Chief Cook and Bottle Washer (14 page)

Read Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Online

Authors: Rita Hestand

Tags: #adooption, #babies, #chied cook and bottle washer, #country dances, #cowboys, #dances, #ebook, #grannies elbow, #love, #mom, #ranches, #rita hestand, #romance

BOOK: Chief Cook and Bottle Washer
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"Oh, he's not mine, Bertha. He was kind
enough to escort me here so I might meet some of my neighbors,
that's all."

"Uh-huh. Well, Deke rarely escorts anyone. I
can tell you that much. Rarely dances, so don't kid me, honey. I
just never figured it would be him." Bertha was studying Deke like
a fly under a microscope.

"Never be him? What are you talking about,

"Half the town's laid money it would be Jake
or Clint."

"What would be Jake or Clint."

"Why the one you'd want to marry, of course."
Bertha chuckled as though there was a big joke somewhere, and she
wasn't getting the punch line.

"Marry!" Emma shrieked.

"Well, that's what everyone's hoping of
course. And who'd blame you with all those gorgeous men to choose

Emma felt her anger surge from nowhere. "You
mean people here are taking bets on me–and them?"

"Oh now, don't be offended, hon. We don't
mean no harm. It's just we don't have much to speculate on out
here. Most of the locals are done took. It's purely natural that
we'd think you'd pick one of those boys. You could do a lot worse
for yourself. There ain't a throw away in the bunch."

"But Bertha, I'm not here to pick a husband!"
Emma cried loud enough for a couple to over-hear and smirk. Wanting
to set the record straight, Emma went on to explain. "I have a
child to take care of. I don't have the time for a husband, nor to
look for one."

"That's all the more reason to look. A woman
alone with a baby. You need a man, and don't you go thinkin' you
don't. Besides, what's to look for, they're right at your back
door. Anyway, you don't never go lookin' for a husband, they just
sorta happen. Oh now, don't go gettin' riled up about it, honey.
It's only natural. So why the hell not? And if for no better reason
than the baby itself."

Emma nearly spewed her punch in Bertha's
face. She might have gone on with her protest if she hadn't spotted
Cal coming her way with the cutest little angel on his hip.

"You brought her!" Emma cooed, taking Sammie
Jo into her arms immediately and hugging her.

"There's my little scamp. Come here darlin,
say hello to Bertha." Bertha grabbed Sammie Jo up into her big arms
and hugged her tight.

Sammie Jo giggled.

Cal shook his head. "Just like a woman, gotta
start all that hugging and kissing."

"Oh Cal, she looks so cute, but where did you
get that dress and boots?" Emma eyed him suspiciously.

"Remind me later, I'll tell you all about it.
Excuse me ladies, won't you? I better go shake some hands, or I'll
be accused of flirting." Cal chuckled as he sauntered away from
them. "Save me a dance, Bertha."

"Sure darlin'. Oh that Cal." Bertha shook her
head and watched him move into the same circle where Deke stood.
"He's a wonder. You know, he looks better somehow than the last
time I saw him. Deke must be really gettin' after him about the

"No, actually, he's slowed down on his own,"
Emma remarked as she took Sammie Jo from Bertha.

"This little doll is going to be the belle of
the party, aren't you sweetheart?" Bertha glanced at Sammie Jo.

From out of nowhere, Jennifer and Rusty
appeared next to them. "Hey there Sammie Jo, want ta meet someone?"
Rusty stepped up to them and took the baby into his arms.

Jennifer smiled at them and looked at Sammie
Jo. "Oh, she's so precious. Is she yours?"

That question haunted Emma. By all that was
holy, she was, so she answered. "Yes, this is Sammie Jo–my

"Oh, you are such a little doll. And you look
just like a rodeo queen," Jennifer cooed.

"Yeah, and Uncle Rusty is gonna show you how
to two-step, right now darlin'." He took Sammie Jo out onto the
dance floor. He held her tight and she snuggled right into his
arms. It seemed Sammie Jo couldn't resist the Travers' charm any
more than Emma.

Deke had started moving toward them from his
circle of friends, he was halfway there when Emma was approached by
Clyde Montana.

"Come on little gal, let's dance," the man
pulled on Emma's arm and started dragging her out toward the dance

"Uh, no, please, I'd rather sit this one out,
if you don't mind."

"Oh but I do. I insist. I've had my eye on
you all night. You've been dancin' with everyone but me . . ."

"Clyde, why don't you sit this one out,"
Bertha called from the distance.

"Sit it out. Not on your life. I'm gonna
dance . . ."

"Clyde, she doesn't want . . ." Bertha

"Yes she does," Clyde muttered between
gritted teeth. "My ole lady is sore and I'm gonna give her
somethin' to be sore about," Clyde announced too loudly.

His hand on Emma's arm was biting into the
flesh now and Emma tried to squirm free, but Clyde was having none
of that. He slung her almost to the floor as he whirled about,

"Your not setting a very good example,
Clyde," Deke said not far from his ear.

Deke's hand reached out to catch Emma before
she fell, and his discerning frown was aimed for Clyde.

"Now back off, Deke. This is between me and
the little lady." Clyde lunged for Emma.

"Afraid not, Clyde. This lady's with me."
Deke interrupted and shoved Clyde against the dance floor.

Deke pulled Emma to his side and they were
about to break through the small crowd gathering to watch when
Clyde lunged at Deke and got in a hard right hook to Deke's

Deke staggered but wasted no time in
reacting, a quick left sent Clyde sailing to the floor. "Now go
home and sober up, Clyde and we'll let bygones be bygones."

It all happened in the briefest of moments.
What came over Emma she wasn't sure, but Clyde came off the floor
and lunged once more at Deke, and before she could stop to consider
her actions, Emma stepped between them and Clyde's right hook took
her down.The crowd shrieked with shock.

Deke started for Clyde, his face turned dark
with fury, every muscle tensed with barely checked anger.

"No Deke, Emma needs you. Why don't you take
her home." Cal put his hand out to his son.

"Yeah, go on." Rusty stepped between the two
men and glanced down at Emma who was being rescued by Cal. "Take
her on home Deke. We'll take care of Clyde. And don't worry, we'll
bring Sammie Jo home."

"Dear Lord, I can't believe even you, Clyde
Montana would hit a woman." Bertha rebuked him.

Clyde's face turned a pale shade, "Well don't
blame me, she's the one that stepped between. Darn fool woman,
don't she know better than to step between two men like that? Darn
fool woman. Deke–I didn't mean . . ."

Deke's eyes blazed at the man, his restraint
barely contained, his jaw so set no one said anything for a full
minute as the two stared each other down. "This isn't over Clyde,
you owe this little lady an apology. And you'll damn sure pay her
doctor bill, too."

"Sure Deke . . ." Clyde muttered miserably as
he swayed and fell to the floor in a stupor.

Deke's fist doubled, but he suddenly reached
down and scooped Emma up into his arms, cradling her against him,
and carried her out of the building and into the warm night

"Oh I've ruined the party," Emma groaned
helplessly against Deke's pale blue shirt. Clyde had merely knocked
the breath out of her, hitting her between the ribs. "I'm sorry
Deke. I don't know what came over me in there. I'm always jumping
in the middle of my brother's fights. I should have better sense by

"Emma," Deke cajoled, his jaw quivering with
something akin to rage.

"What?" Emma stopped, leaning against the
truck for support and staring up into his face. His blue eyed stare
caught her breath for there was no anger, only a strange unbidden

"Shut up," he said gently, taking her face
into his hands and turning her so he could easily touch his lips to
hers. He shattered all coherent thoughts into a thousand stars.
Emma swayed against him, into him. Moaning again, only this time it
wasn't from a blow to her stomach.

No this time it was pure and pleasurable
delight. Warm inviting lips mingled against her own, at first
tender and giving, and then more demanding as she let out a little
gasp and he took the opportunity to explore deeper. Like velvet,
his mouth moved over hers, his tongue slowly probing the sweet
inner recesses.

Long dizzying seconds later he released her
with a groan. His eyes blazed into her like a hot branding iron.
"I'm not apologizing for that kiss Emma. I probably should, but I'm

Chapter Seven

When Deke zoomed into the driveway, the
gravel flew every which way. He braked the truck and jerked open
his door, but he didn't get out. Instead he just sat there, his
hands on the steering wheel, tightening and untightening. His eyes
stared unseeing out the cab window, with a glazed look to them.
"Don't ever do that again." He gritted.

"Do what?" Emma faltered not knowing for sure
what she'd done or why he was so upset.

"Come between me and someone in a situation
like that. Don't you realize you might have been hurt? God, when I
think what he might have done to you, it makes my skin crawl." He
gripped the steering column till his hands paled.

"It was stupid, I know. And I'm sor . .

"If he'd hit you in the face, you'd have a
hellova black eye right now. As it is, you'll probably have a
bruise for days. I know he hurt you. Does it hurt when you

"N-no. I guess I moved to the best spot, he
just knocked the wind out of me, honestly. You don't have to feel
so responsible about it, Deke. At home I was always getting in the
middle of my brother's fights. I'll have to admit I did get a few
bruises. Dad said it served me right for jumping into a man's
place. You'd think I'd learn, wouldn't you?"

"I'm not your brother, and your dad is a man
I'd like to sit down and have a couple of conversations with, too."
Deke frowned. "And then there's Charlie."

"Yes, Charlie," she echoed. "I know you're
not my brother, but my instincts are still the same." She glanced
at him again but he still wasn't looking at her. "And as for my
dad, well he's really not so bad, once you get to know him. I hope
I haven't painted you a wrong picture."

"I'm not sure I'd want to get to know him."
Deke muttered gripping the wheel again and looking away from her.
She saw his jaw tighten in the brilliant moonlight filtering
through the cab of the truck. Felt the tension in his shoulders as
he hunched forward.

"Now what's that supposed to mean?" Emma
glared at him not sure whether to be mad or glad. She couldn't help
it, she always got riled when anyone talked about her family. They
had their faults, and she realized that, but no one talked about
them but her. But after careful consideration, she realized Deke
wouldn't be getting to know her father.

"Nothing Emma," Deke grunted getting out of
the truck and slamming his door. Coming to her side, he stared at
her through the window for a moment, then opened it and helped her
out. "The last thing I want to do is argue with you right now."

"Then don't say anything about my family,"
she snapped, unable to look away from those probing eyes, fully
aware of the warm hands that spanned her waist to help her down.
Big strong hands. A new tension gripped her. She should move away,
a voice inside her head cried. She wasn't used to dealing with a
force like Deke Travers, especially in such a dark mood.

"Not family Emma, just your father. Family
doesn't treat people the way your father treated you. But I'll lay
it aside for now, because I don't want you mad when I kiss you
again." He murmured, his head lowering as his eyes fastened onto
her lips with raw determination. His voice had lowered, his eyes
glittered, his hold tightened. "You deserve better."

"Your going to k . . ." her words died on her
lips as his mouth fastened onto hers like a whisper at first.

For a moment she thought she simply imagined
the kiss as he moved away so that the moonlight flushed her face.
Emma's entire body went limp against the truck. She sighed aloud.
She couldn't fake a composure she was far from feeling. It simply
was not there. Charlie never kissed her like that. Her mind and
body wasn't accustomed to such full-fledged awareness. Like being
awakened from a long sleep, Emma simply stared at him, wordlessly
when he raised his head.

She should stop this, but it felt as if her
whole body had turned to rubber, her mouth to mush. She felt pulled
to this man, as though being with him made her whole. She didn't
understand what was happening to her, and she didn't want to
analyze it. She simply needed to enjoy it.

"I don't seem to be able to help myself,
Emma. Kissing you sorta comes natural. Now open your mouth and let
me in." He coaxed her slowly pulling her into his arms again and
lowering his mouth to hers once more. This kiss was different, much
different. His lips seduced hers.

Her mind whirled as she inhaled the distinct
odor of him, a hint of pine, a bit of hay and cattle, and him. The
man. She felt the texture of his oxford shirt rub against her skin
like a friction. Felt the heaviness of his jeans against her thigh.
His cheek was soft and close shaven, inviting a caress, his body
hard, unyielding.

Instinctively Emma's arms flew up and around
his neck, as his warm mouth explored hers. Her mind skidded,
unaware of anything but this wonderful man and his masterful,
conquering lips.

Like velvet and silk coming together their
lips sampled the textures. Slowly almost shyly she opened her lips
again and a heady warmth enflamed her. Had lightening struck her
she could not have moved.

Somewhere along the way, her knees buckled,
and his hat flew to the ground as her fingertips edged into the
soft nape of his hair, and she heard the whimpering guttural sounds
from her own voice floating against the gentle night breeze. Never
had a man's kiss taken her to such dizzying heights.

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