Chasing Me (7 page)

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Authors: Cat Mason

BOOK: Chasing Me
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“Aiden’s right.” I pipe up, standing to my feet. Everyone’s eyes meet mine, except Henry’s. His eyes are glued to his phone screen. “I’m sure he’s not proud of how he acted or the things that he said. I’ll go after him. Maybe I can talk him into going back to the hotel, if that’s not where he’s headed already.”

“No you won’t Chase.” Luke roars angrily. “I don’t want you anywhere near that piece of shit.”

I glare at my brother, infuriated at how he keeps referring to Hunter. “Hmmm, why would Hunter get so upset?” Looking around, I take in discussions about damage control and how to deal with him in the morning. “I get that he isn’t a saint, okay? He can be crazy, reckless, and an absolute pervert. He is, however, funny, loyal, honest and sweet. Yes!” I exclaim when I get shocked stares. “Hunter Chesterfield is sweet. So, the next time you call him an ass, remember the times he stood up for you, or protected you. My God, the fact that he would make a complete idiot of himself to make anyone smile was enough to make me fall in love with him.” I say, looking at a now sobbing Daisy.

Shoving my way toward the door, I let my final blow drop. “I know you love him and that this family is the best thing that’s ever happened to any of us. I love all of you. That’s why I’m sayin’ this now. For all the things that you ask of him, or just expect him to do, what does he get back? Love is a two way street and right now, Hunter is being shafted in the worst way.”

“Chase,” Camaron chokes out, and I don’t have to turn to see that I’ve struck home with all of them now. Even though Hunter left out the back, I decide since he has a head start I’ll grab a cab on the street. That way I can call him on my way back to the hotel, if he will even answer.

“While you’re all sittin’ here bitching about how, after he sang a beautiful song for you, he caused trouble, I’ll be out lookin’ for him.” I say flinging the front door open.

“Chase, wait!” Henry shouts after me. “I’ll go with you.” He announces, following me down the sidewalk. “Mack is going to get the others back to the hotel.”

Turning to face him, once I reach the street, I take a breath. I’m shaking with fury after my outburst, hurting for a man who clearly needed something that he didn’t get. Pissed at myself because all he wanted was to talk to me, then I ran because I was afraid of what I would do. “Okay, but once we find him, hang back please?” I ask, desperately. “This all began with arguing with me after all.”

Henry chuckles. “It may seem that way darlin’, but this storm has been brewin’ for years.” Looking me over, his eye brow rises above his shades. “You love him?” He asks and I can only nod. “Weather the storm darlin’. Whatever comes, the man behind the asshole he pretends to be is worth it. He’s thirty and what always worked, suddenly isn’t workin’ anymore. Hunter will have to learn to evolve and adapt. He’s not going to go easily, but he will get there.”

“How do we even find him?” I ask, realizing that trying to find one person in Vegas is like searching for a needle in a hay stack.

Henry grabs his phone, punching in a series of numbers before sighing in relief. “There he is.” Bending down he shows me the screen with a tiny blue dot highlighted on the map. “All our phones have a tracking device in them. Just an added security measure I added to our arsenal after everything the last few months. No way would I ever let him walk away without a way to find him.” Scanning the phone, he grins. “Looks like he’s a few blocks up, at a bar.”

“Okay, let’s go.” I blurt rushing to the van, hoping like hell I can deal with Hurricane Hunter.

The entire ride I try to figure out what I am going to say. A million scenarios run through my head by the time Henry pulls up outside the bar. Not many of them ending well, which is really promising. “If I need you, I’ll wave you in.” I say, opening the door.

“You women live for makin’ me do shit I’m not comfortable with.” Henry replies, exhaling loudly. His hands clench the steering wheel tightly as if he needs to force himself to stay in his seat.

Sliding to the pavement, I smile up at him. “It’s the best way Big Man, you know it.”

“Y’all say that shit too. Go get our boy.” He chuckles, waving me on. “If you’re longer than ten minutes, I’m coming in.”

Taking a breath, I hold my head up and walk into the bar. Hunter is parked on a stool, slumped over so that he is lying face down on the bar. The only movement he makes is the rise and fall of his even breathing. My feet carry me to him, as if moving on their own; taking me to where I desperately want to stay forever, by his side. Even if I know it is an impossible dream, that I am only punishing myself. I can let myself believe it if only for tonight, while I take care of him, that Hunter is mine.

“Shop washin’ me and come shit on my wap.” He slurs, making me laugh.

Unable to hide how amusing I find his slurring blunder, I hop onto the empty stool next to him. “I’m not washin’ or shitting on anything.”

Turning his face to meet my gaze, Hunter smiles at me sadly. “Tiger Lily, why’d you come? I’m assmole.”

“Because I care about you, assmole.” I giggle, sliding from the stool to help him to his feet. “Let’s get you back to your hotel, everything will be okay.”

Looking at me in disbelief, he blinks rapidly. “You’ll hate me.”

“I doubt that.” I reply. “He pay you up?” I ask the bartender, who just nods in my direction.

Wrapping my arms around his waist to steady him, I help Hunter stagger his way out to the van. “Wanna violate me in the car?” He slurs, reaching around to cup my ass. “Hump me… hump me…” I steady my grip when he flings his arms out, trying to keep us from crashing to the pavement. All while his singing a repeat chorus of ‘
Hump me’
has a crowd gathering on the street.

“That’s Hunter from Shaft!” A woman screams.

“Holy shit, it is.” Someone replies, “Who’s your kitten for tonight Hunter?” The man asks, making Hunter stiffen against me.

Staggering forward, we bump into the van before Henry can get the door. “Who her?” Hunter slurs, “She’s not a kitten. Chase’s
Tiger Lily.” He explains as if it makes a difference to anyone staring or grabbing for a phone to snap a photo.

“Alright, time to go, brother.” Henry says, shoving Hunter into the van.

“Big Maaaaaaaaan!” Hunter sings, grabbing his arms. “Chase is gonna hummmmmmmp meeeeeeee!”

“Oh yeah, you’re shattered.” Henry chuckles, moving to let me climb in the back with our drunken songbird.

I blush ten shades of red at Hunter’s raunchy outburst, as camera phone flashes go off all around us. “We gotta get him outta here.” I say shoving into the van beside him. “He’ll be a trending topic before the sun comes up.” I say, slamming the door as Henry climbs into the driver seat and pulls out.

“Hashtag assmole!” Hunter says, sprawling across the bench seat, pulling me on top of him. “My dick wants to trend in your ass. Can I twitter your clitter?” He asks, arching his eyebrow.

The thought of him
anything with that amazing mouth of his has my entire body humming with excitement. My nipples harden against his chest. The fabric of my dress rubbing painfully against the aching points is not helping me focus on sobering him up. “Let’s get you back to the hotel Hunter, okay?” I purr sweetly. “Then I’ll help you get cleaned up before we feed you something. I’ll order bacon.”

He closes his eyes, no doubt having bacon devouring fantasies. “My penis is horny.” He mumbles before passing out, snoring loudly the entire ride to the hotel.


“Where do you want him?” Henry asks when I hold the door to Hunter’s suite open. Hunter wouldn’t walk by himself, let alone open his eyes; so Henry had to carry him in from the van. Lucky for us, in Vegas, that kind of thing doesn’t usually attract attention.

“Shower. He needs to sober up and hose that brewery smell off before he eats.” I reply, walking through the living area of the suite and down the hall in search of his bedroom. Henry follows behind with Hunter tossed over his shoulder like a duffel bag.

“You gonna handle that?” Henry asks, flopping him onto the bed. I walk into the adjoining bathroom and start the water, adjusting carefully. “I’m not getting him naked. The assmole’s penis is horny and I’m not sure that fits my job description.” He chuckles, making me smile.

“Go check on the others, let them know Hunter’s okay, and grab some food. We’ll be fine.” I reply, leaning against the door frame. My eyes scan Hunter’s sleeping form sprawled across the end of the bed.

“Alright then, boss.” He winks before disappearing down the hall. The door slams to the suite, letting me know that we’re alone now.

Kicking out of my heels, I pad over to the bed trying to figure out the best way to get his ass undressed and into the shower. I’m five foot tall; with Hunter being clearly a foot taller than me this is going to be interesting. Deciding to start off easy; I pull his boots off first, followed by his socks. Standing back to my feet, I step between his legs and undo the button of his jeans. Plastic cling wrap, like we use to cover fresh ink at the shop, comes into view as I pull the zipper down. My mind whirls with curiosity over what he could’ve gotten today at Luke’s.

Yanking carefully, I try to get his jeans down his thighs. Hunter mumbles something between snores but doesn’t move.
Leaning down I grab the bottoms of the pants legs to give it another try. I pull but they are stuck under his ass. Digging my heels in, I jerk the denim one last time with everything I have. Hunter’s hips lift and the jeans side from his legs as I tumble backwards.

“Son of a bitch,” I shriek. My ass hits the floor with a loud thump, knocking the wind out of me.

Hunter rolls to his side, covering his ears with both hands. “Ssh, can’t you see I’m drunk here?” He mumbles.

Rolling my eyes, I push to my feet. “I can see that.” I deadpan. “I also smell it; you need a shower. When Henry gets back with food, you can be a good boy and eat.”

Cracking open one eyelid, he grins, giving me just a taste of the gorgeous bad boy. “If I promise to be a real good boy, can I eat dessert first?” The tone of his voice very clear he isn’t talking about apple pie. “Come here.” Hunter says, crooking his finger. “I promise I won’t bite, hard.”

What the ever lovin’ hell? Wasn’t he passed out thirty seconds ago? Now he’s ready to play hide the meerkat in the borough?

“Alright lover boy,” I tease pulling on his hand. “The shower is running.”

Hunter pushes off the bed with a grunt, following me into the bathroom. “Fine, but I can’t be held responsible for your actions when you see all of this naked without an orgasm or three.”

“I’m sure I can manage.” I wink at him.

Hunter tugs off his shirt, and then shoves his boxers down his legs. “Don’t try to hurt my ego, Chase.” He teases, leaving me to take in the very hard dick pointing straight at me. Nearly blackout drunk not even an hour ago and now he’s ready for an all night ‘fuckscapade,’ as he calls it. Why should I even be surprised? “We both know you want me inside of you just as badly as I ache to be there.”

Thankfully, he steps into the shower without another word. Trying to get my mind off of the very wet, very hard man in the shower right now, I grab up a towel for him and a pair of clean boxers from his bag. Listening carefully just in case he slips and falls or something, since I know he is still far from sober.

“Come, come, come on my dick. Come on my schtick. I wanna lick your clit, Tiger Lily! Oh Tiger Lilllllly!” I hear him sing out, making me laugh.

“Shut up and wash your ass!” Henry says walking back in the bedroom door, making me jump.

“That was fast.” I say, knowing I expected him to be at least an hour.

“Aw Big Man, I’m singin’ for my dessert.” Hunter replies before starting to belt out another verse, only louder this time.

Tossing a take-out bag to the bed-side table, Henry shrugs. “I sent a text letting everyone know the assmole is unharmed and sobering, then went down and grabbed you two some food.”

“Thanks.” I say, sitting the stuff for Hunter on the bathroom sink. Quietly, I close the door behind me so Hunter can sing to himself.

“No problem.” He assures me, looking around the room. “I honestly figured you would have more trouble out of him. That’s the real reason I hurried back.” Walking toward the door, he grins. “I’m learning quickly not to underestimate you ladies. All of you seem to surprise me. I’m going to bed. I’ll be down the hall if you do need me.”

“Hunter will be fine.” I reply to his back as Henry walks out of the room, closing the door behind him.

I sit on the edge of the bed and take a deep breath, wondering exactly what the hell I am going to do when he comes out of the bathroom. My body and my brain are fighting with a plan when the door opens, and my jaw drops at the sight. Hunter stands there towel drying his hair, completely naked, and still rock hard. His new ink, a lightning bolt, centered right in the middle of ‘The V’. Those fucking perfect lines leading to both the Heaven and Hell that God put on that man just to fry my brain. Drool ditches would be a better name for them, because they make my mouth water.

His eyes follow the path of mine, locked on his cock and he grins. “Is it time to eat?” He teases, winking at me and I know I am completely screwed.

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