Chicago Heat (2 page)

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Authors: Jordyn Tracey

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Interracial, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Chicago Heat
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Chapter Three


John watched Fawn walk away, his eyes on her ass. She was incredibly beautiful. He’d seen that last night, and he was shocked to find her working at the library of all places. Never in his life had he ever been tempted to ask out a woman he had pulled over. They just weren’t his normal taste in women, but there was something about Fawn. She intrigued him. Sure, he wanted her. What man wouldn’t want to have a taste of that body? She was slender but had curves in all the right places. Her breasts were high and more than enough to fill his palms. She wore her dark hair in gentle waves just past her shoulders, and that compared with her big brown eyes and smooth cocoa skin made up a package he longed to get his hands on.

He had dated black women before, having never limited himself to white women alone. Yet, most women were the same underneath. They wanted to capture a man and make his life a living hell. Okay, he admitted they didn’t necessarily mean to, but the results were the same. John had vowed never to be caught in such a trap, so he made a point to be up front about what he wanted and what he was not looking for. Like Fawn, other women had called him arrogant. It didn’t bother him a bit. Wanting a woman who was wild enough to please him but not such a whore he had to worry about disease was not a bad thing, and letting her know he would never love her or marry her was good for the woman as well. That hadn’t stopped plenty of them from falling for him.

He sighed remembering all the issues of extricating himself from past relationships. Still, Fawn had surprised him. She didn’t want the normal pomp and circumstances that went with soothing a woman’s mind to the point that she feels she’s not a slut if she lets a new man in her bed. But that could be Fawn’s broken heart over her previous breakup speaking. She could change that view in a week. He’d keep on his toes. Meanwhile, it was likely that he was in for an amazing time with her.

“Uncle John.” Kevin interrupted his thoughts. “Are we going? My appointment’s in twenty minutes.”

John snapped out of his daydream. “Yes, let’s go. Sorry, buddy. Got what you need?”

He nodded. “So, Uncle John, you like that woman? Are you going out on a date with her?”

John shook his head. “That’s not your business right now, bud. You just concentrate on getting your school work done on time. Between you and me, nothing has changed, and it never will. Got it?”

“Yeah. I got it.”


* * * *


John checked his weapon and then loaded it into his holster under his left arm. He arranged his shirt so the gun wouldn’t be too obvious and glanced in the mirror to comb his hair. He frowned at his reflection. Usually he didn’t bother with this much prep to look good for a date. Fawn had better appreciate the effort, he thought with a chuckle.

When he was ready, he let himself out of his house and strolled to the driveway. At first he stopped at the vehicle his job had provided, and then he moved on to his private car. He might be required to carry a weapon off duty, but that was as far as it went. A radio for emergencies stored in the car was good enough. He grinned when he slid behind the wheel and turned over the engine. Fawn might like his Infiniti G37 Coupe. Man, did he hope her skirt was short.

He pulled out of the driveway at a sedate pace, but when he hit the highway, he opened it up and pushed past the speed limit. Within a few minutes, he was on Fawn’s side of town, and he left the highway to head in the direction of her apartment. After pulling to a stop, he hopped out of the car and checked his note for which place was hers. 203A was on the basement level.

He wrapped on her door and waited. After a few more knocks and a call on his cell, she opened the door. A scent that was wholly feminine assailed his nose, teasing him and making him want to cut to the chase with her. He held himself in check. Fawn stood there in a mini baby doll dress, black with large red roses over the breasts, down one side and across the bottom. The dress extended to mid–thigh, and he thought if she twirled around, it would flair and show off her panties beneath. He couldn’t help wondering if she had on any as it had looked like she didn’t the first night they met.

“See?” she said, her head tilted at a playful angle. “Sexy but classy, don’t you think?”

“You’ll do,” he responded.

She pouted, making him want to jerk her into his arms and kiss her full lips. “What? That’s all you have to say?”

He held up his hands, grinning. “Hey, you’re the one who set the terms. If I say you look beautiful, that you’ll outshine any woman we see tonight, then that will be breaking our agreement. You’ll start to fall in love with me before night’s end.”

She burst out laughing. “Arrogant prick.”

He reached for her and tugged her close to him. A hand at her waist, he leaned down to breathe in her essence. His cock grew rock hard. “How about I say you look good enough to eat. You
like being eaten, don’t you, Fawn?”

She gasped and shoved him away, but he knew she liked that. No danger of love there. It was all lust. Spinning away from him, she flounced over to the coffee table in what appeared to be her living room and snatched up her purse. For a brief instant, he did glimpse her panties, and if he made it through the night without attempting to get his hands on them, it would be a miracle.
, he told himself. He needed to remind himself that while Fawn gave off a vibe that said she was all about a good time and nothing else, that might not be the case. After all, look how she’d shocked him by working as a librarian. He’d never have guessed that about her in a million years.

Fawn returned to his side, and he escorted her out to his car. He tucked her in and hopped into the driver’s seat. With supreme effort, he kept his eyes focused ahead while he turned over the engine and threw the car into gear. Fawn cooed and wiggled next to him, capturing his attention. He had to look.

“This is a sweet car, and candy apple red. I love it. I bet you drive it fast, don’t you?” She had no idea how good she looked, how she tempted him. She’d slipped off her heels and was barefoot in his passenger seat, dress not sluttish as the previous time, but definitely showing off plenty of thigh for his pleasure.

“I do like to drive fast,” he told her, infusing his words with meaning.

She rolled her eyes. “Your mind is in one place at all times, isn’t it?”

“Not when I’ve been satisfied.”

She shook her head and crossed her legs. Looking out the window, she said without turning, “You already know it hasn’t been long for me, but I’m not talking about that. How long has it been since you’ve been in a relationship? Did you ever come close to marriage even though you hate it?”

“Not even close. I’m never getting married, Fawn. I have no interest in it. I have never cared for anyone enough to even consider it.” After a few miles of driving, he turned off on
Kinzie Street
leading to Harry Caray’s Italian Steakhouse. When they pulled up to the restaurant, John handed his car over to a valet and caught the look in Fawn’s eyes. She was impressed so far.

Inside the restaurant, he gave the host his last name having made reservations, and they were seated almost immediately. “Oh, this is so nice,” Fawn commented. “I always wanted to come, but I never have.”

“No?” He thanked the waiter for their menus and began looking it over. “Why not?”

She raised an eyebrow. “Have you seen the prices, sir? Even the appetizers would break my tiny budget.” She gasped. “Which reminds me. We should probably go dutch. Let me find something reasonable.”

He reached out across the table and laid a hand over hers. Big brown eyes met his, warming him. “I’m taking care of everything. Your job is to enjoy yourself and entertain me.”

She smirked. “Oh yeah, and just what kind of entertainment does a thirty dollar prime rib get you, detective?”

He couldn’t resist his next comment. “A tiny thing like you can eat all that beef?”

Her eyes sparkled. “I have eaten that and more.”

His cock twitched. He leaned back in his chair unable to take his eyes off her. “You’re a very naughty woman, Fawn Hill. I think I will enjoy getting to know you better.”

She grinned. “Good, cause I feel that way about you too. I’m sure we’ll have a lot of fun.” She took a sip of her water and folded elegant hands in front of her while resting her elbows on the table. “So tell me. Why have you never been in love?”

He stiffened. “That again? Why are you so interested?”

“Because I feel like everyone falls in love, even if they decide not to do anything about it, or they screw the whole thing up. To not feel anything isn’t…”

“Isn’t what?”

She pursed her lips.

He welcomed the arrival of the appetizers they had ordered in between their exchange. Spearing a jumbo shrimp, he steered the conversation to safer waters, and soon had her chatting about work and her goals. John enjoyed every minute of talking to her, even when she teased him—
when she teased him. Already, the night was much more than he had expected, and he looked forward to what other delights he’d discover in dating Fawn.

Chapter Four


After they finished their meal, John led Fawn toward
Wacker Drive
to enjoy a sight of the river. She never got enough of her city. There was nowhere in the world she’d rather live other than
Chicago. When a light breeze stirred Fawn’s hair, she laughed, released John’s arm, and ran ahead.

“Fawn,” he called. “Stay close. You never know who could be out here.”

She glanced back and stuck her tongue out at him. “You’re too used to crime and bad guys, John. You’ve got to live. Enjoy the world. Enjoy life.” She ran on although he protested, and she didn’t stop until she was winded. Breathing heavily and leaning against a rail, she raised her arms and closed her eyes. A happy grin spread over her face.

“Well, hello, beautiful,” someone said nearby.

Fawn opened her eyes to a man she’d never seen before. His gaze was riveted to her cleavage. She was about to tell him she was with someone, but John suddenly stepped in front of her, blocking the man’s view. “Get lost. She’s with me.”

“Hey!” The man growled.

Looking around John’s arm, Fawn caught a look from him like he was about to challenge John for the right to talk to her, but John reached in his pocket and flashed his badge.

John lowered the tone of his voice. “I said, get lost.
.” The man held up his hands, backpedaled, and walked off. John spun to face her. “Didn’t I tell you there were unsavory characters out here? You should have listened to me.”

She pouted and rested her hands on his chest while stepping close to him. She liked how his body responded to her touch, and if she was ready to take it to the next level, she would have explored him lower. But that wasn’t happening on the first date. She wasn’t that desperate. “Aw, but you were here to rescue me, my big bad cop.”

Annoyance radiated from him. She knew how to tease him out of the funk she got him in. Standing on her tiptoes, she stretched up to his cheek and placed a light kiss there. His eyes widened. “What was that for?”

“For being my hero.”

John put his badge away and ran a hand through his hair. The irritation seemed to melt away just like she expected. “I see you’re a handful already.”

“Yes, but that’s a good thing,” she promised and turned brushing her body against his. She took his hand and tugged him along. “Let’s go find somewhere to dance. I have a bad need to shake my booty.”

John went along with her, and soon they found a club. Fawn made sure it wasn’t one frequented by Mackie. She didn’t need a repeat of the last time she’d seen him, and besides that she wanted to enjoy her time with John. He might be too cautious because of all he had seen in his line of work, but he was intelligent and fun to talk to you. He was fine, generous, and attentive. Best of all, although she could tell he wanted her like crazy, he didn’t pressure her or try to trick her into letting him take her to bed. That in itself was a super bonus.

Fawn weaved her way through the wiggling bodies in the club while holding tightly to John’s hand. When she reached the bar and he stood beside her, she ordered a Sex on the Beach. She eyed John. “You should get a Sex on My Face.”

To her satisfaction, John’s face reddened, but to his credit, he recovered fast and leaned in close to her to whisper in her ear. “I prefer the real thing rather than a drink. Nothing could be that good.”

“Now who’s the naughty one?” She laughed and began swerving her hips to the song that had just started.

When she had her drink, she took a few sips and watched John drink a beer over the rim of her glass. She let him get a third of the way done before she dragged him out on the floor. Her arms in the air and her hair swinging left and right, she danced up close to John, turned, and teased him with her ass. He didn’t move with her same fluid motions, but when he rested his hands on her hips and let his thighs brush her, a thrill zipped through her body. They gyrated through four songs before Fawn took a break.

Later, during a slow song, Fawn curled into John’s arms, loving the feel of being protected. They swayed together with the rhythmic beat, and when she tilted her head back to look up at him, he captured her lips in an amazing kiss she felt down to her toes. She let his tongue part her lips, and she sucked it a moment before pushing hers into his mouth. She felt rather than heard a groan rumble up from his throat. His cock was thick and solid between them. She longed to stroke it, to wrap her legs around his waist, but she held back.

After some time, John broke the kiss and moved his head toward her neck. He skimmed his lips over her skin, sending chills throughout her system. She pressed in closer. “Oh, we really shouldn’t be doing this,” she said.

“Mm,” he agreed. “It’s just a kiss, but that can be dangerous.”

“Yes.” She nibbled his ear. John’s hand clenched on her back.

When she was on the verge of suggesting they find a private place, he pulled back and put her from him. His breathing was heavy and his eyes clouded. She looked at him in confusion, but he reached into his pocket to pull out a cell phone. The display was lit, so he must be getting a call. John held up a finger for her to wait as he answered. When he left the floor, she followed him. Near the front entrance, they stopped, and Fawn stood beside John while he spoke with Kevin. She knew it was the ten-year-old by the way John’s face softened and the fact that he often called him “bud” or “buddy”. She thought it was sweet. They might be uncle and nephew, but their closeness was like father and son. Seeing their interchange over the phone made her heart ache for something more in her own life.

John at last ended the call and turned back to her. “Sorry about that. I have to be available at all times, whether it’s Kevin or work.”

“Oh, I understand,” she assured him. “Don’t worry. Do you have to go?”

He shook his head. “No, Kevin was just calling me to say good night.” He frowned. “He should have been in bed long before now, but he always calls if I’m not home before he turns in. I guess I have to give him credit for that.”

Her eyes widened. “He’s not alone is he?”

John grinned and ran fingertips down her face like she’d said something profound. “No, of course not. My neighbor, an older woman whom I’ve known for years, looks after him when I have to work or go out. She’s there, but like a certain woman I know, Kevin can get into things he shouldn’t. So Mrs. Cecil probably had a hard time getting him to settle down to bed. I think I worked it out over the phone though.”


She took his hand and led him back to the bar. They finished their drinks, talked, danced, and had an amazing time. Fawn didn’t know when she’d enjoyed herself so much. While she was with Mackie, he was always jealous. It wasn’t as if she was trying to get other men’s attention. They sought her out on their own, each one deciding she should be with them instead of Mackie.

Being with John was different. Men still approached her like they always did, some having the nerve to tell her she shouldn’t be with a white guy. To that, she sucked her teeth and kept walking. The more aggressive ones were set in their place, but she noticed here John didn’t flash his badge so quickly. His broad shoulders and a threatening look took care of most situations. The difference between him and Mackie was that Mackie acted like she was his property, something he should be allowed to touch alone. John behaved as if he was protecting her from someone hurting her. How could she not drink that kind of sweetness in? She was finding real quick that John didn’t have to use words women normally ate up to fall in love. Just being himself reeled her in.

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