Read Change Online

Authors: Keeley Smith

Tags: #fantasy, #magic, #witches, #pendle hill

Change (41 page)

BOOK: Change
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I knew I had
developed feelings for you the night we were eating fish and chips.
That was a romantic meal, I know, but I felt an overwhelming urge
to hold your hand, to feel your soft skin.” He lifted her hand to
his lips and kissed it so softly she felt her heart grow feathery
wings and lift off. “I don’t remember what that film was about. I
only remember how your face looked as you watched it. How your
mouth formed in surprise, how you licked your lips, ones I was
dying to kiss.”

I knew
something was happening between us,” she whispered. “Your way of
flirting was throwing a chip at my head.”

He laughed and
kissed her noisily on the lips. “It worked like a charm. Come

He walked
alongside her, their hands joined as birds chirped, bees buzzed and
the horses roamed in the field next to them. The silence between
them was a happy one, a content one. They turned the corner to the
main street so they looked at the witches. Jack pulled her into his
body forcing her to stop and look down the street.

I remember
you had a coach load of people and you were stood outside talking
to a group. I used to love that time of day when I could come to
the shop and help you.

You had your
hair pulled back into a ponytail. Wisps of your hair licked at your
face as the bitterly cold wind pushed up against you. I took my
scarf off and wrapped it around your neck. Even now, I can still
feel the buzz when my fingers brushed your warm skin, and I
remember my scarf smelled like strawberries for weeks after.” He
continued walking down the street with her following him in

How could he
remember all of this? She loved his attention to detail, how he
knew every single thing about her. And still, she found she wanted
to open herself further. She’d never felt more comfortable, more
completely in love with someone.

They walked
down the street approaching
The Broom
He came to a stop next to the
three watchful witches that were positioned on the pavement facing
the butcher and the houses across the road, he turned and grinned
at her letting her take this one.

This was the
place where you bullied me with tweedle dee and teedle dum. It’s
also the place where Tabitha showed you who was boss, and still you
gave me that grin, one that was so self assure,” she

I miss them
as friends,” Jack stated. “I know you don’t think much of them and
why would you? They were nasty to you, as was I. But they were the
first friends I’d made when I stumbled into this

I’m sorry; I
guess they are another casualty of our gift.”

He shrugged,
“They are getting on with their lives and I’m moving on with mine.”
He pushed open the shop door and walked inside.

She looked
around realising there weren’t any customers. Where was

She closed it
for today,” Jack said, answering her puzzled expression.

Right.” This
suddenly brought back what would happen today. Tabitha had closed
in preparation for Alastair’s visit.

Don’t think
about it, well, at least not right now.”

Jack turned to
her and looked deep into her eyes, she felt his hands snake around
her waist.

This shop
brought us together and ironically it links who we are. I met you
here, albeit, the meeting wasn’t great, but I did meet you here and
I worked with you here. This table,” he said and walked over to it.
“This table is ours. I have spent many happy hours here, all with

Well, that is
a new table so it isn’t the same one,” Cora teased.

You get the
picture,” he laughed, enjoying the banter between the two of

Before she
could gather her thoughts, he guided her down the stairs. She found
it strange that the door was already open. Perhaps Tabitha was down
here figuring out what they needed to do this afternoon. Her
stomach did the flip flop thing just thinking about it.

She entered
the tunnel and gasped in surprise. Candles, thousands of them,
lined the area before them.


Jack held her
hand and walked alongside her. “Valentine’s day,” he began and
smiled at her.

Her hand
instantly brushed against the bracelet that he’d given her that
day. She’d never taken it off, even on the dates.

I wanted to
show you how much you mean to me, and I was so nervous but I knew
that everything had to be perfect. I remember the nerves zipping
around my belly as we ate. How beautiful you looked that

They followed
the candles around the bend and into the room. Soft red and green
organza sheets fell into pools on the floor as more candles
flickered. Music filled the cove as the green and red intertwined

Jack held her
hand as they walked into the middle of the room and the curtains
gathered around them. She felt like they were in a different room.
It bore no resemblance to her first meeting as a witch. He slid his
arm around her waist and lifted her hand, holding it in his. They
swayed gently to the music.

strands of your hair had fallen across your face as we danced. My
heart pounded the entire time. I told you I loved you, never
expecting you to say it back, but those three words you whispered
shattered me. Everything clicked and fell into place, and I knew
I’d found the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life

He stepped
back leaving her standing in the middle and bent down on his knee.
She choked on a sob, but the tears were already swimming in her

I know this
is not the most romantic of places,” he gestured looking around,
“but I was told by an informant, Tabitha mainly, that this is the
place where I proposed to you the first time.”

What,” she
gasped as the tears fell down her cheeks.

There had
been a first time?

I proposed to
you at my cottage before the witch trials. Tabitha knew. She waited
for us to tell everyone. So I couldn’t think of a more perfect
place to do it.” He took a deep breath. “And now I’m asking you
right here, Cora Device, if you will be my wife?” He pulled a box
from his back pocket.

Opening it,
she gasped. A large emerald diamond sat in a cluster of smaller
clear diamonds that sparkled in the candlelight. Jack was still
bent on his knee, the ring held between them. She soaked in the
moment, looking into his eyes that bore his soul. His gorgeous grin
was in place, making the dimples in his cheeks pop. She knew, had
always known, she would spend her life with this man.

Yes,” she






After his
surprise proposal, Jack walked her to the flat upstairs where
everyone had been waiting. They’d all known what Jack had planned.
Cora now sat on the sofa, her hand joined with Jack’s. The rock on
her finger still surprised her when she looked at it. The white
gold band fit snugly around her finger making her wonder how he’d
known her size.

Are you
happy?” Ayden asked her as he sat next to her.

Yes, on a day
like this it feels strange saying that.”

He asked

Jack?” she
asked, surprised yet again.

Yes. I’m like
a father to you, or at least I hope I am. He asked for my
permission. I looked at him in shock and then I laughed in his

Ayden,” she
scolded. At least Ayden hadn’t punched Jack. That was

Well, we
hated each other at the beginning and now look at us... he is my
friend and my soon to be fake son-in-law.”

Her throat
closed up as the tears threatened to fall.

I don’t say
this enough, but I’m proud of you, and I love you,” Ayden

Love you

Ayden hugged
her, coughed and walked away. She smiled. He had to keep his image
intact, and crying like a baby wouldn’t help with that.

A small buffet
had been laid out on the breakfast counter with champagne to toast
their engagement. She’d also found out that both Tabitha and Ember
had guided Jack with the ring choice. Everyone had known apart from

The afternoon
had passed in a blur. The time of her decision was approaching. She
still felt a little light headed from the excitement of being
engaged and the champagne. Fortunately, this was helping with her

Looking around
at her family, she sighed happily. Why did it take something so
drastically life changing to make her see what she had? Clay and
Eli were engrossed in a conversation about computers so she’d tuned
out; it was a conversation that threatened boredom, but at least
they could talk about something other than what was about to
happen. Ayden sat with Tabitha and Ember. Jack was still eating
which should have been impossible because he’d eaten more than half
of the buffet.

entered at exactly 5:00pm. The men instantly stood at the sight of
him, like peacocks brandishing their feathers.

Nice tae see
everyone haur.”

Where else
would we be?” Clay muttered sarcastically.

So, hav yer
made a decision?”

Yes,” Cora
whispered. The word struggled to leave her mouth.


stopped speaking as he glared at the ring on her finger. The one
Jack had strategically placed on his knee so Alastair would

A see,” he
said nodding.

Why did he
feel the need to say that all the time? She felt anger shoot
through her veins.

Do you like
her ring, Alastair?” Jack said with a grin.

Aye,” he
snapped. “So whit answer Am A going tae get?”

I’ve proposed
to her, and I will marry her when I feel the time is right for the
two of us. It is the one thing you will not force us in

So, it’s a
baby then?”

Yes,” Jack
said, matter of fact.

She still
couldn’t believe this was happening. Was Alastair seriously going
to force her to have sex? She was a virgin. It would make the whole
thing all the more daunting. Knowing that people were specifically
aware that she was having sex was weird.

Right, A hav
the correct thing tae drink. Haur yer gae.”

stepped towards them which caused all sorts of problems. The men
moved quickly to protect her, as did Tavish. This didn’t halt
Alastair who passed two small vials that held purple swirling
liquid to her.

Yer need tae
take that. It will speed things along rather nicely.”

Okay,” she
said swallowing back the bile.

Alastair nodded his head, the glint in his eye making her stomach

What?” Ayden

They need tae
take it nou.”

You didn’t
say anything about taking it tonight?” Tabitha barked.

A dinnae need


There’s no
point arguing,” Cora sighed. It would only mean more fighting, and
how could they win if Alastair made her coven disappear.

Fine,” Jack
said, popping open the vial.

Dae we hav a
room they can use?”

You have to
be joking?” Tabitha hissed. Her eyes grew wider, her face looking


You seriously
expect a young couple to... right with a room full of people next
door?” Eli snapped.


She looked at
Jack. His hand still held the vial in front of his mouth. What were
they meant to do?

I will not
stand back and let you do this,” Ayden sneered, charging towards

No, Ayden,
this needs to be done,” Cora whispered. Her voice shook

Jack looked at
the vial and tipped the contents into his mouth. She fumbled with
hers and swallowed the nasty tasting stuff. Coughing, she felt the
liquid light a fire in her belly.

Without saying
a word to anyone, Jack held her hand as they walked to the bedroom.
She focused only on Jack. His hand squeezed hers. She knew that
this was a ridiculous situation, one they couldn’t get themselves
out of because that would mean going up against every coven member
in Scotland, and perhaps all the covens across the whole of the

Cora could
hear whispered voices coming from the living room but she focused
only on Jack. He opened the bedroom door and her heart melted
becoming putty in his hands. The bed was covered with red rose
petals, candles were scattered along the bedside cabinets. She
loved that Jack was trying to put her at ease whilst her heart was
thumping wildly. She stepped into the room as Jack closed the door
behind her. Her pulse quickened, her breath becoming shallow when
she realised what this meant. This was it. There was no turning

BOOK: Change
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