Chasing His Bunny (11 page)

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Authors: Golden Angel

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #paranormal romance, #Paranormal, #werewolf, #shape shifter, #paranormal erotica

BOOK: Chasing His Bunny
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Raking her nails down his back,
Bethany arched, pressing her body up against his as her pleasure
mounted.  Every hard jolt against her clit, every slide of his
cock into her slick sheath, sent her flying higher and
higher.  She barely recognized herself in the noises she was
making, her incoherent cries of ecstasy as Steele pounded into her.

They weren't kissing anymore - they
couldn't.  He was moving too fast, too hard, drilling into her
body as their moans filled the air around them.  Grinding his
body against hers, he trapped her clit between them, rubbing
against the sensitive nub with his groin and making her scream as
she clenched down around him.  Her pussy rippled, making him
feel even bigger inside of her as her muscles tightened, increasing
the intensity of her climax as it burst inside of her.

Tears sprang to her eyes,
and she cried out as he continued to move above her, his cock
sliding back and forth despite her clenching spasms, sending her
higher and higher on the planes of ecstasy.  She felt like she
was actually losing her mind, the sensations were so intense and
unlike anything she'd ever experienced before.  And they
doubled when he finally growled and burst inside of her.  She
could almost feel his relief, his rapture, as he filled her with
his seed, his pumping cock throbbing against the walls of her pussy
with the force of his release.  

His body slumped, pressing down on
hers, making her shudder as little ripples of pleasure went through
her... smaller quakes in the aftermath of her earth-shattering
orgasm.  Despite the fact that she'd just woken up, she felt
rather sleepy again.  Sleepy and content, and with that sense
of rightness that she kept feeling in Steele's

Little kisses trailed over her
shoulder and across her forehead, making her smile.  Who knew
such a big, growly, alpha male could be so tender?  Especially
just moments after wreaking such rough - if welcome - havoc on her
poor pussy?

Mr. Sex-in-the-Morning was a dangerous

Bethany tilted her head back, lifting
her lips on the air, and immediately received a gentle kiss for her

"Good morning," Steele said again, his
voice all growly and satisfied, echoing her feelings of sexual

"Good morning," she
responded, blinking as she turned her head.  It was
immediately obvious that she wasn't in her room, as she'd
assumed.  This had to be his bedroom.  The bed they were
on was huge, definitely a king size if not bigger, and made of the
same dark, heavy wood that the dresser and nightstands were. 
They were definitely a matching set, which was kind of cute - she
hadn't thought Mr. Aggressively-Alpha would be the type to have an
actual bedroom set.  There were no curtains on the window,
just standard plastic slat blinds, and the only thing up on the
wall was a huge picture of a giant, grey wolf standing on a
mountainside in the snow.  The dresser was pretty sparse too,
although there were a couple of picture frames on it, and -
strangely - a Rubik’s Cube (solved).  "Um... what am I doing

She was feeling too good
to be mad about waking up in his bed, but she was also
curious.  Apparently, she'd fallen asleep on the ride home

"Where's Bailey?" She tried to sit up,
but Mr. Huge-and-Heavy-and-Still-Inside-Me didn't budge.

"Bailey's downstairs in my guest
bedroom, and she knows where to find us," he said.  "She's
fine.  And I didn't want to enter your house uninvited, so I
brought you both back here after you fell asleep in my car."
 The pleased way he said that had Bethany narrowing her eyes
at him.  Sneaky man.  Yeah, she didn't buy that excuse
for one second; he'd just manipulated the situation into the
outcome he wanted. 

On the other hand, she really couldn't
object... she'd slept so well.  Better than she had in
years.  The wake-up call had been pretty great too, so she
couldn't really complain about that.

Dropping another kiss on
her lips, Mr. Smug-and-Sexy smiled down at her.  "Take your
time getting up, and I'll make us breakfast."

Yawning, Bethany reflected that she
might as well let him do that.  She turned onto her side,
pressing her legs together as she sleepily watched him go into the
bathroom, hearing the water in the sink turn on a moment
later.  The warm fuzz in her brain dragged her back into
sleep, feeling absolutely wonderful.

She woke up half an hour
later, much more alert and horrified to realize several

1. Mr. Unhygenic had put
her sister in the bed that Bethany and Steele had had sex in last

2. The stickiness between her legs
meant that Mr. Sex-in-the-Morning was totally irresponsible and
hadn't used a condom - and she had let him!

3. She was way too comfortable and
happy to be waking up in his bed!



Shoving the chocolate chip
waffles that he'd made in the oven (having so many sisters had
finally been useful to him - he'd known exactly what to make his
mate and her sister this morning.  He'd never known chocolate
chip waffles to
 help with getting on a woman's good side.), Steele
scowled at Eli.  The wonder of smartphones, allowing him to
talk face to face with his boss without having to leave his house.

"I wish this was some kind of
elaborate joke you were playing on me."

"Unfortunately not," Eli
said, looking grim.  "I just wish I could tell you more. 
If they weren't hiring mercenaries, we wouldn't have even known
they were coming."

Yeah, that was a lucky break. 
One of Eli's contacts, a former soldier turned mercenary, had been
one of those hired.  Raoul Sanchez was 100% human, which was
probably why he'd been approached, but he was also Eli's cousin by
marriage.  They didn't have a whole lot of contact - Steele
had met Raoul and calling the guy taciturn was an understatement -
but they occasionally shared information back and

Raoul was convinced that
the people who had hired him (they called themselves 'The Company'
- what kind of crap name was that?) had no idea he had any ties to
Steele or Eli, even remotely.  He wasn't entirely sure they
even realized Steele worked for Eli.  The job he and his men
had been hired for was to distract the guards while another team
entered the town and extracted two targets.  From the
description, it was obvious to Eli and Steele that The Company
wanted the Bunson sisters and somehow they knew that the brothers
were no longer at the compound. 

That had Steele on
edge.  How the hell had this mysterious Company found the
females?  Would the brothers be secondary targets?  Or
did they want Bethany and Bailey more than the brothers for some
unknown reason?

The threat to his mate had Steele's
wolf pacing and growling inside of his head, making his skin itch
as he longed to shift and defend her.  That was pure animal
instinct; the man inside of him knew that he needed to remain in
control to protect her and her sister.  

Unfortunately, Raoul's
band of men was only five strong; his company was always hired to
do very specialized jobs that only required one or two men. 
If he'd been the main outfit hired to come in and take Bailey and
Bethany, that would have been more convenient for everyone - well,
everyone except The Company.  Raoul didn't even know who had
been hired, but he'd been told to watch for ten SUVs that would be
surrounding the pack lands tonight.  It was Raoul's job to
keep an eye out for possible escapees from the town, or possible
assistance if someone in the town called for help. 

Of course, that wasn't
going to be what Raoul was doing at all, but he was pretending to
go along with The Company's agenda for now, since that was the
biggest way he could help.  Sadly, he wasn't able to get a
whole lot more intel, as The Company didn't feel that he needed to
know any specifics.  The only reason he knew the targets - and
just hearing his mate called that had Steele's hackles rising - was
so he knew who to look out for.  They'd even helpfully
provided him with pictures.

"You're going to have to
go about your day as normally as possible," Eli said, almost
apologetically.  "We don't know if they have anyone watching
the town, but they must or they wouldn't know that just Bethany and
Bailey are there, so you can't be do anything out of the

"Who knows that we're

His mate's voice was wary, suspicious,
and startled Steele badly enough that he actually jumped. 
He'd been so focused on Eli and on the threat to his mate that he
hadn't even noticed her sneaking up behind him.  Standing in
the doorway, wearing one of his shirts - which hung down almost to
her knees because she was so petite - with her hands on her hips
and her sister behind her, his mate looked pissed.

"The people who took you," Eli said
calmly.  "At least we're assuming it's the same people; they
call themselves The Company."

Bailey gasped, but Bethany just rolled
her eyes.  "Totally impersonal and somehow dramatic. 
Sounds like them."

She didn't seem the least bit upset,
which both soothed and aggravated Steele.  Of course he didn't
want his mate upset, but... shouldn't she be?  Instead, she
looked more interested in the waffles he'd made.  Which wasn't
a bad thing, but... he just didn't understand her. The he realized
that the seething mass of anger inside of him seemed to have gotten
even bigger, even darker and tinged with fear - which he hadn't
felt before - and he knew that it was her emotions he was
sensing.  She was hiding them for some reason - and as she
handed some waffles to Bailey, he finally realized why.

Bailey had looked scared, right up
until Bethany had acted like it wasn't a big deal.  Now Bailey
was sitting, calm and composed, pouring syrup over her waffles
while Eli updated them on the situation.  He could feel
Bethany's anxiety growing as Eli talked, but not a bit of it showed
on her face.

He thanked every deity he could think
of for the bond; his mate had such a stoic poker face, he needed it
to get any kind of tap on her emotions.  She'd probably had a
lot of practice hiding what she was feeling - and that thought just
pissed him off all over again.  Standing off to the side,
Steele had his arms crossed over his chest while he watched his
mate and her sister, keeping his face as blank as Bethany's. 
Every so often, as Eli talked, Bailey would glance at him and he
would give her a little, reassuring smile.  She seemed to
trust him.  He wished his mate would look to him as well, but
she was totally focused on Eli.  It's not that he was jealous
that she was paying so much attention to another man, while not
even glancing at him.  It would just be nice, was all.

"Okay," Bethany said, her voice
steady, once Eli had wrapped up his explanation.  "So what's
the plan?"

The way she said it made Steele think
that she intended to be involved in whatever plan was

Hell to the fucking no.

He straightened up, keeping his arms
crossed over his chest, using his command tone.  The one he
used when he needed to restore order or exert his dominance as
alpha and leader of his pack.  The one that halted everyone in
their tracks and had them jumping to do his bidding.

"My crew and I will keep
the town safe while you and the other civilians barricade
yourselves in the bunker underneath the movie theater.  Eli
will send men for back-up, but hopefully they won't be

His mate snorted. 
Snorted!  She was finally looking at him, but not the way he
wanted her to.  "Yeah, I don't think so.  There's no way
I'm staying trapped inside a building waiting for the bad guys to
come get me.  Besides, I'm not missing out on a chance to take
out Dr. Montgomery."

"What makes you think he'll be here?"
asked Eli, before Steele could respond.  He stomped on the
urge to end the phone call, relieving his frustration with a sharp
growl that had Bailey eyeing him warily before he subsided. 
His mate ignored him.  Fucking typical.

"He's obsessed with us," Bethany said,
pushing a strand of blonde hair out of her face.  Her waffles
only half eaten, she pushed them away from her, as if she couldn't
even think about eating more while she talked about the doctor.
 "And he doesn't know what's happened with Bailey.  He's
going to want to know how his latest... experiment turned
out.  If he's not with them, I'll..." She glanced down at the
shirt she was wearing - his shirt - and smiled with false
sweetness.  "I'll eat Steele's shirt."

He had other things of his that he'd
rather she eat... wait, dammit, he was getting distracted. 
Protect first, then fuck.  

"If he's obsessed with you then you're
definitely not going to be out in the open where he can get at
you," Steele said, aware of the deep growl in his voice that meant
his wolf was coming close to the surface.  The animal was
agitated, just as frustrated as he was, and getting harder to

"News flash, Mr.
Bossypants," Bethany snapped back at him, "you don't get to tell me
what to do."

He stalked forward as she stood up, as
if her short stature was somehow more intimidating standing than
sitting, until he could lean down with his face mere inches from
hers.  "You will sit in that bunker and you will be happy
about it."

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