Changing of the Glads (9 page)

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Authors: Joy Spraycar

BOOK: Changing of the Glads
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Max shook his head.  It didn’t matter.  All of that was behind them.  Platy was gone, and the arena was their past.  They would turn this world back to its chosen course.  Yes, when Zalphia learned how to direct her powers, they would save humankind and then return home to spend the rest of their days at the head of Selestia’s council.


The meadow now spread before him.   Max paused at the tree line.  To be joined together, he must first find the flowers which only bloomed under the light of the moon.  It would require some time to gather enough flowers and make the sacred Moonflower wreaths.  One for the altar which would hold the moonstone.  And the other for his bride.  He would place a wreath of flowers on Zalphia’s head as a symbol of their union and its benefits to mankind.  Then, with the power of the sacred moonstone, the Elders would witness the rite.  If it were approved by the great God above, the cloudy white stone would turn to dust. 

Max felt the growing pressure of anticipation.  To be around her and not take her before this ceremony was hard, especially when she thought nothing about sitting close to him totally nude.  How strong did she think he was?  The power of the stone hidden in the pouch hanging from his waist lent him the strength to keep his desires in check.  Merely touching it reminded him of all that was at stake and what would be lost if he succumbed to his passions before the sacred ritual of becoming husband and wife.  That torture would end as soon as he gathered the Moonflowers and readied the altar.

A picture flashed through his mind of what becoming one would be like, increasing the pressure in his loins.  He needed to hurry.  Using his senses like his human father taught him, he probed the meadow, making sure it was safe to enter.  Others were there.  Deer, elk, and moose. 

Nothing like the land he’d come from, which was mostly barren, just some sagebrush and a few scrub trees.  The only animals around his boyhood home were skunk, raccoon, fox, and an occasional antelope. 

The wars on this planet had taken their toll.  Most of the creatures that lived in the jungles and rainforests were destroyed by the bombings, leaving only a few species to repopulate.  This
land was one of the most interesting he’d visited.  He’d never been to Kilapon before, but Simeon told him wondrous stories about it.  He couldn’t wait to discover more of it with Zalphia.

Striding across the meadow, he reached a patch of sacred blooms and carefully plucked an armful before heading back into the forest.  He’d seen a tree stump not far from the camp on his way to the meadow that would work perfectly as an altar.  They would perform the ceremony there. 

When he reached it, he dropped the handful of flowers on the ground.  Taking a soft skin from the pouch at his waist, Max carefully unfolded it, revealing the milky stone.  He spread the thin leather over the stump, placed the sacred gem in the center, and then twisted a ring of flowers together, situating them around the edge of the stump.  Satisfied the altar was set up according to Selestial law, he gathered the remaining blooms and headed back to camp.









Max wandered into the firelight, his arms filled with gentle white flowers, and he sat beside Zalphia on the log.

“What have you got there?” she asked, rubbing a silky petal between her fingers.

“These are called Moonflowers.  The moon is a symbol of our life cycle.  It starts out barely a sliver then grows until completely full.  From that point, it begins to fade until only a mere slit remains.  So it is with us.  We from Selestia flare from a mere speck of light to a glowing being, then fade when our work is done.  These flowers represent those here, the humans that will bloom and grow under the light of those from Selestia.  As we are joined together, these flowers will show our willingness to alter this world until it blooms in beauty and full life.  A life of kindness and love, one that leaves behind the cruel and selfishness they now possess.”

Zalphia watched intently as Max took the long stems and wove them into a wreath with the tender square flowers to the outside.  She marveled that his massive hands could work with such delicate plants and not completely crush them.  When he finished, he placed the crown of blooms on top her head then knelt at her feet. 

He took her hands in his own.  “My dearest Zalphia, I wish for you to be my wife.  Will you do me the honor of participating in the Selestial marriage ceremony that will join us together here on this earth?”

Tears brimmed in her eyes, and a lump took her voice.  She managed to nod.

He rose and held his hand out to her. 

She took it, stood, and followed him into the forest.

He stopped when they reached a stump that came to her waist.  Spread on top of it was a piece of hide similar to that which he’d made her clothing with, and in the center sat a cloudy-white, round stone.  Flowers like the ones making up her crown surrounded the strange rock. 

The night birds and the crickets all ceased their songs simultaneously as if someone had spoken for silence, and stillness settled around them.  Max took Zalphia’s left hand and placed it on the stone.  Her palm fit perfectly over it, and the stone warmed against her skin. Then he placed his left hand over the top of hers and laced the fingers of her right in his.  Overhead, one of the stars grew brighter and brighter until it shone like midday but only around where they stood.

Max tilted his chin toward the star.  “That is Selestia, our home planet.  It is time.”

Zalphia watched Max’s face brighten as he began. 

“I, Maximillion, desire to have Zalphia as my own, in this realm and the next, before the Elders of Selestia, the great God above, and here on this world as my mate.  I promise to care for her and love her.  If the Elders approve, let it be known.”

The words burned into her memory.  He wanted her to be his, forever.  Happiness like she’d never felt before burst inside, along with the excitement of becoming one with her strange, dark man.  She imagined her beloved cello music swirling around them. 

Shards of light slipped from between her fingers resting over the top of the stone.  She marveled that a simple rock could glow in such a way. 

“Yes,” a symphony of voices rang out.  

Zalphia looked around.  They must have been inside her head because her ears still only registered the peaceful stillness. 

“Do you wish for this union, Zalphia?” Max looked at her expectantly.

She nodded.

“Out loud,” Max whispered.


“Now it is your turn.  Do you need me to tell you what to say?”

Zalphia shook her head.  She remembered every word.  “I, Zalphia, desire to have Maximillion as my own, in this realm and the next, before the Elders of Selestia, the great God above, and here on this world as my mate.  I promise to care for him and love him.  If the Elders approve, let it be known.”

Another resounding “Yes,” echoed in her head.

“Do you wish for this union, Maximillion?”

“I do.”

The strange stone lifted from the stump, taking their hands with it.  It hovered above the wreath of flowers, and the petals opened wider then drifted toward the glowing orb.  The stems waved and twirled as if they still belonged to a growing plant.  The light from the moonstone
grew brighter, and then flashed as it melted beneath Zalphia’s hand.  The heat remained against her palm, but the stone turned to dust and drifted back to the hide.

Max threw his arms around Zalphia and pulled her close.  His eyes darkened before he closed them and pressed his lips to hers.  Heat like she’d never felt, even when he’d done this before, flowed from his tongue to hers.  It slid down into her chest and set her insides blazing.  She pressed closer, wishing to melt against him, to be closer than just touching the nakedness of his chest.  She wanted to entangle her limbs with his. 

Cold seeped between them as he pulled back to look into her eyes. “You are all mine now.” 

The distance formed by his small movement tore at her, and she responded by throwing her arms about his neck.  He slid his hands under her bottom and lifted her against his chest.  As if on their own, her legs wrapped around his waist, and she buried her nose against his neck, reveling in his musky scent. 

He picked his way through the trees and returned to the fire where he gently placed her on her feet.  Prying her arms from around his neck, he placed them at her sides and took a step back.

Fear gripped her for a brief moment, and she began to follow his movement, but he held up his hand and shook his head. 

As if that simple movement had control over her body, she froze midstride.  Her eyes stayed glued to his, and emptiness washed through her.  A shiver slid from her toes to her head.  Without him, the air around her felt barren, cold, and empty.  Although his essence remained in her mind, her body longed for his touch, the sensation of his skin on hers and the breath from his mouth against her lips.  Without those things, she couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think.  He was part of her, and the foot or so that separated them seemed like miles. 

She gasped as his gaze traveled down, taking in every inch and causing her heart to thump a wild staccato against her ribs.  It skipped a beat and almost stopped altogether when he grabbed the bottom of her shirt in his fists and slid it up and over her head.

He shuddered as he tossed it to the side.  A sharp influx of air widened his nostrils as he seemed to really see her for the first time. 

All the scars from the arena no longer mattered because she was sure he saw every inch of her as perfect.  He slowly undid the tie at her waist and let the covering slide over her rounded bottom and onto the ground.  She kicked it from her feet, and it landed next to the other
discarded piece of clothing.  Slowly, he took one finger and slid it under her chin as his eyes studied her face. 

Zalphia did the same, taking in the square jaw and prominent cheekbones.  The blue of his eyes against the darkness of his skin reminded her of the base of the fire burning in the darkness.  It mattered little that she had known him for mere days, she longed for him.  There was a connection.  A deep emotional bond she
began before they came here.  Now, he was about to show her things she never dreamed could be hers, and she wanted it more than anything.

He slid his hand into her hair, and then caught the back of her head and pulled her close.  Wrapping his arm across the small of her back, he pressed his lips to hers.

Fire scorched her mouth, burned down her throat, and curled around inside her chest, stealing what little oxygen remained there.  Her abdomen clenched, causing a sensation she’d never before felt.  She threw her arms around his neck and pushed closer.  The warmth of his chest wasn’t enough.  She needed more, to be closer, tighter than this.  She deepened the kiss, her tongue dancing with his, trying to convey with her mouth the desire deep inside.

He groaned.

Pushing one hand into his hair, she relished the feel of his skin.  Somewhere beneath her dented scar, desire let loose. 

He pulled back so he could look into her eyes. “Zalphia, are you sure you feel up to this?”

Her heart hammered painfully, and her breathing came in giant gulps like she’d run from the tigers in the training arena.  She couldn’t speak, couldn’t think.  Whatever becoming one with him meant, she wanted it, wanted it now, more than food, or water, or anything.  She swallowed hard and simply nodded.

He gathered her against his chest, and she tightened her arms around his neck.  With one foot, he kicked the bearskin open and laid her down.  Then he stood and removed his covering.

Never having seen a man totally disrobed before, she was awed.  She saw most of him that day in the arena, but now everything was different.  His broad chest narrowed to a thinner waist, and below, well, what she saw there defied description.  He lay beside her, took her into his arms again, and feathered his lips against hers, then continued to her chin, her neck, and her shoulder.  Everything from that moment on felt like a dream, like she had been here before, doing this exact same thing, except she felt more.

Intense pain filled every nerve, but pain that delighted.  Or could it even be called pain?  Max was gentle and kind.  Zalphia closed her eyes and reveled in their oneness.  When it was over, sweat covered her and her breathing shuddered in and out.  Tears of joy flowed from her eyes.

“I’m sorry.”  Max wiped a tear from her cheek.  “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

She laid her ear against his chest and listened to their hearts beat the same rhythm.  “No, you didn’t hurt me.  It was... wonderful.  I’ve never felt like this before.”

“It is so different to feel you this way. You are happy with us becoming one?”

“Yes, very much so.”

“You seem so different from the way I know you.  I am unable to separate which feelings are yours and which are mine.  I am having a hard time sorting out your emotional side.”

She leaned back and looked into his eyes.  “I’m sorry.”  A strand of his strange hair hung across his nose, and she brushed it over his shoulder.

“It is all right.  Eventually I will learn to know you again, to see you as you truly are.  For now, I am used to finding the practical you.” 

The look in his eyes echoed hurt.  How must he feel not being able to reach her mind as he had always done? 

“Help me.  Show me what it is you are feeling.”

Her heart ached to know he lost their connection.  Placing her hands of the side of his face, she closed her eyes and pushed her thoughts outward.

He jumped and pulled her hands from his face.  “Stop, it is too much.” 

“What?”  She felt her mind slam back into her own head.

Was he displeased with what she’d projected?  She rolled over, away from him.

“No!”  He turned her back to face him.  “It is not what you think.  I never felt anything... so intense.  It actually hurt.”

“You don’t feel that way?”

He slid an arm beneath her head and pulled her close to his chest.  “You see, this is how I remember us. This is the way I pictured it being.  The way we have always been.  It was your absence that caused me pain, pain of absence to match the intensity of your pleasure.  Do you understand?  I am glad you feel that way, it is just...  a little odd to feel so intense.”  He rolled her on top of him, crinkled his nose, and shot her his one-sided grin.  “But I love it.”

Her lips nearly split her face.  She could feel it now.  “Max, I love you.”

“And you, you are my one and only.”

Threading her hands into his hair, she lowered her lips to his.  He immediately responded. 

“Again?” she asked.

“Oh, yes.”






“All right,” Max said.  “Enough of this.  You have got to eat something before you kill yourself.”

Zalphia lay down beside him and traced the curve of the muscles on his chest.  “Are you sure?”  She raised one eyebrow. 
was what was meant for her?  This was heaven!  “If Selestia’s anything like this, I vote we go back there right now.”

Max sat up.  “No!  Zalphia, we came here to save this world.”

The smile slid off her face, and her heart shriveled.  “I’m sorry.  I know we have something more to do.”  She pulled on his arm.  “I didn’t mean anything.  I just so enjoy, what do you call it, becoming one, that I could do this forever.”

He pulled her onto his lap, careful to avoid the one thing she wanted so desperately to have again.  “We can do this all you like.  It is not as if I do not crave it, too.  But we must find our children and discover why they have not changed this world.”

“Our children?”

“Yes, our sons.  They came here long before we did.”

“You sent our sons here?”  She could hardly believe her ears.  “Why would you send
our children
to such a depraved world?”

“Because they were supposed to be strong enough to come and turn things around, but they have not.”

“This has been hard enough for us, whatever possessed you to send children here?”

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