Chasing Tail (Paranormal Shapeshifter Werelion Romance) (Quick & Furry Book 1) (6 page)

Read Chasing Tail (Paranormal Shapeshifter Werelion Romance) (Quick & Furry Book 1) Online

Authors: Celia Kyle

Tags: #Romance, #paranormal, #werelion, #bbw

BOOK: Chasing Tail (Paranormal Shapeshifter Werelion Romance) (Quick & Furry Book 1)
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Heaven. Her musk called to him, and the moist pinkness exposed to his gaze beckoned him. She was gorgeous, flush and ready for his possession. His mouth watered and he took what he desired. He placed a soft kiss to her inner thigh followed by a gentle scrape of his fangs over the sensitive skin and was gratified at her desperate shout.


He smiled against her skin and rubbed his cheek along her inner thigh. “Right here.”

“Marcus,” she pleaded.

“Tell me what you need.” He snared her gaze with his own. “Tell me.”

“You. Just you.”

She wanted him? She’d have him. Just as soon as he tasted her.

Which he did; he lapped at the seam of her sex lips, licking and tasting, swallowing the proof of her arousal, and suckling her clit.

He memorized every twitch, cataloged every tremble, and gloried in every needy whine and he resolved to repeat them until she screamed his name. The moment she balanced on that precipice, he’d take her. Take her and make her his.


Penelope wanted to be his. She wanted him to take her and make her his. Then again, when he sucked on her clit and sent those delicious tingles down her spine, she figured this was kind of okay too.

She rocked against his mouth, taking from him as she fought to reach her pinnacle. It was there, so close and yet still out of reach. But sometimes, the journey could be better than the arrival. Because right now, the journey was really, really fucking good.

Then he made it better; his blunt fingertips circled her opening, and two digits slid deeply into her. He stretched her and filled her, stroking with his talented fingers. That added sensation had her nearer to the edge, shoving her to the very precipice and she knew it wouldn’t take much more to send her tumbling over.

She rolled her body, riding his tongue and fucking herself on his fingers as she fought for more. But it wasn’t his touch, it wasn’t his mouth or tongue, or even his heat that sent her flying.

It was his eyes. The way his gaze poured into her, the way it begged for her, the way it branded her with his possession and not just asked—but demanded—her surrender. She was powerless beneath his silent domination, unable to stop her lioness’ immediate response to her mate’s wordless demand. He wanted her to come, and she was unable to stop it.

The pleasure gradually building bubbled over and consumed her in a blinding wave. Her heat contracted around him, milking him, and she couldn’t wait until it was his length deep within her. Bliss enveloped her from head to toe, plucking at her nerves and sending joy pouring through her veins. Her body was no longer her own, muscles trembling and spasming uncontrollably. Her toes curled and she was unable to stop her legs when they wrapped around him.

Her shout of completion echoed off the bedroom walls and was joined by a satisfied growl from Marcus.

Penelope’s orgasm continued, the sensations never ending, and if the foreplay was this good, she’d simply die when he finally claimed her.

“Please, please, please… I need you.” Her lion was whining and chuffing, begging Penelope to move things along. Both parts of her ached to belong to him, and it needed to happen already. “Make me yours.”

With a snarl, Marcus abandoned the juncture of her thighs and left her long enough to tear his clothes to shreds and leave them in a pile on the floor. Then he was back, climbing up her body and anticipation thrummed through her veins. His gaze remained focused on her, never wavering as he levered himself above her. A shift of his hips, and then the blunted tip of his shaft pressed against her very center. In one great heave, he speared her with his length, and a roar escaped him at that same moment. “Mine!”

Yes, yes she was his.

He stretched her, sending a tendril of pain through her blood, and it twined around the pleasure still pulsing through her. That sting merely encouraged her release to continue, the pleasure overwhelming until she could hardly breathe.

He withdrew slightly, his thickness caressing her inner walls, and then he shoved forward in a fierce thrust once again. “Mine.”

She wrapped her legs around his hips, holding him close. “Yours.”

He repeated the move, a slight retreat and then a forceful lunge. “Forever mine.”

“Yes,” she gasped.

Then words were beyond her. She was unable to catch her breath, unable to think beyond the pleasure and need that consumed her. Their bodies writhed in a dance as old as time, hips meeting, skin sliding against skin, and their breaths mingling as his mouth hovered above her.

The sounds of their sex filled the air while the scent of their combined musk soaked into their pores and coated them. No, it wasn’t just sex, it was pure, animalistic mating. Lion to lioness, man to woman, forever.

“Come for me.” He gave another fierce thrust, slamming the bed against the wall. “Come for me, and then I’ll claim you.” Another thrust and retreat. “Make you mine.”

Penelope did as he asked, taking the pleasure of his body and gathering it to herself. The rest of her orgasm had not drifted far, and his words sent it rushing forward once again. Only this time, it was stronger, overwhelming in its intensity and she cried out as it crashed through her blood. “Oh God!”

“Now, Penelope. Now. I want you to be mine.”

She couldn’t deny him, and this time her scream ended with a mighty roar. Her lion leapt forward, forcing her human teeth to become sharp fangs, the tips easily able to sink into Marcus’ flesh. And then she did.

She struck, pressing them through his skin and into the muscle, taking him for herself. Her next yell was muffled against his flesh as he did the same to her. It was no longer simply the combined scents of their sweat and musk, but also the coppery tang of their blood that surrounded them.

The shifter born magic that lived inside them reached for the other; his stretching and twining with hers while hers beckoned him. As their release thundered through their bodies, the ethereal lines wrapped around each other and tied the two spirits together. Yes, sharing their bodies was an integral part of a mating, but this soul deep connection would knot them together until the end of time.

And as the lines solidified in their connection, her beast was soothed by Marcus’ presence. Because it was done, they were mated, and there wasn’t a damn thing anyone could do. Her pride may not view her as a worthy lioness, but fuck them.

Marcus was hers.
And if they didn’t like it, she’d have her mate kick their asses.

His shaft swelled and stretched her further, locking them together in the final moments of their binding. His thickness wouldn’t allow him to retreat as soon as his orgasm ended; they would be joined together in a closeness only shared by mates.

A new heat filled her, the warmth of his cum coating her inner walls. His pure essence would alter her true scent, adding a bit of his to her own. One and all would know she belonged to him. In return, she knew her bite on his shoulder would do the same. Maybe not to the extent of the alteration of hers, but the bitches better watch out because she would straight up cut them if they went near her mate.

Marcus trembled, his big frame shaking and the vibrations transferred to her, sending another spear of pleasure down her spine. It wasn’t until he withdrew his fangs from her flesh that she realized the motions were due to chuckles and not emotions that overwhelmed him.

At his retreat, she withdrew her own, and lapped at the wound she caused. It was big and would definitely be visible to everyone. Good. That part of her mind settled, she returned her attention to her laughing mate. “What’s so funny?”

“You.” He still remained tied to her, his length hard and firm within her, and he propped himself on his elbows. “You’re going to ‘straight up cut them’?”

Oh. She forgot he could read her mind. Dammit.

“Well, you’re my mate. You’re not the only one who gets to be a possessive asshole, you know.”

He lapped at her lips, and she opened to him, tasting her blood in his mouth an instant before he retreated. “I didn’t say I didn’t like it. It just surprised me. To think the woman I hunted down, the prissy perfect librarian is violent at heart… Makes me hard.”

Penelope rolled her eyes. “A stiff wind would make you hard.”

“Maybe when I was an adolescent cub, but now…” He slid his arms beneath her, and suddenly she was astride him, her legs straddling his hips while his shaft was still deep within her. “It’s all about you.”


“Exactly.” He rubbed her hips and then cupped her ass, kneading the mounds. “Now, let’s see how long I can stay hard.”

Penelope definitely liked the sound of that idea.

Chapter Four


The next morning, Penelope rubbed her nose against Marcus’ bare chest, inhaling his musky scent and savoring his closeness. He stroked her with those large, callused palms and she remembered how gentle they could be. And how wicked.

“So, you’re kind of a big deal?” she murmured against him. They’d have to talk about the furry elephant in the room at some point.

Marcus merely chuckled, his body trembling with the sound. “You could say that. But I only want to be important to one person.” He cupped her cheeks, encouraging her to tilt her head back and meet his gaze. “You.”

Aww, if he kept saying sweet things like that, she was a goner. “Well, you’re kind of a big deal to me.”

He lowered his head, and she stretched toward him, until their lips met in a gentle kiss. It was completely opposite of the passionate meetings that had consumed them the last twenty-four hours. Now, their lions were able to enjoy a little sweetness rather than the fiery need of mating. He withdrew from her, a small smile hovering between them as he relaxed against the bed.

She propped her chin on his chest, staring at the man she’d spend the rest of her life with. She wasn’t sure how she got so lucky. Going from hardly wanted, barely tolerated, to being claimed was a novel experience. And there was no doubt Marcus wanted her. No, it was more than want. She wouldn’t be able to live without him and had no doubt he felt the same.

“What you looking at?” He whispered the words.

“You.” She pressed a kiss to his chest, the soft gold fur that seemed to permanently grace his skin brushing her nose. “Just you.”

“And what do you think about me?”

A blush heated Penelope’s cheeks, burning her face, and she squirmed against him. What could she tell him? That she didn’t think she’d ever be able to live without him? That she couldn’t wait to have his cubs? That if he so much as looked at another female she would cut the bitch and claw out the woman’s eyes? God, he’d turned her into a violence craving homicidal bitch.


“You know what I think about you,” she grumbled. “I yelled it often enough, didn’t I?”

Another chuckle from Marcus. “Yeah, you did. I like making you yell. I like making you scream my name.” He stroked her back, fingertips scraping her delicate skin. “Want me to do it again?”

Penelope hurt in places she didn’t even know existed, and she wasn’t sure she could survive another round. At least not until she got some food in her stomach.

She shook her head. “Feed me first.”

“Food is more important than me claiming you again?” His tone held a hint of annoyance and she almost rushed to deny his statement, but a girl had to keep her guy on his toes.


Marcus mock growled, and flipped their positions, rolling until Penelope was pinned beneath his large bulk. He blanketed her like a seductive cloth, sending a sliver of arousal through her body. It took that single brush, that slide of skin on skin, and she was ready for him once again. The yellow of his eyes and the rumble of his chest with a deep purr told Penelope he felt the same.

But then her stomach growled and the burgeoning desire quickly vanished.

“Food.” He rolled from her, quickly gained his feet beside the bed, and held out his hand. “Come on, let’s eat.”

Penelope allowed herself to be drawn from the comfort of their small nest and went easily into the circle of his arms. She didn’t bother protesting when he swung her up into his embrace. “You know, I doubt there’s any food in the house.”

“Don’t worry, Lincoln took care of things around three this morning. There’s enough here to feed five average full grown lions.”

“Well, that should last us a couple days,” she murmured as she clung to him when he tromped down the stairs.

Marcus grinned down at her and didn’t break his stride. “Sweetheart, that’s just for me and it
last the rest of the day.”

“Uh-huh. And you let Lincoln in here? I thought big bad alpha lions were super protective of their mates. What’s up with that?”

He padded into the kitchen and placed her on the old wooden table. She squeaked as her bare flesh collided with the cool surface and she opened her mouth to yell at him, but his voice cut her off.

“You’re covered in my scent. You’ve got my mark on your shoulder, and evidence of our mating coating your skin. There is no way he wouldn’t know.” He leaned forward and nibbled her lower lip. “And I trust Lincoln with my life. Besides, he was the only one with balls big enough to step onto the property. The other guys are good but they’re…”

“Pussies. The word you’re looking for is pussies.”


Penelope ignored him. “So, it seems it’s good to be a big deal. I think I could get used to this kind of treatment.”

“This kind of treatment…” His gaze was intent on her, his eyes seeming to search for something, but she wasn’t sure what he was looking for. “Could you get used to it somewhere else?”

Wow. From teasing to heavy in an instant. She met his serious stare. “Define somewhere else.”

A look of vulnerability coated his features, and she figured she was the only person who’d ever seen the alpha unsure. “You know where the North American headquarters are, and I also travel when needed.”

The question was there, even if the words didn’t leave his mouth. He wanted to know if she’d moved with him, if she’d leave her life behind and follow him.

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