Chase and Seduction (11 page)

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Authors: Randi Alexander

BOOK: Chase and Seduction
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"Let me tell you about the teaching opportunity."

"Is there a teaching job, or was that just a way for you to get in the door?"

a teaching job. It's a grant awarded to a creative writing professional. It covers all expenses for four months, and pays a salary."

He knew her weakness. “Tell me."

"Could I please have a cup of tea? I'm frozen solid."

She sighed and walked into the kitchen. Behind her, he slid his shoes off and they dropped to the floor, his coat rustling as he hung on the creaky old rack.

She set two mugs of water in the microwave, and turned to watch him. He headed to the fireplace and put logs on the embers. Like he'd done a hundred times while they were together. Holed up here writing in their separate corners.

"Don't get too comfortable, Drake,” she growled.

"You're not going to let me stay?” He grinned and gestured toward the window. “There's a storm coming."

She glanced out the window. The sky darkened rapidly, and the snow came down heavier. “You've got four-wheel drive."

He walked to the couch and sat. “There's a last-minute opening for a fiction writer teaching graduate students. And I can help you secure it."

"Hmm.” Her lips pursed and her eyes narrowed. Did she trust this man? Teaching college students was her ultimate aspiration, and he knew that. “Does your
know you're here?"

He sat back and spread an arm across the top of the couch. “Yes, she does. We can get her on speaker phone if you'd like."

"She trusts you?” She let out a humorless laugh. “Foolish woman."

"Yes, she trusts me.” He breathed slowly and loudly a few times.

Reno remembered him doing that when they fought. Which was a lot. Two writers trying to build a relationship, jealousy and competitiveness were high hurdles to overcome.

"What if I...” She nodded to the bear rug and big pillows on the floor in front of the fireplace, and whispered, “...seduced you, Drake."

His eyes widened.

She sashayed across the floor.

He laughed. “You wouldn't even attempt it. Reno Linden, seducing a married man? Ha! You're far too conservative to even contemplate it.” He laughed again, his guffaws sounding genuine.

Reno smiled, startled by her impetuous behavior. Yeah, he was right. She'd never go in that direction. Even as revenge. She sat on the opposite end of the couch. “All right, tell me about this teaching job, so you can get out of here before you're snowed in."

They talked for three hours, and by the time he was ready to leave, the roads were closed and they were officially snowed in. She let him sleep in her guest bedroom, and in the morning, called her brother to drive his tractor over and plow them out.

At the front door, Drake kissed her on the cheek before she could move out of his reach. “Think about what I said.” His face sobered. “About Chase Tanner."

She opened her mouth to speak.

Holding up a hand, he cut her off. “Just think about it, okay?” He walked away.

She closed the door and went to the window. Drake stood in the driveway in the blinding morning sun chatting with her brother, then the two men shook hands and left, Drake in his SUV, Cody on a tractor with a snow blower attachment.

Reno was surprised and overwhelmed by Drake's offer to help her acquire a teaching position. It was something she desperately wanted to do, but it would only mean more time away from Chase.

She got a pot of coffee started then unplugged her cell phone from the charger. No calls. She sat at the table with a bowl of cereal and the tabloid, recapturing the emotion that ran through her when the photo was taken. She picked up her phone to call him then set it down. “No.” She needed to let him lead. But three days and not a word from him? Maybe she needn't worry about Chase Tanner. It could very well be over.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Nine

"Reno, get on a plane,” Chase demanded through her phone.

Joy clogged her throat and her laugh came out shaky. “Just any plane?” She pushed her chair back from the kitchen table, stood, and set her cereal bowl in the sink.

"No. Get your butt to Texas!"

The animation in his voice sent chills skittering across her skin. How had three days waiting for his call felt like three months? With each passing hour, more doubt had crept in. But here he was, pushy as always. And she loved every demanding word he spoke.

"Nice invitation, cowboy.” Turning back to the table, she ran her finger over Chase's profile on the magazine cover. She'd begun to convince herself he didn't care. “What about your retakes?"

"I worked the crew overtime and finished. Start packing, woman. I want you here. Now."

She walked across the room and snuggled into a chair by the window, looking at the snow. “Is it warm there?"

"Hell, yeah! And if you're not warm enough,” his voiced dropped low and sexy. “I'll warm you up myself."

Her head dropped back onto the cushion as lust, pure and addictive, pulsed through her as it rushed full-speed to her pussy. She purred, “Promise?"

"Promise,” he growled in return. “Can you get away?"

"Hell, yeah!” Reno jumped on the next plane to San Antonio.

Reno deplaned in San Antonio, and practically ran through the airport, following the baggage claim signs. Riding down the packed escalator, she scanned the crowd standing outside the glass wall separating them from the secured area.

He wasn't there. She looked again, through the sea of cowboy hats and denim, then spotted him by his smile alone. The collar of his jean jacket was turned up, and he wore a pair of aviator sunglasses, but the flash of his grin was unmistakable and so dear to her, she could never see it enough. In one hand, he carried a dozen red roses, and his other hand lifted in a wave that looked more like he was reaching for her.

Delight had her breath catching in her lungs as happy tears filled her eyes and threatened to spill over. She stepped out of the secured area into his arms. The warmth of him pressing against her filled her with tenderness she hadn't experienced with a lover before. Was her heart really beating that fast? Or was it his?

He hugged her tight, the roses batting her on the arm. “Baby, I was lonely without you."

His admission set butterflies flapping in her stomach. “Oh, Ch—"

"No,” he said, then whispered in her ear. “Don't use my name. There are always people watching for me here."

She tamped down the urge to look around for paparazzi, and smiled up at him. “Billy Joe, I sure did miss you, too."

He shook his head and grinned. “I look like a Billy Joe?"

Reno slid her fingers along the nape of his neck, feeling the soft hair hidden under his jacket collar. “You look like heaven to me."

His brow furrowed. “Reno. There's so much I want to tell you.” He took a breath and broke the spell by stepping back. “Here.” Handing her the flowers, he turned them toward the baggage claim. “Let's get your suitcase and go home."

Home. She craved the comfort of being alone with him on his ranch. Staying there...indefinitely? At least until her class started.

With his arm around her shoulders and hers around his lower back, they walked through the crowd, Chase blending in as he never had in LA. After they found her bag, they walked outside. Reno expected to see a limo waiting, but he wheeled her suitcase across the street to the parking ramp, holding her hand and talking about all the preparation he'd asked his housekeeper and cook to handle.

"You like salmon and steak, right? I thought we'd have that tonight. Then tomorrow we can break out the lobster tails."

"Wow. I'm going to need my buffet pants if we're eating all that."

He smiled and lifted her hand to his lips for a kiss. “Don't worry. I remembered your Greek yogurt for breakfast."

She sucked in a deep breath and sighed. Amazing that he remembered all her favorites, and considerate of him to cater to her that way. “Thank you, Chase.” She glanced around. “I mean Billy Joe."

"Very stereotypical of you to pick that name, you know."

She glanced up at his face. His smirk told her he was teasing. “I'm looking forward to your breaking me of my preconceived notions about Texas."

He stopped behind a very large white pickup truck, opened the truck bed cover, and set her suitcase in, re-securing the top. Then he turned to her. “Baby, I'm looking forward to breaking you in like a wild bronco."

A sliver of delight pierced her, low in her belly, arrowing down to her pussy lips. “It's going to be a fast ride, cowboy. You'd better hang on tight."

His nostrils flared and his body tensed. Then he took her wrist and walked to the passenger door, hiding them between vehicles. “Goddamn, I want you, woman.” He pulled her against him then slid his hands down her back to her ass and lifted her, pressing her against the evidence of his need. His hard rod jutted into her mound and she groaned as her body responded with flashes of desire.

"I want you too, Chase. How far is your ranch?” she breathed and pressed her lips to his.

He kissed her, hard and hungry, his tongue relearning her mouth, searching urgently for her response. She kissed him back just as fiercely. Her arms locked around his neck, the kiss so physical, they tapped teeth a couple times.

Chase pulled back. “It's too far to the ranch. Let's get a hotel."

She giggled. “I happen to know that it's only an hour."

He stared at her face as if memorizing it. “That's about fifty-nine minutes too long, but if you can wait...” He drew in a dramatic breath. “I guess I can, too."

As he released her and she slid down his body to stand on her high-heeled boots, she said, “Let's see what this big, new truck can do on the freeway."

Forty-five minutes later, Chase pulled into the first stall of his five-car garage and looked into Reno's huge, round eyes. “What?"

"This is a mansion."

He nodded. “When my first record went platinum, I got a little crazy, I guess.” Scratching his scalp under his hat, he said, “I had it designed based on seven episodes of a TV show about the rich and famous’ homes."

She stared, silent. Was she overwhelmed? He had to get her back on solid ground.

He jumped out of the truck and came around to her side, helping her down from the high seat. She held her purse and black wool sweater, which she'd shucked on the ride here, and her pink t-shirt and jeans molded over her delicious curves. No, he wasn't going to kiss her in the garage when they were two minutes from his bedroom. He grabbed her suitcase and they stepped into the foyer.

"Wow,” she said, looking around the gold-hued marble entry. High ceilings and walls of windows facing the Gulf could easily intimidate a country girl like Reno. But he knew what to do to get her mind off the different lifestyles they led. And it had to do with a king-size bed, her laying naked on it, and him pressing down on top of her. The visual sent an immediate surge of blood to his cock, and he grabbed her hand. “Tour can wait. We can't."

He hauled her suitcase and her through the foyer to the foot of the stairs.

She laughed. “I like the caveman routine."

"Oh, yeah?” He set her suitcase on the floor and turned to her, grinning as he bent his knees and lifted her arm over his head to toss her on his shoulder.

"Chase, no!” she cried, just as his cook and housekeeper entered from the back of the house.

"Uh...Mr. Tanner,” his cook said, removing his white cap. Next to him, the housekeeper's cheeks turned red as she busied herself smoothing the pocket on her apron.

Chase froze and straightened then put his hand on Reno's back, sending her an apology with his expression.

Her face was bright red, but he still saw laughter in her eyes.

"Reno Linden, I'd like you to know Sue Lynn Becker and Sam Weston."

The employees smiled and nodded politely at Reno, but in her unpretentious style, she stepped forward and shook each of their hands, saying, “It's good to meet you. I look forward to getting to know you."

Sue Lynn's hesitant smile spread and took over her face, and Sam looked at Reno like he was surprised that a woman Chase brought home had actual manners.

True, the last woman he'd invited here was as nasty to his workers as she was to him. But Reno wasn't like Jorjia. Not one damn bit. Except for her IQ.

"Mr. Tanner?” the cook asked. “When would you like lunch served?"

Chase grinned at Reno and took her hand. “In about an hour, Sam. Thanks.” The staff disappeared into the back of the house, and he picked up her suitcase and led her up the stairs, his boots making good time on the thick carpet, and Reno's jogging just as fast behind him.

He pulled them into his bedroom, shut the door, and locked it.

Reno was already at the high bed, skimming her fingers over the navy silk comforter. She walked to the patio doors facing the Gulf, then she turned back to the fireplace and the big white leather sectional couch spread out in front of it. She glanced at him. “This is so beautiful.” She gestured to the water. “Everything. The house, the view.” She smiled. “It's like a fairy tale."

Damn, it was good having her here. She fit just fine, like she could make this her home. With him. And maybe a few little ones later.

He strode over to her, pulled off his hat, and tossed it onto the couch. “I wanted you to like it.” Sliding his hands up her arms, he settled them on her shoulders and looked into her eyes.

"What's that look for?” she asked as she pressed her hands to his chest.

He shook his head and wrapped his arms around her, focusing on what he held right now. “It's good to have you here."

"I'm hungry,” she said, her voice low and sexy. She grabbed fistfuls of his t-shirt and yanked the bottom up out of his jeans.

"Whatever you want, baby,” His mind switched to sex just that easily, and his body juiced up, ready to show her how much he missed her. Shrugging out of his jean jacket, he let her pull his shirt over his head.

Her hands landed on his ribs and she traced them to his abs, where she slid her fingers down his stomach to his low-riding jeans. She looked up at him as she snuck her fingers beneath his waistband, touching the head of his hard shaft.

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