Catch Me If You Can (Love's Command) (21 page)

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Authors: Billi Jean

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Catch Me If You Can (Love's Command)
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The fragile hope she had that he shared her feelings could be so easily shattered. Was it possible that he wanted her the way she wanted him—until she couldn’t imagine not wanting him?

“Why did you kiss me? Why are you helping me?” she dared to whisper, feeling like she was setting her heart out there. She gripped her fingers together, hiding how they trembled. Her nerves were so tense, it was like they wanted to burst apart inside for daring to ask him such a thing.

He bent toward her and drew her head closer to his with a gentle, warm pressure on her neck. “Because I’m not letting you go, Kylie Chung. Not now. Not tomorrow, maybe never if you’ll put up with me. I lost you in that desert, you know that? I dreamed of you for years and now, now that I have you? You’re a part of me.”

Tears filled her eyes, blurring him into an indistinct shadow. “Yin and yang. You feel it too?” she managed, past the pain in her throat.

“No crying,” he whispered, grimacing at her tears. “Gotta make that a rule, here, okay?” he murmured, brushing hot kisses to her cheeks.

He might as well have set her on fire. All the anxiousness and fear, the worry he’d think her insane, or worse, deny her because of course he wouldn’t want her, disappeared in a heartbeat. In its place was a desire so bright, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

At the first frantic sweep of her mouth on his, he groaned that delicious sound she wanted to always hear him make and drove his tongue past her lips. Long, lush kisses followed, where all she could do was feel his mouth and hands. He used both to explore her to the point of making her ache with desire. He urged her backward, unbuckling her seat belt and his. Relief rushed through her. As soon as he had them loose, he shoved the seat back and pressed his body right on top of hers. It was perfect.
was perfect. Everywhere his body touched hers, she blazed to the point of squirming.

“Need you, baby, tell me you feel the same,” he demanded breathlessly, rising up above her with one strong arm anchored on the seat by her head. He stared at her with a look that made her nipples tighten to painful points and her pussy flood with anticipation.

“Oh, Daren, please, make love to me, now. Now.” She rubbed her hands under his T-shirt, moving it out of her way impatiently so she could feel more of his hot, tight muscles under her palms. Nothing mattered, nothing but him. “I want to see you,” she whispered, scooting down a little to place kisses along his chest.

He must have believed her, because suddenly the material of his shirt disappeared. He didn’t have a six-pack. She touched his tight stomach in amazement. He had an eight or ten-pack of solid, hard flesh. She trailed her hands along every curve, learning each dip and rise with her fingertips, then her lips. Her excitement and anticipation grew to the point she was ready to beg.

He bent his head to brush a kiss to the side of her face and she swore she could feel it all the way down to her toes.

“Damn, baby, you’re killing me here,” he husked against her ear. Seconds later he maneuvered her where he wanted her and shoved her skirt up her thighs. “Take that blouse off so I don’t tear it, Ky.”

Her stomach dove to her toes but skyrocketed right back up. Her pussy tingled and anticipation rushed her system with enough adrenaline she felt like her heart was going to beat right out of her chest.

Every fantasy she’d ever had seemed to be coming to real, startlingly crystal clear focus.

“Oh,” she managed and started unbuttoning as quickly as her trembling fingers would allow. She fumbled a few times but only because his muscles flexed as he rubbed his hands up and down her outer thighs. The sight was distracting to the extreme. The slabs of muscle along his chest rippled, and her breath caught at the idea of kissing around the brown points of his nipples. She’d never seen such a body—never dreamed one would be above her, ready to make love to her in a way she’d never forget.

“Ky, baby, look at me.”

She finished with the annoying buttons of her shirt and pulled herself up with a grip on his firm shoulders and kissed him once before she looped her arms around his neck to meet his eyes. “I was looking at you. Hurry, you have too many clothes on.”

“Goddamn, now? Here?”

He sounded like he might deny her, but when she tightened her hold and crushed her breasts to his chest, his face darkened, and he gave her a look that she knew meant he wasn’t holding back. An instant later, he flattened her back down with his bigger body and kissed her the way he had in the elevator.

He slid her skirt up to her waist then tugged on her panties so fast afterward, she heard something rip. She could care less. His lips were warm and his kiss centered all her focus on them, her body, the heat building between them and how much she wanted to touch every part of him while he did the same to her. He didn’t let her down. He cupped one cheek of her butt with one hand and caressed her side, right under her breasts with his other and slowly lowered his body back down on hers.

She gasped at the size of his erection. The thickness of it settled against her inner thighs and she tingled all over in anticipation.

“Ah, damn, not going to last here,” he said when brushed his fingers along her mound. He lifted up his hips and suddenly sank one thick finger inside her slowly. “So wet, God, Ky, I love how wet you are. Driving me crazy here to taste you, but if I do that now, baby, I’m going to come in two seconds flat. Right now I need to feel you squeezing me tight.”

“Oh, Daren.” She could barely recognize her own voice it sounded so odd. Sexy. Hot. Wild.

Daren seemed to be encouraged by it. He added a second finger and twisted his hand in a hold that pressed firmly against her clit. She felt like he set her on fire. He flexed his fingers inside her, huskily groaning her name again when he did and started rhythmically rubbing her pussy inside and out.

The tension in her clit grew to the point of making her want to scream. She was soaked. She’d never been so ready. Except every other time this man had kissed her.

Daren seemed to like it, if his immediate bite on her shoulder and deep groan meant anything, she thought with a thrill.

“Pants, need these damn—” He jerked upright but kept that amazing hand on her pussy, watching her as he drove her crazy. He stared at her breathlessly, his face so handsome she lifted up to kiss him. Her shirt was unbuttoned and slid down when she moved. Her breasts bulged over the top of her bra, though, and his attention pinned on her chest with an intensity that made her want to shove her breasts up higher for him. Instead of denying the urge, she arched her back, giving him a better view.

“Ah, fuck, so beautiful,” he murmured, seeming almost mesmerized by her. He bent his head, slowly, so slowly she wanted to urge him on, but he took her willpower away with the things he was doing to her pussy. She was closing in on an orgasm. He kissed the top of her breast and she arched closer for more. Seconds of his lips on her skin had her clenching her hands on his shoulder. He groaned heavily against her and twisted his hand so his fingers brushed a place deep inside her pussy. “Oh, God, Daren, oh God!” She couldn’t stop her hips from gyrating against him, twisting and finally lodging his fingers to that spot perfectly. He husked a breath against her breast, then sucked on her nipple through the silk of her bra. The double sensation of his rough mouth and the hardness of his thick fingers filling her, hit like a burst of light.

She climaxed with a cry of his name. Her legs trembled around his hips, while she hugged his head to her breast and pumped up and down with abandon.

In the midst of the best orgasm of her life, he lifted his head and nipped at her throat.

“This is not because of some drug,” he told her breathlessly. “I’m going to make sure you know that, baby, and the next orgasm,” he warned her, “is going to be with me as deep inside you as I can go. You want that?”

She nodded, still trembling from the aftershocks of what he’d just done. He eased his fingers from her, while meeting her eyes with a look that promised exactly what he’d just said. She gasped as the last tremor eased from her, leaving her wanting him even more, but managed to nod and say, “Yes. I want that. Now. Now.”

“That’s my baby, say it, cause I’m going to give you more,” he murmured against her mouth. He edged his body tight to pussy, rubbing his hips forward with the erection he still hadn’t released.

“Stop teasing me, Daren,” she whispered past the building heat. She wanted more than before, more than ever in her life. Right now, with him, she needed her body filled with his need for her. All of him so that she could feel him, deep in her core, days from now.

He lifted above her higher, flexing muscles she couldn’t resist tasting. She bit his chest and laughed at his throaty grunt.

“Take my cock out then, baby. It’s all yours,” he whispered.

She tore his pants open, revealing a dark, thick cock with such a lusciously wide, mushroom shaped head her mouth watered. She’d never gone down on a man. Daren’s body looked so incredible she wanted to learn the feel of it against her hands, lips and most of all in her mouth.

“I want to taste you,” she said, fascinated by the way his penis stood upright, darker than his stomach and so thick a wave of moisture hit her pussy in preparation for his take over.

“Oh, hell no. I’d go off like a rocket.” He shoved his pants down, exposing the full length of his erection and the heavy sac covered with short, curly black hairs. She shivered all over, and smoothed her hands down the thickness of his erection to cup his balls, immediately loving the husky moan that broke from him.

“Ah, God, baby…”

She took that as encouragement to do what she wanted to him. She stroked him. His erection was so velvety soft, but hard as steel. She loved every inch of it. The massive rod filled her with such excitement her breasts quivered from her trembling. She wanted this, him, more than anything else in her life. “Daren,” she murmured, looking up from where his cock lay in her hands, for her, ready, for her.

“Love that, Ky, don’t stop.”

Daren was heady. He was a whole new experience and she knew, looking at his intense expression, the way he watched her, and waited for her, she would never want any other man to experience this with her. Just him. Daren Scott. Her heart expanded until it felt enormous, but she held onto him tighter and refused to give into the emotions flooding her.

You have him now, Ky. You have him, now.

The thought shivered through her like he’d run a feather down her spine. She did have him now. All of his big, hard body and amazing intensity—all of it was hers. She sucked along the brown skin of his chest until she found his nipple and licked it while she stroked up and down his length, loving every single moment he was giving her.

“Ah, Ky, sweet God, you can’t do that,” he muttered, but didn’t stop her. If anything, he bent his head and kissed her neck with hotter kisses and tangled his hand in her hair to keep her close to him.

She felt a bead of moisture along the slit and gathered it up to add a lovely slipperiness to her strokes. Daren groaned heavily and caught her hands, stopping her. He kissed her so deeply she shared her breath with him and for a moment forgot about learning every inch of his erection.

He kissed like he had nothing else in the world, just her. Every inch of her mouth was explored and he let her do the same to him. It was dizzying having all that attention focused on her mouth while she still held his erect penis in her hands. And distracting.

He must have thought so as well because he drew her hands off his penis and up above her head as he settled himself firmly between her legs.

For a delicious second or two, his erection bore down on her clit so perfectly, she couldn’t breathe. He shifted and she gasped for air and widened her thighs to urge him on. She wanted this. Now.

“Not yet, not yet,” he murmured, but took hold of her mouth again with another devastating kiss. As he did, he began rocking in a mimic of what she knew he would soon do. His kiss grew deeper, so deep she pulled her hands free from his and circled her arms around his neck to hold him closer and kiss him with everything she had.

He began stroking her body everywhere. His hands were so warm and exciting she wanted to scream for the sheer pleasure he was giving her. He gripped her butt firmly and lifted her at the same time he shifted her down. The head of his erection tunneled past her pussy lips and he wedged himself there, not giving her more, but not easing free either.
Fill me. Just fuck me.
She gasped at her own thoughts.

“That’s it, Ky, get hot for me. Wild, baby,” he coaxed in such a rough voice she could hear the passion in his tone. He brought her hips up higher and thrust slowly forward, not completely but oh, she loved it.

“Oh, God!” She arched her neck until her head touched the back of the seat, and she opened her thighs wider, edging up for more of him. “Feels so good. Don’t stop. I want it all.”

“Goddamn, baby, so fucking beautiful,” he said, then he latched onto her breast and thrust his penis forward at the same time. Hard, thick flesh flexed inside her channel, widening her almost painfully, but at the same time, hitting her in spots that made her whimper in pleasure.

Daren rose above her, a worried frown marring his handsome brow. “You good?”

“Don’t stop,” she cried. “I’m good. Good.”

“You’re so small, we’ll go slow, baby,” he murmured sounding like that might not be possible.

“No, I want you, all of you,” she told him. “Now, now!”

He nodded and pressed inside with one long, slow glide. He didn’t say a word, but his eyes darkened to vibrant chips of onyx. She swore she could feel every inch of him, but little by little he kept feeding her more of him until he spread her body and filled her to the point she knew she’d never be the same again.

When he finally stopped, he was sweating and breathing hard. So was she.

“Good, baby?”

“Oh, yes, oh, God, yes,” she said barely recognized her own voice.

He tightened his grip on her butt, and with a deep low groan, lay his body flush with hers. The first full feel of him was so incredible she rocked her hips so close to a climax she needed something—any kind of movement to make it happen. She moaned when she pressed their bodies tight together and his erection flexed inside her. Nearing something amazing, she held her breath for fear of losing the buildup. This would be her first real orgasm—with a man inside her. Especially with a man so deep she could feel every stiff inch of him.

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