Chicken Soup for the Bride's Soul (2 page)

BOOK: Chicken Soup for the Bride's Soul
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Heart of Friendship
Michele Wallace Campanelli

Guest of Honor
Cindy L. Lassalle

The Look
Patty Swyden Sullivan

Stepping In
Penny Perrone

Joan’s Bouquet
Julie Messbarger, as told to Charlotte Adelsperger

Pennies from Heaven
Holly Jensen Hughes

Silverware and Sauces
Carol Mell

Budding Hope
Elaine G. Dumler

Grandpa’s Gift
Nicolle Woodward

Oh, What a Catch!
Kaylen Pierce


The Ring of Love
Ginger Boda

Kitchen Cache
Lucy Akard Seay

A Tradition in the Waiting
Lorraine Cheeka

Golden Slippers
Charlotte Lanham

The Wedding Gift
Carol Sturgulewski

Keeping the Tradition
Dr. Denise Enete

Showered with Love
Lisa Solomon


Our First Meeting
David R. Wilkins

Ode to My Mother-in-Law
V. J. Coulman

Final Approval
Lad Moore

Just Like Hazel
T. Suzanne Eller

All in the Family
Marie S. Lyle

My Big, Fat Pig Wedding
Debra Purdy Kong

What’s So Funny?
Peggy Purser Freeman


His ’n’ Hers
Gwen Rockwood

The First Freeze
Paige M. Kolb

Pamela Doerksen

Advice from the Groom’s Dad
Gary Lautens

Time for a Tune-Up
Caroline Pignat

Someday My Prince Will—Bring Coffee
Deborah Thomas

A Husband for June Cleaver
Carla Riehl

Small Beds, Soft Hearts
Norris Burkes

Until Death Do Us Part
Kelly Gamble

The Trophy
Daphne Dykeman

Love Everlasting
Annette Paxman Bowen

More Chicken Soup?

Supporting Others

Who Is Jack Canfield?

Who Is Mark Victor Hansen?

Who Is Maria Nickless?

Who Is Gina Romanello?




The path to
Chicken Soup for the Bride’s Soul
has been made all the more beautiful by the many “companions” who have been there with us along the way. Our heartfelt gratitude to:

Our families, who have been chicken soup for our souls!

Inga, Christopher, Oran and Kyle Canfield, and Riley and Travis Mahoney for all their love and support.

Patty, Elisabeth and Melanie Hansen, for once again sharing and lovingly supporting us in creating yet another book.

Ward Nickless, for his faithful love and encouragement, which made all those long hours endurable. Madison and Jack, Maria’s blessings from God.

Doctors Werlin and Grouse, who took care of Maria through two miracle pregnancies and births. Maria’s mother, Eileen—”Don’t forget to mention your mother!”— I love you, Mom! Mum and Dad Nickless. And Maria’s friends, Linda Yates, Jennifer Steward and Jenny Smith, for all their prayers and encouragement.

Gina’s parents for always encouraging her to “just be me.” I love you, Mom and Dad! Her big sister Dee Dee for always taking care of her, and her wonderful nieces Maegan and Gabby. Her cousin and roommate Michelle for her constant support. All her devoted friends and family—lucky for her, too many to name. Her dog Mattie, for keeping her toes warm those endless nights of working.

A special thanks to Patty Hansen and Irene Dunlap, whose mentorship, love and support gave us the courage and confidence to take on this project.

Carol McAdoo Rehme, who is brilliant with words, our thanks for her incredible editing gift and her endearing charm. She made the stories come to life, and we could not have done it without her.

Brittany Shaw, for always making us laugh, and for her loving support and all those banners for the Web site. You rock! Our staff, Junah Kim and Tracy Downs, who helped launch the project. Nicole Barber, for her loving dedication and consistent help with Madison.

Our publisher Peter Vegso, for his vision and commitment to bringing
Chicken Soup for the Soul
to the world.

Patty Aubery, for being there on every step of the journey, with love, laughter and endless creativity.

Russ Kamalski for his kindness, wisdom and creative inspiration.

Heather McNamara and Tasha Boucher for producing our final manuscript with magnificent ease, finesse and care. Thanks for making the final stages of production such a breeze!

Leslie Riskin, for her care and loving determination to secure our permissions and get everything just right.

Nancy Autio and Barbara Lomonaco, for nourishing us with truly wonderful stories and cartoons.

D’ette Corona for being there to answer our questions along the way.

Patty Hansen, for her thorough and competent handling of the legal and licensing aspects of the
Chicken Soup for the Soul
books. You are magnificent at the challenge!

Laurie Hartman, for being a precious guardian of the
Chicken Soup

Veronica Romero, Dana Drobny, Kathy Brennan-Thompson, Teresa Esparza, Robin Yerian, Stephanie Thatcher, Jesse Ianniello, Mike Foster, Jody Emme, Trudy Marschall, Michelle Adams, Dee Dee Romanello, Shanna Vieyra, Lisa Williams, Dena Jacobson, Tanya Jones, Mary McKay and David Coleman, who support Jack’s and Mark’s businesses with skill and love.

Bret Witter, Lisa Drucker, Susan Tobias and Kathy Grant, our editors at Health Communications, Inc., for their devotion to excellence.

Terry Burke, Tom Sand, Lori Golden, Kelly Johnson Maragni, Elisabeth Rinaldi, Randee Feldman, Patricia McConnell, Kim Weiss, Paola Fernandez-Rana and Teri Peluso, the marketing, sales, administration and PR departments at Health Communications, Inc., for doing such an incredible job supporting our books.

Tom Sand, Claude Choquette and Luc Jutras, who manage year after year to get our books transferred into thirty-nine languages around the world.

The art department at Health Communications, Inc., for their talent, creativity and unrelenting patience in producing book covers and inside designs that capture the essence of
Chicken Soup
: Larissa Hise Henoch, Lawna Patterson Oldfield, Andrea Perrine Brower, Lisa Camp, Anthony Clausi and Dawn Von Strolley Grove.

All the
Chicken Soup for the Soul
coauthors, who make it so much of a joy to be part of this
Chicken Soup
family: Raymond Aaron, Matthew E. Adams, Patty and Jeff Aubrey, Kirk Autio, Nancy Mitchell Autio, Marty Becker, John Boal, Cynthia Brian, Cindy Buck, Ron Camacho, Barbara Russell Chesser, Dan Clark, Tim Clauss, Barbara De Angelis, Don Dible, Mark and Chrissy Donnelly, Irene Dunlap, Rabbi Dov Peretz Elkins, Dorothy Firman, Frances Firman Salorio, Julie Firman, Bud Gardner, Patty Hansen, Jennifer Read Hawthorne, Eve Hogan, Kimberly Kirberger, Carol Kline, Tom and Laura Lagana, Tommy Lasorda, Sharon Linnea, Dr. Fabrizio Mancini, Janet Matthews, Hanoch and Meladee McCarty, Heather McNamara, Katy McNamara, John McPherson, Paul J. Meyer, Dan Millman, Arline Oberst, Marion Owen, Maida Rogerson, Martin Rutte, Amy Seeger, Marci Shimoff, Sidney Slagter, Barry Spilchuk, Robin Stephens, Pat Stone, Carol Sturgulewski, Jim Tunney, LeAnn Thieman, Diana von Welanetz Wentworth, Sharon Wohlmuth and Wyland.

Our glorious panel of readers who helped us make the final selections and made invaluable suggestions on how to improve the book: Barbara Lomonaco, Carol Rehme, Pat Evans, Laurie Hartman, Cindy Hoffman, Kim Aguilar, Carrie Boeing, Sonya D. Hammond, Val Coulman, Maria Harden, Betty King, Lynn Parker, Nancy Pardo, Ashley Rice, Shawna Wilson, Crystal Clark, Colleen Moulton, Ranee Foster, Heather Cook-Lindsay, Melanie Johnson, Brenda Thompson, Karen Rivera, Penny A. Troutman, Angelea Evangelista, Renee King, Kerri Meritt, Robin Tuthil, Beth Tobey, Crystal Anderson, Jody Emme, Cheri Sherman, Carrie Pierce, Susan Herron, Joy Stevenson, Winter Eberstein, Linda Osmundson, Nancy Pelletier, Shiloh Godshall, Sabrina Black, Polly Andrews, Heather Burkett, Donna Cummings, Vania Hudson-Perkins, Steve Ruzicka, Cathi Calato, Jaime Hickey, Janice Bashman, Emily Thayer, Maria Vanderkolk, Donna Godsell, Janice Roque and Heather Cole.

Those partnering Web sites that graciously helped gather stories: Association of Wedding Gown Specialists, Association of Wedding Professionals, International, Watermark Weddings,

And, most of all, everyone who submitted their heartfelt stories, poems, quotes and cartoons for possible inclusion in this book. While we were not able to use everything you sent in, we know that each word came from a creative place deep within your soul.

Because of the size of this project, we may have left out the names of some people who contributed along the way. If so, we are sorry, but please know that we really do appreciate you very much.

We are truly grateful and love you all.


Dear Future Bride,

You’re one of the lucky ones. Lucky to have found your best friend; lucky to be in love, lucky to know deep in your heart that you’re ready to share your life with him; and lucky to be holding this timeless treasure in your hands— your personal “Bride’s Diary.” Refer to it in your time of stress. Read the stories for inspiration. That’s what the book is for.

There is a common regret among marrying couples that after twelve months of planning and attention to details, they forget to savor their hard-planned celebration. Don’t let this happen to you! Remember to have
and enjoy the planning process. Don’t become so bogged down with details and etiquette that you forget to enjoy yourselves. Try to remember that mistakes will happen—plan on it: forgetting the bouquet, the family dog eating the wedding cake, a train passing by and drowning out your vows. Know that these mistakes will be some of your most treasured memories—the favorite stories told around the family dinner table for years to come. These are the memories that you will hold closest to your heart.

Keep your sense of humor, as well as your sense of perspective, firmly intact. In fact, the skills you acquire and use in the planning of your wedding will lay important foundations for your marriage—the ability to listen, compromise, respect each other’s needs and boundaries, and stay passionate and committed to the task at hand. Whatever else you vow, promise to create an opportunity for the two of you to savor this day.

I hope you enjoy
Chicken Soup for the Bride’s Soul.
Turn to it for the wonderful illustrations of the sorts of tender moments you can look forward to in your lives. Use it as a loving reminder that our imperfections are part of our charm; and a reminder that the sentiments of love, family and friendship shared on your big day are the truly important wedding accessories.

Beverly Clark,
Planning a Wedding to Remember
The Beverly Clark Collection


From the time young girls start dreaming of their wedding day, the vision is quite clear—wearing that perfect princess-like gown, walking down the aisle toward their Prince Charming and giving themselves completely when they speak those famous words,
“I do.”
From the proposal to the wedding day, happiness and joy ring in the air—a magical opportunity to demonstrate unconditional love and commitment to the man of their dreams.

As the bride-to-be, planning your wedding can be bittersweet. What is ultimately the happiest time in your life can also be the most stressful. Much like an emotional roller coaster ride, the anticipation of starting a new life runs headlong into the chaos of wedding details, family feuds and financial stress.

Chicken Soup for the Bride’s Soul
celebrates you—
the bride—
from the moment you meet your beloved to the day you marry him. But more importantly, the stories in this dynamic collection bring to light the true meaning of love and commitment. This book will warm your heart and melt away your stress and fears as you prepare for a lifelong commitment with your future husband. The captivating, inspiring and humorous true tales will not only comfort you during this eventful time, but show you that beyond the wedding details lies a powerful message about marriage.

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