Cheaper to Keep Her part 2 (The Saga Continues) (23 page)

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Authors: Kiki Swinson presents Unique

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“Duke, I will go to hell, but you are going first. And when you get there, which will be soon, tell Diamond and Chris that I said hello.” I stopped while he took it in. Then I said, “By the way, meet Bishop. You remember, Neeko’s brother, the one you thought you had blown up.”

His eyes got bigger and a tear from his eye.

Bishop didn’t say anything. When a slight smile came over Duke’s face, Bishop aimed his gun at Duke’s head to put the final bullet in that muthafucka’s skull.

I beat him to it. I held the gun with both hands and before Bishop could squeeze the trigger, I fired off three shots—all to Mr. Duke Carrington’s head.

Die muthafucka! This was for the girls who died for nothing, not knowing the faith of their children, and for Neeko and all the patrons and workers who had died at the club in the bombing.

And lastly, this was for me. It was cheaper to keep me, bitch!


Cheaper to Keep Her part 2 Unique



This was just the beginning!

The phone rang three times, before a nice sounding young lady picked up, “Hello, Carter Business Holdings Incorporated,” she said.

“An old friend calling for Anthony Carter,” Bishop stated.

Evidently the young lady recognized Duke Carrington’s phone number. The line was still opened when she said, “Mr. Carter, someone is calling you on Mr. Carrington’s phone.”

The phone went to music, meaning Bishop was on hold. Then when the phone was reconnected, a male’s voice said, “Anthony Carter speaking.”

“Why so formal, AC,” Bishop said. The phone went silent as if Anthony “AC” Carter had heard a ghost. “If you are there, more than likely, TC is right next to you. Am I right?”

“Without a doubt, you are definitely right,” the hoarse voice of Terrence “TC” Carter replied. “How in the hell are you Bishop? It’s been a while. When was the last time we saw each other?”

“That would be Manhattan, five years ago, when AC tried to have me killed for fucking his then fiancée,” Bishop replied.

I didn’t know what to think listening to their conversation. It was the next morning after we had took out Duke Carrington. It was a business day. Everybody was at work. Everybody except us. We were in an expensive hotel in Crystal City, the Arlington, Virginia area, about mile or so from the Pentagon. We had spent the night here and yes, we had explosive sex again—actually two times since checking the hotel.

The police found four men at Duke’s Chesapeake home along with several women taking care of newborn babies. They also found several young girls waiting to deliver babies. So Detectives Rosenberg and Whitfield still ended up being heroes. Chris and the two women who had died a couple of nights ago were also found in Shakira’s house and those murders were attributed to Duke as well.

Finally, I made a call back to the detectives and gave them Duke’s whereabouts. Bishop had me tell them that the smart move would be to write it up as a gunfight between the detectives and Duke. Of course they jumped at that opportunity.

What’s better for cops than being double heroes? That definitely beat a dozen of donuts and coffee.
I was my now Bishop’s ride and die bitch.
My future was bright and this was my new beginning.

“Bishop, go fuck yourself!” Anthony Carter said excitedly. I was sure he probably had the woman killed that Bishop fucked. I wonder why she did it and more importantly, why did he do it.

Bishop laughed at his comment. “I’m not going to prolong this communication,” he began. “Family has always been off limits, but you brothers changed the game. You killed Neeko and he wasn’t a threat to you guys operation. He was trying to go straight and never fucked with anyone, but you guys sanction Duke Carrington, and now, my brother is dead,”

“Bishop, it wasn’t like that, and you know that,” Terrence Carter replied. “We didn’t have control over Carrington. He was a rogue. If anything, the pressure may have been on to pay us, but we didn’t sanction anything.”

“TC, AC, it was nice talking to you brothers again.” The conversation went silent. Then Bishop broke the silence. “By the way, those things that go bump in the night, that’s me!”

He hung up the phone and a new chapter was born.


Coming Soon

New York’s Finest


Green Eyed Bandit


Wife Extraordinaire part 2


Cheaper to Keep Her part 3

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