Checkmate (7 page)

Read Checkmate Online

Authors: Annmarie McKenna

Tags: #General, #Suspense, #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Fantasy, #Erotica, #Werewolves

BOOK: Checkmate
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He’d come so close to losing her. Another couple of inches and that bullet would have been lodged in her brain instead of the door panel. He punched the back of the seat, throwing Caelan forward.

“There’s a bullet lodged in your door.” His teeth hurt from the pressure he exerted on them.

“Better than the back of her head,” Caelan growled. “What the fuck happened?” he shouted into his cell phone.

Eli hadn’t even noticed him making a call.

“Do more than check out the angle the shot came from. Find the shooter. I thought everything had been cleared. My brother almost lost his mate by getting her fucking head blown off.”

Eli idly stroked Nikki’s black cap of hair, loving the smooth silkiness of it between his fingers, and held her hand. He inhaled her scent again, not that it had ever left his brain. When he finally got her beneath him and marked her with his teeth, she’d never be able to hide from him. Her essence would be that strong within him. Put her in a stadium filled with forty thousand people and he’d be able to follow his nose to her seat.

His cock hardened. Not now. Not when she lay here unconscious after someone had taken another potshot at her.

“I’ll say fuck as many times as I fucking want to. Do you even understand the implications of what just happened?”

Eli smiled. His twin was not a Prime you wanted to go up against and since many of the people at the hospital were shifters, heads were undoubtedly going to roll.

“She’s part of our pack now, she’s Eli’s mate even if he hasn’t announced it yet.”

Eli stiffened. Damn. There’s something he hadn’t thought about. He wanted time to have her to himself. Meeting the pack as his other half could wait.

“Fine. Make sure it gets leaked that their witness is dead. She’s gone. Tell the detective assigned to her case to shout it to the press. Maybe this is the only way to keep her alive. Let the bastard think he won.” Caelan stared back at Eli through the mirror. His brother had to have seen the way Eli’s face drained of blood, leaving him pale and lightheaded at the mention of telling everyone Nikki had died.

He swallowed and shook his head. Caelan clicked the phone shut.

“It was the only thing I could think of, E.”

“No, no it’s good.” He tightened his hold on Nikki’s fingers. Nodding once, he said, “It needed to be done.” Eli clambered back into the front seat with a great amount of reluctance. “Looks like she’s down for the count.”

“Helps that we slipped her that sleeping pill before we left.”

“She needs the sleep. Her eyes look haunted. I bet she hasn’t slept since it happened.” He twisted to pull his seat belt on. “Plus, this way, I don’t have to explain to her why we’re headed to the ranch.”

Caelan laughed. “Nikki’s gonna kick your ass.”

“She’ll get over it.” Eli turned and watched her sleep. Peaceful at last, other than the red line across her cheek. And the bullet wound. And the obvious concern she had with him learning what had happened to her.

Not so insurmountable. In the next few lifetimes. He probably would never get over her being attacked, having some other man’s hands on her perfect little body.

Eli clenched his fists.

“I’ll make sure she gets over it.”


* * *


Nikki’s eyes flew open. A steady rock and hum combined with the low ramblings of some country music station and the constant sensation of an open window flooded her senses. She squinted at the bright sunlight filtering through the glass beside her just like the memories were doing in her brain.

Someone had shot at her. Again. When would this end?

And where the hell were they? She shifted in her seat and looked around. The rear window had a hole with spider web cracks radiating off it where the bullet had entered the SUV. Her entire body shook. Way too close for comfort. Nothing outside the car seemed familiar. Two-lane highway, lots of open land, space for miles. Not like the businesses that crowded Highway 70 until her exit for home. Even then houses lined the road here and there.

How long had she been out? Her cheek burned when she swiped a hand over her face. For a moment, her heart pounded. With her fingertips, Nikki traced a fine, raised line across her left cheek.

Great. Just what she needed, another scar. Maybe they’d cancel each other out. Her fingers came away clean so it must only be a scratch. The fear dissipated, leaving behind a tremble in her hands.

Wiping her sweaty palm along her thigh, Nikki sighed and closed her eyes. Why did her brain feel like mush? Like the time she’d had too much to drink, or when she’d taken that painkiller…

“You drugged me.”

Eli whipped around, his mouth opening and closing like a fish. “Hey, Nikki-Raine—”

“Don’t you Nikki-Raine me, Eli.”

“I didn’t, I mean, Caelan did it,” he sputtered. Damn but it felt good to put him in his place. Eli pointed to his brother, a sheepish look on his face.

“Some man you are.” Nikki focused on the back of the driver’s seat and tried to get more comfortable. “You sound like a girl, you big baby.”

Caelan snorted a laugh. When Nikki looked back up, Eli’s eyes were narrowed.

“Don’t think I won’t be showing you just how much of a man I am, Nikki,” he said softly.

She dropped her gaze. Her belly quivered, and her nipples tightened to hard points beneath her T-shirt. Braless because of her shoulder, the tips brushed erotically against the cotton. Damn the man for making her feel like this now, in the midst of all this chaos. Especially now when she’d convinced herself he’d never like her after all the things that had happened to her. He was proving her wrong at every turn with his flat-out suggestions, glances, touches. And the kisses. Melt-her-into-the-ground, I’m-going-to-eat-you-up kisses. Who knew the man could kiss like that?

And suddenly she was jealous of all the other women who might know exactly how he could kiss.

“Look at me, Nikki-Raine.”

Her cheeks reddened. How could she? Thank God he wasn’t a mind reader. She crossed her arms over her chest so he couldn’t see the state of her breast’s arousal. Nikki had to stop thinking about him this way, lusting after him like a lovesick puppy. Sympathy. That’s what all this was about. He felt bad for her and the situation and was trying anything possible to get her mind off it. Right? What other reason would he have for acting this way after all the years they’d known each other?

“Nikki. Raine.” The sensual, steely command in his voice compelled her to look at him.

His eyes seemed to glow beneath the incredible eyelashes she’d always envied. Eli was, quite possibly, the most yummy man alive. More so even than his twin whom she’d only met a few times. There was something extra about Eli that made her want him in the most elemental way. No man had ever been able to fill the void like she knew he could. In the past, sex had simply been a way to distract her attention from the man more apt to give her a noogie than a mind-blowing orgasm.

Nikki’s clit tingled to the point she had to clench her thighs together. She silently damned him again. Lifting her chin, she hissed, “What?”

The bastard smiled. She itched to slap it off his face. He wasn’t allowed to be happy in light of her emotional turmoil.

“You and I will talk later.”

“What, you afraid big brother might hear you?” Caelan asked.

“Big brother, my ass,” Eli muttered, turning his gaze on Caelan.

Caelan laughed. “As your Prime—”

“Shut the fuck up.”

“What’d I say?”

“I’m not ready to tell her yet,” Eli ground out beneath his breath. “It’s not like this is the best of places to talk about it.”

Nikki looked from one brother to the other. She felt like she was watching tennis.

“Well, you’ve got to tell her sometime, and you probably shouldn’t do it the way I told Tieran. It got kind of messy.”

“Yeah, fucking your mate for the first time on the countertop can get that way. I think I can handle it, thanks.”


Silence, finally. Arguing over…what exactly? She had no clue. They may as well have been speaking German for all she could understand.

“Do you guys hear yourselves? Bickering like five-year-olds. Caelan”—Nikki eyed him in the rearview mirror—“what the hell is a Prime? And, Eli, if you’ve got something to tell me, spit it out. Don’t go all pansy-assed on me.”

Neither one spoke and silence reigned yet again. At least both of them had the decency to look contrite. She sighed, knowing from past experiences that Eli wouldn’t talk until he was damn good and ready. Hardheaded…beast.

“Where are we?” Changing the subject seemed a good thing to do. “Nothing looks familiar.”

“We’re going home,” he growled.

Good to know his surly attitude had dissipated. “Hey, if you don’t want me around, by all means, drop me off.”
Please God, don’t drop me off.

Eli jerked around. “I’m not even going to dignify that with a response,” he snarled.

Her heart thumped at his behavior before settling back into a more normal rhythm. She wouldn’t let him scare her. Even if the tone did remind her of…
Christ, don’t go there, Nikki.
Eli was nothing like those men.

Swallowing, Nikki tried for a nonchalant approach. “You certainly don’t sound like you want me around,” she muttered.
Great. Now who sounds like a five-year-old? Why don’t you sniffle while you’re at it?

“You’re pushin’ it, Nikki-Raine. Don’t make me come back there and spank your ass, ‘cause I’ll do it, bullet wound or not.”

Her breath lodged in her throat and she had to close her eyes. Imagining his hands anywhere on her body made the folds between her legs slick. If only he’d said shit like this sooner. They could have gotten together before he left on his trip. At least then she’d know where she stood right now. Not that he wasn’t making it abundantly clear where he’d like them to be.

“Do you have any idea what kind of mess you’re in, baby?”

Oh, God, please don’t call me that

she knew exactly the kind of shit she was in. She’d seen her friends, seen the carnage and waste of life. The image would forever be burned in her mind. Nikki doubted anything would ever make it go away. Just as nothing had made the incident from eight months ago go away. If anybody wanted to catch this sick bastard, it was her for not being able to do anything to help her friends.

“He’s shot at you twice now, Nikki, I won’t underestimate him again. If I have to lock you in our bedroom until he’s caught to keep you safe, I will.”

A bed sounded wonderful. Her boxers, a tank top, nice soft sheets. She’d sleep for a week. If she ever got to sleep again, anyway. Damn. Nikki ground her palms over her eyes, fighting back the tears threatening to take over.

A strange mewling sound filled the car. She realized a second later she’d made the sound.
Safe. That’s all she really wanted. To feel safe for the first time in all these months. Nikki had a hunch only one man could do that for her. Eli. She reached for the scratch on her cheek again. He was right. If anyone could protect her, he could. Her lips still tingled from his earlier kiss. The kiss that had left her lips swollen and wanting more. A kiss that hadn’t been a dream. The one that made her belly flip-flop like no other man had ever done.

Wait a minute. Suddenly she was thrust back into reality. Had he said…?

“What do you mean,
room?” She winced at the huskiness in her voice.

Eli shifted around again so she stared at the back of his head.

“I’m done staying away from you, Nikki-Raine. You’re mine.” This time he growled. Growled. That’s the only way she could describe it.

Her heart returned to pounding. At this rate she’d have a heart attack and die before they even made it home. She shook her head. His house, not home, his house.

An ache grew in her clit, stretching through her abdomen and licking down her legs. She couldn’t have been more shocked by his possessive declaration than if he had shouted, “I’m going to fuck you all night long when we get there.”

Nikki fought the urge to cover her ears from her own thoughts.

“Where are we going?” she asked again. She’d never been to his house before, not in all the years Derek and he had been friends. Nikki had always just believed it was due to his private nature.

“I told you, home.”

“Which is where, exactly?” she said between her teeth. Damn stubborn, mule-headed…pig. If he wanted to be sharp with her, she’d return the favor. She certainly hadn’t asked to be here.

“The ranch. We’re almost there.”

Yeah, that helped.


Her scent was driving him insane. Eli had to get out of the car before he did something stupid. Like jump in the back and sink his rock-hard cock into what he knew would be her hot, wet pussy. Either that or he’d shift right in front her. That would go over well. One minute a man, the next an animal. Talk about fainting.

Eli gritted his lengthening teeth and willed them back to human. He would not show her this in the confines of the car. He smiled. Or show up in her bed as a wolf after their first mating. Not like Caelan had done with his mate.

It didn’t help that she was being so damn feisty and argumentative. He loved sparring with her, always had, but he would not give in when it came to her life.

As a shifter, protecting his mate was his duty, an honor, and so far he’d done a piss-poor job of it.


He should have done more, hired someone to watch her while he was gone.

“Eli, I don’t want to put your family in any danger.”

Caelan snorted next to him.

“Take me to a hotel.”

Like hell. Put his mate in some no-good hotel? Never. “You do remember that Caelan and I own a security business, right?” he asked, mocking her. She knew damn well what he did for a living.

“Don’t patronize me, Eli. I’m talking about your parents, and isn’t Caelan’s wife expecting a baby soon? I thought they lived with you.”

“Cael and Tieran live there, yes, but Mom and Dad have their own place.”

“Trust me, Nikki,” Caelan added, “I will never let anything happen to my ma…wife.”

Eli glanced at his brother. Asshole had almost let the cat out of the bag. Again. Eli wasn’t ready for that discussion yet.

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