Cattle Valley 28 - Second Chances (5 page)

BOOK: Cattle Valley 28 - Second Chances
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Walking into Cullen’s hospital room, Oggie put a hand on Joseph’s shoulder. “Why don’t you go home and shower?”
Joseph, who had been at Cullen’s bedside for almost twenty-four hours straight, shook his head. “He’s waking more frequently, and I’m not done apologising.”
Oggie squeezed Joseph’s shoulder. “You’ve absolutely nothing to apologise for. You gave him a home when he came to you, and you sent for us when you realised you couldn’t save him. Willy’s the one who will pay for what’s been done. I have a feeling Drake will make sure of it.”
Drake had spent hours walking the streets, trying to get information on Willy’s whereabouts. It was like he’d taken Cullen’s beating as a personal attack, and no matter how many times Oggie had tried to talk to him, Drake refused to let him in. It was a shame, really, because things between them had started so well.
Joseph leaned his forearms on Cullen’s bed and began to pray. It was something Oggie had watched Joseph do quite often since he’d arrived at the hospital. Oggie dropped his hand and moved around to the other side of the bed. He had a few things to talk to Cullen about once he was awake for more than a few minutes at a time, starting with why he’d lied to Joseph about his age.
Oggie’s phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out and read Drake’s name on the display. “Excuse me.”
Oggie ducked into the bathroom. “Hey.”
“Any change?” Drake asked.
“Not really. He wakes for about five or ten minutes every few hours, but hasn’t said much.” Oggie leaned his hip against the sink. “What about you?”
“The police don’t want me anywhere near the investigation. Hell, I don’t even know what the asshole looks like or what his real name is. So, what else can I do but drive around and ask questions?”
If Drake got involved without the police department’s consent, he could be in a heck of a lot of trouble if something went down between the two of them. Oggie needed to get Drake away from the streets until he could get his head on straight. “Why don’t you come by the hospital and pick me up? Maybe we could grab a bite somewhere?”
“Bored, are ya?” Drake asked.
“Joseph’s praying and it makes me uncomfortable,” Oggie answered honestly.
“There a story there?”
“Not really. Religion’s never played a part in my life, so I guess it makes me uncomfortable. That’s all. Plus, I’d really like to spend some time with you.”
“It’s getting kind of late, but let me call around and see if I can get a reservation.”
“Actually, I was hoping to stop and pick up some sandwiches or something and go to the Lincoln Memorial. I’ve never seen it in person.”
“This your first trip to DC?”
“Yep. I thought it’d be a quick trip in and out, so I hadn’t planned on sightseeing, but since it looks like we’ll be here another couple of days, I figured I might as well.” Oggie caught himself smiling at the prospect of touring the city with Drake.
“I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”
After Drake hung up, Oggie shoved his phone back into his pocket and left the bathroom. Joseph, who had obviously been resting his head on Cullen’s pillow, jerked up when Oggie entered the room. “That was Drake. He’s going to come by. Are you sure you don’t want to take a break?”
“I’m sure,” Joseph mumbled.
Oggie sat in the only comfortable chair in the room and crossed one leg, resting his ankle on his knee. “How long ago did you say you met Cullen?”
Joseph rubbed the darkening five o’clock shadow on his jaw. “It was around Christmas…two thousand eight, maybe? Phillip and I were shopping for little things for the boys at the shelter—nothing fancy, just something to let them know we thought of them as family.” He paused for a moment, seemingly lost in thought, before shaking his head. “Anyway, Cullen, or Little Man as everyone knew him, tried to interest Phillip and I in a three-way.” Joseph laughed. “The poor kid almost fainted when I told him I was Father Joseph Allenbrand of New Hope Christian Church. But after that, Cullen would smile or wink at us every time he saw us out. We tried quite often to talk him into moving to the shelter, but he always told us he liked us better as friends than father figures.”
When Joseph stopped speaking to look back down at Cullen, Oggie was even more curious. “So why’d he finally agree to move to the shelter?”
Joseph’s forehead wrinkled. “The first time he saw me out without Phillip, he asked me where my sidekick was. When I told him Phillip had died, Cullen seemed to really be affected by the announcement. He actually sought me out after that, checking in with me to make sure I was doing okay.”
Joseph looked away from Cullen and met Oggie’s gaze. “I wasn’t, not for a long time, and Cullen seemed to sense it. Finally, he told me he was moving into the shelter because I was so busy taking care of everyone else that I wasn’t looking after myself. I was thrilled because I knew how important it was to Phillip that we get him off the street, and Cullen was a godsend while he was here. He always kept an eye on the others, making sure they stayed away from the seedier parts of the neighbourhood.”
Joseph cursed under his breath. “I shouldn’t have pushed him away like I did. I’m not saying I should’ve let him kiss me, but I could’ve handled it a lot better than I did.”
“I loved you,” Cullen said in a soft, weak voice. “Still do. Nothing you could’ve said would’ve made it hurt any less.”
Joseph broke down, tears falling for the first time since he’d arrived at the hospital. “I’m so sorry that I hurt you.”
Cullen opened his eyes, but quickly looked away from Joseph to stare at Oggie. “Who’re you?”
Oggie had introduced himself hours earlier, but Cullen had been on some heavy-duty pain medication at the time. “Robert Ogden. My friends call me Oggie.”
. Tell me what you’re doing here?”
The slight didn’t offend Oggie in the least. Cullen’s hard exterior had no doubt saved his life many times over. “I own a ranch in Wyoming…” Oggie went on to tell Cullen everything he’d need to know to make a decision.
When Oggie had finished, Cullen’s gaze slid to Joseph. With his head bowed, Joseph either didn’t realise Cullen was watching him or couldn’t meet the young man’s stare. “When can we leave?”

* * * *

Drake was on his way into the hospital when the elevator doors opened and Oggie stepped off. “Hey, I was just on my way up.”
Oggie shook his head. “Cullen asked for some time alone.”
“So where’s Joseph?” Drake headed to the parking lot with Oggie at his side.
“Waiting room. He still refuses to leave.” Oggie reached for Drake’s hand.
Drake glanced down at their entwined fingers, surprised at the gesture. He couldn’t remember ever holding hands with another man.
“Is this okay?”
Drake reached the car and stopped on the passenger side. He lifted their joined hands and kissed Oggie’s fingers one by one. “It’s different, but I’m learning to appreciate different.”
Oggie pulled his hand away and chuckled. “Don’t go gettin’ all romantic. We’ve got a cement President to ogle.”
“Right.” Drake walked away and climbed behind the wheel of the car.
“What, you’re not even going to open my door for me?” Oggie complained, getting in the passenger seat.
Drake leaned over and whispered against Oggie’s lips. “I thought you didn’t want romance.”
Oggie closed the distance and kissed Drake, sweeping his tongue deep. Pulling back he stared at Drake. “Dead Presidents are overrated. Let’s go back to the hotel.”
“It’s a big step from sightseeing to fucking. You sure we’re ready for that?” If Drake was honest, he wasn’t sure that
was ready for it. The physical attraction was definitely there, but Oggie wasn’t the kind of guy he usually played with. Hell, Oggie seemed more like a…nester, and Drake knew he’d never trust someone enough to settle down.
“I’ve been ready since that damn foreplay on the plane. You’re the one who seems to get off by teasing me and then shutting me down.”
Hot and cold.
Drake closed his eyes and rested his head against the back of the seat, mentally checking off all the reasons it was a bad idea to go back to the hotel. He wouldn’t call himself a bastard, but most of his past lovers had. It wasn’t that he hadn’t taken care of them in bed—he simply had no desire to live in domestic bliss afterwards.
“I’m not trying to tease you,” Drake eventually said. “When I fuck a guy, it’s usually just that—a fuck.”
“Who said you were fucking me? Maybe I’ll be the one fucking you?”
Drake growled his frustration. “Who does who isn’t the problem.”
“So what is?”
Drake opened his eyes and turned to look at Oggie. “You. There’s something different about you. Hell, I’ve already shared things with you that no one else knows.”
Oggie leaned an elbow on the console, putting him closer to Drake. “I didn’t ask to see that album. The fact that you felt you could trust me enough to share it says a lot.”
“Exactly,” Drake agreed. “I have a specific routine that I follow. I spend my free time alone. I like being alone.”
“Do you really?” Oggie brushed Drake’s chin with his fingers. “Or is it just safer to be alone?”
The words hit home, angering Drake. “Don’t try to analyse me.”
“I’m not.” Oggie shrugged his shoulders and moved sideways to lean against the passenger door. “I’ve met quite a few good-looking men since I moved to Cattle Valley, but you’re the first one I’ve been attracted to.”
“Sure. Now. But that’s just because I showed you those pictures of my mom. You know the sight of your stump doesn’t affect me in a negative way.”
Oggie chuckled. “You’re such an ass. I was attracted to you that first day you stepped foot on my ranch. I’ve already told you that, you sonofabitch.”
“So that’s the reason you threw me off your place? Twice,” Drake added.
Oggie rubbed the four inches of forearm that remained on his right arm. “I haven’t been with anyone since I was shot. My boyfriend at the time visited me for a few days in the hospital but then he stopped coming or taking my calls.”
Oggie took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. “We’d barely met before you treated me like an invalid by taking over.”
Drake knew why he’d taken over that day. He’d spotted Oggie’s stump and had reverted to life growing up with his mom. “I wasn’t treating you like an invalid. I was protecting you,” he mumbled, jamming the key in the ignition. “Forget it.”
“No.” Oggie reached out and laid his hand on Drake’s arm before he could put the car into gear. “I don’t wanna forget it. I want to go by a sub shop, pick up a couple of sandwiches, and take them back to the hotel. I want to eat, watch TV and hopefully lure you into bed.”
Drake glanced at Oggie. God, the man confused the hell out of him. “We’ll need to find a drugstore.”
“Antacids. I think you’re trying to give me an ulcer.”

Chapter Four

By the time Oggie and Drake made it to their hotel, his greasy Italian sub was starting to leak through the paper sack. He set his sandwich and Drake’s bowl of minestrone soup on the small table. “That sub smells good. You’re gonna be sorry you didn’t get one.”

Drake took off his black leather jacket and hung it in the closet. “What do you want from the pop machine?”
With a nod, Drake picked up the key card and left the room. Alone, Oggie took off his shoes and tossed them to the corner between the bed and the wall. He didn’t know how far things would progress between them, but undressing wasn’t as sexy when you had to fumble around with one hand to take your clothes off.
Several minutes later, Oggie heard the lock disengage. He pushed his jeans to the floor and kicked them away just as the door opened.
With four bottles of Coke in his hands, Drake came into the room and stopped, staring at Oggie. “Pretty damn sure of yourself.”
Oggie shrugged in an attempt to hide his insecurities. “Just didn’t want to drip grease all over my clothes. Since I assume we’re in for the night, I figured I’d get comfortable.”
With a slight grin on his face, Drake set the bottles down. He started on his shirt, slipping the buttons through their holes one by one.
Feeling uneasy at the way Drake was watching him, Oggie stood and walked over to take a seat at the table. He pulled his sub out of the sack and used the white paper as a plate. “You’d better hurry. I doubt that soup’ll stay hot for long.”
Dressed only in a pair of tight white boxer briefs, Drake dug into his overnight bag and retrieved a bottle of whisky. He unwrapped one of the glasses beside the ice bucket and poured a shot before carrying it to the table. “Want some?”
“Sure.” Oggie hoped the alcohol would loosen him up. Fuck, he hadn’t felt so nervous since his first time.
Drake grabbed another glass and set it in front of Oggie. “Tell me when.”
Oggie’s attention went straight to Drake’s cock pressed against the thin material of his underwear. “Whenever,” he said without taking his eyes off the package.
In a move that surprised Oggie, Drake set the bottle down with one hand and pulled the front of his briefs down with the other. The thick cock sprang free and bounced against Drake’s lower abdomen.
Without a word, Oggie leant over and ran his tongue up Drake’s length. Bold wasn’t a word he’d have ever used to describe himself, but he refused to let the moment pass without taking what he wanted. Reaching the crown of Drake’s erection, Oggie captured the head between his lips.
Drake groaned and pushed the table back. He stepped closer to Oggie and buried his fingers in Oggie’s hair. “Feels good.”
Oggie took Drake’s cock as far down his throat as he could before pulling back and concentrating on the head. He swirled his tongue around the crown before dipping the tip into the slit. Shit, it had been a while since he’d given a blowjob, but evidently it was like riding a bike—a hell of a lot more fun than riding a bike, but that was beside the point.
“Suck my balls.” Drake grabbed the base of his cock and held it up, giving Oggie room to take the lightly furred orbs into his mouth.
Drake’s testicles were too large to capture both in his mouth, so Oggie took them inside one at a time. He gave each one special treatment, laving, kissing and sucking until Drake took a step back.
“Goddamn, you’re good.” Drake led Oggie to the bed. He removed his underwear and fell back on the king-sized mattress. “Now you.”
Oggie turned to the side and started to push his underwear down. He needed to use his stump, but didn’t want to ruin the moment.
“Face me. Let me look at you the way you looked at me.”
Oggie was incredibly uncomfortable at the request.
“It honestly doesn’t bother me, so you don’t have to hide yourself from me.”
Oggie bit the inside of his cheek as he turned to face Drake. Hopefully, his cock would dazzle Drake to the point of being blind about everything else. He pushed his underwear down and kicked free of them.
“Mmm, yeah, that’s better.” Drake held out his arms. “Come here.”
Oggie eased his way onto the bed and stretched out on Drake’s right side. He slid his stump under Drake’s head to rest under the pillow. His left hand began to pet and stroke Drake’s hairy chest and groin.
Drake didn’t make a move to touch Oggie back. He simply continued to stare at his bedmate until he finally growled, deep in his chest and flipped over to straddle Oggie’s torso. “How many times do I have to tell you that you don’t have to hide from me?”
Drake reached for Oggie’s arm, still half-hidden under the pillow and pulled it up. Holding onto Oggie’s arm at the elbow, he leaned in and kissed the thin skin that covered the stump. He spoke in between kisses. “This. Is. Part. Of. You.” He moved to kiss Oggie’s lips. “I’m not grossed out in the least—just the opposite, in fact.”
Oggie tried to pull away from Drake’s grasp. “You one of those perverts who get off on amputees?”
Drake held on. “No.” He brushed his cheek against the stump. “I know I had an unusual childhood, but this feels and looks normal to me. I guess in a fucked-up way I find it comforting.” He sighed. “Hell, maybe I am warped.”
Oggie wrapped his left arm around Drake’s waist. Warped or not, Drake had managed to confront the one thing about Oggie that made him uneasy and turn it into something positive. “Since the shooting, I’ve killed myself trying to do everything I used to do. Just ask Smokey, he’ll tell you. The problem is that I’m not the same man I used to be. There are things I simply can’t do anymore.”
“Like jack off with your right hand?” Drake grinned, trying to lighten Oggie’s mood.
Oggie chuckled. “Yeah, like that.” He held up his stump and looked at it. “You know I sometimes forget that it’s not there, but when I’m with you, it’s never far from my mind.”
“Why? Haven’t you been listening?”
“Yes, I’ve been listening, but you’re so damn perfect. Perfect body, perfect job, perfect hair.” He reached between them and encircled Drake’s erection. “Perfect cock.”
Drake thrust against Oggie’s hand. “You really don’t know me very well.”
“What, are you a serial killer in your spare time?” Oggie asked.
“No. I’m alone in my spare time. I don’t let people close enough to become friends because I don’t trust anyone.”
“You seem to be letting me in.” Oggie continued to slowly stroke Drake’s cock.
“I know. That’s what I was trying to tell you earlier. You make me feel comfortable because I know you wouldn’t call my mom names.”
Oggie’s hand stilled. “Did people really do that?”
Drake nodded.
“You wanna talk about it?”
Drake shook his head. He scooted down and began to kiss Oggie’s neck. “No more talking.”
Oggie tilted his head to the side, soaking up every ounce of affection. For a tough-asfuck security chief, Drake was proving to be an incredibly tender lover.
Continuing down, Drake stopped to pinch and lick Oggie’s nipples. He drew his fingers through Oggie’s chest hair and moaned. “I like a man who looks and feels like a man,” he murmured.
Oggie spread his legs, hoping Drake would get the hint. Bingo. Drake’s chin hit the head of Oggie’s cock, the slight brush of heavy whiskers sending a pleasurable zing throughout his body. “Ahh, fuck, do that again.”
Chuckling, Drake rubbed the prickly area just under his lower lip across the sensitive skin, sending another jolt of pleasure through Oggie. Never in his life had he thought he’d be into the whole pleasure-pain thing, but, damn… Drake was making him re-evaluate.
Oggie tapped Drake on the top of the head. “Tell me you have lube and condoms in that sack you picked up at the drugstore.”
Drake swallowed Oggie’s cock, taking him all the way down to the root in one go and continued to work his throat muscles, milking him. Oggie reached down and tried to push Drake’s head away. “Coming,” he tried to warn.
“Mmm hmm,” Drake hummed.
Oggie closed his eyes and bucked, thrusting even deeper down Drake’s throat. He’d never been a quiet lover, but the string of filth that flew out of his mouth surprised even him. “Oh, shit, yeah…eat my cum, take every drop. Yeah, yeah—you wanna fuck my ass? Bury that big fat cock as deep in my ass as mine’s in your throat.”
To Drake’s credit, he did indeed swallow every drop before releasing Oggie’s cock. He waited until he climbed off the bed in search of the drugstore bag before he began to chuckle. “You kiss your momma with that mouth?”
Oggie reached for Drake the moment he slid back in bed. “I want to kiss you. Does that count?”
Drake opened to Oggie, letting him share the flavour of his own cum. “I taste good,” Oggie said, satisfied.
“Yeah, well don’t get too comfortable because your ass is mine.” Drake broke the seal on the lube and applied a generous amount to his fingers. He reached between Oggie’s spread thighs and began to circle the puckered skin of his asshole. “Been a while?”
Oggie nodded.
“More than a year?” Drake asked, sliding the tip of his finger inside.
“’Bout nineteen months, just before the shooting,” Oggie confessed.
Drake glanced away from Oggie’s hole to look him in the eyes. “Talk about pressure.”
Oggie decided to mess with Drake a little. “No pressure. Just because you’re the first person to make my dick hard since my boyfriend walked out on me two days after some gang fuck fired a shotgun at me, no pressure at all.”
”You’re laying it on a bit thick, aren’t you?” Drake asked.
Oggie gestured to Drake’s hand. “Keep going,” he reminded Drake.
Drake huffed out a breath and poured more lube down the crack of Oggie’s ass. “No wonder your head’s all screwed up.”
“Hey, pot, would you mind sticking that finger inside me sometime tonight?”
“What’re you trying to say?” Drake sank his finger as deep as it would go.
Oggie realised he’d taken the teasing too far. “Nothing, man, I was just messin’ with ya.”
Narrowing his eyes, Drake added another finger and began pumping them in and out of Oggie’s body. Oggie hissed at the burn, knowing he’d asked for it. Still, he couldn’t seem to let it go. “Two fingers. That should be more than enough to stretch me for your cock, right?”
Drake made a sound, something between a growl and a laugh and reached for a condom. “Why’re you intentionally baiting me?” he asked, sheathing himself.
“Because I want you to fuck me hard, and what better way to ensure that than to question your manhood?”
Drake positioned his cock against Oggie’s hole. “You like it hard, do ya?”
“I want to thank God that I’m still alive. Make me feel that,” Oggie said, the desire to be honest stronger than it had ever been.
Drake nodded.
Oggie wrapped his legs as high around Drake’s torso as possible and stared up into his eyes. The tenderness in Drake’s expression was in direct contrast to the way he pushed inside Oggie’s body.
“Feel me,” Drake whispered.
Oggie was grateful when he felt Drake’s balls slap against his ass. He hated to take back what he’d asked Drake to do, but he doubted he could’ve taken another inch. He swallowed the cry of pain as his body struggled to adjust, hoping the burn would ease into pleasure sooner rather than later.
“Feel me,” Drake said again.
“I think maybe my throat feels you.”
Drake smiled. “That was the plan, right?”
Oggie’s eyes drifted shut as the burn faded. “No, that was the dream.” He realised what he’d said and groaned. “Fuck, Drake, you turning me into some kind of damn woman or what?”
Drake reached between them and wrapped his hand around Oggie’s cock as his thrusts increased in speed. “There’s not a damn thing womanly about you.”
Feeling better about his slip of the tongue, Oggie relaxed and shrouded himself in the ecstasy of Drake’s cock. Holy Hell the man could fuck. No wonder Stony was pushing so hard to get Drake back in bed. Oggie felt himself growl at the thought of the playboy pilot getting anywhere near Drake again.
“Am I hurting you?” Drake asked, his dark eyebrows drawing together.
Admitting he was jealous wasn’t going to happen. “You wish,” Oggie quipped.
With a grunt of determination, Drake pulled out and rolled Oggie onto his stomach. He entered him again in a powerful thrust. With each snap of his hips, Drake seemed determined to prove his prowess.
Oggie leaned his shoulder against the mattress for balance and reached down to squeeze his cock. Despite his earlier blowjob, he was riding the edge again. “Yeah. So good,” he panted. His body convulsed as he came, shooting seed onto his stomach and hand. “So good. So good,” he said over and over again, sounding like a broken record.
Drake buried himself deep and howled as he climaxed. “Take it! Take everything I have!”
Drake landed on Oggie’s back before rolling to his side. He gathered Oggie against his chest and sighed. “I’m glad you’re alive,” he whispered in Oggie’s ear.
Oggie kissed Drake’s neck. “So am I.”

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