Chicken Soup for the Recovering Soul Daily Inspirations (Chicken Soup for the Soul) (42 page)

Read Chicken Soup for the Recovering Soul Daily Inspirations (Chicken Soup for the Soul) Online

Authors: Jack Canfield,Mark Victor Hansen,Peter Vegso,Gary Seidler,Theresa Peluso,Tian Dayton,Rokelle Lerner,Robert Ackerman

BOOK: Chicken Soup for the Recovering Soul Daily Inspirations (Chicken Soup for the Soul)
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Arnold Glasgow


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our recovering journey may require some U-turns along the way, but there is a plan, a destiny that awaits you.

Do not question your destiny, do not ask “why me?” Be proud of who you are, walk with courage and your head up high. Believe in yourself and focus on the positive, for every step along the way will become a solid foundation for your future.

Stacey Chillemi


Confidence is that feeling by which the mind embarks on great and honorable courses with a sure hope and trust in itself.




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am not alone. Today I will remember there are others facing the same hurdles and struggles I am facing. Others understand and feel the same pain I feel. There are available means and people that care about my recovery, and want to see me heal. I can reach out to others. I am not my own island. I want to seek opportunities for connection. I can break the silence and tell someone trustworthy. That will make me feel better!

Kimberly Davidson


I was never less alone than when by myself.


Edward Gibbon


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s you navigate through life, there will be times when you will feel overwhelmed. When you do, it is important to take a step back and assess the situation, try to view it from another perspective.

The obstacles in your life will enable you to grow into the person you are meant to become.

Karen Marie Arel


Today, I can choose to celebrate what I do have–or mourn what I don’t. I choose to make today a celebration.


Charmi Schroeder


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oing through my trunk one day, I stopped to read and memories of my life appeared, blessing me again.

I lingered on some photos of those no longer here. I thanked God for the time with many held so dear. I found my granddad’s Bible, its pages old and torn. My name is written in that book on the day that I was born.

I closed the trunk remembering our lives are short at best. Fill your trunk with goodness and God will do the rest.

Joan Clayton


Good memories are precious photos upon our hearts.


Joan Clayton


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n every journey there can be meaning; every conflict, growth; in every action, there can be purpose but only if I allow it to be so.

I will look at my mistakes as learning what works and what doesn’t.

Today, I will allow meaning, growth, purpose and learning in my life.

Brenda Nixon


Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still.


Chinese Proverb


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y son’s drug rehabilitation counselor was a petite grey-haired lady with enough leverage to impact a wayward group of teens. Her personal struggle with alcohol and drugs was the source of a spirit of determination, and week after week her motto, “You gotta wanna!”, spewed from her lips. The powerful testimony of an achiever made a difference inmy son’s life and over the years, whenever I find myself in a situation that takes strong will and determination, I hear those words “You gotta wanna!”, echoing like a voice of victory in my ears.

Annettee Budzban


Great beginnings are not as important as the way one finishes.


Dr. James Dobson


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very day is a new page; the words are up to you. Will the page be filled with “if only . . .” or with “I did it!”? When your life winds down will you be wallowing in your regrets or celebrating your experiences and accomplishments? When you share that book of memories, will there be a smile on your face as you relive your journey or a tear in your eye for the missed opportunities and the what might have been? It is your choice, tomorrow is a new day, turn the page and write your life the way you want it to be. You do not always travel the path of your choosing; sometimes it is the path you were meant to take.

Karen Marie Arel


I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving.


Oliver Wendell Holmes


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