Chasing Destiny (10 page)

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Authors: J.D. Rivera

BOOK: Chasing Destiny
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“That would be interesting to see.” I glanced over at Holly, who looked like she really wanted away from the other two girls. “It was nice seeing y’all, but I have to get to class.”

“See ya later,” Miranda said as Mackenzie offered a, “Have fun.”

Holly and I began walking toward the college of business as they made their way into the library. “Thank you.”

“For what?” I asked Holly.

“I don’t think Miranda likes me too much.” It was true, but I couldn’t hurt her feelings.

“That’s not true,” I started. “Miranda was just going through some things when I lived with her and it made her kinda rude.” That was the nicest way I could put it. The truth was Miranda was a recovering cocaine addict and had a really horrible ex-boyfriend. He’d made her feel worthless and she had believed him. Thank goodness Brad, her current fiancé, had showed her how amazing she is.

“Oh, I didn’t know that. Why didn’t you tell me that before?”

I hitched my bag higher on my shoulder. “Because it wasn’t my story to tell.”

She scrunched her mouth together. “That’s a shame. I love gossip.”

We both laughed because we knew it was true.

“So, you want me to pick you up tonight?”

“Depends,” I answered. “Will you ditch me if your man shows up?”

“No! I would never do that.”

I leveled a gaze at her as we walked down the sidewalk lined with tulips. “Yes, you would, and you have.”

“Okay. Well, I promise not to tonight. Is that better?”

“I guess, but if you ditch me, we won’t be friends anymore.”

“Deal,” she hollered, making people stare at us. She stuck her tongue out at two girls we passed who were watching her. I had to laugh. It was a typical Holly response.

After leaving Holly at the entrance of the building, I strolled to my class and sat down. The professor came in and class began, but I couldn’t concentrate. I was still thinking about Carson and Sam having dinner together.

In that moment, I really wished I had ditched class and hung out with Holly. She may be a little weird and crazy, but she was also fun and would’ve kept my thoughts away from Carson. It was too late, though. The professor was already rattling off notes and I was left with my bad mood.

Chapter Twelve


I had only agreed to meet Sam for dinner because she wouldn’t leave me alone. I had no idea why she couldn’t just drop it and move on.

I sat down in a chair at a restaurant close to campus called Mario’s. It also happened to be the same place Miranda worked, but I didn’t see her car, so I guessed she wasn’t there. I had been hoping she would be though, just in case I needed to be talked down from making a scene. I was really starting to get pissed off where Sam was concerned.

I ordered water and waited.

“You came,” Sam said, sitting in the chair in front of me, her long black hair shiny and straight.

“I said I would.” I had no time for niceties. “What do you want?”

She pulled her chair closer and looked to the side while biting her lip. “I just feel like I can’t say sorry enough.” The waiter dropped off my water and then took Sam’s drink order.

“This again?” I asked when the waiter left. “You’ve already told me. It’s fine. I’m fine. Let’s move on.”

“That’s the thing,” she whispered, meeting my gaze. “I can’t. I’m in love with you, Carson. I always have been and always will be.”

I rolled my eyes at her bullshit. “Sam, do you really think if you loved me that much you would have ever wanted to hurt me like you did? That’s not the way love works. I would’ve been enough for you.”

“I was young.”

“So was I.” I leaned forward and let my voice drop. “And I’m so fucking glad you did it. I’m glad you hurt me—repeatedly. Because it showed me what a bitch looks like. And I now know I was never really in love with you. You saved me a life of misery.”

“You don’t mean that. You were in love with me.” She tried to grab my hand, but I moved it back. I didn’t want her touch.

“No. I was a teenager. Maybe it was puppy love, I’ll give you that, but it definitely wasn’t actual love.” A picture of Kristin popped into my head, but I quickly shook it away.

“I’ve had to grow up a lot, Carson. It’s made me realize things and I promise—”

“Why have you had to grow up a lot? What the hell happened, Sam?” I interrupted. And while I had no idea why I asked, I did.

“I have a son, and he’s taught me a lot.”

All the air whooshed out of my lungs and my eyes widened. Holy fucking shit. Did she really just say she had a son?

“He’s only one. He isn’t yours, if that’s why you just turned sheet white.” I knew the kid wouldn’t have been mine if I was just now finding out about him, but I couldn’t help the relief I felt coursing through me at her admission.

It wasn’t that I didn’t like kids, but I definitely wasn’t dad material. I never planned to have kids, even if I did finally marry someone. They just weren’t for me. “Well, that’s a relief. But I feel bad for the kid having you as a mother.”

“Thanks. Thanks a lot.” She actually had the nerve to look hurt.

“What? Just being truthful.” I glanced at my watch. “Look, I have something a lot better to do than sit here with you, so if you could wrap this up, that would be great.”

“I just want you to know I’ve changed. And I’ll be here waiting for you.”

I wanted to fucking puke as it all sank in. I chuckled at her nerve. “Nobody fucking wants you anymore and you need a baby daddy.” I stood, my chair scraping the floor with my force. “Well, it isn’t going to be me. Have a good fucking life, Sam. Or don’t. I don’t give a fuck.”

I was pissed—no, I was more than pissed. I was livid as I stormed out of the restaurant and hopped into my truck. If we were allowed to have one free pass to kill someone in our lifetime, I’d use mine and go back in that restaurant and strangle Sam with my bare hands.

Sam thought she could snap her fingers and I’d come running. Well, not this time. This time, I was in love with someone else.

Holy shit, I’m in love with Kristin Wright.
My stomach rolled at the thought and I wanted to puke. It wasn’t who I was in love with that made me sick, it was the thought of actually being in love—being vulnerable.

I knew I was falling for her, but until that moment, I had no idea just how far. It may have seemed like it was too soon, but it wasn’t. We had known each other for months and she had quickly became the most important person to me.

I drove home and changed before making my way to the gym. I needed a stress reliever. I had already been there earlier to work with a client, but now I needed to block everything and everyone out.

“You working or here for a workout?” Larry, the guy manning the front desk, asked as I strolled through the door.

“Working out.” I grabbed my earbuds out of my pocket and placed them in my ear, hoping nobody else would try to make conversation. I wasn’t in the mood.

I immediately made my way to the weight section and began working my muscles to their maximum. After I wore myself out, I moved to the treadmill, ran for thirty minutes, then drove home. I didn’t speak to anyone, and nobody tried to spark up a conversation. I probably would have been a complete jackass if they had.

I unlocked the door and walked inside before kicking it closed. The place was completely silent, which meant Kristin wasn’t home. I still didn’t know what to do with my feelings for her. Tell her and hope for the best? Not tell her and keep her as my best friend?

I climbed in the shower and closed my eyes as the hot water streamed over my exhausted body. My thoughts drifted back to Sam. She was evil—plain and simple—and I had no clue why I was her target. Thinking I would take her back with an apology and raise her kid?
no. Sure, I hoped someone would come along one day and save the kid from Sam, but it wouldn’t be me. The thought of raising a child, feeding it, clothing it, and just taking care of it day in and day out made me panic. It definitely wasn’t for me.

After the water ran cold, I stepped out and dried off. Glancing in the fogged mirror, I noticed I needed to trim my facial hair. It was getting long, but I didn’t have it in me to care. I could still get any girl I wanted whether I was clean-shaven or looked like a lumberjack. That wasn’t me being cocky—actually, it was, but it was also the truth.

I wrapped the towel around my waist and made my way into my attached bedroom. I flopped down on the bed and grabbed my phone. I needed to find something to do, or better yet, find Kristin. As soon as I logged into Facebook, I knew exactly where to find her. Her friend had tagged her in a post saying they were going to a party, and Kristin looked hot in the picture. I knew exactly which party she was referring to. The guy hosting had texted me earlier to let me know. And the best part was it was only two blocks away. I could drink all I wanted and walk home.

Dressing in a gray t-shirt and loose jeans, I ran a hand through my hair before I left the apartment and walked to the party. As soon as I walked inside, a girl I had slept with once before came over to me.

“Hi, Carson. You look good.” I had no idea what her name was, nor did I care.

“Thanks. You, too,” I replied.

“I was just headed outside. You wanna come with me and catch up?” She looked hopeful.

“I just got here,” I started. “I need to find the keg first.”

The girl pouted her lips out, but it did nothing for me. “Will you come find me afterward?”

“Sure thing,” I said, giving her my sexiest grin. I turned and made my way to the kitchen.

I filled up a plastic cup and stopped in my tracks as my eyes traveled to the dining room. Or better yet, to the girl dancing on the table. Def Leppard’s
Pour Some Sugar On Me
was pounding through the speakers and Kristin was swaying with the music. And when I say swaying, I mean dancing in the dirtiest way possible.

My eyes drank her in as I downed the contents of my cup. She looked fucking sexy, and I was becoming pissed at every guy in the room—and a couple girls. Kristin had on a tight black shirt that didn’t completely cover her flat stomach and a pair of cut off shorts that showed off her incredible ass.

“That chick is fucking hot,” the guy standing next to me said. I looked over to see his eyes roaming over Kristin.

“She has a boyfriend.”

“I don’t care. Doesn’t make her any less hot.”

“I’m her fucking boyfriend,” I heard myself saying as I slammed the guy up against the wall, knocking his glasses down his nose. “Don’t fucking look at her again.”

“Okay, man. Take it easy, I didn’t mean anything by it. I was basically complimenting you for having such a beautiful girlfriend.”

“Shut the fuck up.”

He didn’t say anything, but nodded as he pushed his glasses back up.

I moved away from him and walked over to the table, standing directly in front of Kristin. Her eyes were closed as her body moved and I couldn’t help but stare. Once the song ended, she opened her eyes, finding me. “Carson!”

“Kristin!” I said, mimicking her excitement. “Or maybe we should call you something different. After that little performance, you need a stripper name. I’m thinking Krissy.”

I grabbed her by the waist and placed her on the floor. “Whatever. I was just dancing.”

Like a stripper
, I thought, but didn’t say it out loud. “How much have you had to drink?”

She grabbed her cup off the table. “Just a shot and this,” she tipped the cup toward me, “which I haven’t finished yet.”

I laughed and pulled her closer. “Well, I do have to admit, I’ve never seen anything sexier than that little performance.”

“You thought I was sexy?” I nodded and she continued. “Well, my day has just been made.” She smirked, being a smartass.

“I guess all your days have been made then,” My voice dropped as I moved my face closer to her, letting my lips brush her ear, “because I always find you sexy.”

I pulled back to watch her expression. Her brown eyes were wide and her lips were parted. After a minute, she bit her lip and tried not to smile as she looked down at the floor. My fingers moved to her chin and I guided her face up so our eyes met. “Wanna dance with me?”

She smiled. “Sounds fun.”

I led her to an area in the living room where people were dancing and moved our bodies close. She melted into my touch and I had to fight the urge to press my lips against her full, perfect ones.

I looked into her eyes and in that moment, I had perfect clarity. Before the night was over, I was taking a chance and letting Kristin know I wanted her. I wanted her to be my best friend
girlfriend. I just prayed she felt the same way. Judging by the way she had reacted when I told her she was sexy, I was almost positive I’d be a happy guy come tomorrow morning.

Chapter Thirteen


Carson spun me around and pressed himself into my ass as
Darling Nikki
by Prince pumped out of the speakers. He began moving and I followed his lead as the highly sexual lyrics bled into his movements. My skin was tingling with every touch, and I really wanted it in all the inappropriate places.

His hand slid up and grazed my boob as his other roamed over my hip. I let my head fall back and closed my eyes. I wasn’t drunk, but I felt that way. His touch was making me dizzy and heady.

I wasn’t sure whether it was my earlier dancing or the way Carson had looked at me and told me I was sexy that had me feeling so sexually charged. Actually, I was positive it was the latter.

The song ended and I turned around to meet his lust-filled eyes, which I’m sure matched my own. “Shots!” I blurted, trying to control myself and failing.

Carson nodded. “Okay.”

We walked to the kitchen counter, Carson right behind me with his hand on my lower back, sending tingles throughout my body.

“I want some Patron. I think I saw some earlier.” I began moving the bottles around, reading the labels until I found the one I wanted. “Here we go. What do you want?”

“Same,” he replied, taking the bottle from me and pouring out two shots into what I hoped were clean glasses. We clinked the shots together and downed them. After I set it down on the counter, I looked at Carson, who was smiling. “Another?” he asked.

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