Charmed Life (22 page)

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Authors: Jacqueline Druga

BOOK: Charmed Life
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Frustration was an understatement. Despite the fact that Chip tried to have an informal meeting, people still mumbled between themselves and he couldn’t get silence.

“Bill,” Chip said. “You’re moving to hardware today. Freddy, you’ll be going to sporting goods.”

Freddy choked. “Please say that once more.”

“We’re moving you to sporting goods.”

Freddy stood. “You can’t move me to sporting goods. I know nothing about sports. I want to stay in men’s. Women’s, OK, I’ll go there. Children’s, doable, housewares a stretch. But not sporting goods.”

“Why are you so against that?” Chip asked.

“Hello! I’m gay!” he sang out.

Finally, silence hit the room.

Freddy looked around the room. Everyone stared at him. “None of you knew that?”

Nobody answered they just stared in shock. As if he were some sort of anomaly.

Freddy blinked. “You people act as you’ve never seen a gay man.”

Bill spoke up, a burly guy, with a beard and pot belly. “Actually, Fred, I don’t think there’s a gay man in Ohio. Not Medina County.”

People mumbled in agreement.

Freddy laughed. “Please. Hello. He’s gay.” Freddy pointed to a man, then to another. “And he … he wants to be gay, but just doesn’t know how to go about it...”

The second man nodded. “That's true. I was looking for instructions on the net.”

Chip cleared his throat. “Fine, Freddy, I’ll leave you in men’s clothing.”

“Thank you,” Freddy sat down.

“Good news for you, Grace, We got a division that will work.” Chip said. “I wanna try women’s underwear.”


Freddy laughed.

“What?” Chip asked.

“Women’s underwear?” Freddy questioned. “If this something you’ve thought about for a while?”

“Actually, it came to mind first “

“Well, then a bit of a hint, start out with those boy shorts, because they are closest to men’s underwear, it will be a good transition for you.”

“What the …” Chip shook his head. “Funny. Ok, everyone, hit the floors.”

Freddy stood with Grace. “Princess you will do so well in that department.”

“I know.”

“You will help so many women realize their potential to be sexy. What a great department.” He opened the break room door for her. “You didn’t say last night. How was the zoo yesterday?”

“Different,” Grace replied.

“What do you mean?”

“Ok, check this out. Weird. At the wolf cage. Regan gets into a barking match with one.”



“That makes sense though.”

“Damian bonds with the animals. But looks like she is determining how to hunt them. And when Rhoda approached, they all ran away.”

“That child is frightening.”

“It’s hard to say,” Grace commented. “I mean, I’ve been seeing Bobby for a few weeks, but if this is going to continue, I’m never going to break through to the girls if he keeps me at arms length.”

“I have an idea. Actually, it was Marybeth’s idea,” Freddy said.

“What’s that?”

“Bobby’s off today. Tell him to enjoy the day and bring the girls to our house. We’ll bond with them. A girls’ day. What do you think?”

“I think that’s a great idea. I’ll call him at lunch,” Grace said. “I really want to get to know the girls when he’s not instructing them.”

“”Are you wanting to get to know them because you feel the relationship is truly going to progress?”

“Absolutely. I think Bobby is great.”

“He is,” Freddy said. “A true gem. But you my dear, now have a problem.”

“Which is?” Grace asked.

“You see this relationship progressing so you want to get to know the girls. Don’t you think that maybe, you might want to see if he wants to progress after he gets to know you.”

Grace chuckled. “Freddy, he does know me.”

“No he doesn’t. He knows Grace Berkowitz.”


“If you trust him, and care, truly care, then maybe …” Freddy sighed. “You might have to come clean.”


Gregory Benson had a lovely breakfast with his wife, and then she informed him that she was going to go out shopping for the day.

Grace’s old house needed to be redone before the houseman and his wife could move in.

He missed his daughter and though his communication with her had dwindled, he took stock in knowing that she was fine and safe, and that Alfonzo was on a rat race chase to find her.

It was a crystal clear day, the weather prefect and Gregory decided he’d hit the range at the club.

After gathering his weapons, he headed to his car. Pulling down the drive was when he noticed another car, blue, compact parked by his gate.

Leaning against it was a woman.

He slowed down as he passed his front gate, wound down his window and spoke to the woman. “This is private property.”

“My name is Melissa Davis from the National Enquirer.” She handed him a card. “I was wondering if you have a moment to speak.”

Gregory chuckled. “I don’t talk to tabloids.” He began to wind up his window and caught what she said.

“Not even when it deals with your daughter?’

He wound the window down. “What did you say?”

“The story isn’t about you. It’s about your daughter.”

“My daughter is not news.”

“Really? Do you know where I can find her?”

“She’s on holiday.”

Melissa smiled. “Her boyfriend thinks otherwise. Seems he thinks she’s missing and asked us to help find her.”

“He’s wrong. She’s fine.”

“So you can give us facts to back that up.”

“Yeah, I’ve wired her money.”

“According to Mr. Carlotta, you’ve wired the money to a third person. Sounds to me like you may not know where your daughter is.”

“Sounds to me like you’re looking for a story.”

“I have one,” she said. “I would love your help. But …” She shrugged. “If you don’t want to help, that’s fine. With or without your help, we’re doing the story.”

Melissa turned and walked away.

Gregory stared at the card.


“Father, I don’t think you realize how this looks,” Rhoda stayed a safe foot distance from her father as they walked through Bargain-Mart.

“Stop. It’s fine.”

“No, I was perfectly fine with this when we thought she was a floor worker. But when Fred told us where she was. Father.” Rhoda stopped walking. “I can’t go in the woman’s underwear section with you.”


“People will think you’re buying me underwear.”

“So.” Bobby shrugged. “What’s wrong with that?”

“Fathers don’t do that. It’s embarrassing to be seen with your father in the women’s underwear section.”

Bobby laughed. “It’s fine. No one is going to think I’m buying you underwear. Look there’s Grace.”

Grace was stocking packs of Haynes briefs on the rack.

“Hey,” Bobby whispered.

Grace jumped, turned around in shock. “Hey,” he said brightly and kissed him. “Hi Rhoda.”

“Afternoon, Ms. Berkowitz.” Rhoda tipped out the ends of her skirt and curtsied.

Bobby rolled his eyes.

Grace smiled. “Rhoda, you look very pretty in that dress. Are you guys going somewhere?”

Bobby shook his head. “No, she just always gets dressed up when we go out in public.”

“A lady should present herself well,” Rhoda said. “Ask Fred. He told me so.”

Another shake of Bobby’s head. “Actually, we’re just here in Bargain-Mart.”

“Oh, are you here to get her underwear?” Grace asked.

“Uh!” Rhoda shrieked. “I knew it. I told you.”

Grace slowed down her words, eyes on Rhoda, “Because we have them on sale. What
... what’s wrong with buying underwear?”

“Nothing is wrong with buying underwear as long as you don’t buy it with your father.”

Bobby explained. “She thinks it’s embarrassing buying underwear with your father.”

“Oh, yeah?” Grace said. “Try having your father buy your first bra.”

Rhoda looked horrified.

Grace winked. “Oh, yeah, I got a ton of those Father embarrassing daughter stories.”

Bobby chuckled. “You’ll have to share them with her.”

“Oh.” Grace snapped her finger. “I was going to call you at lunch. Can Freddy and I have the girls this afternoon after work?”

Rhoda asked. “Why?”

“We want to do a girls’ day,” Grace explained. “Bobby, can I? I mean, I really want to get to know the girls and I can’t do it fully if you’re always around being scared of what they are gonna do.”

“Grace, hon,” Bobby smirked. “They’re scary kids.”

“They’re kids. Can I?”

“Fine with me. Rhoda?” Bobby asked. “Do you want to go over?”

Rhoda shrugged. “That's fine. Not like my social calendar is filled.”

Grace laughed. “Great. I’ll get you after work. Speaking of work… I better get back.”

“Wait,” Bobby said. “I came to Bargain-Mart for a reason.”

“Yes, that’s right,” Grace nodded. “Girls underwear is over there. They have the cute ones on sale.”

Rhoda winced.

“No,” Bobby shook his head. “I came to see you to tell you I just finished reading the chapters you gave me last night.”

“You did?”

“Yeah, I waited long enough for you to print up the book.”


“Grace, it’s great.”


“Absolutely. I had to tell you. I was really impressed.”

“Oh my God, that’s so great.” She laid her hand on her chest. “Thank you. Now, that I finally let you read my work, Can you show me some more of your work.”

“Grace …”


“Ok. Ok. I will.”

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