Catalyst (20 page)

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Authors: Casey L. Bond

BOOK: Catalyst
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worried to show me his home. I wasn’t sure why. It was perfect. When we stepped onto the porch, he turned red. “It squeaks a little. Everything around here does. I promise I’ll fix it up for you.”

I slipped my hand into his and gave a squeeze. “It’s amazing, Mitis. And if anything needs done, we’ll do it together.”

He’d shown me every room, all around the property and even Griffin’s grave, where we both cried for him, holding onto one another. I didn’t tell him that I mourned my sister and my parents. Sonnet and I never got along, but I never wished her dead. If anything, I’d hoped she’d grow up to live a fulfilling life. And my parents weren’t dead, but they were dead to me and as weird and sick as it was, I missed them.

I didn’t have to tell Mitis any of it because he knew me. He knew my heart.

And deep inside that heart, a feeling settled inside.


Here, with Mitis, I was home.





“The fish?” he shifts closer to me.


Mitis smiled slightly. “It’s in memory of my parents.” I get that. They died fishing.

“What about the sun?” I trace its rays with my fingertips.


My brows scrunch together and he uses the pad of his index finger to smooth the area between my eyes, making me giggle. “Darkness doesn’t last forever. The sun always rises.”

“You need one for Griffin.”

He nodded. “I’ll get one for him. And I’ll get one for you.”

Melty heart.

“I want one for you, too.”

That made Mitis chuckle, bouncing my head up and down on his torso. “What would you get to symbolize me, Sev?”

“An hourglass.”

He snorted. “Why?”

“Because no one can control you or your destiny. And you are destined for greatness, Mitis.”

He turned and looked in my eyes just before melting me with a kiss. But I pulled back and asked what he would get to symbolize me.

“You mean a number seven isn’t good enough?”

I smacked him, scoffing and making him laugh.

“I’d get something soft but strong, something unassuming.” He squinted.

“A gator with seven teeth?” I offered on a giggle.

He smiled. “Definitely not unassuming. I think a flower with seven petals.”

“Boring.” Mitis’s hand found my belly and he began to tickle! “Stop it!”

“Boring?” He laughed.

“So boring, Mitis. You….can do… better!”

“Then I guess I’ll have to think about it.”

“Totally. A flower isn’t…. strong!” He was relentless and despite trying to tickle him back, he didn’t seem ticklish.

He kissed me once and settled back onto the bed, his arms folded under his head. I nuzzled into him.




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