Chapter One (28 page)

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Authors: Whitesell

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think you made a fantastic choice, Jack.”

Not fantasizing about sex with a guy she saw once a He paid, she gave him the change and stepped to the day Monday through Friday. She served him coffee, they other end of the counter to hand him the coffee.

exchanged a couple sentences, and that was it.

“It’s going to be hot today,” he said.

In the business world, he was executive and she was Hell, she was already hot, though it had nothing to do service. And never the twain shall meet. Especially in the with the weather and more to do with the six foot four tall, bedroom.

tanned, chiseled centerfold man in front of her. What she

“Mornin’ gorgeous,” Jack said as he stepped up to the wouldn’t give to see him out of his impeccable business suit.


She bet he dressed down just fine. Worn jeans, sleeveless shirts Thank God her skin was dark enough to hide the blush.

showing off broad shoulders and bulging biceps. Her mouth Really, how old was she, anyway? She should be long past the watered and her pussy clenched. Too bad she couldn’t blushing stage. “Mornin’ yourself, Jack. The usual?”

masturbate at work. But tonight at home, Jack would be the He arched a dark brow and studied the menu. “I think man of her dreams. Then again, he often was. If only he knew I’m in the mood for something different today.”


Jaci Burton/
Wild, Wicked & Wanton
/Unedited Advance Reading Copy Berkley Heat/May, 2007

how often she came thinking about fucking him, about here? But now that I am, tell me who that gorgeous hunk of climbing onto his dick and riding him until they both got off.

dick on two legs was?”

Yeah, it was going to be hot today, all right.

“Jack Fellows.” She stared out the door.

“I heard we had a big heat wave coming. Guess I’ll be

“Who is he? How well do you know him and how come hanging out by the pool at the country club today,” she replied you’ve never told Abby or me about him before?”

with a wink.

“He works around here,” Callie said, trying to shake off

“Now you’re teasing me.”

Jack’s mesmerizing effect. “Comes in for coffee every

“You’re so perceptive, Jack.

morning. Don’t know him other than as a client. And that’s

“Anytime you want to lounge by the pool at the country why I’ve never told you or Abby about him. There’s nothing to club, you just give me a holler. I’ll be happy to take you.”


Then he shocked the hell out of her by pulling out his

“Uh huh.” Blair tapped the counter with her fingernails business card and a pen, jotting a number on the back, and and pursed her lips.

sliding it across the counter. “I’d love to take a dip with you,

“Don’t even think about it. There’s nothing going on sometime, Callie. Or anywhere else for that matter. Why don’t between Jack and me.”

you give me a call if you’re interested and we can plan

“He sure had a helluva grin when he walked out of something?”


Speechless, she stared down at the card and back up at Callie shrugged and walked out from behind the him.

counter with two cups of coffee, handing one to Blair and

“Have a good one, Callie.” He turned and walked motioning her to a booth near the window at the front of the toward the door, nodding at Blair, who just happened to be shop. “He always smiles.”

walking in at that moment. Blair did a complete turnaround

“Not like that. That was an
I’ve got a date with a hot
before heading toward the counter, then took one look at

Callie’s expression and arched a brow.

“Oh it was not.” She thought about the business card in

“You can close your mouth now, Callie.”

her pocket, about Jack’s suggestion to take her to the country Callie blinked, stared down at the business card Jack club pool. Was he serious? The club? Her? And him? That had had left, and pocketed it. “What are you doing here?”

to be some mistake. She replayed the conversation over in her Blair batted her lashes at Callie. “Nice to see you too.”

mind, certain she had just heard him wrong.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean it that way.”

“So does he?”

“And I’m here because I have a client meeting Callie frowned. “Does he what?”

downtown and I want coffee, darlin’. Why else would I be

“Have a date with a hot woman.”

“I dunno. He might. But it’s not with me.”


Jaci Burton/
Wild, Wicked & Wanton
/Unedited Advance Reading Copy Berkley Heat/May, 2007

“Dammit. Why not?”

a sandwich and ate it, she remembered the good times, the She laughed at Blair’s consternation. “Because. We’re plans they’d made for their future.

not at all the same type.”

Plans that had stalled when Bobby was diagnosed with

“Type my ass. You were drooling all over the counter, cancer. Plans that had evaporated when the cancer spread and Cal. I know the look of a woman in lust. You’ve got it bad for took him so damn fast. One minute they’d been hit by the this Jack Fellows.”

diagnosis. Six months later he was gone.

“Do not. He’s a customer. He’s good looking. I can Too fast. Too soon. Much too soon.

appreciate a fine looking man, can’t I?”

God, those first few months she hadn’t wanted to live Blair studied her. “Of course you can, honey.” She took without him, didn’t think she could survive without the love of a quick glance at her watch and an equally fast gulp of her her life. They’d been together since high school, bound for coffee. “And you’re damn lucky I have an appointment. We marriage and forever. Everyone had known it. She and Bobby still on for lunch tomorrow?”

had known it from day one. It was the sweetest love ever. They

“You bet. I want details on you and Rand.”

had been friends from the moment they met until the moment Blair stood and grabbed her purse, then bent down and he died.

kissed Callie’s cheek. “And you’ll get them. Have I got things And even now, she felt like his light still shined down to tell you and Abby. Later, babe.”

on her, leading the way.

News from Blair about Rand, huh? Callie finished her He’d told her those last few weeks that he wanted her to coffee then went back to work, her mind filled with Blair and live on, not to pine away for him forever. To find another man Rand and trying not to think about Jack and the business card to make her happy. At the time she hadn’t wanted to listen to tucked into her pocket. It wasn’t until after she closed up shop such nonsense. Bobby was her love, her soulmate, her best and went home and started to undress that she remembered the friend. Whenever he was near, there was warmth. Maybe not card.

passion, but always contentment. And that had been more than She pulled it out of her pocket, read the front. Attorney good enough for her. She couldn’t imagine any other man for one of the top law firms in Silverwood. Impressive. And fulfilling her the way her husband had.

now she knew they were like oil and water. He was big money Now five years had passed. Five long years without and country clubs. She was modest middle class and mortgaged companionship, without a man in her life.

to the hilt, struggling to keep her business afloat.

Without sex.

If it hadn’t been for the life insurance on her late She missed sex, missed cuddling up afterward.

husband, Bobby, she wouldn’t even have the shop. She smiled Masturbation got her off, but it wasn’t the same. She needed a at the thought of Bobby. The years had dimmed the fresh pain cock inside her. A hot, living cock attached to a real man. Her of his loss, leaving only bittersweet memories. While she fixed pussy clenched as she thought of what it would feel like to 132

Jaci Burton/
Wild, Wicked & Wanton
/Unedited Advance Reading Copy Berkley Heat/May, 2007

have a man moving on top of her, his strong body thrusting in Someone could drive by and see her. A neighbor could and out of her cunt, his lips claiming hers his tongue sweeping look out their window and possibly catch a glimpse of her inside her mouth. A rush of heat enveloped her and she stood, lifting her dress.

walking to her front window for a little air.

How exciting!

It was hot, hardly any breeze. She stepped outside on Soon, her panties were visible. But oh, she wanted the porch and sat on the chair. No moon tonight. No activity in more. She lifted her hips and pulled her panties down to her the neighborhood either.

thighs, revealing her pussy. She was panting now, her pussy Her body pulsed with need and she closed her eyes, throbbing. She knew she would come fast once she touched it.

wishing for Jack to step up on her porch and grab her, plant his But she was waiting. This was the naughty part, the wanton, mouth on hers and fuck her right there. A tingle of excitement forbidden, nasty part of herself that even Bobby hadn’t known curled her toes and shot between her legs, moistening her about.


She slid her hand over her belly, bunching the skirt of She shouldn’t. She really shouldn’t. But the thrill of the her dress in her fist before forcing herself to relax. Her heart forbidden had always been her downfall. She stood and ran pounded, whether from excitement or the possibility of inside, shutting off the light in the living room so the porch someone catching her in the act she wasn’t sure. Now she was would be dark, then returned to her outside chair. She’d tossed past the point of caring. Let them come to the porch, line up on an old sundress after work. The street was empty. It was and watch. She wanted an audience.

late. No one else was outside. She could do this fast and no one

“See me touch myself,” she whispered to the darkness.

would see her. Maybe no one would see her, but what if they

“Watch me make myself come.”

did? The thought sent a rush of tingling pleasure to her clit.

She reached between her legs, finding the curls damp, She spread her legs and moved her hands to her thighs, loving the silken softness of her own pubic hair. She toyed with letting them rest there for a few seconds while she the curls before moving farther down, knowing she had held contemplated. Anticipation, the excitement of knowing she was back as long as she could. She lifted her hips and plunged two going to do it, but not just yet. Her fingertips brushed the hem fingers inside her sopping wet cunt, biting back the moan that of her sundress, then she began to pull it toward her hips, a escaped her lips as she drove her palm against her clit, fraction of an inch at a time. Though it was hot outside, the air undulating against the exquisite sensations that she knew hitting her skin was like a shock to her heated body, driving her would send her over the edge all too quickly.

arousal. Sweat pooled between her breasts, her lips parting and

“Fuck me,” she whispered to her imaginary lover.

her breathing labored as she realized she could get caught.

“Fuck me hard and fast.”

There, outside and in the darkness where anyone could potentially see her, she fucked her pussy with her fingers. The 133

Jaci Burton/
Wild, Wicked & Wanton
/Unedited Advance Reading Copy Berkley Heat/May, 2007

street was so quiet she could hear the sounds of her fingers After eleven. He’d left work at eight tonight, come thrusting in and out of her wet pussy, could hear the harsh straight home after a short side trip to the fast food drive intake of her breath, the moans she couldn’t quite hold back as through, headed straight for his desk and continued to work.

she tormented herself with relentless strokes. Her palm slid God, he needed a few days off. A week or two would be even back and forth over her swollen clit, making her lift her hips to better. Making partner was supposed to be less grueling, not meet her own hand.

more. But the work continued to pile on with no apparent let

“I’m going to come,” she whispered, eyes widening as up. Weren’t the grunts the ones who were supposed to put in the pulses shot through her. She gritted her teeth to hold back these long hours? He stretched and leaned back in his chair, the screams, wave after wave of unbearable pleasure crashing swiveling around to take a look at the swimming pool at the over her. She gripped the arm of the chair and shook with club across the street.

violent tremors, burying her fingers in her cunt until the storm He’d been lucky to get this house. On the golf course, subsided.

right near the club house and pool. He smiled as he stared at When it was over, she withdrew her fingers, pulled up the pool, remembering his invitation to Callie this morning.

her panties and smoothed her skirt over her thighs, looking out She’d looked so surprised, her warm amber eyes widening in over the street and shaking her head.

shock. But why? Surely a woman as beautiful as her was She stayed in the chair and caught her breath, feeling deluged by offers. He was probably just one of a handful of like she’d just woken from some kind of bizarre dream. It was men hitting on her.

like she lost touch with reality. What if someone had come by?

Okay, maybe he wasn’t hitting on her, but he sure as Would she have been able to stop? Or would she have sat hell liked stopping for coffee every morning and seeing her.

there, her fingers buried in her pussy, continuing to strum her Her soft honeyed voice and welcoming smile were a calm in clit to orgasm?

the storm of his life. And it didn’t hurt that she was gorgeous, Shaking off her thoughts, she rose and went inside, either. Fashion model beautiful, with skin the color of light locked the door and shut the curtains, hoping like hell no one caramel, curly black hair and those unusual, mesmerizing eyes.

had seen her deviant behavior.

Most days he wanted to linger, to ask her to step around the

“Honest, Callie, what the hell is wrong with you?”

counter and sit with him just so he could get to know her better.

She was such a pervert.

Instead, he was always in a rush, but those few minutes he spent talking to her were the best part of his day.

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