Catching to Win (Over the Fence #3) (14 page)

BOOK: Catching to Win (Over the Fence #3)
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he really must be blind sometimes

We’re sitting in the Kelsey’s little red Jetta on the way back to the house, Kelsey singing softly as she drives, and all I can think about is that she has his nose. And cheekbones. And mannerisms. And I have no idea how she has never seen it.

Jackson is Kelsey’s father. I’m as sure of it as I am that the sky is blue.

Today was one of the best days I’ve ever had in my life. Not only did Kelsey volunteer to show me more of her world, something I gobble up at every morsel she gives me, but I got to see one cool animal preserve. I never realized all of the grueling, exhausting work she does. It’s not just playing and petting rare animals. She actually cleans them and their habitats, keeps them on a schedule. She knows when one of them is off or sick, the exact temperature their food and water need to be.

It was like watching a surgeon cut someone open, or a conductor lead a full orchestra. She was so in her element. If my heart hadn’t tattooed her name on it two years ago, it would have surrendered itself to her today. She owned it, fully and completely.

But as we sat on that roof watching the sunset, something that should have made me damn happy because it was romantic and Kelsey wasn’t complaining, the thoughts of her real father still niggled in the back of my brain.

Jackson had given himself away. At least to me. I saw the way he looked at her from the moment he found us near Dorothy’s den. He looked at her like I figured I looked at her. With a sense of longing, a little bit of amusement, and a whole lot of love. It wasn’t the “I’ve known her since she was a baby” love either, I could tell there was something more to it.

And then he’d told me to take good care of his girl, and I’d known. It was clear as day. What he was doing working for her freak show parents, I didn’t know. To be closer to Kelsey? To be able to see his daughter? But why wouldn’t he tell her after all this time?

These were just questions I didn’t have the answers too. And until I did, I couldn’t tell her what I suspected. Even though it might be dangerous to keep my guesses from her, it was even more dangerous to lead her down a path without any confirmation. I couldn’t bear to hurt her more than she already was.

“So what did you think of the preserve?” Kelsey startles me from my deep thoughts.

“It was awesome, Roo. Thanks for dragging me there.”

Her amber eyes slide over to mine and then back to the road. “Have you thought anymore about what you’ll do once we have to move out?”

Huh? “Do you mean with us?” My defenses immediately went up, jumping straight to the worst case scenario of her trying to end this.

“No, no,” she chuckles. “Now that you caught me and you have me, you are stuck with me. I meant, have you thought about a job? Or baseball, maybe?”

I sighed. She’d been trying to talk to me about this for a month, even before we started dating. And the truth was, I didn’t want to. I couldn’t stay at school, I’d never been there for the classes. And now that we’d won the championship, Owen was leaving to pursue the majors. Minka was following him. We had decided to give up the house at the end of the summer and I needed to figure out what I wanted to do.

I couldn’t see myself going back into baseball. I just didn’t have the energy anymore to throw myself into workouts and travel and competition. As much as I loved the sport, I’d made peace at the College World Series that it was probably my last game.

But I hadn’t done anything besides baseball. Ever. It had consumed my entire life, it was the one thing that I was truly good at. Like I said, I wasn’t the smartest kid. Law or medicine were never going to be on the table for me. So I’d stuck with what I knew, excelled at it, and now that it was over, I felt a little lost.

And how do you tell your amazing, passionate girlfriend that? A woman who had her entire future, at least career-wise, figured out. I’d sound like some freeloading, lazy asshole.

“I was thinking maybe I’d just be your professional boyfriend. I think I can really master that.” I winked at her and tried to get her off the subject with my charm.

“Such wit for a jock. Seriously, Clint…come on. You have to be interested in something. Anything. If you could pick anything in the world to be doing right now, what would it be?”

I could feel the temper being lit inside of me, the flames of anger stroking over my skin. “Why is this so important to you? You just can’t stand being with some washed up meathead?”

The car paused for the red light, and Kelsey looked over at me, her fox-like features illuminated by the glowing of the dashboard. “That isn’t what I meant at all. I want to see you happy, for you to find something that lights you up as much as my work does for me. It’s a feeling I would never want you to miss out on. You dick.”

Her lips tilt up, and I know she’s only trying to help.

“You have so much to offer the world, don’t doubt that. I see a wealth of knowledge in you, young grasshopper. You just need to find the thing that helps you channel it, baby.”

She knew I would dissolve into a puddle of mush over the word baby. Her speech was all Kelsey and completely endearing.

. Don’t think you’re getting away with manipulating me with that. The truth is, I just don’t know what I want to do. And it’s embarrassing. My girlfriend is this hot vet/animal whisperer and it’s intimidating. Of course I want to find something that I love as much as you love the preserve. It’s just not that easy.”

She pulls her girly little car into the driveway and kills the engine. “I have an idea.”

I’m not sure if I like the devilish gleam in her eye, or if I should be scared as we walk into the house.

“Hey guys, where have you been—“

Kelsey cuts Owen off. “Sorry, we can’t talk.”

She pulls me along behind her towards her room.

“Go get ‘em, tiger!” Owen catcalls from the living room.

It looks like a bomb has gone off in the fifth bedroom of our house. “Jeez, Roo, can’t we at least go have wild sex in my room. It looks like a tornado came through here. And is that…day old cereal?”

I sniff at the bowl of dried up, moldy looking Cocoa Pebbles.

“Whoops. Whatever, you knew I was messy when you decided to date me. Your mistake. Sit.”

She points to the bed, waiting patiently in front of the foot of it. I sit down, careful to move the yellow sneaker and pair of headphones lurking beneath the comforter. “So what’s this all about?”

Kelsey claps her hands, looking all too giddy. “Okay, we are going to play a game. I’m going to ask you a question about your future. For each question you answer honestly and without any belly aching, I’m going to remove a piece of clothing.”

My dick instantly hardens in my khaki shorts. Anything involving me getting to see some of that snowy, perfect flesh, I’m game. “Let’s do this.”

I scoot back, making myself as comfortable as possible on her bed. Which isn’t easy since it looks like a murderer has been thrashing at her sheets with a machete.

“Okay! First question…what is the most important thing you want to get out of your future job or career?”

Kelsey toes at her strappy sandal with the hot pink nails on the other foot. Just that motion has me squeezing my balls up tight to my body.

I think hard, trying to make my answer really good. Maybe I’ll get both shoes off in one swoop. “I want to help people.”

Very good, Bellows. You earn one shoe.” As she bends down, her hair brushes her cheeks.

“Come on, can’t I have two? I’m behaving so well.”

She rolls her eyes. “No cheating. Next question…where do you want to work?”

This one was no brainer. “Anywhere my sexy girlfriend is.”

Another eye roll but I earn the other shoe.

“Do you see yourself working with adults, kids, animals…aliens?”

I’ve never been one to socialize greatly with people my own age or anyone older than me. I always feel too formal. I love animals, but seeing Kelsey so passionate about them, I know I could never measure up to her level of commitment. Kids, on the other hand. I’ve always liked the rugrats.

“Kids. Definitely kids.”

Kelsey stops toying with the hem of her shirt and instead pulls it slowly up over her head. All thoughts scatter from my brain the minute I see the expanse of her tight stomach, those curvy Coke-bottle hips and full breasts nestled in a black scrap of lace.

“How about teaching?”

I try to clear the fuzz from my head. I can’t concentrate with this half naked, perfect creature taunting me from the foot of the bed.


“Do I need to put the shirt back on?” Kelsey’s voice is teasing and cruel.


Teaching. I’d never thought about it. But now that I did, I don’t think I’d like it. Too much structure and thinking for me. I wasn’t even good at school, what made me think students would benefit from learning from me?

“No, no teaching. I could barely stand to attend school. I wouldn’t do those kids justice that way.”

“Fair answer.” She reaches behind her back and unclasps the black lace, and then I have a nice unobstructed view to one of my favorite parts of Kelsey.

She’s not a double D by far, but her round tits are just a mouthful that has my dick straining upward at the material of my shorts. It’s trying to punch through my zipper and land somewhere in the beautiful valley they create.

“What about a non-profit? Or a camp? You could work with special needs children. Or with children in need of losing weight…”

Her voice is quiet when she makes this last suggestion. I think she’s trying to spare my feelings, hoping I won’t get mad.

But I’m not mad, I’m intrigued. I sit up, barely noticing her naked form in front of me anymore.

Working at a non-profit, helping kids overcome childhood obesity. Teaching them how to eat right, how to exercise while having fun. Showing them the balance to live a healthy life. It all clicks into place, the lightbulb goes on. All of the cheesy metaphors you’ve heard before about what happens when you finally figure out what you want to do with your life? Those all hit me at once.

“Yes…” I’m not even really talking to Kelsey. “I’ll work with kids who need help getting healthy. With families who can’t afford to eat the right way. Teach them how to work the system, take shortcuts to good nutrition. How to exercise and stay active.”

When I finally look up at Kelsey, I’d swear there are tears in her eyes. “That’s what you should be doing.” She nods, coming to sit on the bed in front of me.

I grab her hands. “Thank you. For believing in me enough to force me to think about this.”

“I think it was the boobs that forced you, but you’re welcome.”

I palm her soft cheek. “I’m serious, Roo. You bring out the very best in me. Sometimes you’re a pain in the ass, but at the end of the day, I know you do it because you care. And I love that about you. I love you.”

We both freeze, our eyes locked. My heart trips over itself and then my stomach drops. I hadn’t meant to say that. Not yet. But it’s true, I love her. I’ve loved her since the first time she walked up those front porch steps and I’d looked into those hazel eyes.

“Clint, I…”

“No. I don’t want you to answer or say anything right now. I love you. I’m not saying that to scare you, or so I can hear it back. I just love you. And I want you to know that.”

To my heart’s relief, Kelsey’s lips tilt up in a tiny grin. I’m just thanking god she’s not halfway to some South American country right now.

“I’ll wait until you’re ready.” I kiss her forehead and inhale that spicy, lemony scent that is all Kelsey.

A beat of silence goes by as I keep my lips pressed to her warm skin.

“I think maybe you just said that so I’d lose the shorts and thong too.”

Her joke breaks up the tension, and I take the opening gratefully. Flipping her down so that my hand cradles her neck when her back hits the mattress, I set to finding out if her panties do indeed match that black scrap of lace.


t seemed
like mid-August was frying everyone’s brains and making them fall head-over-heels, loopy in love. Like a fat baby cupid was roaming around our group of friends and just continually shooting them in the back of the heads with romance-filled arrows.

The whole motley crew was hanging out in the living room on Sunday, the boys acting like orangutans, slapping each other on the backs and jumping up and down after each touchdown on RedZone. As if there wasn’t enough sports on TV, here was a channel that showed grown men hugging each other and sniffing each other’s balls for seven hours straight.

Minka and I had the full nail salon arsenal on the floor, painting our nails and toes different colors before finding the right ones.

The front door flew open, causing Owen and Clint to jump up, fists at the ready. Parker stayed put, only lazy enough to avert his eyes from the TV. Glad to know he was ready to protect us innocent damsels in distress.

Only it wasn’t a burglar. Miles and Chloe stood in the doorway, huge ass grins on their faces and overnight bags in their hands.

“NO WAY!” Minka darted across the room, brown curls flying everywhere. She body slammed Chloe, causing both of them to almost go down. They erupted into a fit of giggles as Chloe practically carried Minka across the doorstep.

“Honey, I’m home!” Miles dropped his bags and held his arms out, smiling in that devilish way he already did. I liked the kid, honestly I did. He and I felt like kindered spirits. Except the time I wanted to chop his balls off with a butter knife for how much he’d hurt Chloe. But we were past that now.

“No calls or texts and you just show up on our doorstep like this?!” Owen feigns shock and upset, but goes over to bear hug his childhood best friend. Watching the two of them is adorable. Like watching the fox and the hound if those old Disney characters were actually filthy rich gorgeous twenty-somethings.

“Farris…” Clint nodded in his slightly withdrawn way while doing that pure masculine fist bump hug thing guys always did.

“Sup asshole?” Miles said as he slapped Parker on the shoulder where he still sat on the sofa. “I see you’re still friendly as ever.”

I took that time to actually insert myself into the scene instead of just watching my friends interact. “Chloe! What are you doing here?”

Chloe hugs me, but I can see the quiet happiness in her violet eyes. Something’s up. Because if I know Minka well, I know Chloe like my left foot. My quiet, elegant willow tree, she is everything I’m not. And I love that.

“Well, we had some news that we wanted to share in person…” Miles goes to stand by her, hooking an arm around her shoulders.

“WE’RE ENGAGED!” Chloe shoots out her left hand, where a huge ass rock perches on her ring finger. And shit do I mean huge, Miles looks like he stole the goddamn Hope Diamond from the Smithsonian.

Minka shrieks, literally lets out the highest pitch squeal ever, and body slams Kelsey again. Minka, the girl who hates clichés and romance and bullshit, is shrieking over a shiny ring. Cupid has done his work here, alright.

“Dude! You just had to beat me to it!” Owen hugs his best friend again. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Minka turn the shade of an apple. Those two are so gone over each other.

“You just had to wife her up, eh Farris?” I lean in for a one arm hug.

“From what I hear, you like being wifed up these days too?” He wiggles his eyebrows, those blonde curls falling in his mismatched eyes. I elbow him in the gut.

“Watch out, she’s a feisty one. Congrats, man.” Clint shakes his hand while at the same time pulling me in tight.

Owen pumps his fists in the air. “Well this calls for celebration. Sammy’s anyone?”

“Hell yeah! Back to the old stomping ground!” Miles yells.

“Parker you coming?” Clint nods at our fifth roommate.

“I think I’m going to vomit with all of this love bouncing around the room. Count me out.” He grumbles and stomps to his room.

I’m not sure who snorts first, but then everyone is dissolving into a shitfit of laughs as we pull on shoes to head out to the bar.

, tell us the story!”

I sit wedged into a booth with Minka and Chloe, huddled together over vodka cranberries and gossip. The boys have headed off to do stupid knuckle head things and beat each other in pool.

Minka waits expectantly, wanting every single detail of Miles’ proposal. I’m just happy to be back with my number one girls. It’s been too long since we’ve all been together, and I know these moments will only get fewer and farther apart.

“Okay, so he told me we were going out for dinner after my rehearsal one night. He told me to dress casual so I had this red sundress all picked out with these cute—“

“Enough about the fashion, get on with it!” I bark at her. Minka and I have never cared as much about clothes and makeup as Chloe has. I’d forgotten how annoying it was to hear her wax poetic about fabrics and heels.

“Fine,” she sticks her tongue out at me. “So he hailed a cab, and I thought we were going somewhere uptown, but then all of a sudden we start heading to the financial district, which is downtown. Kind of near Central Park. So I’m like, alright, guess we are trying some place new. Well then, the cab drops us off right at the entrance to Central Park and I’m so confused. We walk through the park just as the sun goes down, and after he pulls me into a little clearing, there stands a Ferris Wheel. All lit up like the Freeboro Fair. He tells me it’s all ours for the night. I mean at this point I’m already almost in tears. So he takes me up to the top, gives his grand speech and then pulls out the ring box. And the rest is history. It was perfect.”

She sighs, looking dreamily over at her fiancé. I have to admit, even I have chills on my arms. But looking over at Minka, she has tears in her eyes.

“Oh my god, Minks, are you crying?” Chloe touches her arm. “Are you mad…that you weren’t first?”

“God no! I’m so happy for you guys! I just…think about spending my life with Owen and it just makes me happy. I know you guys get that now, and it’s just so perfect. I am over the moon for you!”

I laugh, giving Minka a side hug. “Do you think he’ll do it soon?”

“Oh, I don’t know. I mean, we’ve talked about it, but I think he wants to get his contract first, see what city we end up in. I can work anywhere as a nurse, and I’m complete when I’m with him, so I’ll be following him. But enough about me, so when do we get to be bridesmaids?”

Chloe claps her hands. “Of course Mama has already been talking wedding venues. I kind of want to do it at the SAB theater, how cute would that be? And you all will be wearing pink!”

“Oh, Christ no. You’ll have to drug me before you get me into that dress.” I take a long swig of my drink.

“Maybe it will help to know that Clint will be walking you down the aisle. How are things going with you anyway?” She flicks her long black mane over her shoulder. She looks amazing. It must be the pre-wedded bliss sex and the shiny diamond.

My heart surged at the mention of Clint walking me down the aisle. “He told me he loved me.”

Both of my best friends screamed “WHAT?!” at the same time. I took that opportunity to polish off the rest of the bitter cranberry juice.

When I slam the glass back down on the table, four eyes, two violet and two chocolate brown, are staring me down, waiting impatiently.

“Well did you say it back?” Minka is incredulous.

“I couldn’t…not then. He didn’t want me to anyway. Told me to wait till I was ready. Perfect bastard, always know the exact right thing to say.”

Chloe leans back, a smug grin on her perfectly pouty lips. “I think you love him. I think he pushes all your buttons, and you love that. I think you want to have his babies.”

“Let’s take a down a notch, Mrs. Wedding Crazed. I don’t know. I have never told anyone I loved them. Especially a guy.”

“You love us.” Minka points out.

“I know, but that’s easy. And when I get sick of you bitches, I just travel to Africa. If I have a boyfriend, if I’m in love with him, I can’t run. And that’s what I do.”

And now I was the one who was getting teary.

“Oh, Kels. Maybe the problem is, you don’t want to run anymore. And that scares the shit out of you.”

Trust Minka to tell it like it is.

“Let him love you. And let yourself love him. You deserve it.” Chloe grabs my hand, and Minka adds hers in.

We all stare at each other for a minute, soaking in the gravity of adulthood on our heels.

Finally I wipe the tears from my ducts. “Oh my god, enough of the soap opera. This is a bar. And we’re here to celebrate. Another round of vodka crans!” I lean into Chloe. “And tell us, how amazing is the sex now?”

They both laugh as the men join us at the table.

“What’s so funny?” Miles asks, but only looks at Chloe.

“Oh, we’re just talking about your dick, Farris.”

Clint narrows his eyes at me and motions for me to join him on the dance floor. I might be in trouble. And I love it.

Hours later, we all stumble back to the house, drunk off booze and celebrations. I can tell everyone is in a frisky mood, and when Clint wraps his arms around my waist and hoists me up until I’m straddling him, all I can do is hang on and let him take me where he pleases.

As he walks, his rough jeans scrape against my exposed thighs. The shorts I’m wearing ride up, pulling the seam so hard against my throbbing clit that I groan into Clint’s neck.

Licking and sucking at the spot just below his earlobe, I catch a whiff of his scent. Pure male and fresh soap. Clint is uncomplicated, he doesn’t bother with cologne or lotions, and for that I’m happy.

“Let me at least get to the bedroom before you make my knees go weak.”

His voice is a plea, and filled with needy lust. But he’s made me a wanton creature. I need him to be touching me. I hold tighter, making sure to grind my exposed skin down onto his already swelling cock.

Clint’s stride grows wider and faster until we reach the bedroom at a breakneck speed.

He throws the door closed, still caring me in his burly, muscled arms and deposits me on the bed.

I scoot back, careful not to break the eye contact hypnotizing both of us right now.

“Take off your clothes.”

Clint’s voice sends shivers of lust and need zinging down my spine and hitting me right in the swollen button between my legs. I love it when he’s bossy.

I start to peel out of my clothes, my skin damp from the heat and his dirty command.

We can’t take our eyes off of each other as we rip away our clothes. He reaches behind his neck and pulls his t-shirt off in one fluid motion the way that insanely hot guys always do. Just that action alone has me flushing hot and greedy below the waist, my nipples pebbling despite the air being swampy with lust.

I beat him in our race to get naked, and he’s devouring me with those eyes like I’m his next meal. Clint undoes his belt buckle slowly, pulling the leather out of the loops one by one. Each time the strand of material clears, making a freeing smack, I feel it like a lick against my sex. I can’t stop watching him. I’m so turned on and hot from the muggy temperatures that it feels like I’ve been drugged, all of my reflexes are working a second slower.

Finally Clint is pushing down his jeans, his boxers joining them at his ankles. His impressive member springs free, hitting him in the stomach where a drop of pre-cum sticks and rolls down his abs. I want to lick the spilled juice into my throat, sink to my knees and worship this beautiful, shy man.

Because as sexy as he is, I still see the doubt in his eyes, the way he shuffles his feet. I find it endearing and hot as hell that he is commanding one minute and adorably lost the next. I’ve always found it obnoxious when a guy is too confident in his ability. With Clint, I feel cherished and adored, but we are also having fun, testing things out with each other.

Clint fists himself and squeezes, painfully so, while all of the air whooshes out of my lungs. Jesus my boyfriend is fucking gorgeous.

“Come here and let me do that.” I squirm on the bed, wanting to press my thighs together but also spread them far apart simultaneously.

He moves to kneel in front of me on the bed, a curious glance on his face. “I…can we try something new?”

So cute. He always asks permission each time he wants to try something he’s never done. And of course I always give it. I don’t answer, just give him a small nod as I die a slow death because his hands still aren’t on me.

Clint lays down, spreading his legs and placing his head on the pillow.

“Straddle my face, and suck my dick.”

His crude words almost make me come on the spot. Just a few carefully placed words, that’s all I need to tip me over the edge and Clint has learned that well.

So he wants to try 69. I’ve never been a huge fan of this position, but of course I’ll do anything for him.

I do as I’m told, position myself and backing up until I can feel his hot, damp breath blowing against my slit. And then his tongue is stroking up my dripping sex, and I have to bite my tongue to keep from screaming. Okay, focus Kelsey. I zero in on the huge cock in front of me, so close to my nose that it’s like he’s bobbing up and down waving hello. I take Clint in my mouth, tentatively at first, slow licks and kisses to his head.

I feel the low growl of pleasure from Clint all the way through my pussy, and it causes me to draw him further into my mouth, gulping him down as far as he’ll go. When his massive cock hits the back of my throat, I feel Clint bite down, not so gently, on my clit. I see stars.

It’s one of the most elicit, intimate experiences I’ve ever had. I’m spread open and vulnerable for Clint, and each time pleasure rocks one of us, the other feels it to the core. 69. My new favorite position.

We feast on each other, mutually fulfilling with each kiss, suck and lick. I’m sucking him so deep and hard that my orgasm sneaks up on me, starting in my fingers and toes and rippling toward the center of my body until I implode. I’m crying out with my lips still wrapped around Clint’s rock solid staff.

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