Chasing You (Thirsty Hearts Book 4) (29 page)

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“I’m eating.”

Rather than respond, he piled his fork with pasta and took a colossal bite. He’d do whatever she wanted. Stop at first, stop at second, get waved home. It was up to her.

Chapter Forty-Six

lexa bypassed
the line of cars in the circular drive in front of Graham’s house. Young men in cropped red jackets jogged quickly between cars, spiriting them away to some unknown valet location.

Earlier in the afternoon, he texted her the code to enter the gated drive leading to his garage. She punched in the numbers and waited as the gate slid open. When she pulled beside the house, the drive curved around to the right. The garage door was up.

> I’m here. Where should I park?

>> In the drive.

She dropped her phone in the center console and parked outside the garage. The door to the house flew open, and he stood, leaning on the doorway in pressed linen pants with a checked button down.

“An untucked shirt. This is the casual you?” She lifted two bottles of champagne out of the back seat. She nudged the car door shut with her elbow, careful not to brush against her car in her new, breezy, silk sundress. She walked through the garage to the door leading into his house.

He looked down at his ensemble and shrugged. “Summer casual me.”

“So pulled together.”

Alexa squeezed through the doorway, her breasts brushing his chest as she entered the mud room between the garage and the kitchen. Her skin tingled. Graham closed the door and walked close behind her, lightly resting his hand on the small of her back. Sensation swirled up her spine, and she shivered.

“Are you too cold? I dropped the air conditioning in the house since people are going to be coming in and out.”

“No. I’m fine.”

Alexa stopped and Graham circled her waist, his lips hovering near her right ear. She turned toward him and found herself cheek to his freshly shaven cheek. A tiny bit of lather specked his jawline, which gave her the perfect excuse to run her fingers along the side of his face. She cleared her throat.

“You had a little shave cream.”

“Thank you.”

She started to pull away, but he spun her toward him and held her.

“You look lovely.”

She snickered. “That’s a compliment, right?”

“Yeah. So is this.”

Alexa’s lips parted and her eyes slipped closed, but instead of feeling his mouth on hers, she felt the brush of his chin down her cheek and the warmth of his lips in the tender spot below her earlobe. When she pressed closer to him, he upped his game.

The soft sweep of his tongue down the side of her neck ended with a suckling kiss on her collarbone. He drew his fingers over the tiny, tattooed stars, then scraped his teeth over her flesh, down to the bodice of her dress.

“Mmm. You taste good.”

“Don’t you have guests arriving?” she gasped.

“Right now, I’m only concerned with the one.”

Without the heat of his mouth on her, her heartbeat slowed a little. “If that’s how you’re going to greet all your guests, you lips are going to chafe. That was quite a line of cars outside.”

“That’s a greeting for one guest only.” Graham stroked her upper arms and pulled her in for a hug. “I’m thrilled you’re here.”

“I’m thrilled I came.”

“Already? Damn, I’m good.” He curved a hand over her behind and gave it a tap. Then, hand in hand, they passed through the kitchen to the back patio where wait staff circulated, passing out drinks to the throng of people. Alexa leaned on Graham’s arm, grateful she had more to support herself than her wobbly legs.

“Graham! So good to see you. And who is this?”

A trim, short, grey-haired man gestured toward her with a warm smile and sharp, blue eyes.

“This is Alexa Stevens. She owns the gym in the property we acquired a few months ago. Alexa, this is the principal partner in my firm, Walker Carmichael.”

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Carmichael.” Alexa returned the man’s smile and thrust out her hand to shake his firmly.

“Walker, please. You’re going to make me feel like an old man. My kids do enough of that already. Helena, dear, come say hello to Graham and his girlfriend.”

Girlfriend? Alexa immediately dismissed her knee-jerk panic and gripped Graham’s arm tighter. She could do girlfriend. Why not?

A plump woman with crystalline blonde hair turned toward them, lips pursed. How had Alexa already offended the woman?

She looked at Graham sideways, but he stared forward, smile painted on.

Then, Alexa remembered. This must the woman who tried to set Graham up with Sequin Barbie at the benefit. What had Graham done?

The woman paused and swept her eyes over Alexa. “Who is this?”

“This is my…friend, Alexa.”

So, now, he backs off ‘girlfriend’ like bear trap?

“Aren’t you an exotic beauty?” Helena Carmichael grasped Alexa’s hand to shake it limply. “I suppose I’ll have to take Walker’s advice and stop trying to fix Graham up with every young lady I know. Such as shame. That he’s off the market, that is.”

Alexa ignored any slight in her words. This was basically the boss’ wife.

Graham stroked the hand Alexa had curled around his bicep with his thumb. “I hope so.”

“Oh, sweetie, if she doesn’t have the good sense to snap you up, that’s a
shame.” Helena wrapped her words in a joking tone, but Alexa felt their bite anyway.

“I know Graham’s appeal to the women of Austin, and I’m glad he’s here with me.”

“You make quite the couple. Now, Walker, is that Amber Sheehan over there? She’s a friend of our eldest. We should go say hello.”

Walker didn’t have a chance to answer before his wife pulled him across the lawn out of earshot.

“I don’t think she likes me.”

“She likes picking winners and arranging people’s lives. For a while there, I had to duck her suggestions that I take their daughter out. With her daughter engaged now, she thought she’d match me with one of her daughter’s friends. Remember Candace?”

“Who could forget? You didn’t like her daughter.”

“Like mother, like daughter. She’s a bit much. That’s all I’ll say.”

“A woman with an opinion gets such the label.”

“I can call Chelsea Carmichael if you want. Maybe I can knock off the fiancé.”

“Absolutely not. You are one of the most eligible men in the city. Like Helena said, I should be clinging to you like grim death.”

Alexa poked Graham in the ribs and snickered. His smile congealed. She put her hand on his chest. “I’m only kidding.”

“About which? My eligibility or wanting to hang on to me.”

“Neither. I—”

Graham looked over her shoulder and cut her off. “Jonah. Shannon. You made it.”

“We did. This is probably my last trip. The heat is really starting up. God, summer is tough.”

The sound of the woman’s voice jerked Alexa’s head around. “Shannon? I didn’t know you were…You’re Jeff’s ex-wife.”

“I am. You’re Taryn’s cousin.” Shannon ran a hand through her hair and looked away at Graham.

“Sorry. I’m just now putting two and two together. I didn’t know the connection. Great to see you. I haven’t seen you since…”

“New Year’s Day. I came to drop off Olivia.”

“Right. New Year’s Day.”

Jonah sighed and put an arm around Shannon’s expanded waistline. “We were all over the place on New Year’s. A lot has changed since then.”

“It has.” Shannon’s shoulders relaxed, and she lay her head on Jonah’s shoulder. “Especially my bladder. Sorry. TMI. Where’s your restroom?”

“It’s…I’ll just show you.”

Graham pointed toward the glass doors and followed behind Shannon. Her husband shook the ice in his glass and stared down at it before piercing Alexa with an icy stare.

She was losing friends and influencing no one today.

“You’re back with Graham?”

“We’re talking.”


“Sorting things out.”

Jonah snorted. “Graham’s pretty sorted. I think you know how he feels about you.”

Alexa squared her shoulders and glared at Graham’s friend. “I do. I guess. Is there a problem?”

“I don’t like how you’re stringing my friend along.” Jonah’s voice began to rise, but he caught himself and shifted to a low growl. “He’s in love with you, and you keep waffling. ‘I want you. I don’t want you. I maybe want you. I’ll take everything you have to offer and dangle a carrot in front of your nose.’ He sticks around for it all. I’m sure it feeds your ego nicely.”

Alexa dropped her chin like a boxer ready to face off with her opponent. “You should really try to think before you speak. You don’t know anything about me, what I’ve been through, nothing.”

“Does it matter? You either love someone or you don’t.”

“You don’t know how I feel about him, and frankly, our relationship is none of your business.”

“Graham is my best friend. He’s my business. And you’re right. I don’t know how you feel about him, but neither does he. And I think that sucks.” He knocked back whatever drink he had and turned around, scanning the yard. “I’m going to get another drink.”

Tears swelled behind Alexa’s eyes.


She perused the previous weeks in her mind and saw the same growing happiness she’d felt when she got out of her car and saw Graham smiling at her from the doorway. They were seeing how things went, and things were going well.

Was he unhappy?

The thought took her by the throat, and she started toward the door to go find him. He was already heading back outside, smiling and chatting with another friend. Now wasn’t the time.

* * *

he sun had disappeared
below the hills of West Austin before the last of Graham’s guests pulled away from the house. The metallic slam of disassembling tables and displays rose up from the backyard to Graham’s second-floor movie room. The caterers had nearly cleaned and packed everything.

Alexa curled up on the couch in her jersey pajamas, sipping a hot water with lemon. Prime rib, fried mushrooms, and cheesecake—her stomach roiled with the sudden departure from her clean eating habits.

Graham’s feet thumped softly on the stairs as he brought up a bowl of popcorn.

“Air popped. No butter. I know you’re recovering from the food explosion of today.”

“I definitely overdid it.”

In his left hand, he also had a small gift bag.

“What is that?”

“Open it.”

Alexa’s eyes misted over. He was doing it again—being irresistible. “You don’t have to get me gifts.”

“Just open it.”

Alexa looked in the bag and found another flat cardboard box. She pulled off the top and laughed. “A massage and facial at Starlight Spa. The spa’s not open yet.”

“But it’s ready to open. I asked Melissa. She said Klaus gives a top-notch deep tissue massage, and I’m trying to put it out of my mind that I’m paying for another man to rub all over you. But, you said you needed a massage.”

Graham moved closer to her, sliding a hand along her calf to her knee and bumping up her body temperature a few degrees.

“You didn’t have to pay. I can probably swing that for free. I know the owner.”

“No. No more freeloading. Besides, I want to keep things professional between you and Klaus.”

He kissed her on the cheek.

“You keep giving me things.”

He frowned. “The last thing I want is to make you uncomfortable.”

“You’re not making me uncomfortable. I feel…guilty.”


“I haven’t done anything for you.”

“That’s not true. And I like doing things for you. I like seeing you happy. Does this make you happy?”

He tapped on the gift certificate.

“Of course, it does. But…do you think I’m jerking you around?”

“Why would you ask that?”

Telling Graham what Jonah said might cause problems between the men, and she didn’t want to pull an Adam, starting trouble between friends.

“Just today. We didn’t finish our conversation about what I said. You seemed upset when I joked about Helena. It’s simple. Do you feel like I’m toying with you?”

“Come here.”

Alexa fell into Graham’s arms, dropping her cheek against his chest. He squeezed her and spoke into her hair. “I think you have a hard time settling down, and your last boyfriend was a creep.”

Graham’s understanding only drove Jonah’s point deeper. She’d been unfair to him. So many times, she’d been angry with him. Then, she came crawling back, keeping him at arm’s length, and he just accepted it.

“I’m taking advantage of you.”

“How is it taking advantage of me? That I do nice things for you. I’m wooing you. Let me woo. Unless…you don’t…”

Graham sat back, pulling his hand away. A grim veil cast over his eyes. “You don’t feel the same way about me.”

“I care about you.”

“You care.”

He stiffened. Panic trickled through her veins. That she cared wasn’t all she wanted to say.

“This whole time, I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind. Even when I was with Adam. You’re there for me again and again, and I take you for granted. I wonder if I have anything to give.”

“You make me laugh, and you challenge me on my bullshit. And I have plenty.”

As true as that might have been, lately, he’d done nothing but prove himself game for having a future together. She was the one putting up roadblocks. Graham tilted her chin up so she could look at him.

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