Celtic Storms (21 page)

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Authors: Delaney Rhodes

BOOK: Celtic Storms
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“There is another way,” said Ruarc slightly embarrassed.

“And what is that?” he retorted impatiently.

Atilde interrupted and laid her hand on Payton’s forearm, “If the marriage is not consummated in ten night’s time, the bond can be annulled by petition of either party on the grounds of abandonment.”

Payton choked and leaned forward in his chair. Ruarc rose to pace the chamber and Atilde grew red with embarrassment.

“What have you to say of your brother, Payton?” Ruarc asked angrily pointing a worn right index finger at him.

“What have I got to say about this?” he asked sarcastically. “I have nothing to say about this.”

“Did you know that Patrick was im-im-imp…oh by the gods unable to perform the duties of a husband?” questioned Murchadh under his breath toying with his goblet.

“Patrick has no such issues to my knowledge and I don’t believe her,” he shouted and stood pointing an arm right back at Ruarc. “I invoke my right to question her in my brother’s stead.”

The council members gasped and chaos stole order from the room. Murchadh was pounding his fist on the table and Ruarc’s face had turned three shades of purple from holding his breath – his temper threatening to get the better of him.

“Silence!” commanded Lucian. “I’ve heard enough. Payton, ‘tis your right to question the lass. I would caution ye to be noble and honorable. She is the next in command of the O’Malley clan and should this marriage be annulled, ‘twould cost the MacCahan’s a great deal; especially your brother.”

Payton nodded his acknowledgement and gestured for the sentry to send her back in.

Fanai met Darina at the door and lapped at her ankles sending waves of calm throughout her body. Her shoulders relaxed and she took a deep breath before entering the chambers again.

Here it comes.

Lucian motioned for her to take his seat next to Murchadh and it was then she noticed Payton sitting aside her aunt Atilde.

“What is he doing here?” she asked pointing an accusing finger at Payton.

“Darina, Patrick placed him as second in command before he left. He has invoked his right to question you concerning your petition for annulment and the council has agreed to let him do so.”

She nodded at Payton, casting a warning glance his way and said, “Then by all means let’s get this over with,” and sighed heavily melting into her chair.

“Darina, I’ll not waste any time with pleasantries. I’ll ask you but one question,” said Payton.

“Alright then, please do so.”

“Darina, was my brother Patrick unable or was he unwilling to consummate the marriage on your wedding night?”

Gemma stood straight up and pushed her chair back with her legs in one loud swift movement. Her hands landed on the table in front of her with a garish thud and she groaned audibly. “This is unnecessary,” she bellowed and turned to walk towards the hearth.

“Nay, he is being as courteous as he can, considering the matter” said Lucian rubbing Darina’s shoulders in comfort.

Darina was unable to contain the flood of tears that were walled up behind her lashes. They spilled forth as if a dam had broken and drenched her face. Ruarc handed her a cloth which she used to wipe her face and blow her nose. Every attempt she made to speak was met with another wave of tears that made communication nearly impossible.

“Oh! What difference does it make Payton,” demanded Atilde angry at this point. “Can’t you see she speaks the truth? She has been dishonored and no man will want her now.”

Payton replied, “It makes a great bit of difference here. Ten nights have not passed, only six. There are four more nights that the marriage can still be consummated. My brother may return any moment now and here we all sit contemplating the annulment of this marriage. Her petition is four days premature and I intend to find out why.”

He stared at Darina who continued to weep quietly.

“I’ll give you each notice right now that before this day is over I intend to tell Darina everything she needs to know. This annulment will not happen and you all know why! You have hidden a delicate matter from her and as the Laird’s wife she has a right to be informed.”

Darina raised her eyes to meet Payton’s. She saw the same fire and ice in him as she had in Patrick. He was coming to
But; whatever for?

“Darina – wait outside!” commanded Lucian. “We will call you back in just a moment; we’ve some things to discuss with your husband’s brother.”

Once again, Darina took up residence on the bench outside the council chamber. This time, Fanai sat beside her with his head in her lap. The tears continued, but her heart had turned, there was promise of some answers - finally. Mayhap now she will know what took him from her so abruptly in the middle of the night.
Why he had abandoned her.

Memories flooded her vision again; the ceremony, the reception, Samhain, the bon fires, the masks, the children asking for pastries. Good memories; all of which ended too soon, so shockingly cut short was their time together.
He left me

They had danced and he had held her; closely with such tenderness. Just the feel of his hand in hers brought the heat to her face. He had whispered promises in her ear all night long; between the festivities – catching her as often as he could to steal a kiss. He had carried her to their chamber; a smile as wide as the sea upon his face with her feigning mock abduction and kicking and screaming in jest.

When the chamber doors had opened and he sat her down, she was aghast to find a spaniel pup in the middle of the large bed chewing on the white rose petals Patrick had bid lain there. A big beautiful clumsy pup that slobbered her arms when she petted him. It was the most thoughtful, horrible gift she had ever received; but it pleased Patrick so to see her smile she couldn’t bear to disappoint her new husband.

A cloud of steam rose from behind the screen wall in the corner encasing the large new bathing tub Patrick had brought up. The smell of lavender and rose petals mixed with the warm air and he gestured for her to undress and relax. Her maidservant entered and assisted her undressing and entry into the frothy waters then quickly excused herself.

She could hear the sound of wine being poured into goblets and the fire being stoked. The lavender had sent her into an almost spell bound state of relaxation and she laid her head back upon the end of the tub and closed her eyes. Her feet did not reach the other side.
This is the biggest tub I’ve ever seen.

She could still hear the harpist playing below and the bellow of the pipe’s coming off of the islands.
Everything was so lovely,
she thought.
Stop it. It means nothing. He left you. He is a coward and he left you.

Memory overtook reality again and she recalled the large hands that encircled her head from behind and which carefully removed the pins that supported the weight of her hair.

He used his fingers to gently separate the locks that had been intertwined in an elaborate braid. Still behind her; he handed her a goblet of wine overhead and motioned for her to move forward in the tub to let him in behind her.

He is stark naked. By the gods, he intends to bathe with me!

Aye – I do. I intend to finish that bath we started an eve ago,
he sighed with pleasure

She blushed;let out a small giggle and set herself back down in the tub after he had positioned himself. Leaning against his chest, she could feel his heartbeat behind her.

“Darina, did he make any attempt at all to consummate your union?”


She was back in the chamber and being questioned. Someone had interrupted her memories, her train of thought.
What did she ask?

“Darina,” continued Gemma. “Did Patrick make any attempt whatsoever to consummate your union? I know this is difficult but we must have the answers,” she said apologetically.

Payton interrupted, “Darina, I will ask you again. Was my brother unable or unwilling to consummate the marriage?”

She bowed her head in thought and answered sheepishly, “Well – he was not - unable, if that is what you wish to know. He was mostly –
– I would say.”

“Unwilling!” hollered Ruarc over the sounds of the council. “Unwilling! A dishonor I tell you, he has brought grave dishonor to this clan!”

“Hold on a minute,” interrupted Lucian.

Darina had begun to cry uncontrollably again and Payton’s face became white as snow. “I don’t believe it!” he shouted back to Ruarc. “I don’t believe it,” he repeated. “Tell us exactly what happened,” he demanded to Darina who had now grown angry as well as humiliated.

She rose in defiance to pace the room, both fists on her hips and strode towards Payton instead. She held out an accusing finger and retaliated. “Nobody calls me a liar, you imbecile!”

“Then tell me the truth!” he shouted back to her face.

That did it.

Ruarc lurched towards them, but not in time to prevent Darina from landing a solid punch to the left of Payton’s jaw that sent him reeling backwards to the floor. Payton cringed in pain and held the side of his face.

“What sort of ladies are ye raising here, Ruarc?” Payton asked sarcastically.

“The kind that knows how to defend themselves; and their honor Payton,” he replied.

Lucian grabbed Darina by the shoulders and led her back to her seat. He motioned for a servant who brought a large goblet of wine and set it before her. She quickly returned with a flask of whiskey as well and set it before her.

She grabbed the whiskey.

“Darina, I realize this subject matter much cause you great embarrassment,” said her Aunt Atilde.

“And what of my brother?” interjected Payton impatiently. “We speak of matters he is in no way able to address not being here.”

“You,” she said pointing at Payton who was holding up the stone wall still grasping the side of his mouth, “will hold your tongue and stay right there.”

“You,” she said pointing at Darina who had just downed the last of the whiskey, “Will think long and hard and speak carefully - for you tread on thin ice,” she warned.

Darina closed her eyes and let the rest of the burn settle into her stomach. The whiskey would help her. She could speak her mind without faltering.
This wouldn’t be so bad.

The warmth of the water surrounded her again. Soothing and relaxing, the lavender scent traveled to her nose and released tension in ways she didn’t understand. He was washing her hair now, tenderly lathering the soapy oils into the length of her curly red mane and kneading his fingers delicately on her scalp.
Heaven. This must be heaven.

When he had finally finished rinsing her hair; he twisted into a loop and hung it over her left shoulder. She edged closer to him, using her hands on his thighs to push back against him. Her feet still did not touch the other end of the tub and he enveloped her with his arms to keep her from sliding away.

He sighed a contented, satisfied breath and whispered in her ear? “Do y-you l-like the tub, luv?” he asked. She nodded her approval and twisted her head to the left exposing her neck to him.

An invitation, I see.

she responded with her mind, knowing full well he was trespassing again.

He laid kisses gingerly about her neck and traveled up with his mouth to behind her ear to accost it with his tongue. She whimpered in delight and lightening shot from her breasts to her heat. She arched her back in reflex and let a moan escape her lips. He caught it with his mouth and plundered her tongue with his own.

Aye – Braeden was right, ye may be a wee bit of a hell cat

“I heard that,” she said audibly toying with him.

“I know,” he said slowly and clearly in return.

She arched against him frantically and he responded in kind. His left hand drew circles across her perky cold nipple and the other glided up her thigh to her hip where it settled for a spell. She returned his kiss again, searching for more and grinded against his hips when his right hand found her mound.

He bit her neck and she let out a shrill groan backing into him with fervor. Both arms circled her now; his left wrapped between her breasts crossing over to her right shoulder and his right still rested on her hip while his hand massaged her heat below the waters.

Her breath was staggered now, coming and going in waves. She backed into his arousal again and confirmed his intentions; moving her hips in an up and down motion that sent him into fits of anguish.

Two can play this game

His attention to her swollen cleft intensified and she wriggled in pleasure increasing the pressure her backside placed on his throbbing cock. He dipped his hand lower to find her slippery and slick, ready for him and he eased one finger, knuckle deep, into her heat. She buckled against him and increased her tempo, rising and lowering herself against his hold and firmly pressing her backside against his tortured erection.

Their lips met again in a frenzy of lust and want and he slipped another finger inside her velvet softness until swollen flesh met his hand. She groaned and rose up against him and he strengthened his hold on her with his left hand; grasping her nipple and twisting it playfully.

If you dinna stop soon, I will waste my seed in the water my sweets. I’ve no wish to dishonor you thus.

She ignored him and continued her motions against him, groaning and whimpering. He felt her warmth clench around his fingers and he rubbed her nub with his thumb rhythmically.

Darina, tell me what you want.

She groaned and continued her assault on his engorged cock. She felt his balls tighten and knew his release was nigh. She tightened her clasp on his fingers and began rocking back and forth against them.

“D-Darina, please,” he begged in a whisper.
What do you want?

She mumbled something incoherent under her breath and tightened her legs in front of her. He grasped her nipple tightly to get her attention.

“Patrick,” she moaned lustfully.

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