Cecilia's Claim (14 page)

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Authors: Raven McAllan

BOOK: Cecilia's Claim
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"I may well call on that if you do not at least let me begin
this journey." Cecy muttered, but stayed in the position she was and
waited to see what was to happen. For long seconds, the tableau was frozen.
Then Caleb reached up and put his fingers into her mouth one by one.

"Wet them."

Even though she was puzzled, she did as he asked. As she waited he
took one of her breasts in each hand and transferred the liquid onto her. The
soft rasp of his fingers on her over-sensitive nipples made her shake. The hairs
on her arms stood on end, and a myriad of senses and scents bombarded her.

The sheen on her skin from the bath was reflected on Caleb's. The
perfume of the bathwater mixed with the heady smell of aroused males surrounded
her. Cecy realized she had not been fighting them or their ideas. She had been
fighting herself. She wanted both of them, and the thought that they could mean
so much to her had scared her so much she had run.

Well, no more. I will accept
what is given and embrace it.

"Lower yourself, until you feel Caleb fill your cunt."
The command once more was spoken in a low voice, but was no less forceful for
it. Cecy smiled and shook her hair off her face as she took more of Caleb's
cock inside her cunt. As she stretched to accommodate him he moved his hands to
hold her waist and guide her down. Once she was seated on him Cecy clenched her
inner muscles as hard as she could. Caleb groaned.

"Minx, you are magic."

"No magic," Cecy assured him.
a desire to make this occasion one for us all to remember.
She began a
rhythm of tightening and relaxing her channel around Caleb.

back was stroked, she presumed by Philippe, and then two strong
arms slid under her arms and toward her breast.

"Touch Caleb's nipples, as I do to you." Philippe told
her as he nipped her hard nubs. "We're sensitive like you."

The nips and strokes he placed on her breasts sent a spiral of
tingles through her body to her quim. Cecy felt she was on fire.

"I need release," she gasped. "Ah please ahh…"
The last nip was hard, so very hard that pain shot through her. Before she had
time to register how sore she might be, the caress that followed, plus the tiny
pinches afterwards, changed the pain to pleasure.
This time it was a moan of arousal and enjoyment.

"Attend to Caleb, focus on him."

Could she really touch Caleb in that way?

"Do it," Caleb said. "It is true, we may be male
but the sting of pain there is easily changed to the sweetness of

She took a nipple in between her fingers and rolled it across the
Caleb moaned, and his cock
twitched inside her.

"More." Philippe demanded.
He nipped her nipples as he spoke and Cecy automatically
tightened her fingers on Caleb. His eyes clouded and he licked his lips. The
gesture was so erotic Cecy trembled.

"Lean forward now. Let your breasts touch Caleb's. I am going
to complete us."

Cecy's heart jumped and her pulse rate sped up. What if she
couldn't accept him? What if she hurt either of them? What if the pain was too
much to bear? Her mind was full of doubt even as her body throbbed with
excitement. Perspiration dotted her skin as she put her hands onto the bed
either side of Caleb and
lowered herself toward him. As her
breasts brushed his chest, the hairs of his torso stroked her body. The tickles
added to her heightened awareness.

Something cold and slippery touched her anus and she jumped.

"Shh, this will aid me to enter you. Relax and breathe
deeply. Do you know what a beautiful sight this is?' Philippe's tone was almost
"To see my two lovers together, ready and
waiting for me to complete us."

Cecy felt a sharp pain as something began to probe her hole.
Surely that was not Philippe's cock? She realized it was his finger, covered in
some sort of liquid to aid its passage into her.

"Are you fine?"

"Oh yes
. 'Tis not unpleasant, just strange.
Ahh, that hurts…" His finger had reached the ring of muscle that protected

"Breathe deep and slow." Caleb told her as he stroked
her hair and rubbed her shoulders. "Philippe is a master, soon you will
feel what it's like to be taken there, and I assure you 'tis the most perfect
feeling ever."

Cecy did her best to slow her breathing. As she did, her muscles
relaxed and Philippe slid his finger past them and deep inside her and added a
second digit. It was, she realized, no longer pain, but a mind-suffusing
pleasure that threatened to spiral out of control.

"Oh, this is good, so different. I like it." She knew
she sounded surprised.
"So this is what I have been denying us? More fool me."

Philippe pushed her hair to one side and trailed a series of
nipping kisses across the nape if her neck.

"Not quite." Philippe removed his fingers. Before Cecy
had time to voice a complaint, he continued, "
is." Cecy felt something larger and smoother touch her anus before it
began to probe around the muscle ring.

"The sight of my cock as it slides inside
is almost enough to make me spill before I fill you."

Philippe edged ever deeper inside her. Cecy raised her head to
look at Caleb, who gazed at her, his eyes misty with pleasure. Cecy felt she
could burst with love. For once that thought did not scare her.

"Now love, deep breaths once more, this will be your
pain." Philippe warned her once more. "Then, well wait and you will

Cecy thought she was being torn in two. The pain hit her like a
whip, and she tensed.

"Relax, I'm almost there. Embrace the pain. Caleb!"

Caleb pinched the lobe of her ear. That unexpected touch took her
mind off what Philippe was doing, and he thrust sharply. Before her brain processed
the deep sharp sting, the agony changed. Her body was on fire. An inferno
engulfed her as both men settled deep inside her. It was almost as if their
cocks touched, so thin was the wall between them.

"Well, love. Do you now understand what we mean? Why this is
right?" Philippe demanded.

"Oh yes. If only I could but see what we look like."
Cecy's skin was a myriad of sensations; her mind was clouded with desire and
the earthy male essence of the men within her. For the first time she felt
alive. Alive and she realized with satisfaction, complete.

"Another time," Philippe assured her. "Are you
ready to feel us move within you?"

"I appreciate you asking, but I am nigh on bursting with
impatience," Cecy replied.

Philippe gave a deep
chuckle. "That would never do."

He pulled out slightly and thrust deep once more. Caleb set up the
opposite rhythm.

"Lift onto your arms love," Caleb's voice was slurred.
"I need to touch your breasts. She did as he asked, and Caleb alternately
nipped and caressed her. At the same time, Philippe found her hard nub between
her legs and pinched.

"Come for us

Cecy screamed as her climax hit her. She could no sooner hold back
than fly. It was as if her shouts were the signal for her men to release. With
a groan of male pleasure Caleb lifted her off his cock and spilled over the
sheets. Almost immediately warmth filled her nether channel as Philippe's seed
filled her, and he slumped forward.

His weight didn't have time to register before he moved off her
and lifted her to rest next to Caleb. Even in her dazed and sated state, she
recognized the love and care her men gave her.

"Rest with Caleb until I fetch us water to clean
ourselves." Philippe disappeared.

"Are you truly happy?" Caleb gathered her in his arms.

"Truly," She assured him. "I was wrong to deny us
this chance." She kissed his nipple and watched him wince. "Have I
hurt you?" She asked, worry in her voice. She hoped not.

"I am tender in the best way," Caleb assured her.
"Don't worry."

Philippe came back in
carrying a bowl of water and a scrap of green silk. Beside Cecy, Caleb
stiffened, before she thought he made himself relax. A swift glance passed
between the two men.

Men, always thinking women
must not be worried.
She sat up and took the cloth from Philippe.

"As you obviously have things to discuss, and feel my ears
are too sensitive to hear them, I will make myself scarce." Her tone was

"Ah, no."
Philippe sounded amused.
"I was about to tell you both."

And if I believed that he
could sell me the crown jewels.

"Another run?"
Caleb asked as he looked at
the silk.

Philippe nodded. "And developments. Your wedding needs to be

Cecy felt bile rising. Caleb was promised and she was but a
"His wedding?
He is to be married?
Who to?"

Philippe took the damp cloth from her and put her hand into
Caleb's. Caleb gripped it.

"To you."



Chapter Fifteen


Cecy's eyes widened. Her face went ashen and then a rosy red.
Rather like the color Philippe hoped her arse would be one day.

"To…oo me?"
Her voice rose.

Philippe nodded.
"To you."
"As it is impossible for us three to all
marry, and equally as unfeasible for us to live openly together, 'tis the
Also once you become Caleb's wife you will be safe and
protected. No one would dare harm you."

"Am I truly in danger?
Who from and
Comprehension filled her eyes.
because of Randall and his work.
But why will marriage to Caleb negate
this danger?
Surely not just because he is a

"That helps." Philippe said. "However it is known
that anyone who messes with Caleb or his
have to answer to me. We know
Randall and a select
few others also know of my double life. Those who don't are aware of me only a
facilitator for the local smugglers, with connections in high places. Therefore
to cross me is to their detriment. No one will dare."

Caleb lifted her chin so she faced him.
"It will be more than just a marriage to me. As we stand in front of the
vicar, we make our vows to God. Once we return home, we make our vows to Philippe.
The service is a formality our promises to each other are the important ones.

She wriggled off the bed, and stood in front of Philippe. He
smelled her unique essence, the hint of roses and citrus he always associated
with her.
I would know it was her even if
I was blindfolded.

"Well?" she demanded.

He was at a loss. Behind her Caleb shrugged.

"Er, well?"

Cecy stamped her foot.
On to his.
He was
thankful she was barefoot, or he suspected he'd be walking with a limp for a
sennight or so.

She waved her arm at Caleb,
"has yet to ask me to be his wife.
have yet to ask me to be your, your whatever."

He kept his face straight with difficulty. She looked like an
annoyed scrubby cherub as her hair rioted around her face.

"Cecy will you do the honor of being my
he paused long enough for her eyes to widen and sparkle with temper.
"My other lover.
The one who
completes my life and fills the hole in my heart?"

She sighed and the soft sheen of tears appeared on her lashes.

"Ah, Philippe, how lovely.
It would be my
pleasure." The sincerity in her voice gave him goose bumps. It was what he
had wanted to hear for so long, and had never thought it possible.

Caleb left the bed and stood beside Philippe. He went down on one
knee, and took both her hand and Philippe's. "Cecilia my love, will you
marry me? And as Philippe says complete our lives and complete our

She sniffed and wiped her eyes with her other hand. "Oh

Then to Philippe's amazement she took his free hand.

"Now we
I think we should say our vows now, before church. For as you say church is but
a formality. This is what matters. Therefore...." She cleared her throat.
"I Cecilia Rose
do take you Philippe De
Caen and Caleb Jefferies as my partners in life and love for ever more.
In sickness and in health; for richer and poorer, and in love and
Oh and definitely forsaking all others as long as we shall
live." As she kissed Caleb, Philippe's heart swelled. This was his life
and lovers. As her lips met his, he stopped thinking and just felt. The
softness of her mouth, the gentle swirl of her tongue on
and her soft breasts as they brushed his chest.

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