Changeling Winds: Episode Two (The Bachelor Battles Book 2) (33 page)

Read Changeling Winds: Episode Two (The Bachelor Battles Book 2) Online

Authors: Angela White

Tags: #futuristic love story, #apocalyptic romance, #angela white, #action romance, #Fantasy Series, #romantic horror, #apocalypse rebellion

BOOK: Changeling Winds: Episode Two (The Bachelor Battles Book 2)
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“If the kids are immune, or the parents vaccinated, they can produce both sexes. Use that as a bargaining chip with the west coast, and perhaps they can be swayed to fight with our side.”

“In exchange for helping us, we’ll make sure they get a fair share of the vaccine that I’m sure the Network has stockpiled somewhere,” Angelica clarified.

“And if they won’t?” Daniel asked.

“There’s a mob already waiting at the dome,” Baker offered.

“We’ll be gathering Pruetts. We’ll take them down as a family,” Sam stated proudly.

“So…we’re going to attack the Network and overthrow them?”

Coming from Greg, it was a question laced with hope.

Candice flashed that harsh Games smirk everyone was so intimidated by. “Oh, yes! We’re
take it all down. Every single bond they’ve enslaved us with is going to shatter at their feet.”

“And Rankin?”
I pushed, unable to help the fear.

“Doesn’t have long to live.”

Candy’s violent growl had more than me nodding.

“As long as she dies, I’ll do whatever you need me to.”

I felt Angelica shudder at my words, controlling her urge to protect me with another protest she knew was useless. She wasn’t willing to let me be the bait, but if it ended this terror of Rankin, got her out of our lives while helping the cause, I was.

“Pick the details apart if you can,” Candice instructed.

Once it started to rollout, I understood that this was a plan she’d been working on for awhile. I settled back against Angelica’s warmth and listened to the details with respect, knowing whatever the setup to coerce Rankin, it wouldn’t involve my sacrifice. These were Pruetts. They didn’t do that to males. The Network did.




As the room cleared, Jason was slumped against me, drowsing. After being without him while he healed, I didn’t want to move.

We’d made a trip back to the cave in that time. It was collapsed, with only a small entranceway left, but it had been enough to let Runners in and a surprising three wounded males to be brought out. Only one had survived, but at least they hadn’t died alone, abandoned under the rubble.

Supplies had also been gone back for. Out here, it was a risk that had to be taken. Fresh food and water would be hard to find. The small hideout had been nearly perfect with its self-sufficient setup, and I was sure Baker was also mourning its loss.

The last one to go, Sam gestured toward her corner bunk. “I’ll be on duty all night.”

Jason stirred, yawning. “You don’t have an area yet?”

Sam’s snort didn’t draw a flinch. “She slept outside your room, and even the medic had to show an ID before she could go in.”

As Sam went out, I saw his surprise, but didn’t comment. I was waiting to see which part of our newest deal he would agree to.

“I still want freedom… sort of.”

“Sort of?”
I ground out.

He stared up at me with those glowing gray eyes that I was so addicted to.

“I want to be free to fight at your side, like with Greg and his owner. This is my war, too. I know that now.”

And it was a war. The Network had declared it, now we would defend ourselves, ruthlessly. What about Jason? Could I protect him during the chaos?

“Angel, I…” His face darkened with frustration and loss. “We won’t have kids, not until there’s a vaccine available to us, but I get to fight!”

How could I deny him that? “I’ll train you, keep you close, and you’ll stand the rope when we go in.”


But before that, we had to get Rankin. I could see Jason was scared of the path he’d chosen, and I lifted a gentle, clawed hand. My touch was soft as rain against his cheek. “When you’re ready for true freedom, I won’t hold you.”

He gave me a sad smile. “When your heat for me runs out, I’ll let go.”

will never happen.” I leaned forward to place a soft kiss on his rough cheek. “And I think you know it.”

He moved closer, and the rippling muscles under those tight pants snagged my attention. I traced upward… to a bulge that twitched under my needy intentions, and I tore my head up, breathing faster.
He needs more time to heal. He needs more time to…

Jason slid against me, arms going around my neck. “Can I kiss you, Angel?”

We were on the floor an instant later, my arms carefully cushioning his landing.




They brought Rankin inside through the main room. Dragging her bloody body forward with each jerk of the chains, the room erupted into chaos.

Except for me.
I stayed in my assigned place, trying to calm my rapid heartbeat. Seeing her had slammed the gravity of my choice into my gut like fire.


I froze as Rankin spotted me, face ugly with Angelica’s claw wounds and that slowly healing broken nose.


The big women on the other end of the chains yanked her back when she lunged my way.

Angelica delivered a nasty punch to Rankin’s temple that sent the Head Defender to her knees.

Rankin slung blood in a wide arc as she screamed angrily, eyes turning pink. “Slam you, Pruett!”

“Oh, I’m
give you what you need,” Angelica sneered back cruelly. “Don’t doubt that!”

I hadn’t really thought they would find her. Candice assumed she would stay close and try again, but I’d been sure Rankin was on her way back to the Network complex for fresh troops.

“Put her on the top floor. If they’re still tracking her, she’ll be the first thing blown up.”

Angelica’s voice was merciless, and I stayed back as the big females and my small owner took Rankin toward the crumbling stairs. Her furious gaze never left me.

I drew in my courage, not ready to start playing my role, but eager to have it done. “I want to talk to her - alone.”


Angelica’s growl brought a cruel pleasure to Rankin’s face, and I knew we’d chosen right. When I made the offer, she would deal.

I gave Angelica a snotty glare. “You said I’m free!”

Those Changeling eyes turned red, and Angelica struggled to control the rage I knew was real.

“After we get her locked down.”

Rankin’s harsh laughter filled my ears as they took her, unresisting, upstairs.
So far, so good.
Now if I could only live up to what I’d agreed with.



“No matter what happens, I will see you dead!” I snarled it as I snapped the double-cuff into place around Rankin’s arm.

Still wearing that triumphant smile, Rankin didn’t lower her voice. “I knew you’d give him what he wanted.”

She leaned back, letting Sam - still in disguise - cuff her other wrist. “I give him what he needs!”

My hand went around Rankin’s throat without any prompting. It was so hard not to squeeze!

“When Jason runs from you, and he will, he’ll come straight to me. He’ll never really be yours now that I’ve branded him a Pruett!”

Rankin’s face twisted in disbelieving rage. “I’ll kill you for that!
Rebel whore!”

I smirked cruelly as she struggled against the chains. Jason wasn’t pure anymore, and it pleased me greatly to see Rankin’s grief at the loss. She’d been sure I wouldn’t take advantage of him.

I moved arrogantly out of the crumbling door with her growls echoing in my ears, but it wasn’t nearly enough to tamper the fury as Jason came down the hall. I wanted to offer him comfort, but if I did that, I’d put a stop to this now.

As we passed, Jason brushed my hand with his, soft voice floating by my ear. “I’ll be thinking of you.”

I spun around, clutching him close, and Jason met my rough kiss with a desperate grip of his own. Emotions, the ones I never wanted to feel, overflowed, and I sobbed against his mouth. The tears I was shedding were the first to fall on behalf of another person - ever.

His big hands held me back, made sure I saw his panic. “You’ll come for me?”

“I swear it!”

He kissed me again, hard and quick, and then shoved out of my arms and went to barter with Rankin alone.



“We want you to join the cause.”

I started the conversation before the door was even closed behind me, not sure I could take the silence of her stares.

Rankin didn’t laugh, and I moved slowly closer. She was attached to a wide center support, with chains around her waist, ankles and wrists. It appeared uncomfortable, and I smothered the fear of how she would make me pay as I ran eyes over her clawed, bruised face.

“What would it take for you to join us?”

Rankin had been my nightmare, but she’d also been my protector at one time, making sure I wasn’t put into the renter program. She’d snuck me out and gave me a taste of the joys I’d had as a child. How I loathed her for being able to inspire my compassion!

I made my hand move, using her obsession to have me willing. “Let’s make a deal.”

I slid soft fingers along her pointy jaw, and felt her shudder. Pink eyes without mercy flared at me in rage and jealousy.

Nothing else!”

It was what we’d hoped, but the sound of it was enough to make me flinch. I gave a fast nod. “For one month. After that, you have to set me free.”

I could see her searching for the trap, the edge.

“How do you know I won’t kill you the second these chains are off?”

I lunged forward to press my reluctant mouth to hers. Rankin stiffened, heat flaring.

I leaned back to meet her dark pink gaze. “I’ll spend one month a year with you, for every bachelor that you help us rescue.”

I kissed her again, pushing a drug-induced hardness against her. “I’ve missed you.”

My soft whisper caused Rankin to snarl. “If this is a trick…”

“It’s not. This way, I get the Pruett family protection… and you, in small doses that I can stand.”

“And during the time you’re not with me?”

“I’ll be with her.”

Rankin grinned, a harsh one to rival Angelica’s. “She’ll have to share you?”

I added the final layer of the trap. “I wouldn’t let her rent me until she agreed.”

Rankin’s face tightened greedily. “Who gets first call?”

I couldn’t stop the tremor in my tone.

She leaned back, working it. Was she thinking about how to double cross
and regain favor with her employers?
She was also probably considering that Pruett family honor, though. Once we made this deal, I would stick to it. Which was more important now - my conquest or continuing to work for people who had tried to kill her?

“When can we leave?”

I should have been happy, but there was only fear. “As soon as you settle some things with the others, work out a plan to rescue the kids and males.”

I was giving her information, proving that she would be a real member of our group, and Rankin straightened up into the powerful Head Defender I was so scared of.

“Send them in. I’ll deal.”

I moved for the door, body tight, and heart pounding. I was going back to New Network City… with Rankin, unless Angelica came for me. Talk about a trust verification.




I saw him when he came out and closed the door. I shook my head. “We’ll do it by the back-up.”

Jason ignored me. “She’ll deal.”

“For you?”

He nodded at Daniel’s question, and I spun toward Rankin’s door. I had a few things to say that I’d forgotten.

Jason jumped in front of me, grabbing my arms.

His order was clear, and I found my rage cooling enough to listen.

“She’ll never have me. Not the way you do.”

He looked over at Candice and Daniel, Baker. “Get her now, before she can think it through.”

He turned back to me as my family went in to play for all our lives, and I saw his lip tremble. He was just as terrified as I was, but he would do it anyway. And he thought he had no courage!

“Can we be alone until its time?”

I immediately turned us toward the isolated room I’d chosen, not sure how I would let him leave with Rankin. We’d grabbed her while she stood guard over her own surviving camp, but now we needed her to be accepted back into them so that they could head for the train. What better way than for her to arrive with her property retrieved and a new rebel location? After that, a group of males would attempt to hijack the train at the first refueling station and be overcome. We would then go with Rankin, as prisoners, into the complex.

We would be following Rankin out of the Borderlands, ready to pull Jason out at any point, but it wasn’t enough. I wanted the Network gone. I would give anything to see it happen… anything except Jason.

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