Cave of Terror (33 page)

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Authors: Amber Dawn Bell

Tags: #Fantasy

BOOK: Cave of Terror
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"Where are we going?” I asked.

Neither of the women answered.

We walked to the Lake of the Moon room. A soft golden glow from the many candles lining the walls of the cave reflected light off the clear water.

I had thought the room served as a safe haven from the
. Apparently, my instincts had failed on that account.

The blonde woman said, “I am Celestina."

"And I am Stefania,” the black haired one chimed in. “We will be serving you from now on."

They both bowed.

"Serve me?"

"Yes, as the
of our Lord Constantine, we now belong to you,” said Celestina.

"Nice to meet you.” What else was I supposed to say? “What's with the whole ‘lord’ thing?"

Stefania looked at me with a puzzled expression etched on her face. “He is the leader of our

"Oh, right,” I murmured more to myself than anything. “I thought that this room was off limits to the
... at least that's what my instincts seemed to tell me."

"Only to the males of our
.” Celestina brushed a lock of her long hair from her face and lowered her voice. “The high concentration of minerals found in this one area makes them impotent."

"Oh, nasty! Like I wanted to know that."

"Our Lord Constantine did not wish for any other male to see you dress, so he had us make use of the room,” Stefania said.

Celestina! Stefania! Do you need some time with Dracul? Keep to your task!
Constantine's voice rang throughout the open room.

Both women visibly shook, their eyes wide with fear. Constantine's threat obviously hit home. Who was Dracul? No one I ever wanted to meet based on their reactions.

"What task is he referring to?"

"Getting you prepared for the ceremony. There is much to do.” Celestina rushed around the cavern's make-shift dressing room.

Stefania gestured for me to take a seat on the man-made ledge nearest the shallow pool of water. She pulled out an object from her black cloth bag that looked similar to a brush and began working my hair into some sort of bizarre arrangement. Without a mirror, I couldn't tell what it looked like. It didn't feel like any hairdo I'd ever had. And my mom used to do my hair all kinds of interesting ways for my gymnastics meets.

Once she finished, Celestina laid out my special outfit. The white airy material appeared to be made of a fabric similar to my
ceremonial robes, except it seemed even more delicate and embroidered with gold thread. As I looked closer, I noticed shiny crystals that had somehow been woven into the material. They were part of the outfit, not just a mere adornment. It was breathtaking.

Celestina and Stefania began to remove my shredded t-shirt and jeans. I backed up, putting my hands in front of me. “I can do it myself."

I turned my back and peeled off the remnants of my t-shirt. Thank goodness my bra remained in decent enough shape. No way was I taking that off. Not in front of these two
or anyone else for that matter. I grabbed the dress and slipped it over my head. The cool fabric settled on my body. It seemed to be made just for me. The bell shaped sleeves were loose and flowing, much like the pictures I had seen of medieval clothing. The bodice was fitted, but not too snug. At hip level, it flared out into a billowy loose train that trailed behind me.

Since I still had my ripped jeans on, I reached up underneath, unbuttoned them and slid them off. I had on my boy-cut rainbow-striped undies, but I wasn't taking them off. Too bad, they'd have to show through.

Stefania lifted a long piece made of a sheer material and draped it over the top of my head, allowing it to come forward and settle over my shoulders and flow down my sides. It reminded me of a wedding veil.

I gasped and choked on my own spit, throwing myself into a coughing fit. A wedding veil? Was this
ceremony thingie like a wedding? Before I had much of a chance to think about it further, Stefania placed a crystal headpiece over the veil, anchoring it to my head. The crystal dangles tickled the sides of my cheeks and my forehead with every movement I made. I reached my hand up and explored the intricate piece.

Is she ready?
Constantine bellowed.

Both women jumped. “Yes, my Lord,” they answered.

Then bring her. We're ready.

Stefania and Celestina escorted me back to the Crap Room which had been transformed for the ceremony. More candles were added and placed in a circular pattern. Sheer black robes with hoods now covered everyone present. Their
symbol was embroidered on the backs just like ours. I squinted and tried to make out the design. After glancing at it for a time, I realized it resembled a bat. Figures.

Constantine approached and held out his hand. I hesitantly placed mine in his, unsure of where Ryan stood among the hooded figures. As Constantine led me toward the lighted circle, the crowd parted and let us through. That's when I noticed Ryan. He wore the robe of the
, but his hood remained off. His hands were secured above his head. He appeared to be much stronger, but his eyes had a haunted distance as if he had withdrawn into himself.

"As part of the ceremony, I've prepared a special gift for you.” Constantine was giddy with excitement. “Bring her out."

Her? Please, God, don't let it be Mandy. I could see Constantine forcing her to attend this ridiculous ceremony.

Several large
dragged a female dressed in a shimmering red robe similar to the black one the others wore into the area. Her hood fell back and blonde hair spilled out. A piece of pink duct tape covered her mouth. As her head lifted and she met my gaze, recognition burned into me.

[Back to Table of Contents]

I am

"Why ... is ... she here?” I couldn't stop my voice from trembling.

"She's part of the ceremony, my love.” Constantine rubbed his palms together in delight.

I knew I'd regret it, but I had to ask, “What part?"

"Why, she'll be the feast.” Constantine's face beamed. “We need a human and she needed to be dealt with for all the pain she's caused you. A perfect solution!"

Val's eyes widened even more. She stared at me with all the desperation of a cornered prey.

Constantine was mad. He actually thought I'd be pleased—thought he was doing me a favor.

"No, I won't let you do it. Let her go. She has no part in our bargain."

His eyebrows furrowed and he pursed his lips in confusion while he stared at me, seeming to try to comprehend my words. Then, his face cleared of all emotion like a freshly erased chalkboard. “It's too late. She has seen us and we need a human for our feast."

I moved to stand right in front of Constantine, his gaze following my every move. “Erase her memory and just leave her somewhere. And we don't need a feast. I'm good. I'm not hungry at all. I can go to Sonic and get us some burgers.” I took a deep breath and grasped his arms as a gentle gesture. “Please, don't do this."

A brief flush of sympathy glazed across his eyes, then he shook his head as if clearing his thoughts. “You watch too many movies. We have no power to erase memories. What's done is done. The ceremony will continue."

Shocked, I opened my mouth to speak, but then shut it. I released my hold and let my arms flop uselessly at my sides. It would do no good judging by the stern set of his jaw. When my dad gets that look, me and Mom know it's no use to argue. I'd figure out a way to save Val and Ryan both. After all, I was a
... for whatever good that did me.

Constantine caught my chin between his thumb and forefinger, gently forcing my eyes to meet his gaze. “You will soon learn our ways and enjoy the freedom it brings."

Not wanting to give myself away, I kept my mouth shut and concentrated on not balling my fingers into a fist. It was imperative I keep my wits. I couldn't afford to allow my anger to take control.

He took my hand and led me to the lighted circle. I turned my head and sent a silent message to Val that everything would be okay. Then, I glanced at Ryan. My heart skipped a beat as our eyes met. His jaw muscles bulged and his eyes sent out flares of fury.

pushed Val into the circle and forced her to lie at our feet. Tears flowed down her face as she sent silent pleas of help in my direction. But, there was nothing I could do. Not yet.

—a huge one well over six and a half feet tall and as broad as a house—approached. He presented an ornate, jeweled dagger in his outstretched hands.

Constantine took it and bowed. “Thank you, Dracul."

My heart completely stopped. Now I understood the fear I had witnessed in Stefania and Celestina when his name was mentioned. I could only imagine what purpose he served—none of it good.

Before I could shake myself loose from Dracul's paralyzing presence, Constantine knelt, pulled up the sleeve of Val's robe and sliced three quick gashes into her forearm. Blood immediately oozed from the wounds.

"No!” I screamed and lunged toward Constantine before he had a chance to do more damage.

I never even reached the ground before two beefy hands seized me and held me upright. Left with no choice, I watched aghast as Constantine dipped his finger in Val's blood. He stood and drew a design onto my left cheek with her blood, then ran the same finger along my lips. The metallic sweetness sent a flood of saliva into my mouth, and the urge to lick my lips became overwhelming.

Constantine chuckled. “Go ahead, little
, you know you want to. I can see the lust bright in your eyes. Don't deny yourself the pleasure. It's senseless."

To my alarm, my fangs descended in record speed. I wanted to run my tongue over my lips and savor the sticky substance, but it was wrong. No! I wouldn't allow myself. If I gave in now, I wouldn't be any different than them. But the temptation unnerved me.

I closed my eyes. “I'm not like you."

"Ah, but you will be soon enough. We have all the time in the world. And I'm nothing if not patient,” he said.

He nodded to Dracul, and the pressure on my arms increased. Constantine dropped to Val's side again and lifted her other sleeve, making three more gashes on her arm. She moaned and more tears dripped from her red rimmed eyes. I struggled against the bonds of Dracul's grip with no result. How could I ever be a threat to these evil creatures? I couldn't even free myself from one giant

Blood scented the air. The hooded
surrounding us raised their noses and sniffed as they rocked side to side.

Constantine rose and snapped his fingers. Dracul abruptly released me. “See how the blood excites them? Soon they'll be in a feeding frenzy. It's quite a sight to watch them devour their prey.” Constantine licked his lips in apparent anticipation and walked behind me. He pressed his body close to mine as he wrapped an arm around my waist and whispered in my ear, “Admit it. It excites you as well."

"You're sick.” I turned my face away from his.

"No. I merely accept what I am. And someday you'll have to do the same.” He walked around me, making sure to keep his arm firmly around my waist. “It's time."

I tried to pull out of his hold to gain some distance. “Time for what?"

"Time we begin the
lifemate bond

Oh great. Time to
. And I still had no idea how I planned to get out of the mess and save Ryan and Val. I needed help. Some kind of guidance.

I squeezed my eyes shut.
Please, I need help. Show me the way.

My pendant vibrated, encouraging me, giving me hope. A vision of my great-great-grandmother appeared, shimmering with beauty and light, letting me know she was there to aid me. How I knew it was her, I can't explain, but I knew it all the same.

Grandmother, I need your help. I'm lost and don't know what to do. My friends are in danger and I've made a deal with the devil. Help me. Time is running out.

She placed her hands over her heart.
Everything you need to know is inside of you. Accept who you are and allow the knowledge to come.
She began to fade.

No, don't go. I need you.

Accept who you are. Believe in yourself.
She tapped the area above her heart one more time, then she disappeared.

I glanced around, wondering if anyone else had witnessed our little exchange. If they had, no one else seemed to care. At once, all the
began to chant in a language I couldn't understand.

"I need your arm, Cheyenne,” Constantine demanded, his voice low and steady.


"Your arm.” He held his hand out and without thinking, I stuck my arm out.

He grabbed it and slid the dagger across my wrist.

"Ow! What the heck?” I tugged my arm back, but he held tight.

Dracul held what looked like some kind of medieval jeweled chalice under my wrist to collect the blood dripping from the wound. Constantine raised my arm to his mouth and licked across the sliced flesh. I watched as the cut closed and healed in front of my very eyes. Constantine did the same with his arm, allowing his blood to drip into the chalice along with mine.

The chanting grew louder and more frenzied. Constantine swirled the contents together, then drank. I scrunched my nose and grimaced. How disgusting. He handed the chalice to me. “Drink, little
, and we shall become one."

I glanced at the contents, the scent wafting toward my nose. My fangs dropped and my mouth watered.

"Go ahead, Cheyenne. You know it feels right. Don't fight it,” he coaxed.

All my senses were on high alert, begging me to take that drink. My body cried out, but my mind screamed no. I was at war with myself, and I was losing. Just one drink. I tipped the chalice to my lips.

Over the rim, I noticed Ryan struggling against his restraints. He shouted something, but I couldn't hear over the chanting. I snapped back into my right mind and lowered the chalice.

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