Charmed Vengeance (3 page)

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Authors: Suzanne Lazear

Tags: #Teen Paranormal

BOOK: Charmed Vengeance
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“I know how to balance properly to ride tandem. I ride with V on his, sometimes.”

Although that had been an afternoon of laughing, bruises, and torn stockings.

“Is that even possible? Or legal?” Jeff asked.

“Of course it is, as long as a male is at the helm.” But no one ever thought to do so because of their small size— and the balance factor.

Jeff shook his head. “Flying tandem on a hoverboard? Only you … ”

“Is that a dare?” she laughed. That would make it all the better.

“Yes, if you can fly tandem on my hoverboard all the way to the pier, then I’ll buy you a sundae at the ice cream parlor.” His eyes danced with delight. That look had gotten them into heaps of trouble as children.

She held out her gloved hand. “It’s a deal.”

They shook. He cocked his head, a partially amused smile on his lips. “Since when do you wear gloves willingly?”

“It’s proper to wear gloves.” Her cheeks burned both at the words that tumbled out of her mouth and the fact she’d unconsciously grabbed them. This wasn’t the first time. The sprite liked frippery and finery. Most of Noli’s newfound ladylike behavior, behavior her mother praised, was the sprite, not Noli.

Noli hated herself for it, because she didn’t want to be a proper lady. She wanted to be a botanist, she wanted to fix things, she wanted to save her family through hard work and a university education—not marriage to a boring society lump.

Fighting her mother, society, and the sprite in order to hold on to herself and her beliefs tired her even more than homework and housework. The sprite
the idea of marriage, as long as it included parties and fancy gowns— precisely the type of marriage her mother sought for her.

“Noli?” Jeff touched her arm, bringing her out of her thoughts, eyes brimming with concern. “Are you feeling well?”

She shook it off. “I’m fine, let’s go before it gets too late.”

The vast, unyielding blue-grey of the Pacific Ocean came into view as Noli and Jeff approached the pleasure pier on his hoverboard, the colorful cars of the Ferris wheel on the horizon. They touched down on the sand.

Jeff picked up his board and walked over to the wooden hoverboard rack alongside the pier. “I can’t believe you actually stayed balanced the entire time.”

She grinned as he put away the hoverboard. “You owe me a sundae.”

“That I do.” He held out his arm. She opened her parasol against the afternoon sun and took his offered arm. Jeff eyed the parasol on her shoulder but didn’t say anything as they walked up the wooden steps leading to the pier. It had two parts, a fishing pier and a pleasure pier filled with rides, games, shops, and, her favorite, the carousel.

They strolled past those fishing off the sides of the pier and made their way through the throng of carnival games. The air smelled of salt, fish, sugar, and funnel cakes. Carnies called out, asking Jeff if he wanted to test his strength or win her a bauble.

As they passed the candy floss vendor she inhaled the sugary sweet scent, her mouth watering at the thought of the pink confection. “Do you remember how father always let us each have one game, one ride, and one treat?”

Jeff smiled. “Those were fun times. I’ll tell you what, why don’t we do the same—only your treat is your sundae.”

“Really?” The thought of riding something made giddiness rise inside her.

The sprite flit around her head, bouncing off the sides like a pinball as she took the pier in.
I want to ride everything. Oh, that’s shiny. Can we eat that?

“Are you certain you’re not too much of a lady to go on rides? You might get dirty … ” Jeff flicked her parasol with his fingers.

“Would you like me to be smacked with my parasol, sir?” she teased back, trying to damper the sprite’s excitement before she grew out of control. “Besides, it’s not improper to enjoy rides.” A group of giggling girls in dresses finer than hers climbed into the Ferris wheel. “I’m going to ride the carousel.”

He cocked his head, looking the tiniest bit out of place in his flying gear and no hat. “The carousel? We’re a little old for that, don’t you think?”

She let go of his arm and strode toward the large wooden structure near the back of the pier that housed the carousel. “You might be, but I’m not.”

Jeff held up his hands in surrender. “As you wish.”

He opened the wooden door of the carousel house for her and the sounds of organ music greeted them. Large, colorful wooden animals rose up and down to the music as the red-topped carousel whirled around and around. Nannies with prams and mother speaking softly lined the walls. A young couple stood hand and hand watching each other more than the carousel. Noli closed her parasol, remembering how their father had brought them here as a special treat before he left for San Francisco—and disappeared forever.

Jeff bought two tickets. They leaned against the wooden barrier and watched as children and a few girls a little younger than her streamed off the carousel.

She gave him a look that said,
see, told you.

The operator let them in. Hiking up her skirt with the hand not holding the parasol, she headed straight for her favorite—the white and pink horse. She climbed on, bustle and all.

Oh, pretty,
the sprite whispered.

Isn’t it? I always ride this one.
For a split second she could hear her father coming behind her, saying
up you go
, as he boosted her onto the wooden horse.

Jeff climbed onto the blue horse next to her. Usually he rode the red one up ahead, but a little boy had claimed it.

She watched as the young couple took a seat on the sleigh, holding hands. Pangs of sadness pierced her heart. Hopefully V would return from the Otherworld soon.

The carousel lurched forward, music filling the air. She held on to the brass pole as the horse went up and down. Closing her eyes, she thought of happier times. Of her father.

Too soon the carousel slowed to a stop. Jeff jumped down from his horse and held out his hand to help her off. As they made their way outside, she turned and gave the carousel one last look, biting her lower lip.
Good-bye, carousel.

“What should I win you?” Jeff asked as they strolled through the aisle of games, making their way through all those enjoying the pleasant fall day. “Unless you want to play?”

As a child she usually let Jeff play for her if she’d really wanted the prize.

They stopped in front of a test of strength. A doll with red curls and green eyes sat on a shelf watching her—she appeared to be

“Could you win this one?” Noli watched as a young man took a wooden mallet and struck a metal plate, trying to send a counterweight up to hit a bell. It didn’t ring and the carnie asked if he wished to try again. The young man shook his head and walked away.

Jeff studied the game, rubbing his chin. “I think so.” He paid the carnie, took the mallet and swung, ringing the bell on the first try. “What would you like?”

She pointed to the doll. “Her.” The carnie handed her the doll. Getting up on her tiptoes, she gave Jeff a peck on the cheek. “On to the ice cream parlor?”

He linked his arm through hers. “On to the ice cream parlor.”

At the ice cream parlor, which smelled of vanilla and sugar, they got a large sundae with extra whipped cream and two cherries, two spoons, and sat at a small table near the window where they could watch people stroll by as they ate. They parlor itself was noisy, packed with sticky children enjoying a treat.

“Now what’s this about being thrust upon society?” Jeff asked between bites.

Noli poked at the ice cream with her spoon. “Mama has it in her head that the only way to save us financially is for me to marry well. She thinks since we’re still a family of fine breeding, I can attract a suitor, even though we have no money. So, ever since I returned … from boarding school she dresses me up and foists me off on
all the right people
so I can
meet a rich husband.”

Jeff made a face of disgust. “How
that working for you?”

It’s not.” She helped herself to the cherry on top. “Not that I thought it would. I don’t think she did either, hence the whole conversation about Boston. Which is why I don’t want go, since they’ll try to marry me off.” Noli rolled her eyes. “Society boys are

you want?” Jeff took another bite of ice cream.

“I want to go to the university and become a botanist.” Sometimes being a sprite made it difficult to think, nevertheless, she was an earth court sprite. Inventing things could be difficult sometimes, but understanding plants had grown

Jeff nodded, waving his spoon in the air. “You always did love growing things. I believe in women being educated.”

“There are universities only for women, good ones. I don’t know why Mama thinks it’s improper.” Noli shook her head, absently spooning ice cream into her mouth.

“Are there any suitors?” Jeff’s eyebrows rose in a way that made her recall his earlier comment about roughing someone up.

“Well, there’s one, and only one—V, Steven Darrow, from next door.” She suppressed a smile at the thought. “I’m quite happy with him. He believes in women being educated. We’ve even talked about going to the university together.”

Jeff cocked his head. “Is he still scrawny with his nose in a book? He’s too young for marriage.”

Why was she considered nearly too old, while he, who was
thought far too young?

“He’s filling out, though he still often has his nose in a book.” Her smile grew. “He’s my best friend, Jeff. He’s stood by me through
. V understands me like no one else does.” Sometimes even better than she understood herself. He kept her secrets, helped her fix things, and through this whole ordeal with the Otherworld and losing her humanity never lost hope.

Jeff’s rough and tanned hand covered hers. “I wish I would have known earlier that things were so difficult for you. I never sought to abandon you and Mama or cause your social status to plummet. I simply needed to find my own way—and I knew it wasn’t here in Los Angeles or among high society.”

She nodded, focusing on her dessert and getting the perfect blend of ice cream, nuts, and chocolate on her spoon. “I know. Do you like what you do?”

“You’d love my ship. She’s a beauty. Raven-class.” His eyes lit up like the sun. “I wish I was here longer, I’d show her to you.”

“Are you ever going to get married?” Noli’s mouth clamped shut, cheeks warming. It was difficult not being in full control of her own being. “I … I’m sorry.” Her shoulders drooped. Technically, Jeff was rather young for marriage as well. Well, as far as boys went.

“Actually, I’ve met someone. But I’m having trouble convincing her to marry me. Not because she doesn’t wish to be with me, but because she’s like you, wanting to be her own person.” He grinned. “Eventually, I’ll convince Vix that she can be my wife and still be herself.”

“I’d like to meet her.” She took another bite, then dabbed her mouth with a napkin. Any woman who could capture Jeff’s attention would have to be extraordinary. Vix. What a name.

“Noli, I’m worried about you.” He lowered his voice, and leaned in, putting his elbows on the table. “James told me about where they sent you. Since then, your letters have gotten odd. Sometimes it’s as if they aren’t even written by you.”

Of course she wasn’t all right. But it had nothing to do with Findlay House and their dreadful treatments. Not that she could tell Jeff about the Otherworld.

“I’m fine, Jeff.” She plastered on a large, fake smile.

“Tell me what they did to you. Please?” He took one of her hands in his.

Memories of the isolation box, water room, and private lessons cascaded down on her as fast and cold as the water that the horrible headmistress at Findlay House, Miss Gregory, poured on her face as punishment. Noli wrapped her arms around herself, trying to push it all away.

She couldn’t meet his eyes. “I … I’m fine.”

He straightened in his seat, shaking his head over so slightly. Reaching across the table, he laid a hand on her arm. “Come back with me. I’ll pick you up after my meeting tonight.”

Noli nearly dropped her spoon on the table. “What?”

“This could work.” His face grew animated in a way that reminded her of their father. “We need an engineer on the ship. You’d get a cut of everything, like everyone else. You could save some money and then go to the university.” He smiled their father’s smile. “No balls, no gloves, no one trying to marry you off. You could be your own woman, make your own choices. Fulfill your dreams.”

The offer made her fidget in her chair. The sprite grumbled at the words
no balls
. She shook her head as if shaking off the idea. “But Mama … ”

He held up a hand. “Let her go to Grandfather Montgomery. She loves Boston. I’m sure if, I mean,
father comes back he’ll look there. It’s his home, too.” Jeff scraped the last of the ice cream out of the bowl. “Think about it, please?”

That would mean leaving V. She grabbed her doll and parasol. “We should probably go.”

They hoverboarded back to the house and he walked her to the back door.

“I had a wonderful time, Jeff. I’m so glad you took the time to see me.” She stretched up and kissed him on the cheek. “Keep writing, please? I love your letters.”

“I will—and please, consider coming with me.” He wrapped his arms around her.

“I … I don’t think I’m suited your airship. But I appreciate the offer.” She looked up at him. “Have a safe trip, I worry about you.”

“I wish you’d come. I worry, too.” He waved as his hoverboard rose into the sky.

Jeff wanted her to be an air pirate. What a notion. She opened the back door and went inside. As tempting as saving for the university was, she wasn’t about to leave V.


Steven Darrow took a deep breath and crossed the threshold into Queen Tiana’s tea room, wishing Noli stood by his side. Nerves coursed through him and the green and brown velvet outfit suitable to visiting the high palace itched. Even though she’d given no reason for her summons, knew exactly what their meeting was about. After all, he owed her a favor as payment for releasing Noli from the Otherworld after she’d eaten faerie food.

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