Charmed Again (Halloween LaVeau) (19 page)

BOOK: Charmed Again (Halloween LaVeau)
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I sat at on the stool and scanned the room. I still hadn’t seen anyone who looked familiar. A waitress approached.

“You need anything to drink?” She pointed at us.

“Bring us four beers?” Liam looked at us for confirmation.

We nodded in agreement. It would look odd if we were just sitting there and not drinking like everyone else. We needed to blend in with the crowd. After a couple minutes, the waitress returned, placing the bottles down on the table. Liam grabbed the b
ottle and took a drink. As he set the bottle on the table, I spotted Jacobson across the room. Luckily, I didn’t think that he’d seen me. My heart rate increased. What was I going to say to him?

“Okay, don’t look now, but Jacobs
on is in the corner of the room.” I took a drink of my beer so that it would look as if I hadn’t been talking about anything serious.

Everyone turned their heads and began scanning the area.

I grabbed Liam’s arm. “I said don’t look now. What part of that do you all not understand?”

Liam looked at me.
“Sorry. Why don’t you tell us where he’s at?”

“Okay, but don’t look. He’s sitting toward the back of the room at a table in the corner. It’s to your right,” I
gestured with a subtle tilt of my head.

No matter how many times I said don’t look, they still looked. Luckily, it didn’t appear as if Jacobson had noticed us. The room was dim, but I’d recognize Jacobson anywhere. His tall, thin frame and long face didn’t stand out in a crowd, but the way he dressed sure was noticeable. Tonight he wore a red silk shirt and black pants. He looked as if h
e was headed back in time to a disco. Jacobson tilted his head back in laughter. Who was he talking to? I couldn’t see who was standing next to him because of the group of people on the dance floor blocking my view.

“I wish those people would get out of the way so I could see who he is talking to,” I said.

My mother waved her hands through the air and said, “Lift your feet without missing a beat. You’re blocking the view, now move for just a few.”

The people standing in front of the table glanced around, confused. They’d obviously sensed the magic, but didn’t know where it had come from. I didn’t want my mother to get in trouble for disobeyi
ng the no-magic policy. I couldn’t blame the place for putting that sign out front. With this many witches in one place, the wand-waving could get a little out of hand. Lucky for us, the spell had worked because the two women and the man stepped over to the next table. They probably had no idea why they wanted to move, they just knew that they wanted to move.

But I had a perfect view now thanks to my mother. And I didn’t like what I saw.

“I don’t think you’re supposed to do magic in here, Mother. That’s why the sign was outside,” I said.

“Desperate times call
for desperate measures, right? I think a little magic just this one time won’t hurt.” She wiggled her penciled-on eyebrows.

I shook my head, but didn’t argue. There was no use. She’d already done it now. “Well, just don’t do any more while we’re here, okay?”

Sabrina Stratford was the person sitting across from her brother. She wasn’t such an outlandish dresser as her brother though. Sabrina wore a burgundy-colored wrap dress and matching heels. A little too matching for my taste, but that was neither here nor there right now. She could have been wearing pajamas and bunny slippers and I wouldn’t care. I just wanted to get to the bottom of the charges and be done with this.

Sabrina took a sip from her wine glass, then continued chatting with her brother. They still hadn’t noticed that we were staring at them. But that soon changed.

Sabrina took another sip, sat the glass down and turned to meet our stare. She looked me dead in the eyes and glared. Her evil stare shot across the room. If power had been behind it, I would have fallen out of my chair and onto the floor.

Jacobson must have sensed the magic too because he looked over at us.
He stared for a moment, then set his highball glass down and stood. He was definitely coming our way. I hoped this didn’t turn into a fight. I had to find out a way to stop this madness soon.

If only I could figure out what the book said. According to what I’d read so far, I had to unlock the rules of the book one at a time. So if I needed to perform a certain spell to save Nicolas, I sure hadn’t discovered it yet. If I could bring Nicolas’ mother back, she could tell me what I should do. Heck, she could even have her old job back. I’d go back to being
a bad witch just running a bed-and-breakfast. That was all I’d wanted to do in the first place. Who needed this headache?

Jacobson weaved through the crowd, never taking his eyes off our table.

“Oh, he’s coming our way,” Misty said in a shaky voice.

She’d never dealt with anything like this before. The worst of her problems consisted of what food to serve at the monthly Coven meetings.

“I’ll handle him,” Liam said as he pushed to his feet.

I grabbed Liam’s arm. “Don’t let him drag you into a fight.”

Jacobson approached the table with a fake smile on his face. “Imagine seeing you here.” He looked over at my mother and Misty and nodded.

“I think we can say the same thing to you,” Liam said
with a cool and clipped tone.

“You’re a little far away from home, don’t you think?” I asked.

“We were in the area. I’ve heard a lot of good things about Enchantment Pointe. I thought I’d give it a closer look-see.” Jacobson flashed his overly white teeth.

“Cut the crap, Jacobson. What are you doing back in E
nchantment Pointe?” Liam asked.

Jacobson shot Liam a dirty look. “I told you why I’m here. There’s nothing more to it.”

“We stopped by to see you, but no one was home. The door was open though,” I said.

Okay, maybe I shouldn’t have told him, but I wanted him to know that he wasn’t the only sly one. Two could play that game.

“I’m aware that you were in the home. I have cameras set up, you know.” He smirked.

“Then you won’t mind telling me what you know about the markings on the wall in your place,” I said
, folding my arms in front of my chest.

“Oh that?” He feigned surprise. “That’s just a little part of the witchcraft we
practice. Nothing to worry about.”

I knew it was fruitless to even ask him what kind of witchcraft. I’d have to figure it out on my own. Whatever they were up to, I knew it wasn’t good. Tension hung in the air as he stared at us. Just then, Sabrina sashayed over. She didn’t speak as she fixed her stare on me. There was clearly hatred in her eyes. We needed to have a long conversation to get to the bottom of her accusations, but I didn’t know whether we should have that confrontation now
or get out of there instead. If I knew the Stratfords though, and I was learning their personalities quickly, then I knew that they were itching for a confrontation. I refused to get into a barroom brawl.

Before I had a chance to mentally debate it any lo
nger, a strange vibe fell over me. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I knew that I’d sensed it before. I looked to my mother and Misty, but they were too busy focusing their attention on Sabrina. Did they feel the strange vibe too? If they did, they didn’t mention it.

“What are you doing here?” Sabrina asked
as if highly insulted.

It was nice that she’d finally spoken, but I didn’t like her first question. How dare she ask me why I was there?

I shot her an evil stare. “Excuse me? I am the leader of the Underworld and I think I can stop in for a drink at the Bubbling Cauldron.”

I added the part about being the leader because I knew that would make her angry. I wasn’t sure how I knew, I just knew. Probably from the
malicious looks she’d been shooting my way. As far as I was concerned being the leader was hardly a perk, more like a burden.

“You do know that witchcraft isn’t allowed in the bar,” she said in a snippy tone.

“I’m fully aware of the bar policies, thank you,” I snapped.

She smirked and was ready to make some pointless comeback when the strange vibe fell over me again. It glided at a steady pace across the room. The sensation wasn’t visible, but I felt it. It came toward me in a wave, picking up speed until it finally landed against me with a smash. The wind was sucked from my lungs and I let out a gasp. My mother rushed over and patted me on the back. Liam grabbed my arm.

“Are you okay?” my mother asked.

I nodded as I took a couple quick breaths. Jacobson and Sabrina had sly smiles on their faces. They knew what this was all about. The strange vibe had come from them, but I just didn’t know how or why at the moment. I wouldn’t stop until I figured out what they were doing. They were into some black magic and I had to prove it.

Just then Sabrina and Jacobson moved a couple steps to the side, opening up a path. Across the bar, I spotted Nicolas. His glassy-eyed stare was fixed on me. The multi-colored lights from the giant bubbling cauldron pulsated behind him, changing from red, then blue to green. What was he doing there? My stomach took a dive. I should be happy to see him, but something didn’t feel right. The look in his eyes was the same as when I’d last seen him. Whatever had a hold of him was attached tightly. I had to find out what was wrong with him and get rid of it before it was too late. When Jacobson saw Nicolas, I knew there would be a huge fight.

I glanced over at Liam. He was staring straight at his brother. Liam looked as if he was ready to poun
ce on Jacobson if he made one move toward Nicolas.

But to my surprise, Nicolas stood right between Jacobson and Sabrina. They smiled at each other as if they were the best of friends. Nicolas looked tired with dark circles ringing his eyes.

“What is going on?” Liam asked.

I couldn’t take my eyes off Nicolas’ face. “What are you doing here, Nicolas?”

“Hallie. Liam.” Nicolas nodded. His greeting was polite, but formal.

“Do you care to explain what is going on?” I asked, looking at Jacobson.

“All is forgiven with Nicolas now. There is no need to go any further with an investigation. He’s decided to work closely with the New Orleans Coven. He’s the new vampire consultant.”

I exchanged a glance with Liam. I didn’t believe this for two seconds. No way would Nicolas join Jacobson and Sabrina and try to help them. And there was no way Jacobson would forgive Nicolas for what he’d done.

“Is this true, Nicolas?” I asked.

“Yes, I feel it’s for the best. There are no hard feelings between us now. P
lus, they need my help.” He offered a fake smile.

“Nicolas, can I speak with you in private?” Liam asked, gesturing with a tilt of his head.

Nicolas shook his head. “We were just on our way back to New Orleans. I’ll call you soon.”

“This isn’t something that can wait,” Liam said

“Nicolas, I really think we should speak about this first. I would at least like a chance
to close out this investigation.” I searched his eyes.

“There are no charges to investigate anymore. Like I said, everything is fine. Right, Sabrina?” Jacobson looked to his sister.

“You can’t bring charges and then just decide that it’s over. The rules don’t work that way,” I said.

Sure, I had no idea how the rules really worked, but they didn’t know that. Plus, I should be able to make up some of the rules as I went, right?

Jacobson’s brow pulled in to an affronted frown. “There is nothing you can do about it.”

Well, we’d see about that.

I ignored Jacobson, and said, “Nicolas, we found your wallet in the abandoned house.”

He shook his head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I didn’t lose my wallet.”

Too bad I hadn’t brought it with me to prove it to him. He was lying to me now and I knew that wasn’t like Nicolas at all.

That was when it hit m
e. This wasn’t Nicolas at all. The person in front of me was the imposter who had been in the New Orleans vampire bar. But why would they have someone pretend to be Nicolas? If this was a fake Nicolas, then where was the real Nicolas?

Sabrina looped her arm through Nicolas’. “Come on, we need to get back to the plantation.”

“I’ll call you,” Nicolas said as he turned around.

looked for some glimmer of the old Nicolas that I’d known, but I saw nothing in his eyes.

“Stop,” I yelled as I watched the three of them walk away.

I hurried around the table with Liam, Misty, and my mother following close behind. There was no way I would let Nicolas walk out of this bar with them. Not without knowing for sure if it was an imposter. Jacobson and Sabrina were up to no good.

The bar had grown even more crowded and it was hard to run through the groups of people and keep up with Nicolas. When I got close enough that I thought I could stop him, I reached for his arm, but didn’t make contact. Instead I fell to the ground. Liam rushed over and helped me to my feet. When I looked up
, they’d already made their way out the door.

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