Change of Possession (19 page)

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Authors: M.R. Polish

BOOK: Change of Possession
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Steve flipped me over. I kicked and thrashed around, but I was too weak to escape once more. Vahn barreled into Steve and tackled him to the ground. I scooted back and tried to sit up, holding my side. Backing up against the tree I had been tied to for support, it took all I had to stay conscious as the pain took over my concentration. My sight darkened and all but faded away.

I could hear Vahn and Steve scuffling and then a gunshot rang out. I froze and my heart stopped. “Vahn!” It was too dark for me to see him and know he was okay.

In seconds, Vahn was by my side. “It’s okay, Baby. I’m here.” I relaxed a little knowing it wasn’t him who was shot. He moved my hands from my side and applied pressure. “Over here! She’s hurt, get the paramedics.” He lifted me into his arms and carried me away.

“I love you, Keeley. Don’t you die on me.” It was all I heard before I let the darkness consume me.



I blinked rapidly, trying to clear my vision enough to focus. White lights and beeping alarms came at me from every direction. An oxygen mask rested over my mouth and nose. I pulled it off and coughed slightly, making my whole body hurt, but not more than my side. My throat was dry and it felt like someone took a hot poker to the outside of my entire neck. A searing pain flared in my side, bringing me more to consciousness and aware that I was in a hospital.

Someone squeezed my hand. Vahn sat beside me in a chair, his hand clinging tightly to mine.

“It hurts,” I whispered. Even the smallest action took Herculean effort.

“I know.” He leaned over and kissed my forehead, then pressed the call button for the nurse. A voice came over the speaker and asked, “Can I help you?”

He smiled at me. “She’s awake.”

I licked my lips and carefully swallowed the dry lump in my throat. “Thirsty.” My voice cracked.

He ignored my small plea for anything liquid. “Oh God, Keeley, I was so scared.”

The nurse came in, followed by Dr. White. He smiled at me as he entered. “You know, you could’ve told me the truth when Vahn was in here. That would’ve saved you and everyone else a lot of grief. Between Vahn and your father, I haven’t been left alone, but neither have you.”

My father? I scrunched my brow. “What?” I had no idea what he was saying. All I wanted to know is what happened.

“Your dad will be in momentarily. One of the nurses just got a hold of him. I believe he’s downstairs talking with a few police officers.”

I looked at Vahn for clarification. He pulled my hand up to his lips and kissed it. “John came to me about Steve taking you, and I panicked. I called your dad and he flew down.”

Oh, that couldn’t be good. Not after everything I’ve already put him through. I closed my eyes and fought against tears. “What happened? Where’s Steve?”

“Try not to talk too much. You have a nasty burn from the rope around your neck. ” Dr. White picked up my chart and started writing. “As for your side, he missed hitting all vital organs fatally, but did manage to knick your liver so it will take a bit to heal. You’re very lucky.”

I looked back over at Vahn. I needed to know where he was, afraid that he would leave me alone. Was Steve still out there, waiting for me to be released to try to kill me again?

“After you got free and tried to run, he jumped you from behind. I took the chance and rammed into him. I couldn’t think of anything other than saving you. We wrestled around, he hit me in the side, and I lost a moment of strength. It was enough that he flipped me over and reached for his knife, but your dad saved the day. He shot Steve, Keeley. He saved not only your life, but mine.”

I tried to imagine my dad shooting Steve. At that moment, the door flung open and he walked in. “Keeley. Oh, sweetheart, I’m so glad you’re okay.” He wrapped himself around my neck and I grabbed onto him the best I could despite the pain. I needed my dad. I hadn’t realized how much until that moment, but I honestly needed him.

“Daddy, I’m so sorry. I didn’t tell you cause’ I didn’t want you to worry,” I cried into his shoulder.

“Shhhh. It’s okay. I’m here now.”

He looked weary, with dark circles under his usually bright green eyes and more than a five o’clock shadow covering his jaw.  His blond hair was askew and unkempt, like he’d been running his hands through it for hours. His brown polo shirt was crumpled and matched his cargo pants, mirroring his tone of voice. How long had he spent in those clothes? I wasn’t sure what day it even was.

I nodded and wiped my tears as he stepped back. “I know. I was just scared.”

Vahn took my hand and moved my hair off my face. “We both were. I don’t think I’ve ever been so scared. I love you.”

“I love you, too.” I wished everyone were gone from the room. I wanted nothing more than to kiss Vahn, but with my neck throbbing, my side scorching with pain, and my dad still watching, it would have to wait.

“Well, I hate to break this up,” Dr. White interrupted. “But, Ms. Moison needs her rest. Now that you know she’ll be okay, I assume you two men will let me have a little peace?” He grinned and gave them each a nod before leaving. He got to the door before adding over his shoulder, “I’ll have the nurse bring you some pain meds and we can talk more in the morning. Get some sleep.”

Sleep sounded divine. Even as much as I wanted to sleep, I was worried my dad or Vahn would be gone when I awoke.

“He’s right. You need some sleep. Vahn and I will be here when you wake up.” My dad must have read my mind. That, or he knew me better than I thought.

I nodded and the heaviness of my eyes took over, sending me back into a dreamless sleep.

The food tasted like rubber and paste. “Seriously. If they want people to get better you’d think they’d give us real food.” The brown plate covering stared back at me, teasing me, waiting for me to lift it up and see if the food underneath was any better than the stuff in the cup. “Maybe I’ll just drink the juice and call it good.” I shook the apple juice and peeled the tin lid off. “Oh, maybe the nurse can bring in some more pudding. At least that doesn’t taste bad.”

Vahn laughed. “You can’t live off pudding and graham crackers.”

“Watch me. As long as I’m in here, I think I’m gonna try. Can you smell this crap over there?”

He smiled at me and shook his head. “Keeley, you are so stubborn. Just eat the food.”

“You know, I don’t remember forcing you to eat this fake food when you were in here.” I played with the supposed mashed potatoes, but they moved around like rubber.

“I didn’t complain when I was in here. You know, I’m beginning to think you’re only in here to get more attention.”

“You weren’t even here long enough for food.” I picked up the forkful of potatoes and flung them at him unsuspectingly. They landed on the middle of his chest. I couldn’t help but feel a little proud at the small accomplishment.

“You know, that was uncalled for. I have nothing to throw back at you; besides, you’re injured. I call a flag, playing unfair, Ms. Moison.”

A light tap on the door made me jump. Even though Vahn and my dad, as well as every police officer that came to speak with me, reassured me that Steve was dead, I still felt scared.

Jonah poked his head through first and then Caty followed suit. Vahn was instantly on his feet and by my side. “What do you want?”

Jonah held up his hands. “I don’t mean any harm. I just came to talk.”

Caty stared at me with wide eyes then broke down and cried. “I’m so sorry, Keeley. I never thought Steve would honestly try to kill you. I’m so sorry. Will you forgive me?”

I wasn’t sure how to respond. She pushed for Steve and me to be together. I wasn’t sure what kind of a friend would do that.

“Look,” Jonah said. “We know you guys have no reason to trust us right now, that’s fine. It’s understandable, but just listen for a minute.”

Vahn’s jaw clenched. “Fine, but you have exactly

Jonah nodded. “I’ve known Steve since I was little. When we were younger, I knew something was different about him, that he wasn’t the same as everyone else. His parents never wanted to see it and ignored all the signs. Once we were in high school, he got worse. One night, freshman year, there was this group under the bleachers selling some drugs. They were steroids of some kind, hell, I don’t remember, but Steve bought some. We went back to his place and he took them. He started with the steroids then decided he wanted to try something bigger. I’m not sure of everything he took, but he acted normal while on them. I knew it was just him being high. It was like the high brought him down to our level enough to make him appear normal.”

Jonah took Caty’s hand and pulled her closer. “I liked that for once I didn’t have to defend him. I didn’t have to make excuses for his abnormal and sometimes violent behavior, so I encouraged him to buy more drugs. After a while, it became a way of life for him, but then he changed even more, morphing into what you met—a controlling drug dealer. He let his new popularity take over and he wanted everything for himself. I’m not proud of what I did, not proud of what I know, but I want you to know that I had nothing to do with you or Alison.”

Vahn stiffened. “Yeah? Well, then what the hell happened?”

Jonah hesitated. “It wasn’t easy, but I got rid of his supply. I knew that the drugs were what started the whole mess so I thought they could end it as well. I was tired of seeing what he did to people.” He let out a long exhale. “I never meant for anyone to get hurt. Keeley, you have to believe me. He had something messed up in his head and the drugs made it worse.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Shit, I can’t even tell you how sorry I am.” He choked up as he talked.

“Keeley, he’s telling the truth,” Caty said. “He’s sorry; we both are. I was scared of Steve because I knew how unstable he was. I know we all were on some level. Some of the guys will never be able to forgive themselves for some of the things they’ve done to stay on Steve’s good side and, of course, for the drugs. I don’t know how much you know, but Steve was very conniving and addicted most of the team to some sort of drug, in one way or another. After that, he would hold it over them. They knew they needed him to pass their drug tests for the team, so they did almost anything he asked.” She cautiously glanced at Jonah.

I played with the sheet. “I know all that, but they need to be held accountable for their actions.” I looked Jonah in the eye. “Was it you? Brick? John? Who killed Alison?”

Jonah fidgeted with a butterfly ring on Caty’s finger then looked over at Vahn. Their eyes locked, creating an intensity in the room that could be felt by every fiber of my being. Vahn’s jaw clenched and he fisted his hands. Jonah glanced away. “I don’t want to be the one who comes clean on everyone’s mistakes, but I’ll talk with them about confessing.”

“Get out,” I said. I wasn’t going to sit there and be dished out lies. The whole team was accountable and he knew it. Telling me he’d talk to them was just a story and I wanted nothing to do with it.

Jonah stared at me with a questionable look. “Keeley, I swear.”

“I said get out!”

Vahn marched over to Jonah and Caty. “She said to leave.” He grabbed Jonah’s arm and pushed him out the door.

My dad walked up at the same time. “Whoa, what’s going on here? Vahn, is Keeley okay?” He pushed through the door and let out a sigh.

Vahn came back in the room. “Just taking care of a couple of unwanted visitors.”

My dad cocked his head. “How come I get the impression there’s more to those two than you’re saying? Who are they?”

I leaned my head back on the bed. “Dad, there’s just so much I don’t know where to start.”

He grabbed the chair next me and Vahn sat on the end of my bed. “Why don’t you start with the truth, from the beginning. I can’t help you unless you let me.” His jaw clenched, but I knew he was more worried than angry with me.

I started from the beginning: the first day of school. I let everything out, and held nothing back. Vahn rubbed my leg as I talked, and it was so nice to know he was there and supported me. After everything we both had been through with Steve, it was nice to know our relationship had more to it than just the mutual hatred for one man.

“I think you’ve helped a lot more people than just yourself by telling me. Think of all the others who must be scared of Steve and the rest of the team.” My dad leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, and laced his fingers together. “I can write a report as a witness. And, hopefully, they will pull the guys, and some of the girls, in for questioning. This isn’t my jurisdiction, but the chief here is a great guy and I think he’ll have the same thoughts on action as I do.”

“Thank you,” I whispered. Jonah might not be willing to turn in his buddies, but after what happened with Stacey, Alison, Vahn, and myself, I wasn’t going to hesitate offering all I knew.

“I agree. Thank you. I have lots of evidence and whatnot back at my place the police can use. I told you I’ve been trying to figure out the depth of it all for some time. I won’t hold anything back. I have more important things to worry about now.” He looked at me and winked. Even with pain, my body heated up and I could feel the small blush in my cheeks.

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