Charmed Again (Halloween LaVeau) (11 page)

BOOK: Charmed Again (Halloween LaVeau)
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I picked up the paper from the comforter. The note read:

Hallie, I’m so sorry for the problems I’ve caused you. I’ll be back when I’ve righted my wrong.

What was he thinking? He wasn’t making my job any easier. Now I had to worry about what he was doing. Would he go to New Orleans? I had to tell Liam. As I turned around to head downstairs, I bumped into Liam’s chest and sucked in a breath.

“Nicolas left a note,” I said breathlessly.

He took the note from my outstretched hand and read.

“Where do you think he went? Would he go to New Orleans?” I asked.

Liam’s mouth set in a grim line as he nodded. “Yes, I think that might be where he’d head to first.”

“We need to go there,” I said.

And I’d thought I’d have time to look over the Book of Mystics for answers. I’d have to wing it yet again. Maybe now was the time to tell Liam about seeing Nicolas’ mother? There wasn’t time though. I’d tell him in the car on the way back to New Orleans.

“You’re coming with me, aren’t you?” I asked.

“I’m your bodyguard, aren’t I?” Liam grabbed my hand.

“So I’ve been told,” I said.

When Liam and I returned downstairs, Annabelle and Catherin were standing in the foyer talking. Annabelle was nervously twisting a strand of her hair around her index finger.

I handed the note to Annabelle. “Nicolas left. We think he went to New Orleans.”

“What are you going to do now?” Annabelle asked, peering down at the paper.

“Liam and I are going there. We’ll get to the bottom of this problem once and for all. I can’t put it off any longer,” I said.

“I’m coming with you,” she said, handing the note back to me.

I stared in disbelief. “What? You can’t. It wouldn’t be safe. Jacobson already attacked you once.”

“You all need someone else to drive. You need to keep all your strength,” she offered.

“She does have a point,” Catherin added.

“It may be best if she does come with us,” Liam said. “After what happened, I can’t guarantee that Jacobson or one of the other Coven members won’t come after Annabelle again just to get to you.”

Okay, now they were ganging up on me. But Liam had a point and I didn’t want Annabelle in any more danger. I hated leaving Catherin here alone though. I still didn’t trust her.

Catherin must have read my mind because she said, “I should come on the drive with you.”

Liam frowned. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

“I think it’s a great idea,” Annabelle said with a smile.

“We’re wasting time talking about this. We need to be on the road,” I said.

Without looking back, I locked the front door and we all hopped into Annabelle’s car and took off down the driveway. This was one sad-looking group going to defend Nicolas. I was pretty sure that Liam hadn’t signed on to be the bodyguard for all of us. I’d left him with little choice though. I had no idea what was in store for us, but it probably involved a fight or ten.

Chapter Nine


Tension hung in the air as we drove the same stretch of highway as the night before. It was slightly less spooky in the daylight… but only slightly. The temperature had turned cooler, but that was fall in Louisiana. One morning it might be forty-five and the next it might be eighty. I rolled the window down a little to enjoy the crisp fresh air. Usually I wore a t-shirt under my sweater so that I could peel it off when the sun started blazing down. Thoughts of what was in store for us flooded my mind. I couldn’t believe that I was going to confront one of the largest covens. And I was dragging a little old lady and my best friend along with me to do it.

My phone rang so I pulled it out from my purse. I’d used my c
ell phone number on all the bed-and-breakfast advertising, so I never knew how to answer the phone—a simple hello, or LaVeau Manor? I went with “Hello?” this time.

“Is this Halloween LaVeau?” the soft female voice asked.

As much as I wanted a normal guest at the moment, I also didn’t want to bring someone into the weird stuff that I had going on around me. I’d have to tell this woman that I didn’t have a vacancy.

“Yes, may I help you?” I asked.

“I was told that you’re the new leader of the Underworld.” Her voice wavered.

Wow. How had she gotten my number? Was it listed already? I wasn’t sure how to answer. Was this a trick question? Was Jacobson responsible for this call?

“May I ask who is calling?” I tried to keep up the professional tone.

I figured I’d get her information before answering her question.

“My name is Ginny Love. I own a bar in the French Quarter.” She paused. “Anyway, I have some information about the recent event involving Nicolas Marcos.”

Well this was a turn of events that I hadn’t expected. What could she possibly have to tell me?

“Yes? What information?” I asked with curiosity.

“I n
eed to speak with you in person.” Her voice faltered again.

What did I say to that? No? I had to know what she was talking about. What if she knew something that would keep Nicolas out of danger?

“Can you give me your address?” I reached down and pulled a pen and paper from my purse, then scribbled down the address.

“How soon can you be here?” Her voice lowered.

“Is he in danger?” I asked.

“He could be, but I just need to speak with you in person,” she said.

Something about this conversation was making me very uneasy. But I had Liam with me, so he could help if I got into a dangerous situation, right?

“I’ll be there as soon as possible,” I said.

“Please hurry.” The phone went dead.

“That was an interesting call,” I said as I clicked off the call.

Liam glanced over at me. “What’s going on? Who was that?”

“Do you know a woman named Ginny Love?” I asked.

“I’ve heard of the name, but no, I’m not sure that I know of her,” he said.

“She was very cryptic. All she would tell me was that she has information about Nicolas and that she needs to see me in person.”

He glanced over and frowned. “You told her we would come there?”

“I don’
t think I have any other choice.” I let out a deep breath.

“No, I don’t think you do have any other c
hoice. You should definitely go.” Catherin seemed to have an answer for everything.

She’d obviously been listening to my conversation from the front seat and had her own opinion.

“She’s right.” Annabelle nodded. “You have to find out what she wants.”

It looked as if I would be going whether I wanted to o
r not. Good thing I wanted to.

“Where is this place?” Liam asked.

“A bar in the French Quarter called The Graveyard.”

“A va
mpire bar—.” Dread lingered in Liam’s tone.


After another thirty minutes, we’d made it to the French Quarter. Historic buildings with iron balconies lined the streets. People walked up and down the sidewalks. A man played his saxophone in front of a little café. Enchantment Pointe never had this much activity.

“Have you ever been to this place?” I asked as we drove through the streets of the French Quarter.

“Yes, I think I’ve been in there once. Like I said, a lot of vampires hang out there. The wilder vampires like to go there,” Liam said.

He’d waited until we were almost there to tell me this? Why hadn’t he mentioned this earlier? That would explain a little bit of why this woman had information about Nicolas. But w
as this just a setup by Sabrina? After all, she was a vampire now too.

After finally finding the street, Liam found a spot up front and pulled along the curb.

Liam shoved the car in park. “Maybe you should let me go in first. I can check things out and make sure it’s safe.”

I shrugged. “Okay. Whatever you think is best.”

Liam jumped out of the car, but only took a few steps before he turned around and motioned for me to get out of the car. “On second thought, I don’t want to leave you all alone in the car. You all have to come in with me.”

This woman was really going to think
I had a bizarre security detail—a handsome guy, a pretty blonde best friend, and a grandmother. We were an odd match.

The place was dark and a shock to the eyes after coming in from the bright daylight. A woman was behind the bar wiping off the counter. She looked up when we approached.

“We’re here to see Ginny Love.” I looked around the bar.

She gestured with a tilt of her head. “She’s in the back room. You can go on back there if you’d like.”

We moved into the back section of the bar. Liam led the way with Catherin being the caboose in our odd little train. The room was filled with small loveseats in the corners and tables with wooden chairs in the middle of the room. At the back of the room was a small stage. I supposed this was where they had the live bands that the sign out front had advertised performed five nights a week.

At first, I hadn’t notice
d anyone in the room, but then I happened to catch a glimpse of a dark-haired woman sitting at the back in one of the booths. She wore dark blue jeans and a white blouse. When she spotted us, she jumped up and headed our way.

As she hurried over, I stood with my hand out. “You must be Ginny Love? I’m Halloween LaVeau.”

The woman took my hand in hers and shook rapidly. “It’s such an honor to meet you.”

Before now no one had ever been this excited to meet me. Now everyone was being polite and nice to me. Well, everyone but Jacobson and his Coven. Just because I’d found some stupid book too. Why hadn’t they been polite before? All of a sudden now I was special? That was far from the truth.

“It’s nice to meet you too.” I spoke the words, but until she told me what she knew about Nicolas I wasn’t sure if it really was nice to meet her.

“This is my… my
…” I looked at Liam and scowled. What should I call him?

He stuck out his hand. “I’m Ms. LaVeau’s security.”

That was awkward. I’d just thought of Liam as a friend. But I guessed there was no room for friendship right now.

“And these are my friends, Annabelle and Catherin.” I gestured at the women.

How else would I introduce Catherin?
Oh, this is a ghost I accidentally brought back and now she’s stuck following me around to strange places with vampires and witches.

, let’s have a seat.” Ginny pointed at the table closest to us.

“We really don’t have long,” I said, as I pulled out a chair and sat down.

Liam, Annabelle and Catherin all pulled out chairs and sat around the table. Ginny paced around the table and twisted her hands.

“So, can you tell me why you invited me here?” I asked.

Ginny looked over her shoulder. “Nicolas Marcos was here last night.” Her voice was barely above a whisper.

“Are you sure you saw him?” I exchanged a look with Liam.

She nodded. “He was here last night. He sat in the front at a table with another man and woman.”

I shook my head. “You must be mistaken. It must have been someone who looked like him. He couldn’t have been here yesterday. He was an hour away at my place all day.”

She twisted her hands again. “No, no. I heard them call him by name.”

“What did they say?” Liam asked.

“I don’t know what the conversation was with Mr. Marcos. I couldn’t hear that part. It’s what happened before he left that has me upset.”

“What happened before he left?” I asked, leaning forward in my chair.

Her hands and legs were shaking. I knew this wasn’t normal behavior and she was acting fidgety. For what must have been the hundredth time she glanced over her shoulder. Who was she looking for? Her heels clicked loudly against the floor as she paced back and forth. I glanced at the others. Annabelle frowned and Liam shrugged his shoulders.

“Ask her what’s wrong,” Liam mouthed.

I supposed it was my job to get to the bottom of things. She paused when she turned around, realizing that we were all watching her.

I met her
stare. “Are you there’s nothing else you need to tell us?”

She opened her mouth as if
she was about to speak, but then she stopped and turned around again. She paced the length of the floor. How long would this pattern continue? I was about to get up and leave, but I thought I’d give her one more chance. To my relief, she finally turned around and marched toward us. She pushed her shoulders back and stood straight. After releasing a deep breath, she stepped closer.

“There’s something I need to tell you.” Her voice was low and she looked over her shoulder again.

“Yes.” I pleaded for her to continue with my eyes.

“I didn’t want to get him in trouble,” she said with disappointment in her voice.

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