger. Her stomach dropped and her eyes widened in fear.

“What are you doing to me?” he growled as he studied her face. He didn’t wait for an answer; instead dropped his face to her neck, her hair still in his hand. He pulled her head back, giving his mouth complete access. She moaned, in spite of herself. Her chest rose and fell as she struggled to catch her breath. Will’s mouth worked its way toward her breasts. The heat in her belly raged.

“Will,” she begged.

His mouth found hers again, wild and primal. He moaned, moving his lips away from hers. “God, help me. I want you.” One hand still gripped her hair, the other circled behind her waist. His body shook as he caught his breath.


They both froze. Emma turned to see Jake standing in the cabin doorway, her cheek next to Will’s chest. She felt his head twist and his arms tightened around her.

Jake took in the sight of them, then went back into the cabin. Emma’s eyes closed in embarrassment and Will’s embrace loosened. He placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed himself away from her. He squeezed his eyes shut and ran his hands through his hair as he struggled to catch his breath.

Emma stood before him, arms by her sides. The cold air hit her exposed flesh, giving her goose bumps, but she resisted the urge to cover herself. She didn’t know what he was thinking, but she refused to look embarrassed, even if she was.

Will opened his eyes, hands still threaded in his hair. Terror flashed in his eyes before he lowered his hands to cover his face. Emma waited, a blush spreading despite her inner resolve. She couldn’t believe she gave into him so willingly, so
. Will was a player. She had just been played.
What an idiot.
Her embarrassment turned to anger as the cool morning air dulled the remnants of passion. She put her hands on his chest and shoved with all her weight.

“What the hell was that?” she spat at him.

He hadn’t seen her coming and he stumbled backwards, almost tripping on the fire pit. She followed and reached to shove him again. He was ready for her this time. He grabbed her wrists. His smartass smirk was back.

“Didn’t hear any complaints a minute ago.” He leered with a lopsided grin.

She jerked her hands free and swung her right hand toward his face. He stopped her again, grabbing her wrist in mid-swing.

“Get your fucking hands off me,” she snarled.

“Again, no complaints earlier.”

He winked but even in her anger she could see the amusement didn’t reach his eyes. He twisted her wrists around and down, pulling her body up against his.

“Sorry we can’t finish what we started here, Princess.” He looked down at her and she saw confusion flicker across his face. Her anger faded as she realized he might have actual feelings for her.

Will dropped her hands and backed away from her, then turned and walked toward the truck. “I’ve got to get out of here.”

Emma watched him drive away and she realized she stood outside in only a pair of jeans. She picked up her shirt off the ground with a shaky hand and went inside.




Will drove on the mountain road away from Emma. He sucked in deep breaths trying to clear his head.
I am fucking losing it
. He couldn’t believe he’d attacked her like that. But when he saw her sitting there, the look of sadness and expectation on her face drew him to her. Not one molecule of his existence could have stayed away from her. He literally had no control.

“Motherfucking son of a bitch!” He slammed his fist on the stirring wheel as he drove down the winding mountain road.
Not the smartest move, asshole
. No sense getting himself killed over a piece of… He stopped himself. Even in his anger, he wouldn’t let himself think of her that way.

He should have known how she’d react. She’d made it perfectly clear from the moment they met what she thought of him. Of course, he’d done a pretty good job playing the asshole card. Why would she expect any less from him? What was he thinking? Something happened to him that night in the cornfield. Sure he found her attractive before, but it was as if some switch in his brain had been tripped and she was the thing he needed to make his life complete. He snorted at the ridiculousness of the thought, but there was no denying the draw to her was stronger than his resolve. Will was a man used to being in control and he had officially lost it. He groaned in frustration and anger. And, he hated to admit, fear.

A picnic area rounded the bend fifty feet ahead so he pulled over and got out of the truck, thankful no one else was around. He leaned over a concrete table. His palms scraped against the rough concrete and his head hung between his arms. Emma had to go. The thought of turning her over made him ill, but the reality was he had no choice. The people who hired him had money and power, two things you didn’t fuck with, and he’d already wasted time stalling. If he didn’t turn her over, they would send someone else after both of them. He had no idea why they wanted her but it wasn’t his business to know. Or care. He was hired to do a job. After all these years he had never been anything but professional. Until now.

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