Catch of a Lifetime: A Cricket Creek Novel

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Authors: Luann McLane

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Praise for
LuAnn McLane’s Novels

Playing for Keeps

“A fun tale. . . . With a strong secondary cast, mostly the townsfolk who encourage the protagonists as they fuss, fight, and fall in love, fans will enjoy LuAnn McLane’s mantra that ‘There’s no place like home.’”

Midwest Book Review

“Charming, romantic . . . You’ll cheer on each of the characters, just like Cricket Creek cheers for their baseball team. This new series should be a real hit!”

—Fresh Fiction

“McLane’s trademark devilish dialogue is in fine form for this series launch set in a fictional Kentucky town. . . . A lavish finale brings the fairy-tale romance to a perfect conclusion.”

Publishers Weekly

“This first of McLane’s new Cricket Creek series is a delightful bouquet of romances set in a small town that needs saving.”

Romantic Times
(4½ stars)

“No one does Southern love like LuAnn McLane!”

—The Romance Dish

He’s No Prince Charming

“This is a laugh-out-loud story and one you won’t want to put down.”

—Fresh Fiction

“I loved all the aspects of this story. It was truly a great romance.”

—The Romance Studio (5-star review)

“This is a fun, lighthearted frolic . . . Fans will enjoy.”

—The Best Reviews

“Had me smiling like a loon . . . a delightful read.”

—Book Binge

“LuAnn McLane is a master at creating sensitive love stories. . . . Sweet, sinful, and utterly satisfying!”

—Romance Novel TV

Redneck Cinderella

“Each tale is low-keyed fun.”

—The Best Reviews

continued . . .

“A pure delight . . . Ms. McLane is the queen of Southern romantic comedy.”

—Manic Readers

“A lighthearted, quick read, steeped heavily in Southern-fried language and mannerisms. . . . As satisfying as a frozen fruit pop on a hot, lazy summer day.”

San Francisco Book Review

“A hysterical, sexy, highly entertaining read!”

—Errant Dreams Reviews

“Funny . . . for a lazy day in the sun or for a great pick-me-up.”

—Night Owl Reviews

A Little Less Talk and a Lot More Action

“Macy and Luke are fabulous lead protagonists. They make this tale work as a deep yet humorous character study with a strong support cast.”

Midwest Book Review

“[McLane] has a knack for rollicking Southern romances and her newest is no exception.”

The Cincinnati Enquirer

“[A] fun and flirty contemporary romance about grabbing that second chance.”

—Fresh Fiction

Trick My Truck but Don’t Mess with My Heart

“[There’s] an infectious quality to the writing, and some great humor.”

Publishers Weekly

“Sweet . . . a real Southern-fried treat.”


“[A] quick-paced, action-packed, romantic romp . . . hilarious.”

—Romance Designs

Dancing Shoes and Honky-Tonk Blues

“Lighthearted comedy and steamy romance combine to make this a delightful tale of a small town that takes Hollywood by storm.”

—Romance Junkies

“A hoot a minute . . . LuAnn McLane shows her talent for tongue-in-cheek prose and situations. . . . A winning tale not to be missed.”

—Romance Reviews Today

“A fun story filled with plenty of laughter, tears, and all-out reading enjoyment.”

—Fallen Angels Reviews

“A fabulous story . . . Get ready for a deliriously funny, passion-filled rumba in this book.”

—The Romance Readers Connection

“A fun small-town drama starring a delightful . . . lead couple and an eccentric but likable support cast.”

—The Best Reviews

Dark Roots and Cowboy Boots

“An endearing, sexy, romantic romp that sparkles with Southern charm!”

—Julia London

“This kudzu-covered love story is as hot as Texas Pete, and more fun than a county fair.”

—Karin Gillespie, author of
Dollar Daze

“A hoot! The pages fly in this sexy, hilarious romp.”

—Romance Reviews Today

“Charmingly entertaining . . . a truly pleasurable read.”

Romantic Times

Wild Ride

“A collection of sensual, touching stories . . .
Wild Ride
is exactly that—a thrilling, exhilarating, sensual ride. I implore you to jump right in and hold on tight!”

—A Romance Review

“Amusing, lighthearted contemporary romances starring likable protagonists.”

—The Best Reviews

“Scintillating romance set against the backdrop of a tropical island paradise takes readers to new heights in this captivating collection of erotic novellas. The three tales are steamy and fast-paced, combining descriptive romance with creative love stories.”

Romantic Times
(4 stars)

Hot Summer Nights

“Bright, sexy, and very entertaining.”

—New York Times
bestselling author Lori Foster


—A Romance Review

“Super hot summer romance . . . A fun read, especially for fans of baseball and erotica. This one earns four of Cupid’s five arrows.”


“Funny, sexy, steamy . . . will keep you glued to the pages.”

—Fallen Angels Reviews





Playing for Keeps: A Cricket Creek Novel
He’s No Prince Charming
Redneck Cinderella
A Little Less Talk and a Lot More Action
Trick My Truck but Don’t Mess with My Heart
Dancing Shoes and Honky-Tonk Blues
Dark Roots and Cowboy Boots


“Hot Whisper” in
Wicked Wonderland
Driven by Desire
Love, Lust, and Pixie Dust
Hot Summer Nights
Wild Ride
Taking Care of Business

Catch of
a Lifetime



LuAnn McLane





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This book is dedicated to my brothers, Bob and Jay. In all of the ups and downs in my life, your love and support has been a rock to cling to and has always been appreciated. I admire you as husbands and fathers and you both exemplify what real-life heroes are made of.

Table of Contents



Fighting Forty

Dream On


Risky Business

Stayin’ Alive

It’s My Party

The Icing on the Cake

Sealed with a Kiss

All Tied Up

The Hangover

The Name of the Game

The Shape of Things to Come

Mission Accomplished!

This Kiss, This Kiss!

Terms of Endearment

Forever Young

Fair Game

Sweet Southern Comfort

All or Nothing

Food for Thought

The Heat Is On

Truth or Dare!

Game On!

Why Wait?

Sweet Dreams

The Best Day Ever





I would like to thank Baltimore Orioles’ catcher Jake Fox for showing me how tenacity and determination can lead to a professional baseball career. Following your rise to the major leagues has been an inspiration!

Thanks once again to the editorial staff at New American Library. The lovely e-mails that I receive from pleased readers are the result of a team effort and I can’t thank you enough. I would like to extend a special thanks to my editor, Jesse Feldman. You have been a joy to work with and have made my writing stronger.

As always, thanks to my dear agent, Jenny Bent. In this ever-changing world of publishing, you continue to lead me in the right direction.

I would like to give a shout-out to my reader loop, [email protected]. Your encouragement and unending support over the years has been amazing. And a heartfelt thanks to my readers, not only for reading my stories but for the e-mails and reviews sent my way. It is my fondest wish to bring a smile to your faces and put joy in your hearts as you turn the pages of my novels.

Fighting Forty

ordy, Lordy, Jessica Robinson is Forty!” Madison Announced in a Singsong Voice. “So, Mom, how does it feel to be turning the big four-oh?”

“It’s just a number, Madison,” Jessica answered evenly, giving her daughter a little flip of her hand for good measure. Of course, that was a big, fat lie.

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