Cat's Wolf (A Shifter Romance Novella)

BOOK: Cat's Wolf (A Shifter Romance Novella)
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Cat’s Wolf



By Leanne Crabtree



Text copyright © 2013 Leanne Crabtree

All Rights Reserved


Chapter 1


Kaitlin Mahone shifted on her
perch—a branch half way up an old oak tree—and watched the sleek black car,
that had just rumbled underneath her position, turn into the compound further
up the street.

Four men got out, dressed in tight
jeans and t-shirts. Judging from their muscular builds she’d reckon they were
fighters. They looked around, their eyes glinting amber in the street light,
and seemed to sniff the air. Luckily the steady breeze was blowing towards her
so her scent wouldn’t indicate her presence.

She frowned for a second. What were
the wolves doing meeting the bears? They were supposed to be enemies. Like the cat
clans were with the wolves—dogs and cats and all that.

With her enhanced hearing she heard
the door set into the compound open and the men turned to be greeted by the
dozen or so bears. Except one, who was staring at the oak tree she was in with
a fierce intensity. Kaitlin held her breath. Wolves’ hearing and sight was just
as good as hers, a puma, and she couldn't afford to be seen. After what seemed
like an eternity but was probably mere seconds, he turned away and joined his
brethren in greeting the bears.

Turning her attention to the cat
clans supposed allies she saw that at the head of the group was Tito, the
second in command and her on/off lover. Her jaw clenched hard at his deceit.
She’d only seen him earlier this evening and he hadn't said anything to her. A
snarl left her lips as she watched the group of men enter the large brick building.

Only three things made her shift:
anger, pain and her will. She was angry enough now but she forced herself to
relax. She needed to stay in control because if she changed, the animal took
charge and even ten years after making her first shift at the age of thirteen,
she still wasn’t completely in control of the wild animal inside her.

The heavy metal gates clunked shut
behind them and she took in a quick breath before she started to climb down
from her thirty-foot high branch. She jumped down to the next branch, about
five feet below, and landed with prefect balance in the centre. Luckily for
her, cats had a good sense of distance and balance and the traits had ingrained
themselves in her too. Kaitlin quickly lowered herself to the bottom branch; it
was still about nine feet off the ground and she dropped off into thin air. She
landed on all fours with only the tiniest sound and glanced around, hoping she
hadn't drawn attention to herself from any shifter in the vicinity.

She didn’t hear anything.

Rising to her feet she set off in
the opposite direction to the compound, going to the black motorcycle she’d
hidden in the corn field that ran the length of the street.  Reaching into the
under-seat storage she pulled out her mobile and sent a message to her friend,
telling her where she was and that if she wasn’t back by morning to let her
parents know. They’d come looking for her, she was sure.

Putting the phone back she walked
back up to the street and moved towards the compound. The walls must have been
fifteen-foot high; no problem for her at all, and topped with sharp spikes.

She needed to get inside and see
what was going on.

Bending her knees, she pushed up
quickly and flew up into the air. A puma could jump eighteen feet upwards in
one bound but Kaitlin didn’t want to jump that far. Grabbing two spikes she
stealthily pulled herself upwards and crouched on the wall top as she scanned
her surroundings.

There were several watchmen about.
They must be guarding the meeting between the two supposed enemies. Anger
clawed at her again, wanting out. She forced it down.

Kaitlin counted six men below her,
too close together to attack undetected. Her gaze darted across to the rooftop
of the building. It wasn’t far, maybe ten feet. She could easily make it, but
where did she go from there? She scoured the rooftop looking for steps; a
hatch; a door, anything that might indicate she could get into the building.

There! She could see the outline of
a roof hatch at the far end.

Kaitlin took a steadying breath and
stood. A gust of wind pushed against her but she stayed steady. Her gaze locked
on the roof edge as she bent her knees…and leapt. She made it easily and
crouched low to lessen the sound of impact, her leathers squeaking in protest
of the movement. She forgot to breathe for a second.

No-one seemed aware of her
presence. Good.

Standing, Kaitlin set off for the
roof-hatch. It squealed and she grit her teeth as she eased it open, trying to
do it as quietly as possible. She stuck her head through the gap, listening for
approaching “allies” and enemies alike.


She ran down the stairs, silent as
possible in her biker boots, and followed the long corridor until she found the
steps leading downstairs. Casting one last glance around, she slowly descended.

Voices carried to her through the
corridors as she reached the second level. She wasn’t close enough to hear the
words but it helped her locate them. Creeping down the corridor she listened
intently for a wolf shifter coming towards her or for the groups’ whereabouts.
The group were easy to find, they were in a large office at the end of the
corridor and their voices carried easily in the otherwise deserted building.

“You want an alliance with the
bears?” Tito asked.

“We do,” a deep voice rumbled.

There was a short pause. “You do
understand that we are aligned with the cats?”

“Oh, we know. We also know that
you’re fucking one of the council member’s daughters.”

Her hands balled into fists at her

“Mahone? Yeah, she’s a wildcat in
the sack.” He laughed and everyone else joined in.

Kaitlin’s stomach lurched and she
pressed her hand to her mouth.

“I’m only doing it in the hopes of
getting in her daddies good books and getting my own seat on the council.”

“We hear she’s a looker?” Tito
murmured his agreement. “Makes it easier to fuck a hot girl than an ugly one I

“She’s likes it rough, too.” Tito

Mortification ran through her. He
was telling them about private matters like they were old friends. She didn’t
want to hear any more, she knew the basics of the matter and would report back
to the council about it.

Kaitlin backed up and headed back
down the corridor she’d come. Her thoughts were a jumble and she didn’t hear
the light footsteps heading her way until it was too late and she was face to
chest with a six-foot-four wolf shifter.

They both moved into a fighting
stance at the same time and stood glaring at each other. He was built like
every other wolf, tall and muscular. They tended to be attractive but this one
was more than that. He was gorgeous; mesmerising with his golden amber eyes. She
saw his nose twitch and knew he was scenting the air.

“Cat,” he breathed.

Her fists clenched tight. She
didn’t have time for this! Inching to the side he mirrored her, like she knew
he would, keeping the same distance between them. She needed to get out of here
before all hell broke loose.

“You’re the same cat who was
watching us when we arrived.” His voice was still soft, barely audible, and she
frowned across at him as she continued to slowly circle.

Why hadn't he called for back-up?

His hands dropped and he lost the
fighting stance—totally confusing her and spurring her into action. Dropping
low, she swung her left leg and made contact with both of his, toppling him to
the floor before she ran as fast as she could, up the corridor and the stairs
to the third floor and escape.

Kaitlin had made it to the roof
before a hand fastened around her wrist and swung her around. Her fist came up
and connected with his cheek. Pain radiated up her arm and she gritted her
teeth against it. Adrenaline flooded her system and stopped most of the pain as
she readied herself for a fight.

She heard him swear under his breath
as he grabbed for her. She swung again but she wasn’t quick enough.

“Cat!” He growled angrily as he
captured her struggling arms against her body with an arm around her waist and
the closeness of his body. His other hand tangled in her dark blonde hair and
tugged until she met his gaze defiantly. “You fight well for a woman,” he
complimented in a low velvety voice.

A low hiss left her and he
chuckled. “Not going to work on me, sweetheart. I’ve been up against much
worse.” His eyes dropped to her leather clad body, “Much worse,” he repeated

Kaitlin tried to ignore how good
his voice sounded; all warm and velvety soft. The way he’d looked at her only a
moment ago, like she was something he wanted to ravage. Her breathing quickened
at the thought of them together. She could feel every ridge of muscle in his
body and she shuddered. He felt amazing. Before she realised she was wriggling
against him and he growled low in his throat as his gaze glinted gold in the


Just like that reality returned and
she pushed him away, causing him to stumble backwards. She watched him with
wide eyes for a second before turning on her heel and jumping from the roof,
over the wall and into the darkness beyond.

His heated curse followed her.


Chapter 2


“What was that text about last
night?” Misha asked as she made herself up using Kaitlin’s pricier make-up.

She plucked at the frayed hem of
her dressing gown as memories she’d been trying to forget all morning came back
to her. Mainly of the amber eyed wolf who’d let her go without calling for
backup. Kaitlin had no idea why he’d done that and it still niggled. “I nearly
got myself into trouble last night, that was all.”

“That was all?” Her friend asked
doubtfully. “Kaitlin, I don’t know any other females who get into as much shit
as you. You attract trouble like a magnet.”

Kaitlin snorted, “Not true!”

is! Now come here so
I can do your make-up.”

Obediently, she sat in the chair in
front of her dressing table and allowed her friend to do her make-up. Ten
minutes later, Misha said, “Open.” She did and glanced in the mirror at


“I know, don’t you look amazing?”
Misha gushed, proud of her work. “So to compliment the face I say you should
wear the violet top and black mini. Oh, and those sexy, black platform shoes
seen you wear since you bought them.” Her friend gave her a
pointed look.

Kaitlin nearly groaned but stopped
herself in time. It wasn’t very often she let herself relax and when she did
she tended to let Misha, her best-friend, plan it all. She didn’t even know
where they were going tonight.

“Where are we going?”


She rolled her eyes at her friend’s
response. Misha probably knew she’d refuse to go if she knew where they were
going tonight. “Fine.”

Misha grinned and shoved the
clothes at her. “Put these on while I hunt out those cool shoes of yours.”

“Misha,” she complained, “are you
trying to cripple me?”

“Women have to suffer for their

This time she did groan.

Twenty minutes later they were
dressed and Misha was driving them out of the cat clan compound and into the
city. Her friend flicked through the radio stations until she found something
she liked and turned the volume up to full and sung her head off. Kaitlin
grinned and before long, she was joining in.

They were giggling like schoolgirls
when they finally pulled up outside the club they were going to.

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