Charmed Again (Halloween LaVeau) (2 page)

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demon beast,” Liam answered for him.

I must have led an extremely sheltered life because I’d never heard of such a thing until now.

“A demon beast? What is that? How is that different from Isabeau?” I asked.

Isabeau was a demon
I’d accidentally brought back with my substandard spellcasting. Looking back, I guessed I understood why the Coven had named me Worst Witch of The Year.

“A demon sent here from hell,” Liam offered.

I shivered at the thought. “What does it look like?”

I probably didn’t want to know, but I asked anyway.

“The demon is big and midnight black. The thing looks like a shadowy figure until you get up close.”

“Have you been close to this thing?” I asked with wide eyes.

He hesitated, then nodded. “I came closer than I’d have liked once.”

“What else does it look like?”

“The demon has long arms that reach almost to the ground and claws that curl under like hooks,” Liam said.

I tried to seem unfazed by the startling description
, but there was no way to hide the fear in my voice.

at does it want?”

He shrugged. “Who knows? It wants different things, I guess. But mostly it just wants power and to take a soul back to the devil.”

“Kind of like a token or prize?” I never wanted to be one of their prizes.

“You could say that, yes,” Liam said, as he negotiated a curve in the road.

“But why would she want you to turn her just because this beast had attacked her? Couldn’t you just save her from the demon? If it took off, then what was the need to turn her?” With each question I grew more confused.

“The beast had tried to kill her. She was dying and I was her only hope of survival.” Nicolas’ voice lowered.

No doubt the scene was playing on loop in his mind. I hated to remind him of what had happened, but I needed to know the details.

“So she knew you were a vampire ahead of time. It wasn’t like you’d flashed your fangs at her or anything,” I said, shifting in my seat.

“No, I wasn’t showing off my fangs.” Nicolas tried to sound casual, but I wasn’t convinced. He looked out the window into the darkness.

We sat in silence for a few moments while we all contemplated the situation. I had no idea what I was getting into. What did they want me to do about this? I couldn’t make it all better. I couldn’t un-turn the woman. Or could I?

I’d recently figured out that I had the power to reanimate the dead. I’d mistakenly brought a demon back to life. Thank goodness the demon I’d dealt with looked nothing like what Liam had described. Isabeau Scarrett had popped up at LaVeau Manor, a demon disguised as a beautiful blonde. Needless to say, bringing demons back was a power I didn’t want and I certainly didn’t want to start bringing vampires back from the other side as well. We’d made it to the outskirts of Enchantment Pointe, yet I still had no idea where we were headed. The darkness of night coupled with the fog had left me disoriented.

“When are
you going to tell me where we’re going?” I asked, turning my attention back from the window.

“It’s a place just outside New Orleans. We’ll be there soon,” Liam said without glancing at me.

“Well, that is a vague answer. I don’t think it’s fair to toss me into this situation without telling me what I should expect to see,” I said, not hiding the frustration in my voice.

“She’s right. She needs to know,” Nicolas said softly as he leaned his head back against the seat.

“Nicolas’ fate is in your hands now. You’ll hear the charges against him and decide what happens next,” Liam offered.

“What? I’m supposed to decide his punishment?” I asked with a high level of excitement coloring my words.

When I looked at Nicolas he offered a half-hearted smile. “Everything will be fine, Hallie.”

I didn’t agree. Things would be far from fine. How could I decide something like that when I had feelings for Nicolas? We’d just fought off another demon together. Well, with the help of Nicolas and Liam I’d fought off the demon at the annual Enchantment Pointe Halloween B
ash. It would be Halloween soon, my birthdate and the reason my mother had named me Halloween in the first place. Call me crazy, but I’d rather go back to celebrating the holiday by passing out candy to the cute kids than going to New Orleans and deciding another witch’s fate.

“We’ll hear what this witch has to say,” Liam said.

“You mean we’re going to meet this woman?” My chest tightened and heaviness sat like a weight in my stomach.

“Yes, like I said, her brother is the leader of the New Orleans Coven. She has been an outstanding member of the coven for many years,” Liam said.

I rubbed my temples. “Why did she just take off after this happened? It doesn’t make sense.”

And they expected me to sort this mess out. Had she been afraid of Nicolas? I supposed that made sense. But didn’t she recognize Nicolas right away? The brothers had been around the coven members often.

“With any luck, that’s what we’ll get to the bottom of,” Liam said, tapping his fingers nervously against the steering wheel as he drove.

I expelled a long, tired breath. “Yeah, with any luck. So we’re going to this plantation. What happens once we get there?”

“You’ll meet all the coven members. They’ll share the charges and then it’s in your hands.”

Liam glanced at me as if to say he was sorry. No reason to be sorry. It wasn’t his fault.

My stomach sank again. Was it too late to turn back? I needed to speak with Nicolas more. And face to face, not over my shoulder. I couldn’t discuss this with him sitting in the backseat of this darkened car as we sped down the highway. Would he look me in the eye and tell me the truth? I’d always believed he was honest.

“I understand that vampires are trying to steal witches’ blood. But that’s not me and that’s not what I’m about. Liam can tell you that,” Nicolas said as if he’d read my mind.

There had been a tension between the brothers from the moment they had arrived at LaVeau Manor. Heck, they’d kept the fact that they were brothers from me until earlier tonight. I’d thought for quite some time that they might kill each other. Liam was a detective with the Underworld and had been in charge of protecting Nicolas’ mother. But she’d been murdered by her own sister while on Liam’s watch. That had caused a great deal of animosity between the brothers. They were far from mending fences and I wasn’t positive that Liam would vouch for his half-brother.

I looked to Liam for his response.

After a pause, he nodded, then said, “Nicolas hasn’t done that as far as I know. Of course we haven’t exactly been on speaking terms until recently.”

At first, Liam had led me to believe that Nicolas had been at LaVeau Manor only to collect my blood. Had he been? I didn’t know who to believe.

“So this beast was attacking the witch and she asked you to turn her.” I felt as if I was interrogating Nicolas, but the questions had to be asked.

Apparently I wasn’t getting out of this Underworld leader thing tonight.

“Just before she took her last breath she asked me to turn her.” He shook his head as if he was trying to get rid of the memory.

His response sent a chill down my spine. I was envisioning the scene in my mind and it wasn’t a pretty sight.

I braced myself for the next question I was about to ask. “Can you tell me more about this demon beast? What does it do? Can you tell me more about what it looks like?”

Nicolas scrubbed his hand across his face. “I’m not an expert on these creatures. But it looked like a giant werewolf and attacks like one too.”

“How do you know it wasn’t a werewolf?” I asked.

“It disappeared as soon as I approached. Meaning it didn’t run away, but disappeared into thin air,” Nicolas said.

I contemplated this for a moment. “I wonder why it vanished.”

Nicolas nodded. “I couldn’t begin to guess

Nicolas biting anyone’s neck was tough, although since he was a vampire I knew he’d done it before. But had he ever killed anyone in the process? Just because he was a vampire didn’t mean that he’d caused anyone harm, right? Was that just wishful thinking on my part? Probably. He had come close to biting my neck, but I’d thought of that as more of a nibble… a love bite.

“Did you experience anything from turning her?” I asked, unsure of my wording.

Like I said, I’d never dealt with this. How was I expected to know the correct terms?

“Are you asking if my powers increased?” He met my gaze.

A pang of sympathy ran through me. “Yes, I guess that’s what I’m trying to ask.”

Nicolas looked down and didn’t respond. He didn’t have to answer. His silence was all I needed to know. This wouldn’t help Nicolas’ side of the story.

In the distance lights came into view. My heart rate picked up and my stomach turned. I didn’t have to ask to know that the lights came from our destination. They must be waiting for me. I had no idea if the Coven would consist of two members or two hundred. But I assumed since it was New Orleans then it would be quite a bit larger than Enchantment Pointe’s Coven.

As we turned onto the tree-lined pebble driveway, I knew I’d soon find answers to some of my questions.

The driveway seemed to stretch out forever as the plantation came into view at the end. Moss-draped oak trees dotted the landscape. For a moment the thought of alligators popped into my mind. I knew the area was surrounded by the bayou. Alligators might be the nicest thing I’d encounter tonight.

Clouds completely cloaked the night sky now, blocking out the last slivers of moonlight. Two large porches wrapped around the home on both the bottom and top floors. Massive columns decorated the f
ront of the white façade. Light shone brightly from every window, casting an eerie glow into the dark night sky. If not for the lights, it would have been unnervingly pitch black. Was I really ready for this? I knew the answer to that question after one second—no.

When we pulled up in front of the house, several people stepped out onto the porch. Obviously they’d known I was coming and they hadn’t wasted any time in coming outside to
check me out. By the expressions on their faces, I knew this visit wouldn’t involve eating cupcakes and playing with puppies.

Chapter Two


A small group of people greeted us as we stepped out of the car. All eyes were on me as if I was some kind of novelty circus act. If my count was correct, there were three men and three women. They must have been the head members of the New Orleans Coven.

Most people might picture coven members dressed all in black, but that wasn’t the case. Dressed in casual business attire of slacks and dress shirts, they looked more like
they were there for a homeowners’ association meeting than a coven gathering. That was the thing—witches had special powers, but looked and dressed just like everyone else. No green skin or warts. The smell of approaching rain hung in the air. Warm night air wrapped around me, but nothing comforting came from this situation.

A man stepped forward and stretched his hand toward me. “You must be Halloween LaVeau. We’ve been eagerly awaiting your arrival.”

Something about his clipped tone made me uneasy. How long could they have been awaiting my arrival? We’d only learned of the charges against Nicolas an hour ago.

I shook his hand. “Pleased to meet you.”

He gestured toward the beautiful home. “Won’t you come in? My name is Jacobson Stratford.”

This had to be the brother of the victim. What would be his reaction to seeing Nicolas? This was more than a little awkward.

The Coven members glared at Nicolas. Obviously, he wasn’t their favorite person right now. Everyone in the group was tall, making my insecurities as the new leader even grander. I was like a tiny scrub in a forest of redwoods. Liam gestured as if to say he would follow me. Nicolas’ eyes were blank. Was it worry darkening his expression? I had no idea what must be going through his mind.

bad could this really be? I mean, the woman was okay, right? No harm done? Well, other than the fact that she was a vampire now. That was kind of a big deal, I guessed. But she’d asked him to turn her, right? Maybe she was telling the truth though. What if Nicolas had turned her against her will in a botched attempt to steal her powers? At that moment I realized that I didn’t know Nicolas nearly as well as I thought I did. After all, I’d only known him for a short time. I was letting the sexual chemistry between us cloud my judgment.

Nicolas and Liam followed me up the steps toward the large front door. Maybe they wanted to walk behind me so they could catch me if I decided to run away. But I was the leader now. I could run away if I wanted to, although I wasn’t sure what would happen to Nicolas then. In a way, I had to save him.

I followed the coven members into the grand parlor of the home. To my left was the parlor and on the right was a room that looked to be used as a library. It was dark in there, but I caught a glimpse of books on the shelves. We turned to the left and entered the parlor. The crystal chandelier was dimmed and candles flickered in the corner. I wasn’t sure if I was there for a meeting or a séance. The room was decorated as if it should be in a magazine.

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