Catch My Fall (3 page)

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Authors: Ella Fox

BOOK: Catch My Fall
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I had to know what the hell they were talking about.  “What in the world is a Malore and how do the two of you know each other?”

Tristan glared at Darby and told her to “keep her ridiculous definitions to herself” but she waived him off with a laugh. 

“I grew up with Tristan.  He and his bro
ther are Austin’s best friends and they lived four doors down from us when we were growing up. When their grandmother died, my parents became their guardians and they lived with us until college.  My brother and the Chamberlains didn’t make growing up easy. The three of them together were every girl’s worst nightmare. They were ridiculous man-whores, which is why I made up that little name.  A Malore is a hybrid of the words male and whore.” 

Gesturing to Tristan
, she continued, “My brother, Tristan’s brother Trace, and this idiot right here were all such pigs that a new word had to be created just for them.  I say were because my brother has completely changed for his girlfriend, Allie.  But I consider it a full-on public service to get the word about what dogs the remaining Malores are out to the masses.  You would be surprised how many girls choose not to heed the warnings!  They fall all over themselves to climb on top of them and take a ride on the Malore express, and I don’t get it at all.”

I was really
enjoying getting to know Darby, and her description was funny enough that I laughed even as I made a note to stay as far away from Tristan Chamberlain as humanly possible.  I want no part of someone so cocky that they think they can have anyone.  Guys like Tristan disgust me, now more than ever. 

He looked uncomfortable and
possibly a little offended by Darby’s explanation, and for a second I felt bad for him, but then I figured that he had
the name Malore and should be able to deal with the consequences.  Any guy that is that big of a player is not someone that I want to be around. 

He smiled and tried to counter
what Darby had said.  “She’s right. I guess I’ve been known to be kind of an idiot, but don’t judge me based on what Crazy over here says.  I’m not a terrible guy and you don’t need to worry because I’m not trying to get into your pants.”

That one sentence took away my ability to sit with him for another second.  The bottom dropped out of my stomach as my heart started beating at triple the rate it had been
before.  All I could think about was getting far, far away from him. Jumping up from my seat, I grabbed my schoolbag with shaking hands and threw it over my shoulder as I mumbled something about needing to get to my next class. Turning on my heel, I literally ran away as fast as my legs would carry me. 


Chapter Three


I got back to my dorm room what felt like a bazillion hours later, after I stood in line for my books for hours on end. Fortunately, I used the time to come up with something to say when Darby inevitably asked why I was such a psycho this morning.  There is no way that I want to tell her the real reason yet, so hopefully the story I’ve come up with will cover it well enough that we can forget about it.

Flopping onto my bed, I picked up my cell phone and
texted Macy’s mom, Mary.

Me: Hi Mary! I was thinking about Macy and I wanted to text and say hi and ask how she’s doing.

Mary: She’s doing well honey. Being away from you has stressed her, but it’s for the best since the therapists here have all been where she was. She’s missed you very much though.

Me: That’s why I picked Evermore
—to be closer to her.  I’m counting down the days to be able to see her again.   

Mary: I know that it’s been hard not seeing her, but this program has been a lifesaver and I can’t argue that their methods have worked. She’s
making incredible progress.  So much so that when you do get out here to visit, you’re going to be able to talk to her about registering at Evermore!

Me: Really?!?!?!? I’m so excited!! The doctors are finally giving clearance to talk to her about college and the future?

Mary: Things have really and truly finally turned around, honey.  She’s in a very good place, but she has a lot to tell you.  You’re going to be very surprised.

Me: I’m so glad that the treatment is working…I was scared for so long.

Mary: A lot has changed.  You’re going to be blown away when they finally allow visitors aside from her father and me.  I just hope that you’ll understand all of the things that she has to tell you.

Me: I’m so happy to hear that…I missed my BFF so, so much. 
Of course I’m going to understand—I can’t wait to talk to her.  I love you!

Mary: I love you too! I can’t wait to tell her that your first day went well. 

Me: Thank you Mary.  Tell her that I love her and I can’t wait to see her again.

After I finished texting with Mary I tried to gather my thoughts.
Not long after the incident Macy had started inpatient treatment at a psychiatric hospital that hadn’t been far from where I lived and I had still able to see her every few days.  She didn’t make the progress that she needed to and her mom had found a treatment facility called Choices right outside of Amarillo.  Macy’s whole family picked up and moved two and a half months ago to be near Macy while she’s in treatment, and I have missed them like crazy.  The worst part of her being in Choices is that I haven’t been able to see or speak to her, and that’s going to go on for several more months.  Still, if the treatment is actually working like her mom says it is, it’s worth it.  I just want my best friend back.

I was
tired and hungry, but was in no mood to go to the cafeteria to eat that food.  My meal plan is for three meals a day, but I can already tell that if I eat there all of the time I’m going to gain the freshman fifteen
develop digestive problems.  Throwing myself down on my bed, I stared at the ceiling and tried to formulate a plan.  As I was thinking about what I wanted to eat the door swung open and Darby came in.

“Hey,” she said.  I could see that she was worried about me and I dreaded what was coming next. “Mia, what happened to you in the cafeteria this morning?  You ran like the place was on fire.”

Letting out a little laugh, I answered, “I got my period.  I was freaked out because I wasn’t expecting it for another two days so I didn’t have any pads with me.”

I could tell right away that she bought it because the worried look left her face.  “Oh crap! I’ve had that happen to me before.  I was in seventh grade the first time I got my period.  It was the first time I’d ever worn a pad or anything and I had no idea what to expect.  Anyway, I had
a little crush on a guy in my science class, Bryan Miller.  Imagine my horror when he pulled me aside and told me that my jeans were covered in blood.  When I saw that I’d leaked, I wanted to die.  I didn’t go to school for two days after that and I never talked to or looked at Bryan for the rest of the year.  I was

I laughed in spite of myself, and the two of us had a good chuckle.  Every girl has a leaking story, but I have to admit that my own is nowhere near as bad as Darby’s.

“Anyway,” she said with a smile, “Kudos on totally freaking Tristan out.  He’s never had a girl pay him no attention before and I could tell that it really fucked with him.”

“Ugh, I wasn’t trying to get his attention at all.  I certainly don’t want it.  I seriously can’t stand guys like that.  They think that they’re God
’s gift to girls but they are so not.  Mr. Sexy Eyes has probably never had a rough day in his life!  I’m going to stay far, far away from him.”

The smile fell from her face as she shook her head emphatically.  “Tristan’s a fuck
-and-run douche but he’s not a bad guy, no matter how much I tease him.  He’s had plenty of rough days, Mia.  Trust me when I tell you that his life isn’t a cakewalk. I love him like a brother and I would trust him with my life.”

Fiddling uneasily with the hem of my shirt I said, “I just really hate guys that drift from girl to girl.  I’m sorry if you think I’m trashing Tristan in particular.” 
I let out a little laugh and decided to change the subject.  “Anyway, I’m sitting here starving my ass off and if I have to eat cafeteria food again I’m going to vomit.  Want to go to Olive Garden with me for dinner?  My treat!”

“Do I want to go to Olive Garden?  Damn girl, does the Pope wear white?  Let me put on my eating clothes and then you can lead my ass to the breadsticks!”

My eyebrows shot up in surprise.  “You have special clothes for eating?”

“Duh, Olive Garden has unlimited salad and breadsticks.  I’m about to be so stuffed that there’s no way I can wear anything tight or with buttons during the meal.  OG is my fave so be prepared to roll my ass out of the restaurant.”

I couldn’t help but look at her and laugh.  Darby’s about five foot five and she probably weighs in at about one hundred and twenty pounds.  I’m pretty sure that there is no way she can really eat that much.

Since it was apparent that dressing for comfort was what was happening, I headed to the closet on my side of the room and started digging around for my aqua colored
Chucks.  I found pink, gray, white, black, purple, yellow, brown, lavender, orange and navy before I finally spied the aquas at the very bottom.  I startled when I heard Darby behind me laughing.

“Holy shit girl, I’ve never seen so many
Chucks in my life!  How did I not notice this the night that we were unpacking?  You’re a freakin’ Chuck-a-holic!”

My hand automatically went to my neck where my half of the best friend heart Macy and I each wear
hung.  In junior high we used to share our Chucks and would go to school each day wearing two different colors.  It got to be a joke amongst our friends that we were the “Chuck” twins, and hearing Darby comment on my addiction tore at my insides.  Macy should be here with me going through a closet full of shoes, but instead she’s in a facility where she isn’t even allowed visitors yet. Tossing the aqua shoes back into my closet, I stood up and slammed the door.

“I never realized I had so many pairs,” I lied.  “Anyway, I’m not in the mood to wear sneakers so I’ll just stick with my flats.”

I could tell that she knew something was wrong, but right then there was a knock at the door.  Since my closet was closer, I headed to the door and pulled it open.  I let out a little huff of annoyance when I saw Chocolate Eyes—I mean Tristan—standing at the door. Then I did a little jig in my head as I realized that the attraction I felt toward him earlier was an anomaly.  My eyes were working just fine and I could still see that he’s ridiculously hot; but I didn’t feel the zing at all.  Still, knowing that he’s a man-whore does annoy me because I hate guys who think they are IT.  Deciding to have a little fun at his expense, I cocked my head to the side and turned to talk to Darby over my shoulder.

“Hey, it’s that guy from the cafeteria today…uh, Stan.”

Now of course I knew damn well that his name wasn’t Stan, but in my opinion, this man-whore needed to be brought down a few (dozen) pegs.  I was surprised when he threw back his head and laughed out loud. 

“Oh my God, fuckin
’ classic!” he said with a laugh.  “You think his name is

Darby’s giggle from behind me clued me into the fact that I was missing something.  Turning toward her, I raised my shoulders and said, “What?”

Pointing to Tristan she explained, “Mia, that’s not Tristan.  This is his twin brother, Trace.”

My happiness
about the fact that I wasn’t attracted to him evaporated pretty quickly once I realized that it wasn’t even really him standing there. Trace came into the room still laughing, and I smiled politely as Darby introduced us.  He seemed nice and a lot less intense than Tristan had been earlier so I didn’t feel as prickly around him.  Still, he was an unknown entity and I was not about to let down my guard until I was sure he was safe.

He spent a few minutes talking to Darby about a get-together being held tonight
at the house he and Tristan have off-campus, and of course she got right on me about going.  I got so tense even thinking about it that I’m pretty sure you could bounce quarters off my eyeballs.  It didn’t matter because for every objection I came up with, Darby tore it down.  Sensing that I was never going to be able to get out of it, I agreed to go for an hour or so.  I figured that as long as I had my car with me, I’d be good.  Trace at least seemed gentlemanly and non-threatening, unlike Tristan.  It’s not like Tristan was rude to me or anything, but he did call me out on my uptight attitude and whether he was actually threatening or not, I felt unsettled around him.

Trace walked Darby and
me down to my car, and they both got a kick out of the fact that I wasn’t sure where it was at first.  “Sorry,” I mumbled through my embarrassment.  “My uncle dropped it off after he picked it up from the dealership and I haven’t had to drive anywhere yet.  He said it was in the B section…wait! There it is.”  Using the clicker in my hand, I unlocked my brand new car.  My father had thrown an absolute fit when I told him what I wanted and a series of emails had flown back and forth as he demanded that I get something that better represented ‘his class.’  His choice for me had been an Audi A4 and I had nixed that right away.  Whatever
lifestyle is, it most certainly isn’t mine and he knows it. 

I wanted a Jeep that I’d be able to take the top off of on nice days, but no matter how hard I lobbied for it, he wasn’t having it.  In the end I compromised and my new car is a white Jeep Grand Cherokee.  He wanted me to get the black, and until my
uncle turned up and told me that he’d gotten me what I wanted instead of what my father decreed, I had assumed that I’d be driving around the heat of Texas in a black car that would soak up the sun and leave me sweating my ass off every time I got into it.

Letting out a little whistle of appreciation
as she climbed in Darby said, “Holy shit Mia, nice whip!  It’s even the Overland edition.  Damn, you even have air conditioned seats and satellite radio.  This car is the shit!”

I smiled and nodded because I didn’t want to talk about it.  The overwhelming feeling of relief that I won the argument so
I wasn’t sitting there in an Audi was all I could really focus on.  I’d only known her for a few days, but I already knew that Darby’s family is like my mom and Neil, meaning that they’re down-to-earth. Because Darby’s family lives less than fifty miles from the school, she wasn’t allowed to bring her car with her.  Freshman don’t get parking passes unless they’re out-of-towners, and I know it bugs her that she had to leave her car at home.  She’s talked about her blue Ford Escape at least a dozen times since we moved in and I know that even though her parents paid for the car, Darby had to work summers because they had her pay the insurance in order to teach her responsibility.  Darby’s from a real family with real values and it’s embarrassing that all I’ve got to show for my father is a car that I didn’t really want and a credit card with a big limit. 

I could see that Trace noticed I was uncomfortable and I was grateful that he started talking to Darby
while I spent a few minutes adjusting the seat and the mirrors before Trace said goodbye. Darby turned her attention back to me as we drove away.

“So, yeah, guess I forgot to mention that Tristan is a twin.  Trust me, it’s not because I forgot about Trace,” she said with a breathy little giggle.  Fortunately we were at
a traffic light at the end of our dorm parking lot and it happened to be red when she said it so I was able to turn and look at her. 

“Oh ho ho! Sounds to me like someone in this car has got the HOTS for Mr. Trace Chamberlain!  Spill it, girl!”

She turned all fifty-seven shades of tomato red that are normally found in a bottle of ketchup as she frantically shook her head.  “No, it’s not....”

Easing my foot onto the gas, I started driving again with a chuckle.  “It totally is, Darbs.  I can tell!
Darby and Trace, sitting in a…”

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