Choices and Illusions (32 page)

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Authors: Eldon Taylor

BOOK: Choices and Illusions
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than willing to help you along your new and very exciting

journey of self-discovery. You are a loving, capable, funny,

smart, and worthwhile person. You deserve the best that

life has to offer! Stop settling for less than what you can

give! life isn’t meant to be tolerated and suffered through.

life is to be lived, with excitement and joy! Start taking


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responsibility for your own health, wealth, and happiness.

Believe me, the journey will be worth it!

Jackie Howell,


I first learned about the power of the mind when I

was a teenager. After learning that I could change my life

by changing my thoughts, I began to guard my thoughts

more carefully and, most important, I started taking the

time to monitor what was going into my mind. Knowing

that my subconscious mind has the power to shape my

destiny, I started looking for ways to put more positive

ideas into my subconscious mind. One day I was fortunate

enough to hear about Eldon Taylor’s InnerTalk programs.

Since then, I have been hearing his Cds regularly in the

areas of weight loss, self-esteem, and prosperity.

As a result of hearing these wonderful subliminal re-

I have lost and kept off 35 pounds, my self-esteem

has risen considerably, and my prosperity knows no limits.
I am constantly blessed by good things happening to me

as a result of the prosperous thoughts my mind has been

programmed with.

About eight months after my daily practice of hear-

ing Eldon Taylor’s
Prosperity and Abundance
InnerTalk pro-

gram, I was fortunate enough to win $50,000 in my state

lottery, which I used to pay for laser eye surgery and to

take care of other obligations I had at the time. Since then,

I have prospered in business and in my social life. I attri-

bute this good fortune to the continual use of these prod-

ucts, because dedicated use has allowed me to replace my

old self-limiting thoughts with healthy, vibrant, and more

creative thoughts, which have spilled out into every aspect

of my life and continue to bless me each day.


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These days I dedicate my free time to speaking and

teaching others about the prosperous power of creative

thinking, and I regularly give out Eldon Taylor’s audio pro-

grams at various seminars I give a few times a year. Some

of my friends have told me about how these products have

changed their lives, and I owe it all to the power of the

subconscious mind.

Eddie Coronado,


(After the first edition of
Choices and Illusions
was published in 2007, I heard from many people about how this book had changed

their lives. However, I also learned that while most people enjoy

and want more, some people are put off by the stories of others. For this reason, if you would like to read more, please see Appendix C

or visit the website

It’s Your Choice

This has largely been the story of my journey of personal

growth. It might be said that much of it is self-serving, and that’s fair enough, I guess, but equally true is the fact that each of us can genuinely only speak to each other from our own experience.

The stories of all of the people in this book and the appendix

are themselves examples of how each of us can empower ourselves

if we only but choose to believe in the unlimited power within. The common denominator with every story is a simple truth: believing

in yourself does matter!

It is my hope that by sharing just a few of the stories that have

been sent to me and by telling my own, that you the reader will

gain some insight into the how, what, and why of self-imposed

limitations and at least a couple of solid exit strategies for leaving those limitations in the past, if not for yourself, then for someone you care about.


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A Word of Caution

It is a common tactic of naysayers, especially those with any

so-called academic clout, to dismiss ideas of merit by using a tactic easily described this way: “One good belly laugh is worth a thousand syllogisms.” This approach seeks to discredit not only through “the subtraction game” but also through immense ridicule. It may take

courage to ignore this tactic if it comes your way, but that too is perfectly within your power. You will never know what you might

imagine if you never think the question:
What would I do if I knew
I could not fail?
You will never achieve a goal if you cannot imagine it. You will never break out of self-imposed or “chicken” learned

limitations if a little criticism or ridicule dissuades you. Again, I repeat because it cannot be overstated,
within you is the power!


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Chapter 18


“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through

experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened,
vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”

— h e l e n k e l l e r

There are a few slogans, words from the wise, that I try to

remain in touch with. Robert H. Schuller said, “Better to do some-

thing imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly.” The words of

Jerome: “Begin to be now what you will be hereafter.” And finally,

napoleon Hill states: “Both poverty and riches are the offspring

of thought.”

It is written that each of us is a gift from God, and all that we

become is our way of returning that gift. I am reminded of a line

from a scene in the inspirational fiction work by Angelina Heart,

The Teaching of Little Crow.
In the scene, the hero of the story has a moment of enlightenment as a result of understanding that “[e]very

blessed and loving thing you freely put out to the world, whether

it be thought, feeling, words, deeds, or money, returns with more

of its kind.” He pauses and then thinks,
“No wonder Jesus Christ
instructed us to love our enemies. What we send out must come back to
the creator, magnified.”

The movie
The Celestine Prophecy
has a beautiful scene that is visually portrayed even better than in the book, in my opinion.

In this scene, the ninth insight shows itself as a result of those

receiving energy sending it back to the sender. The energy grows

exponentially in this exchange. If you think of this energy as the


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unconditional love energy that begins with creation and animates

all, then it is easy to see how sending it back would increase it.

dr. Joe Rubino, in his book
Restore Your Magnificence,
reminds us that the origins of self-doubt are often the result of misinterpreta-tions of self or limited awareness. In his words:

“Misinterpretations damage self-esteem and run your life.

Freedom comes from reinterpreting your past with

compassion for your humanity and that of others.”

My Journey

This has been a book sharing both a little bit of myself and

what I have learned, interpreted, and reinterpreted many times. I

was born into a religious family. I worked hard, attended church

every Sunday, studied, and reread what I had studied. At a very

young age, I was ordained in the priesthood, but many things

didn’t quite square with logic, reason, or consistency of the doc-

trine. I continued seminary studies but asked hard questions. I

remembered what I was supposed to remember so I could take

exams and get
’s. However, when it came to term grades, I was admittedly shocked to find I’d flunked. Well, I was not abashed,

so I took the matter up with the academic authorities, and during

review was informed that the grade would be changed to an

provided I never came back. It seems I had become a disturbing

force in the classroom.

I took my
and left seminary. I became quite bitter and agnostic, if not atheistic. For many years I enjoyed beating up the so-

called theological scholars. I lost myself completely. I forgot the miracles in my life and focused on the inadequacies of organized

religion, the club that demanded your dues. Then came my awak-

ening, not all at once, but slowly over time. Fortunately, the Uni-

verse was patient. I found myself writing philosophical proofs for a divine Creator and rereading all the sacred literature. In my small book
Exclusively Fabricated Illusions,
I finally set forth the problem that in my view disappoints so many people—the exclusive role of


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authority, which says, “I have the only right way, and if you fail to follow it, you’ll !” (You get the picture.)

In the sacred documents of all living religions is a fountain of

truth. In the Bible it is said this way: “Whatever you do unto the

least of them, you have done unto yourself.” Martin luther King,

Jr., once stated, “[W]e must all learn to live together as brothers or we will all perish together as fools.” In that interrelated whole exist all of us. We may have been taught differently in our own little

chicken yards, but the fact is simple: we are all one.

“Whatever you do unto the least of them,

you have done unto yourself.”

Maximizing Your Mind’s Awesome Power

I hope this work has shed some light on how and why we

might find ourselves limiting our own realizations and beliefs and

therefore reality. The mind is an absolutely awesome power, and

we still don’t know its potential. We do know that it modulates the body in many ways and can be our best friend or our own worst

enemy. I would encourage you to take whatever you have gleaned

from this book and continue in your progress to becoming all

that you might be. I would suggest that you begin with reflection,

questioning any and all thoughts that limit your potential good

for self and society. I do strongly urge you to follow the good-deed theme presented earlier, together with the other suggestions for

improving the quality of your life.

I also urge you to begin meditating. Meditation is a powerful

tool; it is, after all, getting quiet and listening to the still, small voice within. “Be still and know.” It’s easy to meditate and quite

natural as well. Begin by choosing some simple word and repeat it

with each exhalation. Just close your eyes, relax back, let go, and clear your mind by repeating something like “peace” with every

exhalation. Soon the mind stills, and a new vista of feeling and

thought manifests. If you find this difficult to do, or if you wish to learn how you can use this state to further your personal growth,

I encourage you to pick up my book
Self-Hypnosis and Subliminal

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In it I explain the connection between hypnosis and meditation, provide simple instructions, and give you a variety

of techniques you can practice. But whether or not you decide to

explore this, I do urge you to seek that inner noetic sense of your real being, life’s true meaning and value—in short, seek the “peace which passeth understanding,” for within this space your higher

self emerges.

So, in conclusion, we have convoluted the model. Our purpose

is service, not taking. Our warm, fuzzy feeling provides peace,

balance, harmony, and improved health. Our recognition of the

good in all works much like a magnet to attract the right people

and things into our lives, including our most enduring and lov-

ing relationships. Our prosperity is assured, for in the moment we

always have everything we need, and ironically, we keep getting

more when we stop trying to just make money. We bring our best

with joy to whatever our task may be, and that is not only recog-

nized but rewarded. We are not pitiful creatures here to suffer, but rather gifts from our Creator endowed with true co-creative powers. Our belief propels our lives with optimism and integrity, not

a pack full of bad-luck fortune cookies. We give to give, not out of some codependent bargain based on what we get back or control

of some kind over another. We forgive and release blame; no more

“get even and evener.” We take responsibility and improve every

day in every way.

Change Those Subconscious Beliefs

One of the material findings from my work and the InnerTalk

technology that is worth mentioning is how it works. But first let

me explain why this is important. When exit polls are performed

following many motivational events, the vast majority of attendees

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