Catering to Three (9 page)

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Authors: Kalissa Alexander

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Catering to Three
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They talked for a few more minutes before she told them to go home and leave any other details to her, not that there was much left to do except shut the kitchen door behind them. She walked back into the ballroom that was now empty and out through the doors to the garden. She walked down the path to where the tables and chairs were stacked. Tomorrow the truck would be by for them and the workmen would remove the lights from the trees.

She had told the chefs earlier that the staff should take away the flower arrangements for themselves, if they wanted. She had also instructed that any leftover food also be taken home by the staff or donated to a food bank nearby. It appeared that everything had been done without her lifting a finger.

She heard movement behind her. She turned to see Noah, Mark, and Keith walking toward her. She knew her face couldn’t hide how happy she was to see them. Having them all to herself for a few more minutes would be the perfect ending to what had turned out to be the perfect day.

Chapter Eight


“You tired, Julie?” Mark asked.

“Maybe just a little. But I’m actually feeling a little giddy from what I think was a successful event.”

“You should feel good,” Keith said, a big smile on his face. “It was more than successful. Everyone’s talking about what a wonderful party you and Noah threw.”

“It was Noah’s party. I’m just happy I was a part of it.”

“You were more than a just a part of it,” Noah said, giving her a quick hug.

Mark and Keith sat down in the black wrought-iron chairs that had been returned to their permanent place around the pool.

Noah pulled one out for Julie. “Sit with us for a little while. I think we should take a few minutes to bask in your accomplishments.”

“I’d say a toast is in order,” Mark said as he jumped up from his chair. “I’ll be right back with a bottle of something and some glasses.”

“Now that’s a good idea,” Keith said, watching Mark’s retreating figure as he disappeared through the garden to the house.

“I don’t know if I should have any more to drink,” Julie said to both Noah and Keith.

“You’re sleeping here tonight. No need to worry about driving,” Noah answered. “However, if you don’t want to have a drink with us to celebrate the evening, we aren’t going to force you.”

How could she possibly say no to that? “Well, maybe just one,” Julie conceded.

Mark came back balancing champagne flute glasses and not just one but a couple bottles of the “bubbly,” as he called it.

Julie laughed. “You know where Noah keeps his private stash.”

“That I do. I live here. So does Keith. It’s a big house.”

“You all live here,” Julie said in surprise. “Why didn’t I know this?”

“Like I said,” Mark repeated, “It’s a big house and you’ve been pretty busy.”

“Not so big that I shouldn’t have noticed that you two live here.”

“Are you upset we didn’t tell you?”

“No. I think it’s great. I mean, a house this big should be lived in by more than one person. You two and Noah really are like brothers.”

“Some might think we’re closer than brothers,” Noah said and then added, “I like the sound of my name on your lips, especially when it’s not preceded by ‘Mr. Jamison.’”

“I’m still operating in my hostess mode. Not to worry, I’ll be back on my game tomorrow.”

“Do you like games, Julie?” Noah asked, his eyes darting between the three of them.

“I guess it depends on the game.”

“I like games, like Truth or Dare,” Noah said, catching and holding her gaze. “Are you up for it?”

“Let’s hope so,” Keith said, his eyes twinkling mischievously. “Julie has to go first.”

“Oh no. It’s too late to play a game and I’m not at my best now.”

“All work and no play?” Noah asked.

“Come on, Julie, indulge us?” Mark’s eyes pleaded, his face becoming more boyish.

She really shouldn’t, but how could she refuse them? Looking from one to the other, she said, “Okay. But I’m not going first.”


* * * *


Noah had known Julie would play. She wasn’t ready for the evening to be over, even if she didn’t want to admit it. And they sure as hell weren’t ready to let her go if they could help it. Both Mark and Keith gave him a knowing a look.

“All right,” Noah said, redirecting his attention from Julie to Keith. “Truth or Dare?”


“Describe for us,” Noah began, “the type of woman you’re attracted to.”

“Yeah, that’s it!” Mark shouted. “Inquiring minds want to know.”

Noah watched Keith, whose eyes had never left Julie’s. He knew it, too. When she blushed, Keith smiled, finally releasing her gaze.

“I would be lying if I didn’t say”—Keith put his hands behind his head and locked them—“that the woman I’m attracted to has blonde hair that surrounds her beautiful face in waves, sexy blue eyes, blushes easily, and has a knack for knowing how to throw a party. And she’s also a helluva good cook. Remind you of anyone you know…Miss Julie Larson?”

Julie put her hand to her mouth. He could see the conflict in her eyes that told him she thought she should be mortified when in truth Keith had said exactly what she wanted to hear.

Mark shook his head. “Damn, Keith, I know that’s the truth.” Noah couldn’t help but laugh at the way Mark’s eyes were now looking Julie up and down blatantly. The gloves were coming off.

He felt his groin ache as she bit her lip, blushing. “You’ve embarrassed her,” Noah said in mock reprimand.

“Are you really embarrassed, Julie? Should I say I’m sorry?” Keith looked anything but sorry.

Julie picked up her drink. “I’m sure it was meant as a compliment. However, I’m not so sure it’s true. After all, the woman you were here with tonight was a tall brunette who looked like she knew her way around the bedroom and not the kitchen.”

They all three stared at Julie. Noah could see her turning red.

“I really do need to leave,” she said, “before I say something else that’s totally inappropriate.”

“That woman was just a friend. Nothing for you to worry about,” Keith said happily.

“Please, forget that I said anything,” she said, getting up to leave.

“Sit back down, Julie. This game is only beginning, and so far, I like the way you play.”

Julie slid back into her chair. Noah nodded toward Keith. “Okay, Keith, it’s your turn.”

Keith smiled. “Well, let’s see. Noah. Truth or Dare?”


“Kiss Julie.”

“Keith!” Julie exclaimed.

“A dare is a dare,” Noah said, pushing himself up from his chair. Before Julie could escape him, he lifted her into his arms. When his lips touched hers, they opened without resistance. His tongue plundered the sweetness of her mouth with an urgency that surprised him. She kissed him back, slipping her arms around his neck. Keith coughed, breaking the kiss. Quickly, she disentangled herself from him, looking downward as she sat back down in her chair. That, he thought, was the answer he had been looking for.

“You’ll learn, Julie, that Noah never wavers from a dare, especially one so obviously enjoyable. And,” Keith said, eying Noah, “I’d say you’re the one who needs to apologize this time.”

“I would if I were truly sorry. But I’m not.”

Noah could see the mortification on her face. He had exposed her desire, and she wasn’t sure how to handle it. The fact that she hadn’t even attempted to get up and run told him they were very close to getting exactly what they wanted.

He turned to Mark. “You’re next.”

“This question is for Julie. Truth or Dare?”

Julie forced herself to look at Mark. “Truth.”

“Have you ever thought what it would be like to have more than one man make love to that beautiful body of yours at the same time?”

Julie downed her glass of champagne and remained silent.

“You heard him, Julie,” Noah said huskily, “the truth.”

“Yes,” she said, looking down at her lap before her eyelashes lowered, covering her eyes.

“Look at me, Julie,” Noah demand. He smiled as her head snapped up and her eyes connected immediately with his. He held her gaze, daring her to look away.

“I guess the real question,” Noah said, brushing a piece of stray hair away from her face, “is do you want to?”

“That’s two questions,” she said softly. “That’s against the rules.”

“I make the rules,” he said, his voice a low growl.

“I don’t know.”

“We want the truth, Julie,” Noah demanded again, lowering his voice.

“I should have never played this game with you. You’re not playing fair.”

“You still haven’t answered the question.”

Julie trembled. “And I’m not going to.”


* * * *


Julie watched as Mark loosened his tie and unbuttoned his shirt to expose his dark, curly chest hairs. She not only wanted his but all their hands on her body and their cocks inside her. She had a flash of what it could be like and knew she was lost to all sensible reasoning.

“But you are,” Noah said softly. “You’re going to tell us the truth.”

“I want,” she said breathlessly, “to be with more than one man at the same time.”

“And that’s exactly what we want for you,” Noah said, standing up.

He took her hand, pulling her from her chair to stand in front of him. “We want you, Julie. We want you naked and open to us in every way. Come to bed with us.”

Julie nodded, mesmerized by Noah’s voice that was so calm and reasonable. He made it sound so normal.

Noah led her inside and up the staircase to her bedroom with Mark and Keith on their heels. She felt like she was watching herself from a distance. Could this really be happening to her? Every nerve ending in her body was screaming for release—the kind of release she knew only they could give her.

One of them dimmed the lights before the three men surrounded her. She wanted desperately to please them. She had never thought she would want this type of lovemaking, but she did, and she wanted it more with every breath she took.

As anxious as she knew they were, they didn’t rush her. It was torture as Mark slowly unzipped her dress and pushed it downward to give them their first view of her naked breasts. Her nipples, surrounded by half-dollar-size pink areolas, were hard, protruding nubs that begged for their attention. She was proud of her large but firm, pale orbs that quivered under their perusal.

“Do you like what you see?” she asked, already knowing the answer by the lust she saw in their eyes.

“Fuck, yes,” Keith said with a sigh.

Mark’s hands reached around her to play with the sensitive nubs, his lips on her neck, gently kissing her. Noah and Keith watched as she leaned her head back against Mark’s hairy chest. He pulled and pinched her nipples as she moaned with pleasure.

Standing in only her panties and heels, she continued to enjoy the way Mark’s hands caressed her swollen breasts. They slid lower to her stomach. She opened her legs wider. She wanted to please them with her body and her actions. Running her tongue over her lips, she moaned again. “Please touch my pussy,” she begged softly. “Please.”

Noah and Keith smiled at the same time, but neither of them came any closer. Mark’s hands remained on her breasts. “Don’t make me beg,” she pleaded, rubbing her ass up against Mark’s hard cock that strained against his pants.

“Touch yourself, Julie. Pull down your panties and touch that wet pussy of yours,” Mark breathed into her hair. Releasing her breasts, he backed away from her. He joined Noah and Mark, who were still in front of her, watching her every move.

She moaned softly and slid her hands into her panties to touch her warm mound aching with her need. Drawing her panties downward, she slipped them off over her heels. She left them on the floor at her feet before she straightened to face the three of them. She licked her fingers before sticking two of them inside her pussy to simulate what she wanted them to do to her with their cocks.

She wanted to see them completely naked, too. But she knew for right now, it was her body that was to pleasure theirs. Closing her eyes, she tweaked both her nipples before lifting one of her breasts to her lips to suck her hard nipple. She heard a groan and clothes being taken off. She smiled and opened her eyes.

Noah and Keith had removed their clothes first without taking their eyes of her body. Where Noah was smooth chested and golden, Keith’s skin tone was a deeper tan with a light growth of dark, curly hair on his chest. Both had bodies that made her pussy convulse in anticipation of what she knew they wanted to do to her. Their muscles rippled and their large, hard cocks sprung outward. She unconsciously licked her lips. They were magnificent, and for tonight they were hers.

When she looked over at Mark, he was taking off his socks. He wasn’t as handsome or as perfectly built as Noah and Mark. He was husky and covered in dark hair. However, he had an animal magnetism that made her knees weak. When he stood up, she gasped. His cock was huge and his balls hung heavy between his legs. She couldn’t take her eyes off his cock.

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